The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, October 12, 1910, Wednesday Edition, Image 1

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    Wednesday Edition
Cent a word single Insertion, 1
cents a. word 2 Insertions. Special
rates by month and year. . . ,
Green , gold brooch, of intertwined
snakes with topaz setting. . Lost on
' road between town and Honmn's. Re
ward fV return to G. E. Odte at
News Record office". 4orl
Letter addressed to Mr. , Ed Maag,
Eureka, S. C Finder please notify
O. J. Roe, Enterprise. - '
Open-faced go'.d watch on fair
grounds. .Reward- for return to C.
S. Bradley, Enterprise. - 45b2 ,
From old1 Sullivan, plaoe, now known,
aa the S'.ubblefleld farm, one flea
bitten, gray horse, about 9 or 10
years old ; .has scar on shoulder;
shod all around. Lett night of Oct.
3. $5 reward for return to place.
Amalgamated Sugar Co., by S. Story.
Enterprise, Oregon. ' 47b
Wanted, three young ladles to join
the Junior class of nurses. Apply
to Superintendent of Nurses, Grande
Rondo Hospital, La Grande. Ore:
Residence property' and business
room for rent,' available now. E, M.
& mTCo. 21tf
State Funds loaned, 6 per cent. John
P. Rnsk. Atty. State Land B'd. Joseph
I will sell all or any of my (own prop
e ty at reasonable prices. W. W.
Zurcher, Enterprise, Oregon. Wbtt
Lots In. Troy townsite. Your choice
at one-third off .during fair week
arid, until October 31, making pric
es from $15 up, to "$70." Special sale
limited to 25 lots." H. E. Morryman,
Enterprise, Oregon. Will be at Troy
October 6, 7 and 8. 42b4
Two lota Id Alder View addition to
the city of Enterprise. Beautiful lo-
cation. A genuine bargain. Wm. H.
McF&tridge., ' ' ' 87bm .
- - -
Virginia Harned-Soihern,' the well
known actress, has filed suit "for , di
vorce against Edward H. So1 hern, the
, pronilnent'actor. In the district court
at Reno, Nevada. ' 'f . -; -
No pardon will be grnnled to John
. R. Walshformer Chicago banker anl
capitalist, who Is serving a five-year
sentence in the Leavenworth Kan.)
penitentiary for violation of the bank
ing laws.- C
N. G. Broward, ex-governor of Flop
Ida. and recently elected to the Unit
ed States senate to succeed Senator
Taliaferro, died suddenly.
. - w.
Disorder bordering on anarchy grlp3
Honduras. The anti-foreign outbreak
in Amapala Is rapidly extending over
the almost disrupted republic.
Great agitation lias been caused by
latest interference of the Russians' In
Finnish "affairs the absolute prohl
bltlon of the importation of firearms
' and ammunition into Finland.
j The yellow fever 'outbreak which
: threatens" to become an epidemic will
be a big setback to Italy. It .has al
ready injured business and it is fear
ed that travelers will avoid the coun-
, try until tlhe danger is over.
. ; Organized capital and organized la
bor in Great Britain are marshaling
their forces for the greatest Industrial
struggle that England p iraapa the
world hna ever seen, i
Portland. '
Wheat Track prices: Club, 85c;
bluestem, 89c; red Russian, 82c.
Barley Feed and brewing, $22. .
;' Oatt No. 1 White, $28 per ton. '
i Hay Timothy. Willamette Valley;
$19 20 per ton; Eastern Oregon,
$2022; alfalfa, v1516.
Butter Creamery, 36c; ranch, 24o
Eggs r.ancn, candled, 35c.
Hops 1910 crop, 1012; 1909;
yomlnal; o'ds, nominal.
, Wool Eastern Oregon, 13l7c lb;;
VaUey. 1719c-lb.
i Mohair Choice, 3233c lb. '
Wheat Biuestem, 90c; Club, 84c;
red Russian, 82c.
t Oats $27 per ton. r .-".--i
Barley $21 per ton.
4 Hay Timothy, $26 per ton; alfalfa
l per ton.: v ' ;. O- ; ; . :
Butter Washington Creamery, 36c;
ranch, 22c.
EgS Selected local, 40c
Chronicle of Important Events
of Interest to Our ,
To Find Wider Use for Wood.
Portland The forest service of the
department of agriculture and the Or
egon Conservation association are co
operating in a study of the wood us
ing Industries of Oregon.
The idea is to assist in the develop
ment of markets for local woods which
may" be suitable for various purposes,
but whose use has been little known.
As soon as all the data has been col
lected and compiled a publication will
be issued Jointly by the Oregon Con
servation association and the forest
service for free distribution. .
Lumber Men Sued.
Portland Suits aggregating $53,
078.36 were Degun here in the United
States court against J. D. Hamaker
and associates. The demand is on ac-
!ount of timber cut from non-mineral
lands of the United States, and is
based on a value of $22 per thousand
board measure, the price of which
the material is said to have been sold
at Bonanza In Klamath county.
Salem. State Engineer John H.
Lewis, Is using his utmost efforts to
prevail upon the government reclama
tion service to take over the Owyhee
reclamation propect In Malheur coun
ty, which his been thoroughly organiz
ed by private interests, but Is about to
be abandoned by them. The govern
ment has made application for a per
mit to appropriate 480,000 acre feet
of the waters of the Owyhee. RJver,
also other waters in Malheur county
that are stSI in good'' standing and
State Engineer Lewis has addressed a
communication to F. E. Weymouth, of
the recelamation service at Boise, Id
aho, asking hlmto request of the de
partment an Investigation' of the feas
ibility of this propect under pres
ent, conditions. v -, - - " "
Mr. Lewis has also addressed com
munications to both Oregon's senators
and to both congressmen, giving them
the facts and asking them to use their
influence with the reclamation depart
ment to take over the Owyhee project
which embraces between 100,000 and
150,000 acres. ,.' '" "
. Monster Rally Planned.
Cottage Grove This city, watch
probably will become the county seat
of the county of Nesmlth, if that meas
ure should carry at the election in
November, is making preparations to
hold' a monster rally and barbecue on
October lEu" At noon a barbecue will
take place in the city park, and lunch
will be served, free. . The Oregon ft
Southeastern railroad will run special
trains. One feature of the day will
be that of the special sales of the mer
chants, who have all consented to do
nate 10 per cent. of all purchases on
that day to. the Nesmlth county fund,
as it requires a considerable fund to
dissemate information concerning
Nesmlth county throughout the state,
Eugene Lane County will not vote
on local option In the coming election
because tne petitions were defective
and did not contain the number of sig
natures necessary 4o get the issue on
the ballot Of 667 qualified electors
necessary only 377 will stand after the
careful analysis of County Clerk Lee
and Deputy, Prosecuting Attorney
Skipworth. '., . :
As Saturday was he last day that
petitions may be filed. It will be Im
possible to change the situation and it
will now be at least two years before
the question can be brought up here
again, as the Jaw permits a vote on
this question only at general elections.
Lost River Farmers to Irrigate.
Klamath Falls Farmers living In
the small valley between Lost River
and Stukel Mountain,. 12 miles south
of here, are Jubilant over the approval
by the secretary of the Interior or
their plan to irrigate their own land
by aking water from Lost river. This
Yam Is to be built across the river to
turn the water out of its own channel
Into a canal, to turn the river from
Its own course across the valley and
let it empty into Klamath river Instead
of Tule lake. .-,.":,- . v. .
Bryan Will Trail Roosevelt for O
Is thf
Indianapolis Col. Theodore Roos
velt ve. Col. William J. Bryan,
program of the rival party organ!
of Indiana for the week. The former
comes first and will make a dozen
speeches from a special train. 1
Colonel Bryan will follow Roosevelt
He will answer Colonel Roosevelt and
Will attempt to show that the repuh-
licans wern pxtremplv InnnnRirlerstA ni
their own platform in bringing Roose
velt to Indiana.
Portugal Expelling Monks.
Lisbon. The expulsion of ""the
monks from Portugal has begun.' No
time will be lost in driving them
across the frontier. Several hundred
nyns have been assembled and' will
j be deported. Cardinal Neto, ex-patri-
arch of Lisbon, the Bishop of Bcja,
and other prominent ecclesiasts al
ready have been expelled.
The Youthful Sovereign of Portugal
. ; ' Who Lost Hit Throne.
Ltebon Though it is but a short
time since the first :hot was fired in
the revolution that swept a king from
his throne, Portugal is rapidly ap
proaching normal conditions. No ser
ious obstacle in the way of the new.
government is expected in the Immed
iate future. '
; The suddenness of the sweeping
change and the eaBe with which the
people adapted themselves to the new
regime have had fe'w parallels.
1 v Throw Record Broken.
Cincinnati. The world's .record for
the long-olstance throwing of a base
ball that has stood for 36 years was
broken at the field day between the
Cincinnati - and Pittsburg National
League teams here, when Sheldon Le
Jeune, of the Evansvllle club, of the
Central League, threw the .ball 426
feet, 6 IncheB, 25 feet, 10 inches
over the old record.
Winnipeg Scores of lives have been
lost in a great forest fire which raged
along the Canadian border In the
Rainy River country and in Northern
Minnesota. The towns of Beaudette,
tspooner, uracetown and Pitt, Minn.,
have been wiped out and refugees
from the burning district who fled
into Rany River report seeing many
charred corpses along the roadside in
the ' burned district and the loss ol
millions of dollars worth of property.
The fire was entirely unexpected. In
the laBt summer , there were many
great fires in this same region, but the
fighters had about subdued them
when oft of the northwest of the
Rainy River country there appeared a
great fire which swept through the
dried timber, carried in its onward
rush by a heavy gale, and, soon be
yond control, it caught the unwarned
settlers in its path of death and de
The Canadian Northern railway es
timates the loss of life between Rainy
River and Warroad at 40, all being
settlers and their families.
Honduras Asks for Aid.
Washington Responding to an p
eal from the Honduras government
to the state department, the United
States gunboat Princeton was ordered
to Amapala, a revolutionary hotbed, to
look after American Interests. -
, Lorlmer 8ult 8Herman.
Chicago Vice president Sherman
and United States Senator Lorlmer
at at the same banquet board here
on October 12 at the local Knights of
Columbus celebration of Columbus
California Governor Issues a
Call for Meeting in San
" Francisco.
San Francisco Governor Gillette
decided to issue a-proclamation for
the holding in this city , of a Pacific
Coast congress, which Is to be-attended
by delegates from every part of the
Pacific Coast and from Hawaii, who j
will consider merchant marine legisla
tion and the advisability of maintain
ing a battleship fleet in the Pacific
ocean as well as matters relating to
the Panama-Pacific International Ex
position and such other expositions as
are to be held on the Pacific Coast.
It is designed to uave a Pacific
Coast congress every year, so that the
needs of the Coast may be impressed
on the congress of tne United . States.
Invitations will be sent to officials
and commercial bodies in Oregon, Ida
ho, Washington, Nevada, New Mexico,
Arizona, Utah and Hawaii, as well as
California. ' Governors, lieutenant-governors,
senators, congressmen and" pre
siding officers of the two executive
houses of each state will be, invited
to come as guests and they will be
under no expense. The mayors oi
cities on the Coast will be requested
to attend the congress and to appoint
Starkville, Colo. At least 52 men
are entombed in the Starkville mine
of the Colorado Fuel & Iron Co.,
while, in the approaches to the mine,
hundreds of their fellows, with pxy
gen helmets, movable rotary fans and
picks and shovels are striving simul
taneously tq open the living tomb and
to draw from it the poisonous gases
with which it is at least partly filled.
The men have been imprisoned and
the rescuing parties have tolled since
10:50 p. m. Saturday, when an ex
plosion, probably caused by coal dust,
shook the earth for a radius of seven
miles, destroying the main entrance
to the mine and sealed the hapless
toilers within It,
Because of the vast ramifications
ot the mine and its connections with
other mine-workings it is hoped that
perhaps half the men may be rescued
Bible Declared Inaccurate.
Cincinnati That the scriptures arc
so full of inaccuracies that to place
any reference to the Bible In the con
stltution of the Protestant Episcopal
church would make it unreliable, was
the statement made here by the Rev
A. A. Morrison, of Portland, Oregon
He made the assertion in reply to an
appeal made by the Rev. J. H. Mcll-
valne, of Pittsburg, to prefix a pre
amble to the church constitution. The
preamble was voted down.
Defense of 8eaboard Will be Principal
Washington A comprehensive plan
for an entire reorganization and re-as
signment of -the federal military
forces to be known as the Taft-Dlckin
son military policy is to be submitted
to congress when that body, convenes
in December. It will mean a great
deal to the Pacific Coast.
, It is the purpose of the plan to mob
lllze large commands at all strato-'o
coast centers where batteries have
been emplaced or are proposed. This
will Insure the entire continental
coast line sgalnBt attack.
Geranium Big as Saucer.
San Francisco. Richard Dlener, a
gardner at Col ma, a suburb of San
Francisco, where Croffotn used to hold
his fights, who has been experiment
ing secret'y with all kinds of (lowers
In order to ascertain how to enlaige
their size, has perfected a geranium
six Inches in diameter, which has
been pronounced by experts one of
the most extraordinary achievements
In' floriculture.
Railroad Merger Argued.
St. Paul, MInn.r Hearing in the ITn
ion Pacific -uerger case, . wherein th
government charges a g'gintk: c :n
splracy to destroy railrosd coairntitio
west of Kansas C!ty, bes sn here Men
The supreme court of the United
States convened Monday for its winter
terras Owing to the lack of a full
bench it is believed that few cases of
Importance are likely to be argued or
decided before late In the year.
The world's championship baseball
series between the Chicago club of
the National League and the Philadel
phia club of the American league will
commence at Philadelphia next week.
The Isthmian Canal commission re
ports there are 36,867 employes ac
tually at work on the canal and the
Panama railroad, and of this number
29,950 are canal laborers.
After sleeping continuously for 24
days, Julian Brice, aged 17, awoke, at
Gainesville, tia. He was extremely
weak, but became stronger after tak
ing nourishment and physicians think
he will live.
Arch Hoxey, in a Wright biplane,
flew from Springfield, 111., to St. Louis
and established an American sustained
flight in an aeroplane, by covering
104 miles.
The members of the W..C. T. U. of
Denver have started a crusade to com
pel a married man to wear a wedding
ring as does his wife.
If the efforts of thecommercial or
ganizations of the Northwest are
fruitful in results, hundreds of thous
ands of dollars will be saved to the
people of Oregon, Washington and
Idaho annually by placing the hog
raising industry on a basis which will
supply the home market.
"Never!" was the word used by
Mayor Gaynor of New York, in refut
ing the suggestion that he has the
presidency in mind.
William R. Hearst offers $50,000 for
a flight in a heavier-than-air machine
from the Atlantic to tne Pacific.
Jack Johnson is now a full fledged
registered automobile racing driver,
The champion pugilist who aspires to
steal Barney Oldfleld's Bpeed crown,
has been listed by the American Auto
mobile Association.
In two communications addressed to
the grand Jury, Mayor McCarthy of
San Francisco, demanded that the
body judge between him and W. R.
Hearst by Investigating the charges
recently made against his administra
tion by the Examiner.
One of the meet Interesting bits of
political information that has come
to Washington In the past week Is a
direct tip from Wisconsin that Senator
LaFollette has repudiated Roosevelt
as an ally, if indeed he ever recog
nlzed him as such.
Miss Julia D. Grant, grand daughter
of President Grant, was married Sat
urday to Edmund C. King, member of
a well-known Toledo family and con
nected with the Western Cooperage
Company of Portland, Oregon.
The Independence League conven
tion of New York, nominated John J.
Hopper, of New York City, a civil en
gineer and contractor, and put Hearst
himself on the ticket for lieutenant
governor. ' Explosion Oue to Dynamite.
Los ' Angeles The investigation
committee appointed by Mayor Alex
ander to inquire Into the cause of the
explosion which destroyed the build
ing end plant of the - Los Angeles
Times on the night of October 1, re
ported that the explosion was that ot
I 7 f
I ; " ) '.
Six Years of Warfare Is Ended
When John Dietz Displays
White Flag.
St. Paul Old John Dietz, the fam
ous defender of Cameron Dam, has
been beaten at last, after a desperate
rifle battle with the deputy sherilfs
t his cabin on the Thornapple river
In Sawyer County, Wisconsin, that
laBted pearly all day.
Deltc surrendered and brought to an
end the stubborn resistance of the
man whose stand for the last six
years against what he considered an
Injustice, has attracted wide-spread in
terest ' The surrender did not come
without death and bloodshed. One
man is dead, four men and a woman
are wounded and much property has
been destroyed.
The surrender of Dietz was dra
matic. The alert lumbermen leaning
on their rifles at the edge of the clear
ing and gazing Intently at the windows
of the log cabin, suddenly Baw the
flutter ot a white handkerchief at the
door. Then little Heaen appeared and
advancing with the cloth over her
head, walked to the edge of the clear
ing, where she announced that her
father was willing to surrender.
Diets was wounded- while firing
from the barn during the afternoon,
when a bullet went through- a cracK
and passed through his left hand.
In the little cabin broken jars and
dishes lay scattered on the floor, they
having been struck by bullets, of
which more than 2003 had been fired
during the day. Bullets lay on tho
bed, having bounded back after strik
ing against the wall. It was a mir
acle that the entire family was not
wiped out. . , ... , .
Los Angeles Funds for the relief of
families left dependent by the Times'
explosion may equal the amounts ap
propriated for the capture and con
viction of the conspirators. Banks
have joined with the newspapers in
collecting the funds, and it was an
nounced that the total so far collected
was more than $30,000.
Seventeen of the 20 or more men
who lost their lives in the explosion
which wrecked the 'limes newspaper
plant were laid to rest Sunday in
graves ranged side by side in Holly
wood Cemetery. One funeral service
was held for all, in Temple audito
rium, which was packed by 2500 men
and women, while a greater crowd, un
able to enter, stood outside in silence.
China Welcomes NeW Era,
Pekln. One hundred ot the wealth
iest Chinese merchants, recognized as
the most conservative class, gave a
farewell banquet to the delegation of
American business men, representing
the Chambers of Commerce on t he
Pacific Coast. The American speak
ers referred to their amazement at
their reception, which they charac
terized as overwhelming throughout
China, culminating In Pekln, where
they had been admitted to the palaces
of the Forbidden City, which seldom
have been opened.
New York. A case of cholera de
veloped In the steerage ot the Hamburg-American
liner Moltke, which has
been detained at quarantine as a pos
sible cholera-carrier.
Dr. A. H. Doty, health officer ot
the port, reported the case with the
additional Information that another
cholera patient from the Moltke is un
der treatment at Swinburne Island.
This makes three cases of cholera
that have actually reached this port.
. To Hold Big Mining Fair.
Sumpter The business men of
Sumpter, In conjunction with the min
ing men of the district, are making
preparations for the noldine ot a min
ing congress here on October 20 and
21. Invitations have been sent broad
cast to the mining public, and indica
tions are that a good attendance will
be on band.