Saturday Edition TIE NEWS4 ALL THE OFFICIAL NEWS OF WALLOWA COUNTY IN ' THE N-B ALL THE NEWS WHILE 11 IS" NEWS TWICE-A-WEEK NEWS' RECORD TWELFTH YEAR. NO." 42. ' ENTERPRISE, WALLOWA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1910. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER TwiceaWeek (ECQIB Cent word single Insertion, 1 ' a - . . ' O J - T oenis a wera I inseruona. - ayeum rates by month and year. :' FOR RENT. Residence property and business room fof rent, 'available now.- E. M. &' M. Co. 1 42btf FOR 8ALE. Lota la Troy townslte. Your choice at one-third off during fair week and until October 31, making pric es from $15 up to $70. Special sale limited to 25 lota. H. B. Merryman, Enterpriee, Oregon. Will ' be at' Troy October 6, 7 and 8. 42b4 SHEAHAN AND COOLEY NEW LAW FIRM'S STYLE. Attorney D. W. Sheahan of this city has taken Into partnership A. S. Cooiey, lately of Wallowa. " Mr. Cooley has moved to Enterprise and ib now delving into, the books and work In thleShahan offices on West Main street. He is a young man who hae already gained a repu tation for being well grounded in the law, of being a "careful counselor and successful' ' trial ' lawyer. He ' is a man of high character and he and his estimable .wife are sure of a cr.rdlal welcome here. The senior member of the firm, Mr; Sheahan, is too well known all over this and adjoining counties) to require an. Introduction. His en viable fame as a safe counselor and great success in general practice has brought him a large and lucra tive business, so large Indeed as to necessitate his securing help, and he believes he haa chosen "wisely In associating Mr. Cooleyi with him. Can' locate man on good homestead 7 miles- from Enterprise, 60 acres good) plow land, all in body. Plen ty of water. Daniel Boyd. Oakeg carries a full line of Lowe Brothers' Paints. 108tf ' HOT LAKE MAKES SICK PEOPLE ILL LARGEST ' SANATORIUM IN NORTHWEST DESCRIBED' DAIRY HERDS. Hot Lake, Sept. 22 We have all heard of sanatoriums, but few of us really appreciate just all that is meant by the term. Even after we have been made to understand that it is a place where sick people are restored to their proper health, unless we have had an the dignity of a sanatorium in the true sense of the woxd. The Hot Lake Sanatorium represents the acme of modern science bo far as an institution of healing- is concerned. It is replete with every appliance and equipment that scientific experience has found to be useful in caring for the sick. The sanatorium building, is of modern design, 600 feet long and three stories high. The bath house is con nected with the main building, there fore patients never leave the building and consequently run no risk of taking cold after bathing. The Hot Lake San atorium is so named because of the fact that it is situated on the bank of a steaming lake that is formed by the waters of the mammoth boiling spring ... ii r' ijA "... - . .triW1 -riifiititrmmiiini opportunity to visit a sanatorium and become familiar with such an institu tion, are apt to take a great deal for granted and place the sanatorium in the ordinary hospital class, , losing sight of the real significance. In order that readers may have a correct idea of what a modern sanator ium is, the following description of the Hot Lake Sanatorium is published as it offers a really interesting article and at the same time places readers in pos session of facts sufficient to enable them to determine the qualifications neces sary to an institution before it arises to that daily flows nearly three million gallons of highly mineralized water at a temperature of 208 degrees. The water from this spring not only fur nishes the bath with water and heat; but also heats the entire sanatorium building. This spring has long been known to contain curative properties, and under expert medical supervision the cures effected are truly wonderful; Nearly a score -f trained assistants look after the patients in the bath house and every attention is accorded the bathers possible. Here, as else- ( Continued on Last Page.) - REAL ESTATE DEALS MADE IN GROSSMAN WILLIAM STACE SELLS FORTY i rriR snnn mum i unu . " - T " WW. I . k I VII . TRADES HOMESTEAD. Promise, Sept. 18 Wm. Stace has sold 'the forty he haa been living on stace he bought it a few years ago of Henry Thomson. There Is scarcely any timber on it but it is good land with considerable un der cultivation and a good young or chard. A man from Pomeroy, Wash bought the place and expects to. make a fruit ranch of it. Mr. Stace will giv possession soon and move again on his homestJead which adjolna the 40 he sold. The con sideration was $800, and the buyer told him when the deal was closed he would have glveni $1000 for it, just as quick if he hai asked lit. Mrs. Clemens had the misfortune to losb another horse recently. She lost one about a year ago: P. C. Henderson has returned from Freewater ,where he attended camp meeting. He reporU himself "satisfied," not only with the meet ing but with hl woodland home. Mr. Stace hurt his hand quite ser iously lately and as blood poison was threatening, Mr. Petersen took htai out to the doctor's' last week. John Lyon has traded Ma home stead for Andy Petersen's 40 of well Improved land, considerable of which Is In fruit and grass. Mr. Lyon gets also the furniture, farmi imple ments and horses, beside $200 to cash. Mr. Petersen expects to b'e in the valley this winter and' perhaps make a trip to New Mexico. Japalac, varnish stains, linseed oil at Burnaugh & .May field's FARMERS ARBITRATE. During the dry upell, Mr. Klefler, who lives on the Bridwell farm uear Lostine, was burning brush. The fire 1 got beyond control and burned some tre98 in Mr. Avery's orchard. The damage was recently settled by arbitration, Mr, Avery re ceiving $165 for hl trees Thafbeato a lawsuit. Offers to Ride Any Horse. The fair board has engaged L. V. Minor of Wallowa, the noted broncho buster, and his dare-devil riding will-be an additional ' attrac tion, Thursday, Friday and Saturday if ternbons. He offers to ride any Ucrne. Much Interest lit Singing Contest Big Event of School Children' Day Will Provet thej Popular) HiV Saturday Is school children's day at the fair and the largest crowd of the entire week will be present. All the regular attractions, will be re peated, the auction sales, high dive, broncho busting, racing, and in addition the girls' riding contest. high school football game, and above all the singing co'.iteat. . Everbody likes to hear' a little 3lrl silng, and everybody and falls' cous ins are going to be on the ground vhoo the contest for the $10 first prize, offered, by the Enterprise Real Estate company, and $5 sec ond and $2.50 third prizes are decid ed! The contest la open to anyi gilrl 12 years of age or younger, who to a member of a Wallowa countyi Sun day school. There will be a record breaking crowd in Enterpriee that day. BIG ADDITION TO ENTERPRISE MILL NEW AND COSTLY MACHINERY BEING ADDED ALSO BY E. M. 4, M. CO. A large addition ls being addled to the east end of the E. M. & M. Co. flouring mill and two ne.w machines are being Installed. . The 'addition! is 24x40 feet" in size and da two stories,, or 22 feet high. It will be used' for additional bin room and storage, with a capacity of 21,120 cubical feet. T. E. Hud son la In charge of the building oper ations, with Fred' Calvin as assistant. The new machinery includes an up-todate ' scouring , machine, and the latest improved patem of the Mis- stag' Link. " The latter is a machine for working the granules, making the grade of flour more uniform. Few country m Ilia are equipped wJth this splendid machine, but the proprietors of the Enterprise ' mill never spare expense when It comes to equipment that will still further improve its output. The E.' M. A M. mill today is a model and la easily the leading mill In ' this 'part of the state In equip ment as .well as quality of it product. 100 HEAD OF HOG 8TOCK 1 AT", PUBLIC AUCTION-' We will sell at public sale In Wallowa on Saturday, Oct. 8, 100 head of high' ' class Duroc Jersey' breeding " Btock,'- also a few extra good Poland China sows, , No better loti will! be sold lni Wal lowa county this. fall. Sample of our stock .will We on exhibition, at: the fair lni Enterprise. t '. 42a3 C. Murdock & Son. ' STETSON AND GORDON HATS. HANSON, RIP0N AND H0DKINS GLOVES HOLEPROOF HOSIERY BALL BRAND RUBBERS AND BOOTS ) (- You Are Here To Have a Good Time, So Cut Loose and Have All the Fun You Can. The Town is Yours. Of course you will want to see everything worth seeing; don't pass up our big store. After a few looks around you can't see any other store but W. J. FUNK . & CO., the decorated building on the corner; just follow thecrowd, youcan't missit. LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN WALLOWA COUNTY. SEEING IS BELIEVING. Come in and look through our big store; Our Fall and Winter goods are now all in the store and well displayed. The home of style. Extra help and good service assured. You will need some new togs, let us show you the things that are new and up-to-date. We carry only reputable lines of merchandise in all departments. The kind of goods we can stand behind and back up to make good if they go wrong. Don't you like to trade with a concern who does that? Make our store your headquarters during fair week. FREEH! Ladies this is for you!! Welcome to our rest room we have provided for your comfort. Toilet and large comfort able rest room, couch, easy chairs, hot and cold water, clean towels and toilet accessories. REDFERN, BON ' TON. ROYAL WORCESTER AND WARNER BROS. COR SETS. ADLER CLOTHES Our Store Will Be Open Until 9 o'clock Every Evening. W. J. FUNK & COMPANY Always Up-to-date THE QUALITY STORE ENTERPRISE, OREGON Never a minute behind PACKARD NAP-A-TAN. AND CUTTER LOGGER SHOES. LADIES UTZ DUNN SHOES.