The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, October 08, 1910, Saturday Edition, Image 1

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    Oregon Hhtbrl:al Society
Saturday Edition
i lie
it -
n i n i B i - n n fIBIID DCl 4TCH
DUSiracoo rinmo -
Tho 'eshthlt hall certainly shared
tenors witi the live stock as. the
feature of 'the fair.' The central
part was taken up with flue dis
plays by tuslne: houses, factories,
etc. ' " ' .' ' "' . ""';'-' .
The, Enterprioe Creamery had a
r're showing of lt3 celebrated pure
creamery -hutier in varxua erases i
manufacture. There were also De
Laved separators of which Mr. Blclt
'ford la the agent. A striking -feature
of this exhibit were 12 or "15
checks ' paid to patrona " of the
creamery during July. The checks
were nicely framed and underneath waa - signed statement or tne
'patron telling the number of cows
that produced the money. ' ' ,
The E. M. & M, company had a
, fine exhibit of all' the various pro
ducts, of their mill the many brands
of ftour maktag an Impcclng exhibit.
Near by was a case showing the
bread made from the flour. -
The sugar, factory hod a neat ex
hibit of beats raised in this county
and glass. Jars showing sugar In the
various stages of manufacture.
Fred Ashley haa a beautiful ex
hibit of his furniture, carpets, house
furnishings, sewing machines and or
gans. Jackson & Weaver had an, attrac
tive exhibit at the north end of
phonographs and typewriters. . G. I.
Ratcllff had a splendid showing from
his big furniture store.
The Xruits, vegetables, grains, and
grasses -end other products of the
farm were arranged, by sections, and
everyone of the seven in whlohi the
county was. divided, made a. fine
-1 I , T I I I. thai - IrUtfll
11UW I'll 5 . uumT ibYilo I,uai4 ur
Judgea were called upon to decide '
Uie relative merits. Where all ,were
3 good lit was a hard job to place
the blue ribbon. Space will not,
permit individual mention. . .
The show of fancy articles, bread,
cakes," . preserve J, paintings, fine
needlework, was unquestionably the
largest; and best ever grouped at one
fine, in this county. -
The poultry lists' were well filled
and some fine specimens of the vari
ous breeds' shown. ;'
The E. MJ & M. Co, had a fine dls
. play of wagons, backs, buggies,
farming Implements, etc.
Notjes of tKe, Fair.
The free rest room put up byi the
efforts of the ladies, of the Enterprise
Improvement league, was a large
lent, comfortably furnished, and was
i great boon, to tired women and
children. ' .
Ed Hart wasn't satisfied with
bringing la the prize winning vege--abies
Ma several , varieties, but
also showed & nice little sow pig
that tipped the scales at 610 pounds.
Ed says it isn't, hardly old enough
to take on. fat yet.
Fruitt's show of American Hamp
ihire swine' was a popular exhibit.
The white banded hogs were a hov
ilty to many.
L. J. Jordan's herd of Jerseys got
their share of attention
. Sam . Wade made a big exhibit
)t his Percherotis of all ages.
3uess. he must think it was worth
while when he counts over hi blue
Every Republican, and Democratic
candidate ' promised to be present
and nary a one showed up. That
settles it We all .will vote for the
Socialists and Prohibitionists on No
vember 8.
The Enterprise band 'enlivened
each . day with fine music, and
weren't stingy with It eltiher. The
La Grande band helped' a lot on
Thursday, and everybody appreciates
the pay Toll town for sending la Us
beat. ' . : . , .' .
; After :. trying to remember and
speak of all the principal features
of the- fair, and fearing we had for
gotten something we a3ked our little
girl what was the nicest thing at th
lair and her . answer wa prompt:
"The merry-go-round." So let it go
at that.
In Reverie.
rmi r'i .&U 1 . i
Linis pom was wnuen Dy mr, isuwurui a iew weens aiter me a row rung oinamn
. A r TM il i ii m m r -ww
nis tons last April, ana was reaa oy mro. uuworin ai me iunerai services oi
her huiband a few days ago.
I Care not how the great God made
The stars, the universe, the suns;
What methods Love and Time displayed
Through labors wholly undismayed,
Where Love's divining" Purpose runs;
. Nor whether in the dimming past '
Our chemistry with God were thrilled
. And held potentially and fast .,
; Our dreams of Heaven and the last
Sweet visions with which life is filled
Or that he dropped them one by one,
Great type-lives from the endless sea :
Where Love throbs in the overtone
Of Hope and Heaven and the lone ' .
Sweet murmur of Paternity! -
I only care, ah, only care 1
That God is here, there, everywhere!
'. The Ha'un etone at the new
town ' of Evans, near the Loatme
depot, was blown, to pieces with
dynamite Friday night, the robbers
ascuring between $130 and $140 In
cash, ;. No goods were taken.
An attempt .was made to crack
the safe. Jm the-.Crow & Co. store
at Loetine but the robbers were evi
dently scared away as they left
their tools and powder t on the floor
near the safe. People going home
from a dance there probably fright
ened them a,way from the job.
There la no clue to the robbers.
Fire destroyed' the postoffLee and
jtore at Minam, Tuesday night;
The total loss. Including contents
was about $2000, as estimated by
the owner, S. N. Goff. No clue us
to the oiteln of the fire. .There was
no insurance. .
Fair Is O ver
It sure was a dandy and has convinced
"all of the people that Enterprise is the
one place to hold Wallowa county fairs -
' . . . ,..""'.
W. J. Funk a Co.
. ' . .
are!, still in the ; lead ; with Good Mer
chandise and Just Prices.
Let us keep you dry shod with . - . c
Ball Brand Rubbers
i i-
We are, sole "agents for this famou3
. brand of Rubbers, Boots, etc. Every
thing in wet weather goods for the
feet. : ;'S;V;
. - '. - i... ' ; : ' ': - "
. ..-... 4 .
J; funii' (& Co.
There will be a meeting of the
of School District No. 23,
, Tuesday, October 11, at 2:30 p. m.
(Every tax payer of the district Is
urged to attend, as there Is lm port-
am uiisuieia io la.isaci. ,
0. J. ROE, Chairman of Board.
Option Election Ordered Fop Novem
ber Potion Containing
Names Filed.
I only care, so far as care
Awakens and enlivens me,
That it was done; that all, Somewhere,
Came forth in due time, Ringing fair .
Of God's near-by Eternity! '
I only care that from the dark
Uncertain ages came the Real, . ,
The Everlasting, the Vital Spark, -s"
The Yearnings that forever hark
Forward where our spirits feel;
I only care that just beyond
, The limit of my sense and near
Nearer far than yon thin frond
Of fern leaf is the thinning bond
That holds me from the. love3 I hear!
I only care that closer than
My breath to life, is God to man!
. W. H. Dilworth, Enterprise, Oregon,
September Term .
Of County Court
' '' ' ' V . - .
(Continue! from Wednesday.)
. . 1 1 . .'"- '"
15 50
27 00
22 0
2 35
Always U-to-Dsts :
Never a Minute Behind
Union County, board of W.
Decker .. '. ..r
W. C. Boatman, stamps ... .. .-..
r.cCully Kerc. Co., road gra-
ucr bttta-... i ....... .
PInGea Stamp Agcacy, wheel
i iamp holder .... ........
Glass & Prodhomme, eupplle.1641 88
Buahong & Co., book machine
supplies. .... .... 1 50
D. D. Conley, hardware "ap
plies 33 65
K. E. Kerrynrln, trip to Troy 17 6
VV. C. Boatman, express and
freight. 11 63
Edsar .Marvin, stamps, ex
press, etc.
II. E. Merryman , stamps ana
maps. '
Enterprise Proas, office sup
plies ............ ......
Wallowa Ch'Jef tain, publisb-
ling notices ...... ........
Nina Miller, work in aaaew-
or's of Hoa ...... ......
B. F. Miller, stamps, pens,
penclla ...... ...... ....
P. Sanders, freight and ex
press ...... ..
0 H. Brady, fixing doors on
vault ,
II. J. Hamilton, witness fee . .
Coaster Lamlngcr, wltaeas fee
Steve Hodge, .wt'neae fee....
N. C. Longfellow, witness, fee
A. C. Smith, .wttneTa fee ....
A. C. Smith, .wltne3s fee, . . ..
A. C. SmtUi, wltneas fee . .
J. D. Walck, wltneia fee....
C. B. Horner, wtneea fee....
Myrtle Davis, witness f-
J. M. Blabely, wltne fee..
Ford C Potter, fruit Inspec
Mcx Wilson, boirl of Exami
nation W. W. White, service on grand
Jury ........
J. C. ConVey, expense account
C. G. Mack, grading exami
nation papers
Home Ind. Telephone Co, tel
ephone srvlre
J. C. Conley, stamps, freight,
etc ...... ......
E. T. Anderson, salary, etc..
Aubrey O. Smith, examining
Aubrey G. Smith, county exam
ining board ........
O. J. Roe, grand Jury wit
ness , ....
Edgar Marvin, board of pris
oners ........
Orioa Wagner, juror feet ....
T. D. McCully, wl new foe..
K. E. Oa'ties, paint
Jackson ft Weaver, supplier
A. H. Toder, examining board
O. 8. HuWe, Jury services..
13 35
4 25
61 00
58 95
49 00
19 90
11 25
1 50
3 10
7 20
2 50
1 70
5 80
7 60
5 25
3 10
1 50
1 70
1 50
96 00
6 00
9 20
6 95
9 00
25 30
9 00
52 00
3 00
25 00
3 00
69 12
2 20
J. 20
6 00
S 20
G. M HendrkJtson, deputy cfl.
; essor ,
A. M. Wagner, cemetery lot
County Poor,' L. P. Roae...
Stella Doud, county poor...'.
W. J. Funk & Co., supplies
Union Co., half expense Min
" am bridee ......
Amalgamated Sugar Co., work
on roadi
ity of Enterprise, water for
court house ...... ......
Hllbert Murrltl, work on, Troy
bridge' .. .. .. '....r'. ......
iV. M. Locke, work oa Troy
bridge ...... ..
Arley Murrill, work oa Troy
bridge ......
3am Li'ch, inspecting Troy
bridge ......
'.;o. Locke, Inspecting Troy
bridge .... 108 75
High School Fund.
Enterprise, water
Kigh School .....
, F. McAnulty, cleaning high
school -
jJnterprise Free, supplies. . . .
Himer & Amend, supplies ..
Road Fund.
julncy Trump, work on roal
N; G. McGary, work on roaJ
F. & Duane Lathrop, tlm-
Wallowa County To
Vote On Wet or Dry
.ry. of
18 00
10 00
24 00
24 00
21 45
412 20
400 67
60 00
14 00
14 00
14 00
: 40 40
8 00
25 00
, 5 26
9 43
75 00
78 75
Wallowa county will vote again
i license or no license at general
"ection to be he'd Tuesday, Novem
ber 8.
A petition asking for such election
wa3 rued in tne orrice or woumy
Clerk Boatman, on Thursday, was
considered and the election order
ed by the county court Friday.
Th petition contains 342 names
or more than twice me requisite
lumber. The law says that 10 per
cent of the number of votes, cast
at the last general election is Te
(lulred on the petition. About 1840
votes ,wcre cast at the June -election
In 1908.
The petition, seems to have been
quite generally circulated as tt is
slguied by residents of all parts of
the county, but the great majority
if the signers gave JVallowa or Jo
seph as- their address. The petition
was circulated in thl city by
Frank Bowman.
Wallowa county first went dry at
t'ae June electloa lm 1906, gLvlng a
majority of about 30 against licens
ing the sale of Intoxicating liquors.
In June, 1908, that majority was
Increasied. to 415, the vote for pro
hibition being .1101, against 686. Ev
ery precinct voted dry except Ptn
Croek, Divide and Pittsburg.
Thie drys carried Enterprise pre
cinct by 107, Wallowa by 76, Joseph
by 6, Lostlne by.l, Flora by 49.
, .,, , .- . In Union County.. ,; i .
Th count t'Ojrt of Union coun
ty haa ordered ' an option election.
The county went dry by a big. ma
jority two years ago last June.
Work on the city .water system
at Joseph was stopped, Friday, by .
the service of a temporary lnjunc
tlon on the contractor, J. M. Mit
chell. The injunction was aked' by '
the Joseph Milling company, the
owner of the old private system,
which filed a complaint making the
CKy of Joseph, J, M. Mitchell, the
contractor, and the several ditch
companies, defendants. -
The complaint sets, forth that the
city la extending a 12-inoh pipe to '
(he lake for the purpose of taking
water, and that .will Interfere with
:he -water right of the plaintiff com
pany. It avers that It owns a prior
ight to 60 second feet of water,
and that for all of January, Febru-.
ary, March, part of April and Au
gust all of Septelnber, October and
part of November, not enough wat
er flows out of the lake and down,
the river channel past the com
pany neaogate to supply tne ou
second feet. ', 'u
The complaint says the mean av- '
erage flow of the waiiowa river
from the lake Is as for each
month in th year' by actual teat
ind measurement: January about
40 second feet, February 40, March
M), April 81, May . 201. June 279,.
July 426, August 208, September 62,
October 38, November 159, Decem
ber 103. " J ;s'
The Injunction was granted by
Judge Knowtes In, chamber on Oc
tober 5.
County court met Friday and be
sides allowing a long list of bills In
curred In tho primary, It ordered the
option election. The ordering of the
election . is mandatory on, the . court
if the petitions contains, the requis
ite number of names.
Subscribe for the' News-Uecord.
ber for bridge
3.' H. Lathrop, road work..
3 L. Berland, road work..
R. W. Colpltts, lumber for
road ......
Joe Clemons, .work on road..
rhos. McCarty, work on jroad
Scalp Bounty Fund,
M. Caateel
IV. E. Hays ;
fhomas Barnes '
f. E. Harmon .....'.
f. H. Yenglln,
I. K. Carper ...... ......
L. D. Roberta
2. C. Crowell
V. C. Dodaon
?, S. Montgomery ' ........
J. G. Bare ...... . . .'.
fi, P. Warnock
vee Calvin
.-Ienry. Haas
r. K. Edzmand ....
Virgil Faulconer ...... '
33 00
17 60
82 CO
38 73
12 60
32 50,
1 50
1 50
1 50
3 00
1 50
27 60
293 acres Alder Slope, $23,000.00 ;
" .' 80 acres Alder Slope, 8,000.00
1G0 acres hill land, about six miles out, $2,000.00
320 acres, 12 miles out, $3,200.00
City Lot, $100 to 300
Residence Property, $650 to $3,000
Fire Insurance Surety Bond Live Stock Insurance
The Pioneer Real Estate Mao.
: - : t OREGON
Cartflii "Bankmf Iruurts th Saftty of Dtpostts."
Depositor! Have That Guarantee at
' ' CAPITAL 50.000 ' ' ' ' '
. .... , ; SURPLUS 155.000.
Wc'Do a General Banking Business.
' Exchange Bought and Sold on' '
All Principal Cities. . ,
Paul Harris ...... 1
Judley Richards .'. . .
L. Beechsr
Joseph S. DeSchamps
Meal Baker, ...... .
Jha. B. Turner
Neat Baker
Paul A. Harrl
Jeorge Wilson ......
Horace Dale
vV'In Birtklrk ...... .
(I. M. Thomas
ErnestZell ...... ...
L. B. Foster ......
J. F. Burgln ...... .".
Joseph Kummer ......
G. C. Whltmore ......
E. H. Hlnton ...... .
Vernon Corklns
r.oy C. Bdgmand ....
6 00
1 50
3 00
3 00
1 50
1 50
3 50
15 00
Geo. W. rtyatt, President
Geo. H. Craig, Vloe President
. W. R. Holmes, Cashier
A. J. Boehmer, Anst. Cashier
Geo .8. Craig
,. . i. H. Dobbin
Geo. W. Htatt
Mattik A. Holmes
W, B. Holmks
If you arc in the market for property
see us, we can fit you out
Here You Are, Mr. Homeseeker
" '. . . ". ' Five room bungalow on lot 60x ' v , r
... i '120; nice residence district; the.
house wired for electric lights;
city water installed; good wood- , ,
: shed and cellar: lawn and shade , 1
rees. Two blocks from Main st
$1600.00 Buys This Beautiful Home
' ' $850 down, balance on your own time -
Wallowa County Land Company
C. M. LOCKWOOD,' Mr. . v jo
Room 2 over Harn Shop EnterprUe, Oregen