The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, September 24, 1910, Saturday Edition, Image 2

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The Red Front
Blacksmith Shop
by the reliable
blacksmiths ...
XV. p. Hamblelon Son
Machine Repairing
Same old stand
Enterprise Oregon
Formerly the Wallowa News,
listied March 3. 1839.
'ublished Wednesday and 8atff.
days at Enterprise, Oregon, by 7"
Office East side Court House Square
The Gratitude of Elderly; People.
Goes out to whatever helps give
Uiein ease, comfort and strength.
Foley Kidney Pilla cure bWutey and
bladder diseases promptly, and give
comfort and relief to elderly peo
ple. Burnaugh & Mayfleld.
If You Prefer the Best Brands of
Cigars or SmoKing Tobacco
you can always get what you
want here. Fine line of
The same is true of all our
Stock. Come in and see.
Next Door to Bank
Enterprise, - Oregon
Entered as second-class matter
January 2, 1909, at the postofflce at
Enterprise. Oregon, under the Act of
March 3, 1879.
Subscription Rate-. One year $2,
dx month . $1, three moutha 50c,
one month 20c. On yearly cash-la-idvance
aubscrlptions a discount of
25c la given.
Notary Public.
Collections made. Real Estate
bought and told and all business
matters attended to. Call, on .or
writ me.
The old slogan of party orators,
"Save the country," let only looked
ou aa a joke nowaiays. People have
wised up to the fact it 13 daily work
of artisan and farmer, banker and
merchant, that keeps the country go
ing. Elections under the old con
vention system were a devilce by
which the bosses and the Interests
were given. a loose rein. Elections
under the direct - primary system
give that same gentry . to under
stand, somebody has hold of the re!ns.
The fine rains coming so early In
sure good winter range. Grass Is
already ,well along In the canyons.
Good crops la this county not
bumper ones, but much better than
expected last July.
Enterprise Just "keeps on going
ahead. i i i
It will be the greatest fair ever.
And now for the election.
Big Horse Sale
of High Grade Draft Stock
100 Percherons, Clydes and Shires
will be sold at Public v . ; '
Auction, commencing
' the second day of the Wal-
Iowa County Fair, at
70 Head of 2-year-olds
No Old Stuff
More Mares than Geldings
Every One a Good One
rERMS:-6 months bankable note, with privilege of renewing
-:- UP TO YOU -:-
The popular Colonist Fares will again
be in effect between September 15th,
and October 15th, during which per
iod tickets to Enterprise will be on
sale daily from
Chicago at
St. Louis
Kansas City
St. Paul
and from other cities correspondingly low.
These are Westbound, one-way fares only, but .
anyone here can prepay for relatives or friends
in the East, if desired. Consult local agent
Now Is the Time
to let the world know of our vast resources
and splendid opportunities for home building.
Write to everyone you know in the East Send
them good instructive printed matter, and tell
them that the cost of getting here is but little
more than half the usual cost and to call on a &N. Co, for all
desired information, or address
General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon
; Registration, in the high school
has now reached 69. This la the
highest that the school had at any
time last year. ' . -
Miss Emma Thompson of Seaside
has entered school with Junior class
standing, and Miss Grace McCubbin
of Lostlne has- enrolled with Senior,
class standing. - . .
The total registration lni. this coun
ty for the primary was 1493, of ,whom
934 are Republicans, 422 Democrats,
13 Prohibitionists, 76 Socialists
and 40 Independents'.
When In town come In and see
Durham, the Jeweler. He repair
everything except a broke man, and
the break of day. 41a3
(From , the New York Press. ( ''
Osteopathy, the druglesa'. science
in medicine, la only about fifteen
years old. The word' to not even
n the Century Dictionary, edition
1895. Its practice Is going hand In
hand with bloodless surgery . so
that In time we may expect to be
cured without, pills and without a
knife. Some principles are: "Health
means physical adjustment;" health
Is natural; disease and death be
tween the time of birth and old
age are unnatural. All bodily disor
ders are the result of mechanical ob
struction to the free circulation of
vital fluids and forces. The charac
teristic generalization of osteopathy
In a nutshell is "most diseases are
of spinal origin."
The Women's Union Missionary So
ciety has been postponed from Septem
ber 27 to meet with Mrs. J. L. Brown.
ing, Tuesday, October 4, at 2:30 p. m.
Our Novelties for the ladies are
the newest out, Sash and Belt Fins,
Neckwear, and Collars. They - are
he things that help your dress.
W. J. Funic & Co.
"Can be depended upon" Is an ex
pression we all like to hear, and
when it Is used in connection with
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di
arrhoea Remedy, It means thut it
mever falls .to cure diarrhoea, dysen
tery or bowel complaints. It is
pleasant to .take and equally valu
able for children and adjlts. Sold
by Burnaugh & Mayfleld and all
good druggists. - '
Uoited States Land Noticeis
Department of the Interior;
United States Land Office at La
Grande, Oregon, Sept. 6th, 1910.
Notice is hereby given that Henry
Zumwal't, of Zumwalt, Oregon, who,
on May 2oth, 1903, made Homestead
E'try No. 12933, Serial No. 03938,
for SW NW14, Sec. 28. and Add'l
H. E. 1J5209, Serial No. 03938, m?de
Oct. 6, 1906, for NW NV, Sec.
28, & Ntf NE, Section 29, Town'
ship 2 North, Range 47 East, WU
lamette Meridlcu, has filed notice
of Intention to make Final five-year
Proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before W. C. Boat
man, County Olerk, at his office
In Enterprise, Oregon, on the 20th
day of October, 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Joseph E. Lord, Lou Dale, and Jo
seph Gill, all of Zumwalt, Oregon,
and Stanley Hayes, of Joseph, Ore
gon. 4c5
F. C. Bramwell, Re(jl3ter.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or
egon, July 29th, 1910.
Notice is hereby given' that Mary
E. Yeager, whose postofflce address
Is Elgin, Oregon, did, oiu the 27th
day of October, 1909, file in this
office Sworn Statement and Appli
cation, No. 07203, to purchase the
NB NE Sec. 7 and NW NW
Section 8, Township 1 North,
Range 45 East, Willamette Meridian,
and the timber thereon, under the
provisions, of the act of June 3, 1878,
and acts amendatory, known as the
"Timber and Stone Law," at such
value as might be fixed by appraise
ment, and that, pursuant to such ap-, the land and timber there
on have been- appraised, at $241.25
the timber estimated 290,000 board
feet at 75 cents per M, and the land
(23.75; that said applicant will offer
1 proof In. support of her applica
tion and sworn statement on the
27th day of October, 1910, before The
Ktgfoter and Receiver at the United
States Land Office, at La Grande,
Oregon. .
Any person is at liberty to protest
this purchase before entry, or ini
tiate a contest at any thna before
patent Issues, by filing a corrobo
rated affidavit in this office, alleg
lug facta which would defeat the
entry. 60cll .
F. C. Bramwell, Register.
Department of the Interior.
Worth of. De Laval Cream SeparatofsSold In Wal-'
Iowa county in the last three years and
Every One Has Given Perfect
Satisfaction. Ask the Users
See our exhibit of
De Lavals
on the Fair Grounds. Then looK
at the ChecKs we paid some of our
patrons in July, 1910, and you will
seethe point!
The Cow The Separator
The Checks
Mean money in your pocket
Enterprise Creamery Co.
J. W. Bickford, Proprietor
Pure Creamery Butter Fancy and Plain Ice Cream
Enterprise, Oregon
UX S. Land Office at La Grande,
i Oregon, Sept. 6th, 1910. -Notice
Is' hereby given, that Her
man- F. Fischer, of Enterprise, Ore
gon, whoon Sept. 6th, 1905, made
Homestead Entry No. 14569, Serial
No. 01573. for SEV4 SE, Sec. 17, E
4 NE14 and NH SE4, Section- 20,
Township 1 South, Rane 45 East,
Willamette Meridian, has filed no
tice of Intention to make final five
,,ear proof, to establish claim to
he land above described, before
Y,.iC. Boatman, County Clerk of
Wallowa County-, at hia office, c. En
terprise, Oregon, on the 19 th. day of
October, 1910. ' ,
Claimant names as ..witnesses:
Enoch R. Bovlby, Ira Pratt, Edi Rog
ers, and Orvllle Rand, all of BJmtcr
yrise, Oregon.
" :.; F. C. Bram well, Register, .
. J. Stlckney, and ' Bruce Lytle, of
Joseph, Oregon. 4c5
F. C. Bramwell, Register.
Department of the Interior.
J.-S. Land Office at La Grande,
Oregon, September 6th, 1910.-
Notlce is hereby given that Joseph
U, Lord, ct 'Zumwalt, Oregon, who,
u March 10th, 1905, l ade Home
stead Entry No. 14174, No. 04377, for
j2V6'.. NW14, NW(i NE14, Sec. 11
xd SW SEtt. Section -2, Township
2 North, Ranga '47 Boat, Willamette
Meridian, has fi'.ed" notice of Inten
tion to make Final Five-Year Proof,
to estab'Jsh claim to the laud above
described, before W. C. Boatman,
County Clerk of Wallowa County,
it .his office, at Enterprise, Oregco.
on the 20th day of October, 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Henry Zumwalt, Omar J. Stubble
field. Lon Dale, and Joseph Gill, all
of Zumwalt, Oregon. 4c5.
" F. C. Bramwell, Register.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at La Grande,
Oregon, Sept. 6, 1910. .
Notice Is hereby given that Versa
Surber, formerly Versa Brumbaoh,
of Enterprise, Oregon, who, on Sep
tember 2nd, 1903, mode Homestead
Entry No. 13218,, Serial, No. 04016,
for SW4 NW,' W SW, Sec.
25, and SB NE, Section 26, Town
ship 1 North, Range 46 Bast, Willam
ette Meridian, has filed notice of In
tention to make Final five-year Proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before C. M. Lockwood,
U. S. Commissioner, at hia office, at
Enterprise, Oregon, on' too 19th day
of October, 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Walter Sutherland, of Enterprise, Or
egon, Ebner Brumbach, of Imnaha,
Oregon-, Waldo Chase, of Imnaha,
Oregon, Harry Vaughan, of Imnaha,
Oregon.- 4c5
F. C. Bramwell, Register.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned Jane K. Daugherty has
been appointed by ths County Court
of Wallowa County, Oregon, . as ad
ministratrix of the estate of Walter
M. Daugherty, deceased, and has
duly qualified a? such administra
trix. AH persons having claim
against ' said estate are hereby
notified to present the same to the
undersigned! administratrix, within
six months from date of this notice,
and duly verified aa rewired by law,
at her residence at Joseph, Oregon.
Dated September 7, 1910.
" - Administratrix.'
J. A. BURLEIGH. Attorney for Ad.
mlnlstratrix. 3c5
' Department of the Interior.
United States Land Office at La
Grander Oregon, Sept." 6, 1910. -Notice
la heraby given that Char
les A. Loosjey, bt Enterprise, ; Ore
gon, who, on May . 21st, 190g, made
Homestead Entry No. 16018, Serial
No. 05428, for V NWU, W 8VV
, Section 24, Township 1 South,
Range45 Eaot, WlUamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make
Final commutation proof, to estab
lish claim to U land afcove describ
ed, before W. C. Boatman, County
Clerk of Wallowa Co., at hla office,
t Enterprtoe, Oregon, on the 18ta
day of October. 1910.
Claimant nam j as . witnesses:
James A. Whitman, and William E.
Taggart, of Enterprise, Oregon, and
- Department of the Interior.
U. S. .Land Office at La Grande, Or
egon, July 29th, 1910. -1
Notice is hereby given that Elmer
J. Jewell, whose postofflce address
Is Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or
egon, did, on the 10th day of No
vember, 1949. five In this office
Sworn; Statement and Application,
No. 07257, to purchase the Sft 8WU.
I Section 22, Township 1 North, Range
M7 East, Willamette Meridian, and
the timber thereon, under the pro
visions of the act of June 3, 1878,
and acts amendatory, known aa tha
"Timber and Stone Law." at such
value as might ba fixed by appraise
ment, and that, pursuant to such ap
plication, the land and timber there
on have been appraised, at $200.00
the timber estimated 210,000 board
feet at 50 cts. per M, and the land
$95.00; that sakl applicant will offer
final proof in support of hia applica
tion and sworn statement on the
27th day or October, 1910, before C.
M. Lockwood. UnKed States Commis
sioner, at Enlerprias, Oregon,. .
Any per n la at liberty to protest
this tu.vU.j before entry, or Ini
tial a contest at any tlma before
patent-issues, b" flung a corrobo
rated affidavit in this office, alleg
ing facts - which would defeat the
entry; . Well
F. C. Bramwell, Register.
Notice la hereby given that the
undersigned Bertha Price has been
appointed executrix of the last will
and testament of August Price, de
ceased, by too County Court) of Wal
lowa County, Oregon, and haa quali
fied as auch executrix. All persona
holding olaima against the estate of
August Price, deceased, are hereby
notified to present the same, with
proper vouchers, within alx month
from the date of tola ootlca, to th
undersigned executrix at her home In
Enterprise, Oregdb. .
Dated this 7th day of September,
1910. ScS
BERTHA PRICE, Executrix.
J. A BUKLBIOH Atnrnv fn Ft.
. ecutrtx,
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned Jane K. Daugherty haa
been appointed by the County Court
of Wallowa County, Oregon, as ad
ministratrix of the estate of Jamea
I. Daugherty deceased, and ha
Jjily qualified aa auch admin iatra
'trlx. All persona havkas; claim
igalnat said estate are hereby
notified to present the earn to the
undersigned administratrix, within
rix months from the data of thl
totice, and duly verified aa required
by law, at her residence at Joseph,
Dated this 7th day of Septem
ber, 1910.
1. A. BURLEKJH, Attorney for A4
miniatratrix " So