The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, September 28, 1910, Wednesday Edition, Image 4

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Fair Week will be Bargain Week at E. NL fk M. Go's. Store
i i
New fall goods are arriving daily and
we have ready for your inspection the
very latest Ready-to-Wear styles in
Ladies' Suits, Outer Garments,
Coat Sweaters and Dress
We can offer you the latest and most
attractive fabrics in
Fall and Winter Dress Goods
at right prices,
look at them
Call and have a
1500 pieces of choice Ladies
Underwear will be cleaned
up at 25 PER CENT DIS
COUNT. Come and take
, advantage of these great
bargains. . .
Men's Oxfords in fine Patents,
Tans, Gun Metals and Vicis
3.50 to 4.00 values $2.85
$4.00 to 6.00 values .. $3.85
Ladies Sandals, Oxfords and Pumps
$2.50 to 3.00 values...,-$1.85
$3.00 to 4.00 values $2.85
$4.00 to 5.00 values .$3.85
Unusual Reductions in the Men's Clothing Department
m V jtC0' tt'i ' !7' -''mi f,
tVift New I
They are the
styles of the
season and
they are made
up from the
most attractive
Fabrics ever
seen in this town.
And every inch
of cloth that goes
'into them is Wool
of the finest quality.
You will expect us
to charge you a big price, but in this you'll be mistaken.
Please caH. - . ' .
Beginning Thursday,
: September 22, and con
tinuing until there is
room to place our Fall
and Winter Goods, we
are making an extra-'
ordinary offer in Men's
Suits. Cassimere, Wor
steds and. Tweeds, the
regular 1910 patterns
and the usual careful '
well-fitting m o d e Is.
These suits are great
values, look splendid
and will save you much
by their unusually low
prices. .
$13.50 to. 15.00 suits
now only . . $9.75
$15.00 to $18.00 ,val.
are offered at $12.50
Hen's Ribbed Underwear
$1.50. values at 90c
per suit .
$1,25 values at 75c per
Suit :
Make our store your headquart
ers during Fair Week. . You-will
receive a cordial1, welcome and
courteous treatment.' -'.:-,,'
Thomaa Bruce, Manager
Latest Motion Pictures aud Illustrated Songs
Program Changes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Matinee Wednesday and Saturday, 2:30
The first annual fair of the North
, 'Country brought out a large galher
..lug and the number and quality of
exhibit exceeded even the iUlcpa.
tlon of the promoter!). A large part
of the exhibit te on display this
week at the . county fair at Enter,
'prise, and speaks votumos for the
teeourcea of the North. Country and
(lit 'progreHtiivenejit of her people,
, Tito ' cfluirs-'of 'the association
am: William Murrlll, president; Lin-
coln AuHLin, U-e puMdent: It. C
I'avla, secretary, and nutklu fMil le
mon, treasurer. The aporta were hi
Uiarpe of W, II. Baker and T, M."
Cllniore.. F. 8. 'Johnson, was etiper
IHMident of exhibits.
Among the tvirl.'lois were II. C,
owi-y, (iitnit iaiirlh, Abe Cwter,
AV, n. Fordloe. . H. Fordlee, 8. Ilol
:o ny, Al Luw, George Fraxler. C.
J. Ynger. I'. I Ola. Mrs. George Pad
n, Janm I'leet, St.., Robert C!,
Coorse hiu:w, O. A. Shumaa. R.
l. 'MastSn, Marsh Llghtle. Ed Ren
frow, .' ost Prairie: C. Phillips, Mrs.
Mary Burns, F. E. Boone, Uexvgo
llendr.'iksoB, Wm. Fraaler, Mrs. 11.
A; Thomas, Dave Hendrlekaon, D. W.
Kuhn, Mra. Nora Bodiuer, Paradlae;
O. C. Gowey, E. Rlchraan, Hiram
Merry, Geo. D. Boston, Dale N. Ei
tee, R, L. UU, Grouse; A. F. Kock
Ht ,TVoy; c. J. Fleming. Caarlea
Williams, G. H. Crossland, Carden
of Kdea;'Mra. H. C. Davis, Mrs. Jes
sie Frualer, Mrs. Amy Baker, Mas.
O. W, Johnson, M. L. Harris. D.. V.
Conrad, Moses Austin, W. J. WiF
sey, Mrs. J. R. Harris, Al Hahn.J.
M. Conley. H. F. Skaggs, J.
M. Reed, Ma Edwards, Mrs. M. P.
Holmes, Mrs. James Reed, Mil
I La Shaoy, Nettle llolloway, AI Ne
(Iro.w, G. II. l.lghtlo, M, L. Harris,
Mrs. O. C. Clark, T. J. Clonlnger,
Mrs. W. A. Austin, Mra. Paddock,
G. J. Goy, Mm. Ida Abel, Llda
Rees, Perl Hockett. Sylvia Apple
gate, Mm. EMdlemori, Mra. Frank JVI1
on, J. H. Dale, Mabel Martin, An
drew Forbes, Mat Devana, W. H.
N loos ya, Flora.
There was a good program of con
tests and races of various kind, and
the big crowd was well entertained.
The wkia-rj are a follows:
Flra Day. ' .
Men' ecI roie. Jcha Kolloway:
ii (ilw ecu race, ChrysU) Coaair
girls' egg race, Addle Hocfcott;
boy's egig race, Alva Fordlce; Fat
man's race, T. M.. Gllmore; "boys'
suck, race, Roy Nlcoaon; men's re
icy race, John Holloway's team ;
Bertie Miller, Edgar Ga.rrtt, G. W.
liot-uj, urnla . Bptts, boys' relay
race, Alfred Dale, Richard Garrett,
Donald. Applega'e, Johnnie Lamber
soj Teddlo Mllier, boys' barrel
race, Roy Nlcoaon; 100 yard dash.
Earl Botts; lifting Bdedge, D. D.
Second Day.
.Team pulling content, Dave Kuhn
team winner: . single horse contest,
A. B. Carter horse; ring toumamen't,
Fred Bolts; hoise lace, 300 yarda,
Ed Austin; ladles', horse race, Ina
Applegate; men's horse race, Edgar
Garret; boys' barrel race on poie,
tie Johnnie Lambeokln, Roy NIco
son: men's barret race on pole, J ton
Nlcoaon; boya' barrel Tace oa track,
Roy Nlcosoa; men's relay race la
barrels, Lewis Frazler, Earl Botta.
Charlie Frailer, Claude Hart, Earl
Fair Notes. '
, M. L. Harris had on display his inter
esting; collection of coins, 60 in number,
which includes many foreign pieces, as
Weil as a number of l-nre and vnlnnhlA
Untied States coins. One of these
coins is 203 years old.
G. C. Clark also showed a number of
coins, a tea chest of exquisite work
manship which had been in the Clark
family over 150 years, and a miniature
case over 100 yea rs old. A silver spoon
which had been in the Kuhn family for
80 years was also in the exhibit.
In the needlework department was a
vest made by F. S. Johnson's mother
over 60 years ago, In Missouri, and worn
by his father on their wedding day.
The needlework is as perfect as the
machine work of today.
A quilt made, by Grandma Martin,
ged 81 year, of Lost Prairie, was
i.nuch atlmirf d and received a blue rib
bon, f ,
Some y outhful eeamstresses also de
serve rnention: Kittie Conley, little
da ugb ter of J. M Conley, of Flora, dis
P' y ed a pretty crazy quilt, and Ruby
L iv- is a sofa pillow made when she was
5. V utra old.
r )ale M. Estes showed some fine al
fi'" jnds grown on his ranch below Troy.
' Au e'gbt months old cinnamon
ear belonging to Edgar Garrett at-
.racted. much at.'e;vtloit. It was cap
tured on Little Salmon. 20 mllos
1 above Troy, alx months ago, tho
mother and another cub being killed
at Ihe time of rU capture. "
R. L. -Utz of. Grouse Flat exhlb- !
ted some good White' Dent corn
which matured' at 90rdays. He had'
10 acres la this'. year, audi next year
expects to plant more.'. t;
S J. Q. Connolly, ? who haa crpaaad
the Rocklea 26 times, pronounce the
North Country; the .easiest country
to make., a living in-of any ha, has
ever struck, and that statement was
backed up by the splendid specimens
and great variety of fruit, igraln, and
vegetables. ' . ... ,'
, Five automobll'ea from Enterprise,
and ,one from L05Unexmade the Flora
rtreets quite lively. . As a cfunpli-
raent from the Enterprise, men, the
cdiea of the North - Country, wore i
ilven automobile nlles, Commiaslonen
Sam Lltch and F. -1. Vergere run
ning, their machuies , until all weOa'
given, a treat which was much ea
Joyed and appreciated.-, -, .. ,
Everyone remarked' upon the cor
diality of the North. Country people
Everyone was ieily to give, the
hand to their .vlai tors. ; . , .. .
The Ftoi a flour mill had some of
lt3 product, on exhibition, aiid no
better . ad-erliaeWnt : of " its merits
couid have been- given than the
snoyvy loaf of. breadi baited by the
aidller'e wife, Mrs. N. J. Hansen. .
G. .H. .Crosslandi of, Troy brought
In a fine lot of fruit , and velbtefl,
acKuig them eoine fine eweet pota
toes. ... , '
M r. audi M rs. . . W . II. ( Bacon and
children of Lewlsuon, old residents
of Flora, attended the Fr.Ir and vla-
iteJ hta mother and brother. Mm.
Clara C. Eacoa and Lorenao nacon.
P. I. Vergere, the Enterprise pho
tographer, .; took ;.a ; numbor of pic
tures, of the Tacea, the ftock ex
hibit, etc. .( , , :
r ' ''
How Good News Spreads. ',
"I am "0 years old and travel most
of the time," writes B. F. Tolson, of
Ellzubethtown, Ky. "Everywhere 1 1
go I recommeud Electric Bitters, be
caiwe I .owe my excellent health and
vitality to them. They effect a cure
every time." They never fail to
tone the u'ojnach, regulate the kid
ney and bowels, stimulate the liver.
Invtgorate the nerve9 and pifrify the
blood. They worlr wondera for weak,
run-down men and women, reetorias
strength, vla:or and health that's .a
dally Joy.' Try them. . Only 50c. Sat
Isf action Is positively tuaraatoud by
all druggists.. - - j
. '".' ". '
Ball Brand Rubbers and Book
guaranteed. W. J. Funk & Co.
Exhibits to the county fahr began;
arriving Thutsday, . and up to date
the city and the fair grounds- are
flooded with the products' of the eoll,
the product of the dairy, of tne
stock farm;, the fruit farm, and the
handiwork of both .women and men.
Additional box stalls- may be built
lor . the ."overflow" of live stock.
Ample room for other exhibits was
provided , from the beginning, . and
this wa well, owing to ' the' hearty
tseapons-a " of - Wallowa county resi
dents with varioua exhibits.
Beglnn ing Thursday, scarcely a
day pa-Ssed that some stock grower
or rancher did -not bring in some
thing or make arrangement to bring
In something for the fair.
Concessions were still being let
by the association, up to Monday.
Several lunch counter concessions
were let to local persons,1 Including
Mr. Blanchard of Hotel Eaterprlae,
who, has linataUed a large dining
room and . lunch counter, supplemented-
by 'an up-to-date kitchen, on
the grounds.- Concessions to outsid
ers for similar stands ateo have been
let. Cane racks, shooting galleries,
and that class of amusement la well
represented. The races are filled
and the various contest have at
trattel a good, live number Of conV
testanis from over the county. The
contest between the gtrla under 18
years" of age, aa to which one can
make and bake a pan of biscuits
the quickest', la attracting consider
able attention. ' Both the making and
the baking muet be done before the
All told the fair to replete with
amusement features, Concession
have - been granted to Individ uala
and to companies, and the amuse
ment feature la a gala" one for the
visitor. '
Tour complexion aa well a your
temper la rendered miserable by a
disordered liver. By taking Chamber
lain's 'Stomach and Liver Tablets
you can improve both. Sold by
Burnaugh ft. May field and all good
druggists.' '
Hardware and ammunition prices
are right. W; J. Funk & Co.
. : ; ..- ; ; . . ', ' -
10f all kinds.llf you believe in beautifying Enterprise, you
must believe in making that beauty enduring;. Concrete is
enduring it will render city beauty "Concrete Reality.",
TSee us for any; and all kindsof Concrete Work. - ' ' ', ;
- MARKS BROTHERS, General Contractors. '
' ' '." Now L-ln of'"'
'Superior Stoves Qnd;Rarig:es'.
See me and get my prices before buyhyr else-
v.hore. I carry also a full and complete line of
.bth tubs, basins and bowls, and a full list of
; - plumbing supplies. First-class plumbing at the
lowest figure for which such plumbing can be
Enterprise,' Oregon
4 .;