THE NEWS RECORD (Twice-aWeeV.) AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Formurly the Wallowa New, estab lished March 3. 1899. Published Wednesday and Satur days at Enterprise, Oregon, by THE ENTERPRISE PRESS Office East side Court House Square Entered aa second-class matter January 2, 1909, at the postofHce at Enterprise, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Subscription Rates: One year $2. six months $1, three mouths ' 60c, . mnnth 2n! On yearly cash-In- advance subscriptions a discount of J5c Is given. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1910. DELINQUENTS MUST PAY. Under th above . caption the- Se dalla, Mo., Democrat, editorially says: "Editor Fays, of Lyons, Iowa, has been called to Washington city be cause his subscription list la not paid up as well as the law requires. "He will have to expIaJpi to govern ment officials why he has not com pelled hl subscribers to pay! up ac cording to postal rules. "An Inspector hadi visited him two months- previously, and his subscrip tion list was said to fee pretty thor oughly pall up, but evidently It was not sufficiently bo. "It seems, a little tough that a newspaper owner has to be hauled up before the government on the charge of having violated federal laws Just because he does not keep eternally - dunning his. subscribers tor the small sums Uney owe hlro on subscription; but it Is like the end of the world no man known when it cometh ; and no editor knows what day an Inspector may pop In and oak to 'see the lists." Sears, Roebuck & Co. have come i: to collision with the nationaL pure food authorities, through the seizure of a quantity of the Garland brand of New Orleans at Tus con, Arizona, which la pronounced adulterated and mlabranded. These mail order concerns have a distinct advantage in the enforcement of tiie pure food laws, In that their pro ducts are sent t io the consum er, and seldom come under the obser vation of the officials, who visit re tall and Jobbing establishments, , in making up their samples, for analy sis, and merchants, might perform a public service by securing samples in sections where .their distribution of food products Is of cons eque nee. -New Ve3t TraJe. Fresh Fruits All seasonable fruits found here. Also the finest shipment of For eign and Domestic Cheese ever in the city General Merchandise With the en ti r e stock kept brand new at the lowest prices the quality of " goods can besold for . All Hats, Shoes and Gloves at Cost while they last , An excellent quality of coal at a conservative price. Lay in the "winter . .supply now. : Riley s Riley's PvanuauaBMUUBBiMraiMNxniMMHniBUHBaumi Enterprise Livery and B&Ker Q Smith, Proprietors Fair treatment to everybody. Commercial Trade a Specialty. First Class Rigs. ' s Phone Orders Carefully Followed . Horses Bought and Sold Feed For Sale , - - ' Open Day and Night Pure Bred Black Percheron Stallion at this barn for service its: MmearaagggiEg OSWALD WEST AND PAB1Y HERETODAY HILL TOUR ALL VALLEY TOWNS AND SPEAK IN ENTERPRISE TONIGHT. Oswad We3t, Democratic candi late for governor; Hugh McLain of Coos, county, candidate for state .all road commissioner, and State Senator Turner Oliver of La Grande, ;andida.'e for secretary of state, will aiake a tour of the valley today, A'edneaday, to an auto. They are scheduled to leave ,a Grande thie morning, and will probably stop at Island. City, Irabler ind Elgin, reaching Wallowa about .loon, where the party .will have .unch, and meet the people until I o'clock. Tha next stop w: be Lo&tine '.nd an hour or more will be spent .here, and ithen a quick run. will be. nade through to Joseph, where, a tay will be made until 7 o'clock. From Joseph Mr. West and par'.y ill come to Enterprise at i':30 o'clock the candidate for gov ernor will deliver an address, which everybody Is cordially Invited' to aear. ' , Mr. West is. a comparatively young man but he has a record in Jregdn admlnislra ive affairs of which he oldest stager could be proud, la has earned the gratitude of all classes by his busiwsss-like handling jf the state land office, saving thou landa of dollars. aid adding It to the .rreducible school fund. As railroad joromiaaioner be has been fearleas Mi' fair, and certainly this county has no kick coming on his decisions. Mr. West has the respect of all, .uul true to the well known Wallowa oum'-y reputation for hospitality .hi people will give him an earnest welcome. SURVEYOR RUDD LUCKY; GETS BOTH NOMINATIONS A. II. Rud Ji of Joseph and H. E, Merryman of Enterprise, who tied for both the Republican and Demo cratic nominations for county sur veyor, arbitrated the matter by let ting 'the flip of a coin duclde, Mr.. Raid winning both times. Rudd ami Merryman each received 13 voles on Repub'Jcan, ballots and 9 on. Democratic. County Clerk Boat man tOMed the coin Tuesday morn lag, Mr. Rudd caKlng tails both times and winning Ijoth times,- His. name, therefore, will appear on .the election ballot as both the Republican and Democratic nominee. CALDWELL CHARGED $3 PER NIGHT FOR 81NGLE BED G. Thompson, .who wired. the fair grounds here and was also connected will in amusement enterprise, . re turned to Enterprise last week, and will probably go into business here. Mr. Thompson saya the amusement people fell into hard line a after leav lug here, 'They -went to Caldwell, and' found price boosted "out of Jlght." Space o.n the grounds cot $2 a foot front, and beds In town were $3 a nicntr "take it or leOiVe It." To add to .the general dls comfort the first two days were spoil- a l, by rain, so th.are waaa t rucn, la sight for the shows. ATTACH PLANING MILL. The City planing; mill, W.,P. Ran. L!n proprietor, has been attached, togetlwr with the loss, saw niilla etc., operated by. him, on debts. The ci'.erlff ha possession of (he prop erly and ha tJaccd C. S. Honey, j.'.e of. .the principal' creditors, tern porarlly Ui of the planer. A potj'.lon in bankrui.tey hao been fil ed 'and Attorney J.. A. Burleigh ha gone to Portland on thr,t business before the federal court " ' - New 8ults Filed. Oct. 8 J. D. Halsev vs. W. F. Ran kin et al. Oct. 8 C. A, Ray vs. B. T. Ham mmk t al. Oct. 11 J, T. Clemens vs. E. T. Manchester. Sales Stable Bus meets all trains- -lOcts i imnmiiiatirHiniiiii, LOTS OF WEAJTH C0ME3 FR0M. OREGON'S FARMS. Portland, Oct. 10 Oregon's agricul tural products this year will amount to no less than $115,000,000, accord; ing to the estimate of Dr. James Wlthycombe, "director of the gov ernment experiment station at Cor- vallls. Add. to this .figure the many millions derived from Its timber manufactures, mining and commerce, and it. L not surprising that Oregon Is such a prosperous state. . Dr. Wtthycombe's estimate of the year's crops and their values follows: Livestock.... $25,000,000 Dairy products .. 14,000,000 vVheat, 17,000,000 bu 13,750,000 Hay, 900,000 tons ..' 10,000,000 Oats, 11,000,000 bu . . 6,000,000 Potatoes, 6.000,000 bu....- 5,000,000 ruit .. 6,000,000 Poultry products ...... .. 5.000,000 Wool, 20,000,000 lba ... 4,000,000 Hops, 90,000 balej 3,000,000 liscellaneous products .. 23,250,000 Total $116,000,000 New Presbyterian . Church Dedicated WaiUowa Thronged With Visitor vand Nearly $5000 Raised at Services. . Wallowa, Oct. 10 The dedication it the. new Presbyterian church was attended by an immense, throng here ,ea.terday, the spacious and hand- lome auditorium being crowded to he doors at each service. The sum of $4953.46 was raised, saving ihe,new church entirely 'ree of debt. The dedication sermon was preach- d by Dr. S. W. Holt of Portland, .ad Dr. MlMigan preached at the venlag servle . Today and tomorrow the Grande to.ide presbytery, will hold its annual la&ov-?. The town Is crowded with nWiiilers and laymen who are In at-' endance. The new church is 40x70 ioi stee, with a high basement, containing the urnace room, kitchen, toilets, and issembly hall. The main auditorium 3 40x40, wi'.h a Sunday school, room 10x10 separated, by sliding doors Tom the ma'.n. room. The total cost jf .the edifice war '$8000. CHURCH 8ERVICE8. ' Methodist: Rev, Q. G. . Kaley, the lewly appointed district superlnten-' lent of the La Grande district, will ?raach in the J'ethodlst church Sun day morning, and administer the Sac rament of the Lord's Supper, -The Jlrat quarterly conference will be ield on Saturday evening. Services for Sunday are as follows: . Sunday ichool 10 a. m.: preaching 11 a. ra. and 8 p. m.; Ep worth League 7 p. m. hearty welcome to all. FROM GEORGIA. Mrs. Mary Harris Armor will be In 3nterpnbe" November 4 to address a inlon mass meeting In the. Interest it temperance. Mrs. Harris l thor oughly conversant with the working of prohibition in Georgia and will have something Interesting to eay on -hat subject. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES, The total enrollment is now 73. Wilbur Brines of Flora, Llezle Boe en of Moro and Myrle Mc.Eachern of Trout Creek "aie new pupils en tared last week. The first monthly test of the year was held Monday, October 3. The ne.w chemical labratory and equipment was Installed last week. The school is growing so rapidly--hat another teacher will probably be engaged. . . C, E. Funk and family, are mov- ng tms week to their old home on .River !reet. The house va cated on Residence street will be occupied by Fred FiUpatrlck and family of Loe'l'e. who will make this city thotr home. FOR JOINT, REPRESENTATIVE Unlqn and Wallowa Courvties J. A. FRENCH Nvnlne on Democratic Ticket v years Reslda,njt of Uiiqh nd Wallow Ceurv Stockmam and Farmer. President - Farmers Union, lEntprlce Oregon. Two, Term Sheriff. Two parrot County Clerk; - DIRECT PRIMARY. 8TATEMENT NO. ONE. WILL WORK AND VOTE FOR THE INTEREST8 OF THIS DISTRICT. ENTERPRISE SOME SHIPPING POUT TEN CAR' LOADS OF FREIGHT SENT OUT TUESDAY MORNING. f A enteen car3 were billed1 out of E'l prise station, Tuesday, Includ ing (, however, saven O. R. & N. ou cars. lJBre were 10 car load lots of lo cally loaded, fre'ght, including .one car pf hides, one of hay, four of tct, three of hogs, and oae of empty bottles. '.. ' t North End Porkers. TSe 'hogs,. 250 head, came from Hie 'north end, 30 wagons being re quired to naul ithem out. They had btfi soid to M. E. Hotchkisa at 9 cenUi, but he wasn't here to receive hpm, so W. B. Fordice of Lost P- alrie and D. W. Kuhn, of Para- ".e-iook them over at, 8, and took hem to Portland. They are a fine ot and will probably bring the top f .the market, 10 cents, which will at Messrs. Fordlee and Kulim out whole. The hogs were owned by the fol owlng farmers: D. W. Kuhn, O. L. lerland, 0. E. Fodmer and! W. C. line of Paradise; w. W. Harri3, Flora; Abe Carter. J. M. and W. B. 7ordice, Janres, Jack and Al Cole of f.o.4". Prairie. . LA GRANDE FAIR. Many from thtV -county attended Mie La Grande ' fair. They report ?ood exhibits- and b!g ' cro,wds. The public wedding on. the 'opening lay was an atti active " fea.tune and was made as pretty -as possible. Rev. W. H, Gibson, .. pastor, of the laptiat church of this elty, perform !d the ceremony. . '.. ' . Capt Bogardus Again'Hits Bull's Eye ' This world famous rifle not who holds the championship record of 100 pigeons in 100 consecutive shots is iviing at Lincoln, 111.- Rece?iUy'-ln-erviewed,- he siys:- "I iu'fterAd.i a ong time .with kidney and bladder rouble and used several well known iildney. medicines all of which gave ne no relief until I started taking ."oley Kidney Fills. Before 1 us3d oley Kidney Pir.s I had severe backaches- and pains In my kidneys with -suppression and a cloudy void ing. On arising la the morning I would .get dull head ache3." Now I 'iave takea three bottles of Foley Xidney Pills and feel 100 per cent. better. I am never, toothered with my iUdneys or bladder and again feel .ike my own self." Burnaugli & May field. . ' fhe . Pacific Monthly's Special In- ' , 1)roductiory OffeK ' ' The Pacific Monthly, of Portland, Oregon, . Is a teaatif ully Illustrated monthly Eiacoziue which gives very t'ull informaUon about the resources nd opportunities of the country ly icg West of the Rockies.'' It te.113 ll about the Government Reclama tion Projects, free Government 'and and tells all about the dis tricts adapted to fruit raising, dairy ing, poultry raising, etc. it . has splendid, stories by Jack London and other noted- authors. ' The, prilce is $1.50 a year, but to introduce it we will send six months for' fifty cents," This, offer' must be accep'ed on or : before 1 February 1 1911. ' Send your name and address iscompVated by fifty cento in stamps Xii learn all about Oregon, Y.'cshl-ng-oa, Idaho and California. Addre3s, Tne Pacific Monthly, Port land, Oregon. - - A ATatKCqus arid Charitable Wish. ' I wish all might know of the, ben ef It I received from your Foley's Kidney Remedy,"- says L. N. Regan, Farmer,' Mo. . Ills, kidneys- and blad der gave him so much pain, misery ftnd annoyance, he could nol work, nor al3p; He say s Foley's Kidney Remely completely cured him. ... THE 8PIRIT OF IDAHO , by- Arthur vW.' North , GREATER THAN COLD (The harnessing of Western Rivers) . by Clayton M. Jones IN OCTOBER SUNSET MAGAZINE s Nov on sale on all news stands. 13 CENTS. 35b2 X L. Q. HOLLAND, M. D. ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON . t Office Jn LlUh Building. . I - Telephone Connection. For All Kinds ot ArtlUc PaiallM. rapr BaMlM . . do not fail to call oa - OAUS. Cemtractor N. R-Low Braa.' Pminta The Stowaway RECITING THE Adventures of AND DESCRIBING Interesting Situations with Rapid Action By Author of "THE WINGS OF THE MORNING," "The Pillar ol :- Light," "Th.e Captain of the Kansas," "The King , " of Diamonds," etc. ' .. Selected for Our Use From a Hundred Stories and Illustrated by Will Jones Begins in this paper Next Week L,Y RIC THEATER Thomas Bruce, Manager Latest Motion Pictures and Illustrated Songs -Program Changes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday Matinee Wednesday PRICES IO CENTS CONCRETE WORK HOf all kinds.IIf you believe in beautifying Enterprise, you must believe in. making that beauty enduring.Concrete is enduring-it will render city beauty a .''Concrete Reality." TSee us for any and all kinds of Concrete Work. - MARKS BROTHERS, General Contractors. ' Get Your Plumbing Done Before Cold Weather Starts . I c irry a complete line of Bath Tubs, Basins . Dowls, etc PRICES RIGHT. - SuperIor Stoves and Ranges Beat on thla Market S. K. CLARK, 2 blks. south Hotel Enterprise a Beautiful Girl i V. f. .1 - r.t-- if. .1, and Saturday, 2:30 ,-