Saved a 8o,dier's Life, Facing death from shot and shell in the civil war was more agreeable to J. A. Stone, of Kemp, Tex., than facing It from what doctor said was consumption. "I contracted a stub born cold," ho writes, "that devel oped a cough, that stuck to me In spite of all remedies for years. My weight ram down to 130 pounds. Them I began to use Dr. King's 4 New Discovery, which completely cured me. I now weigh 178 pounds." For coughs, colds, la grippe, asthma, hemorrhage, hoarseness, whooping cough, croup and lung trouble, it's supreme. 50c, 1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all druggists. Live voioanoe. There are from 300 to WW volcanoes on the globe. This estimate Includes merely live volcnuoes. cough, as well as .the choking and gagging Spells, and ho got well in a hort Uine. Foley's Honey and Tar has many times saved us much trou ble and we are never without it in he house." Burnaugh & Mayfield. A Reliable Medlcirjs Not a Narcotic Mrs. F. Marti, St. Joe, Mich., says Foley's Honey and Tar saved her little boy's life. She writes: "Our little hoy contracted a severe bron ehlal trouble and as the doctor's1 med iclne did not cure him, I gave him Foley's! Honey end Tar In which I have great faith. It cured the Foresight. Miss Giddy (vivaciously) My, new gowu is a dream-very light gray voile. He (practioally-Ah. yes; very pretty, I'm sure. Bot doesn't gray soil easily? Miss G. (leaping before she looked) Oh. I had It made with a broad black girdlel-Chicago Record-Herald. How Good Ne,ws Spreads. "I am 70 years old and travel most ot the time," writes B. F. Tolson, of Eli-zabethtown, Ky. "Everywhere I go I recommend Electric Bitters, be cause I .owe my excellent health and vitality to them. They effect a cure every time." They (never fall to tone the stomach, regulate the kid ney and bowels, stimulate the liver, Invigorate the nerves and purifyi the blood. They work wonders for weak, run-down men and women, restoring strength, vigor and health that's a daily Joy. Try them. Only 50c. Sat lsfactlon. Is positively guaranteed by all druggists. This Is Your Chance To get a 20, 40 or 80 acre tract on Alder Slope, the best Fruit, Berry and Vegetable land in the valley; improved or unimproved, with plenty of water. Terms to suit you. Priced from $25.00 to $125.00 per. acre. Alder Slope Land Company C H. Jordan, Selling Agent La Qrande Oregon LYRIC THEATER Thomas Bruce, Manager Latest Motion Pictures and Illustrated Songs Program Changes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday Matinee Wednesday and Saturday, 2:30 PRICES lO CENTS To the Citizens of Wallowa County It is to handle nny business entrusted to us in such a fair and liberal manner as to maUe the customer's rela- . tion with this banK satisfactory and ' profitable. 11 Aside from our excellent facilities, this bank has. the advantage of a large capital and substantial list of stockholders. It is also a State Deposi tory. If you are not a customer we ' invite you to become one. Stockpowers acd Farm NationsBank Wallowa, Oregon J. E. SMITH LIVE STOCK CO Dealers in Rams Headquarters at t ME AC HAM, ORE. On O K.'and N. R. R. Anti-Assembly Men To Unite On Dinrick Judge) Lowell Urges COncen:tjrat;iqn As Sure Way to, Beat) Bowerman, CONCRETE WORK UOf all kinds. TIf you believe in beautifying Enterprise, you must believe in making that beauty enduring. TIConcrete is enduring it will render city beauty a "Concrete Reality." llSee us for any and all kinds of Concrete Work. MARKS BROTHERS, General Contractors! and for that reason. believing Mr. Dimlck to be the strongest of the candidates to the, field against Bow erman, I urge that a concentrated effort be made to nominate him. 'Up In my Country they look on Dimlck as a safe man who would make a - sate governor. He is stronger than, the other candidates. I have been, urged to become a can didate for the nomination for 'gov ernor. But I do not Intend' .to get into the race. I believe It would further spilt up the- vote and make the nomination, of Bowerman Just that much more certain. Ben Sell- ng has been urged to run, but his business affairs will not allow it, as I understand Judge Webster also been urged, but I under stand that he has refused bo be a candidate. But I believe that the jurest way at this late date, is to Join hands to helping one candi- Jate and that lsi .what I Intend1 to do, I trust .with success." New L.lne ot "Superior" Stoves and Ranges See me and get my prices before buy-in else where. I carry also a full and complete lino of bath tubs, basins and bowls, and a full list of plumbing supplies. First-class plumbing at the lowest figure for which such plumbing can be done. -:- ALL WORK GUARANTEED. K. CLARK S. Enterprise, Oregon Judge Stephen A. Lowell of Pen dleton, one . of the brainiest men In Oregon, and a stalwart Republi can who would honor the state and party Jn any office, was strongly urged to come out for governor, but refused' to be swerved from .his orig inal Intention of making the race for the United States- senate - two years from now. In an. Interview In the East Ore- gonlan the Judge- said he believed the hope of the anti-assembly forces rests in their ability to concentrate their efforts upon Judge Grant a Dimlck of Oregon City. Judge U well say he found- the anti-assem bly sentiment fully as strong In Port land as lit Is ta the other parts of the state and he declared .with one candidate agalnat Bowerman., the lat ber's defeat could be easily be encompassed. While U Portland "the Judge grant ed the following Interview concern ing the present political situation to the Portland Journal: "It lis not alone a question, of as sembly andi anti-assembly, it la a Question, of progression agato'St retro gresslon. It Is a question of wheth er the hew order of things snau continue or the state shall go back to the old. I believe that the people of Oregon want to remain la the Mw era." In. my belief the anti-assembly forces should concentrate on Grant B. Dimlck for governor and put him In nomination," continued1 Judge Lo well. "In my belief it Is necessary for the retention of the new ordei of things political In Oregon to beat Jay Bowerman for the Republican nomination, for governor. It Is not a question of men. It Is a question of principle. Jay Bowerman Is a personal friend of mine. I admire the man, but If he were to be put In the governor's chair he would have a machine built before the enti ot his term that would put the old machine clear In the shade. Bowerman Machnaf Marv "Bowerman. was raised In Marlon county. He plays the game as ht was taught to play it lu Marion county in the old days. He is o machine . man, and to elect hin would be to fastea the assembly o. the state for a generation to come It Is necessary to beat him, there fore, to my opinion; and the only way to do It Is to concentrate on Dlmkk. "TJie spirit of Insurgency Is bi the air," continued! Judge Lowell. "Wha has been shown us In. California, In Nevada, Kansas and the other states that have pointed the way during the past weeks, Is In the air In- Ore gon. This is an Insurgent state. People here want the new order of things. They want to escape from the old. And it la well for them to do so. "Therefore, I say that the Issue here goes beyond the question o! assembly or antl-assembty. It Is a question of the Insurgent against the regular, the new against the old The assembly Is trying to take us back to the old system. Those op posed to It are fighting that effort. "Out over the state the sentiment Is strongly against the assembly, and I have been In close touch with different sections. The people of the state generally do not want to retrogade. They want to ad vance. Conce.nfeatyOfi Ortly Hop. "But the Bowerman. strength la a certain, and definite strength. It is lined up and will stay that way until the votes have been cast. To defeat this strength It will be nec esaary to concentrate. A split vote means the nomination of Bowerman, ENTERPRISE MERCANTILE & MILLING COMPANY Your complexion as well as your temper is rendered) miserable by a lisordered liver. By taking Chamber- aln's Stomach and . Liver Tablets ou can Improve both. Sold by 3urnaugh ft Mayfield and air good druggists. CIRCULAR OF INFORMATION. State of Oregon, Department of EJd- : ucation, Salem. ' . t September 1, .1910. Giving the sources of examination luestions for State and County pa ers, February 8-11 and August 9- 12, 1911. 1. Arithmetic One-fifth from State Oourse of Study, four-fifths .'rom Smith. 2. Civil Government Strong & 3 chafer. 3. Geography One-fifth from itate Course of Study, four-fifths rom Redway and Hinman. . 4. Grammar One-fifth from State Course of Study, four-fifths rom Buehler. 5. History, U. S. One-fifth from Jtate Course of Study, four-fifths rom Doub. " 6. Orthography Read's) Word wessons. 7. Physiology Krohn, Hutch-in-ion, 8. Reading State Course of Hudy, White's Art of Teaching, Jral Reading. 9. School Law School Laws Oregon; for February, edition of .909; for August, edition of 1911. 10. Theory and Practice White's vrt of Teaching. ' 11. Writing Outlook Writing System, Tests to. Writing. 12. Physical Geography Tarr's lew Physical Geography, 13. English Literature: February, 1911 A, One-half from texts: New comer's English Literature, and Newcomer's English Lit erature. B. One-half from the following Classics: 1. Emerson, Selected Essays (Cambridge Claislcs) Hough ton, 63c. - 2. De Qudncy, Joan of Arc and the English Mall Coach (Rlv. lit. ssr.) Houghton, 22c. 3. .Addlaon and Steele, Sir Roser de Coverly Papers (Lake Engllih Classics) Scott F. & Co., 2'fic. August, 1911 A. . One-ha'.f from texts: New comer's English Literature, audi Newcomer's American- Lit erature. B. Onehalf from the following 1 classics: 1. Burke, Speech on Concilia tion with America (Standard English Classics) Ginn, 25c. 2 Irving. Oliver Goldsmith (Rlv. lit. ser.) Houghton, 41c ' 3. Macauley, Lays of Ancient Rome (Rlv. lit. ser.) Hough ton, 22c. The figure given for each Is the rlce to schools contracts! fop be .ween the Oregon Library Commis 4on and the J. K. Gili Co. Post ge should be added to this price. 14. Algebra. Well: Algebra for Secondary Schools. IS. Bookkeeping. Office Methods Kid Practical Bookkeeping. Part I. 16. Composition. Herrick ft Da tnon. 17 Physics. Mllllkan ft Gale: A First Course la Phytic. 18. Psychology. Buell. . 19. Botany. Bergen: Elements of Botany. 20. Geometry. Went worth: Plane tnd Solid Geometry, questions In Plane Geometry. 21. History, General. Myers: Gep eral History. An examination Is required upon '.he first eleven subjects for a third ;rade County certificate valid Tor ine year and a second grade Count certificate valid for two years; upon the first thirteen subjects for a first grade County certificate valid for three years; upon the first eighteen subjects for a State certificate valid or five years; and upon the twenty one subjects (or a State diploma valid for We. c4t WATCH THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK ENTERPRISE MERCANTILE & MILLING COMPANY 1910 SEPTEMBER 1910 Sub, dam. Tim. Wd. Tha. Frt. Sat. 1 2 3 V 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 A Gentle Hint. Lenders Do you ever think ot that ten spot you borrowed of me? Borroughs Don't worry. I still have It la mind. ' Lenders Don't yon think It about time you relieved your mind? Exchange. An Awful Eruption Df a volcano excites brief interest, and your interest In skin eruptions ivMl be as short. If you use Buok en's Arnica Salve, their quickest cure. Even the worst bolls, ulcers, 3T fever sores are soon healed) by It. Best for burns, cuts, bruises, sore Hps, chapped hands, chilblains and piles. It gives Instant relief. 25 cants at all druggists. Mother Carey's Chickens. "Mother Carey's chickens" la a nauti cal name for stormy petrels, those tiny, webfooted birds wblch sailors regard with such awe. When a storm hi Imminent they i-o.lect under the stern of a ship and superstitious seamen be lieve they follow vessels with the in tention of picking up the souls of wrecked sailors and carrying them to heaven. ' When Mibrit Wins. When the medicine you take cures your disease, tones up your system and makes you feel better, stronger and more vigorous than' before.. That Is what Foley Kidney Pills do for you, In all cases of backache, headache, nervousness, loss of appe tite, sleeplessness and general weak ness that Is caused by any disor der of the kidneys- or bladder.Bur naugh) ft Mayfield. Big Horse Sale of High Grade Draft Stock 100 Percherons, Clydes and Shires will be sold at Public Auction, commencing TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1910 the second day of the Wal - Iowa County Fair, at ENTERPRISE, OREGON 70 Head of 2-year-olds No Old Stuff . More Mares than Geldings Every One a Good One TERMS :-6 months bankable note, with privilege of renewing E. A. ANDERSON and GEO. WAGNER, Owners N