The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, September 28, 1910, Wednesday Edition, Image 1

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    Oregon,. Historical Society
Wednesday Edition
Cent a word single Insertion, Vt
cent a word 2 Insertions. Speciel
rates by month and year.
Residence , property arid business
room for rent, available now. E. M.
& M. Co. .-, 42btf
Skate Funds loaned, 6 per cent. Joan
P. Rusk. Attr. State Land E'd. Josepb
Two lots in. Alder Vtew addition to
the city of Enterprise. Beautiful lo
. cation. A genuine bargain. Wm. H.
ni.iTo.frio- , ' 37bm '
I will sell all or any of my 4own prop
e.ty at reasonable prices. W. W.
Zurcher, Enterprise,, Oregon. . 40btf
Lote In Troy towneite.' Your choice
at one-third off during lair weea
and until October 31: making pric
es from $15 up to $70. Special sale
Hmitedi to 26 lota, H. E. Merryman,
Enterprise, Oregon. Will be at Troy
Several good second hand heating
stoves at court house. Inquire of
County Clerk. " 2w "
Between Joseph and Frazier Craig's, 1
.pair new white duck blankets, 1 new
. green plush lined storm robe.. Finder
return to L. E. Jordan, Enterprise, and
receive reward.''
Pocket Medicine Case in Litch
Building. Return to Dr. L. G. Hol
land. ' . 43M
Agent wanted for Phoenix Mutual
Fire Insurance Company, of Oregon,
829 Chamber of Commerce, Port
land, Oregon. 43bl '
.Wanted, three young ladiee to Join
the Junior clase of nurses. Apply
to Superintendent of Nurses, Grande
Rondo Hospital, La Grande, KXre.
C.'M. McAUster, live stock agent
of theN Portland Union vStocle Yards
company, waa here the first of the
week) getting acquainted ,wIth ship
pers and farmeie.; He would . have
liked to have stayed all through .the
" fair but a prior engagement pre
vented. 7 '. ' '
ivir. lucAUBLer is euuiuaittauc over
this country as an. Ideal place for
the hog business, and says the farm
ers will find It very profitable.- The
Portland market ie a cent higher
right along than the Eastern mar
ket. From 16 to 20 train! loads of
hogs per month are shipped to Port
land from Nebraska. It would mean
lots of. money kept In the state if
these hoes were raised tin Oregon.
Dr.' C. A. Ault reports an- Jefeht
pound son bora to the wife of Mr.
Rowe, Thursday, September 22. Mr.
and Mrs. Rowa rsaW in thA for.
B. Hale and Henry Smith left for
' their homes in Laurel county',: ky.;
Qnwt. rm..H i a a a v.
m-er here and may return and locate.
Mlse Jessie Robertson' left Sat
urday for Idaho, where she will, re-:
Iowa and Dlgtn to visit friends.
con : arrived on, Friday train on
her way-te vloit her daughter, Mrs.
May Lovell, of Prairie Creek.
1 " 'Charles Oakes started! Saturday
f o ; Coryallis; -where he will enter
the O. jA. C He will take the elec
trical engineering course.;
" Dr. L.'. G." Holland ' reports .the
birth of a. son to the wife of Lon
Br'jght, seven miles, north of Enter
prise. . ; ...V '., - .'
Miss Ida Bater of Elgin returned
home Saturday after a 'visit here at
:ths'liome of her uncle, G. IrRatctiff."
- W.:L.: Mulkey,' the Fair store man
'at Joseph, was in the city Friday on
business... ... - - i " ' c . r .
Take your eggs to Davis & Ward
aid get, cash! - 43btf
:; Al Emmons was at. Wallowa, Fri
day,' on- business." ' '',.,,
'' i. . ... ..... J
A Reliable Medlclrp--Nt a NareoVc.
Mrs. F. Marti.t St. Joet Mioh., says
Foley's Honey and Tar saved her
little boy's life. She writes: "Our
little, boy contracted a severe bron
chial trouble and aa the doctor's med
Iclne did not cure him, I gave him
roiey Money cna iar in wnuvu
nave ;" great faith. It cured the
cough, as well as the choking and
gagging spells, and lie got well la a
short time. Fo'efs Honey and Tar
has many times saved 1m much trou
ble and -we ars never without it In
the house.- Buraangh ft Mayfleld.
If Serious Obstacles Develope
They Must Be Settled by
r Washington Now that the United
States Is about to complete the Pana
ma canal, many nations are interest
ing themselves in th question ol Its
fortification and have succeeded In
raising discussion of the proposition.
Tbe United States, however, Is going
ahead calmly with the plans for de
fending the canal, which are before
President Taft, and the. question, if
any serious opposition develops, must
be settled in coneresa this winter.
Tbe two problems, therefore, which '
are agitating the officials of the Unit
ed States and of other countries, are
whether the United States has the
right to fortify the canal, and wnether
It can do it successfully if it has the
Question of Right to Fortify,
There is little doubt of the ability
of the United States to fortity :h
canal effectively. Whether or not It
has the right to do so according tc
the agreement with Great Brila'a is. e
more invo'.ved question.
Apart from treaty consideration the
right of the United States cannot he
questioned.,' The United S'a3 con
trols the 10-mile strip through wV.cb
the canal runs, as much as it contrulr
the Philippine Islands. This country
spent hundreds of millions of clo''ar
to dig the waterway. The right of t'lt
United States to erect what forliftua
tiona it pleases within its own t-rrl
tory and to .defend its own possesions.
canno be. questioned.
Jamulal Kiram II, the Sultan of Sulu,
who arrived In New York recently, ac
companied by bis brother, for a tour
of America.' . "
Pueblo, Colo. A determination to
permit the greatest latitude In dis
cussion of irrigation problems, but to
keep the deliberations free from sec
tional disputes or personal grievances,
was voiced by o Dicers and delegates
here for the 18th National Irrigation
Congress, which ' opened Monday.
Tuesday the congress got down to
business. In the morning the 'con
gress discussed "Irrigation by Private
Enterprise," and in tbe afternoon Its
attention was turned to "Public Irri
gation." "
' One of the Interesting features was
the conference on Irrigation account
ing, when a dozen or 5 of tbe most
expert representatives of the United
States Reclamation Service, the large
private companies, brokerage, bond
, and banking houses took up various
phases connected with Irrigation from
the investment standpoint
A meeting of the appraisers of the
largest ports' of entry, of the United
States will be held in New York on
November 14.
What Is considered by the leading
bishops and lay deputies as the most
important .conclave of Episcopalians
ever held in the United States will be
held In Cincinnati early next month.
After a warm debate of more than
three hours, the national encampment
of the Grand Army of the Republic,
at Its final session, indefinitely post
poned action on the controversy over
the placing of the statue of Robert E.
Lee in Statuary Hall. .
An Investigation of the Federal
prisons at Atlanta, Ga., and McNeil's
Island, Washington, has been ordered
fay the department of Justice to as
certain whether opium, cocaine and
whisky are smuggled by guards for
use of the prisoners. -
The death rate In the United States
in 1909 was 15 In each 1000, accord
ing to a bulletin about to be Issued
by the census bureau, and this is the
lowest average record for this country.
By unanimous vote the board of
trustees of the University of Mississ
ippi decided to abolish Greek letter
societies from that institution.
Secretary Balllnger states that the
board of army engineers now study
ing government Irrigation projects in
the west, would not be able to report
bef6re November 1, and possibly later.
Because they have grown so fast
a number of cities on the Pacific
coast have incurred a natural suspic
ion In the census bureau that they
have made unusual and' perhaps im
proper efforts - to increase their rat
ings for population. These cities in-'
elude . Seattle, Tacoma, . Spokane,
Portland, Oakland, Berkeley, Los An
geles and some that are smaller. "
German Industry Is seriously dis
turbed by strikes and lockouts. Un
less the disputes can be ended within
the next tew days, 700,000 workmen
will he idle.
Formal notice of the withdrawal of
the Venezuelan legation in. Bogota
has been received by the state depart
ment,' but no reason is assigned for
the rupture between the countries.
It is possible that the 'American
state department will be asked to in
tervene In the controversy that has
grown out of the extension of tbe
Mexican National . . railroad line In.o
Guatemala territory.
The figures show that during the
present cholera epidemic there have
been 191,076 cases with 88,716 deaths
throughout Russia. . ; .
The great feat of crossing the snow
capped Alpine barrier between Switz
erland and Italy In a heavier-than-air
machine was accomplished by George
Chavez, a young Peruvian aviator.
T. P. O'Connor, Ireland's statesman
and writer, will pay a visit to the Pa
cific coast on his tour of the United
States and Canada, following the con
vention of the United Irish League of
America, at Buffalo, September 27-28.
, Congressman Sereno E. Payne, of
the Thirty-first district of New York,
author of the Payne tariff bill, Is to
be opposed for renominatlon 1 E.
Clarence Aiken, former mayor of Au
burn. Mr. Aiken is an Insurgent and
la opposed to the Payne .tariff bill
and In favor of an Immediate revision
- Portland.
Wheat Track prices: Club, 82c;
bluestem, 88c; red Russian, 81c.
Barley Feed and brewing, $22.
Oats No. 1 White, $28 per ton. .
Hay Timothy, Willamette Valley
$1920 per ton; Eastern Oregon
$20322; alfalfa, V151C. '
Butter Creamery, 36c; ranch, 24o
ranch, 24c.
Eggs Ranch, candled, 35c.
Hops 1909 crop, 10Uc; olds,
nominal, 1910 crop, 13 He
Wool Eastern Oregon, 1417c per
pound. r
Ilobalr 32 33c.
' ; Seattle. .
Wheat Bluestem, 9lc; Club,-82c;
red Russian, 80c.
Oats $30 per ton. .
Barley $21 per ton. '
Hay Timothy, $24 per ton; alfalfa.
$16 per ton.
Butter Washington Creanery, 36c;
ranch, 26c.
Eggs Selected local,' 81a.
Hawley Renominated in First
"- Congressional District;
I Ellis Is Defeated.
Portland. Jay Bowerman, assembly
candidate, has won the nomination for
Governor of Oregon by a plurality of
3500 to 4000 over Grant B. Dimick,
of Oregon City, with Ernest Hofer, of
Balem, third, and Albert Abraham,
of Roseburg, fourth.
Returns Indicate conclusively the de
feat of Ralph W. Hoyt, the assembly
candidate for State Treasurer, by
Thomas B. Kay, by a majority of sev
eral thousand.
Fv W. Benson, assembly candidate
for Secretary of S'ate, has a lead of
more than 8000 over G. Wlngate.
Crawford's 10,000 Lead Growing.
For" Attorney-General, A. M. Craw-
! ford, on thelatest returns; shows a
I majority over J. N. Hart, the assem
bly candidate, of about 10,000, which
will be Increased by the belated re.
W. S. Dunlway, the present State
Printer, has also Defeated W. J.
Clarke, assembly candidate, by a wide
For' Representative in Congress
from ,the First District the returns
give" W. C. Hawley a majority over
B. F. Mulkey.
In the Second Congressional District
Representative Ellis is defeated for
nomination for re-election by A. W.
Lafferty. , .
Oregon Republicans have thus nom
inatedone administration candidate In
Representative Hawley and one in
surgent in Mr. Lafferty.
West Named by. Democrats.
In the general eleotion, Mr. Bower
man will be opposed by Oswald West,
who has been nominated by the Dem
ocrats' over Jefferson Myers. '
I ; : : : . . - .
' .. Murderer Is Captured.
Medford Almost dead - from cold,
starvation and consumption, Julian A.
Mock, the murderer ol Jesse C. Smith,
was captured at the home of George
Trask on Little Applegate Creek, 12
miles from Talent, by Constable J. N.
Manning and Clifford and J. L. Garin,
father and son, on the ranch.
. For sixty hours the fugitive had
had nothing to eat but a raw Jackrab
blt, which he shot.
Mock said that the killing was en
tirely unpremeditated and that tbe
deed was done In a moment of anger
while he was drunk. Immediately af
ter the murder he set out up Griffin
Creek to the mountains above the
Sterling mines,. Automobiles carry
ing posses passed near him several
times and all night he saw their lights
running up and down the valley be
low him. .
Prisoner ! Own Attorney. .
Baker City In the circuit court
here a prisoner, Albert Lucas, con
ducted his own defense, against the
charge of burglary. . The prisoner ap
peared In court In a ragged suit, but
bis brilliant work as his own attorney
showed him familiar with court pro
ceedings. He said his father was an
attorney of Birmingham, Ala. De
Bplte his Unusual work he was found
"guilty as 'charged," and "must serve
time in the state- penitentiary. ,
Fall Wheat to Be Tried.
Klamath .Falls. That the farmers
of the Upper Klamath country have
come to the conclusion that they
must resort to some other method to
make a success of wheat raising, o'.'.i
er than sowing In the spring, Is shown
by the fact that a dozen of the larg
est farmers are together and
sending away for fall seed wheat with
which to make a test the coming sea
son. Tbey intend to sow several acres
of fall wheat and give It a thorough
test. . -
Railway Men to Combine.
New York. For the first time In
the history of railway unions, mem
bers and delegates representing 318,
000 men of the four great divisions of
railway employes in tbe East, voted
unanimously at a meeting here to lake
concerted action in Nutional and state
Cprvaills is going to start a b'g pub
licity campaign for Benion county.
Benton coun'y has won the ribbon for
i the best county exhibit ai the state
! fair three consecutive times. The
county will, therefore, be p'.acid be
fore the world as tbo "Cue Ribbon
I Count of Oregon."
Spokane A movement was launch
ed at the convention of the Interna
tional Good Roads association here,
to have a million acres set aside in
each of the States of Oregon, Washing
ton, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Nevada,
Arizona and New Mexico by the fed
eral government."
If the government will appropriate
rights of way through the federal re
serves or dpnate a percentage of pub
lic lands for road purposes' the next
state legislature will undoubtedly ac
cept the offer of Samuel Hill, of Se
attle, to spend a million dollars on
trunk line roads. The convention pro
poses to start building a road that will
eventually connect the capitals of Wy
oming, Colorado, Idaho and Utah.
if w f
t .... J ' '
Recently acquitted 'of bribery in con
nection with the election of United
States Senator Lorlmer, who was re
fused recognition on the floor of the
Illinois Democratic state .convention
in Chicugo.
San Francisco The California-At
lantic Steamship company, organized
recently by Bates & Chesebrougb, an
nounces that it extend Its service
on January 1 to -include Seattle and
Portland. The northern ports will be
given the same dispatch service to the
Isthmus as has. been given San Fran
cisco. Steamers will run direct from
Seattle to Panama, with the single
stop at Portland. At the same time
plans are being laid to give San Fran
cisco a complete water service to gulf
points, opening up lor California
trade the entire Mississippi valley.
The advantages of this trade will also
be extended to tbe northwest. Tbe
service, as outlined for next year, calls
for 12 boats, exclusive of those oper
ated by the government on the Atlan
tic coast.
Sooth for Conservation.
Atlanta Theodore Roosevelt, Hoka
Smith, governor-elect of Georgia, Glf.
ford Plnchot, Dr. Harvey W. Wiley,
Chief Forester Henry S. Graves and
other leaders of the consevation move
ment of national reputation have ac
cepted invitations to address tbe first
southern conservation congress, to be
hold In this city October 7 and 8.
The congress Is the first one of the
kind held to attack the definite prob
lems of conservation in a large group
of states.
600 Cadeta Arrested.
West Point, N. V. Tbe entire cadet
corps is under arrest and facing a gen
eral court martial for gross disrespect
to Captain R. E. Longan, Instructor
of tactics, and insubordination. ., Ma
jor General Barry, superintendent of
the military academy, sent the foul
classes of 500 young men to then
quarters after mess on Sunday even
ing, and a board of officers Is sitting
endeavoring to find out why the cadet
"silenced" Captain Longan.
Barrel Bear Man 8afely.
Niagara Falls Bobby Leach, of Ni
agara Fulls, Out., made a trip through
the whirlpool rapids In a barrel, start
ing from the Old Maid of tbe Mis',
landing at the cantilever bridge.' Ex
cept for a few scratches and bruises
Leach, who says he has made the trip
several times before, was unhurt.
Contract for the steer construction
of tbe Oregon Trunk Railway bridge
at the crossing of the Columbia river
at Celilo, has been let to the Pennsylvania-
Steel company. Tbe steel 'or
the structure will weigh 4600 tops, or
9,000,000 nounds.
Representation of Small East
ern States May Be Cut
- Washington. A very pretty fight Is
looming up over the reapportionment
of seats in' the house of representa
tives under the new census. Already
the question . is . beginning to be dis
cussed. The point of battle Is going to come
over the proposition to so Increase the
proportion of representation that the
membership of the house will not be
Increased beyond unwleldiy bulk. If
this is done some of the eastern states
will have their 'representation serious
ly cut. They will tight desperately T
against this.
It the Democrats should succeed in
electing a majority of the next Itouse
of representatives at the November
election' It Is probable tbe question
of apportionment will be tackled by
the present congress, which Is Repub
lican at the coming session. Should
the Republicans retain control there
Is a chance the whole matter may go
over until the' new congress meets, the
interim being occupied by the party
leaders In trying to reach some agree
ment. ;
There are 391 members of congress
now, a number which admittedly Is
unwleldiy, and there is a sentiment
In favor of keeping it right there, or
even of reducing It, that it may be
more mobile In legislation, but as that
would unquestionably result In reduc
ing the representation of a number of ,
states, -some of them outside of New
England, It Is more probable the total
number will be pushed along over the
400 mark. 4
Ravage of Cholera Recognized by
. Naples. Tbe epldemio of cholera
here has attained most alarming pro
portions, and energetic measures are
to be taken by government health
health officials to combat the disease.
More than 100 new cases have been
reported to the authorities.
The government, which up to .the
present has persistently declined to
recognize the existence of the cholera,
has now admitted that the disease
which has caused such havoc within
the last two weeks is cholera of the
violent Asiatic type.
- Many other cases are described by
the health officials as gastro enteritis,
but this diagnosis Is not generally ac
cepted. Two persons, a stonemason
and a sailor, were taken from the
train on Its way from Naples to Cas
erto and Nettune. They are believed
to be suffering from cholera and were
sent to, a laazretto.
, Hearst to Run Harrison.
Chicago Having met signal failure
In their effort to gain control of the
Democratic state organization, tbe
Hearst forces plan to try again the
plan of an Independent campaign.
Carter H. Harrison, who has allied
himself with the Hearst forces, Is be
ing urged by them to become an inde
pendent eandldate for mayor next
Deadwood, S. D. Tbe firing of a
blast at tbe 300-foot level of the Home
stake mine at Lead, S. D-, started a
caveln which contlpued to tbe sur
face, making a hole In the heart of
the city 15 feet wide and 40 feet long.
When the dust had cleared away 'the
Bertolero boarding house was seen
banging over tbe edge of the crevasse,
and the Campbell Hotel's back steps
led Into it. Fright among tbe resi
dents of Lead, most of whom live
above similar caverns, was allayed
somewhat by assurance from mining
officials that there was no danger of
further caving.
Tbe Homestake had hundred of
mile of tunnel under the city, and
the stopes form Immense caverns,
reaching In the upper levels well to-'
ward tbe surface.
The formal order handed' down by
the 8ta.e Railroad Commission Sat
urday In the matter of reduction of
class rate on the Southern Paclflo
line In Oregon, shows that tbe order
I to become effective twenty day
from the time of service.
.1 ,
t V