City and County Brief News Items Two cars of up-todate furniture Just arrived at Ashley's. 41bl - Sher.wln & Williams' paints guar anteed at Keltner'8. Cotraetor S. R. Haworthi Is here looking after "the construction ot C. E. Funk's building for the new bank. " -Mrs. R, M. Bloom and daughter, Miss Alta Davis, returned Saturday from a week's visit at the Cove. Now la the time to select f urnl' tur'e at Ashley's, Two carloads Just received. 41bl School will begin, at Alder district No. 2, next Monday, September 26. There will be an eight, months term, with Miss Charlotte Wall teacher. The non-tufted, 20 years' guaran teed. Sealy mattress, at Ashley's. 30 days tree trial. . 38a6 Mrs. L. M. Chapman and son.E. W, of Lostlne were transacting bus iness here Monday. All phone orders for bus to and from depot promptly attended to. White Front barn. Home phone. 97b Louie Burnaugh killed four dear lm a hunt near Indian Village. Wal ter Sheets, a Mr. Dudley and Louie's father of Elgin were In. the party. .. : The Improvement League will meet Thursday evening iw the Sun day school room of the Christian church, which will be the regular meeting place hereafter." A full' at tendance of members Is desired. ; Two dozen more seats have been placed' la the county high school to accommodate the largely increased attendance. Lenlna, Kdrte andi 0,w en Mallory of GrouSe" are new stu dents. Owen walked from tys home to Enterprise, 60 mdles. Little Maael Boswell, aged four years, was badly hurt, Friday, by a little, wagon In whichr she" was rid ing, running Into the .barb' wire fence enclosing the M. & M. lum ber yard on .Greenwood' street. A deep gash was cut by barbs In her . left foreleg that required sev eral s Hitches to- close. One of the children nlavine with bar sraVA the wagon a shove and it whirled against the' wire with considerable force. . Masel was sitting with her legs hanging over the slide of the wagon. ' . ENTERPRISE Saturday Lowe's Madison Square Theatre Company Spectacular production of the great drama Damon and Pythias Under the auspices of and for the benefit of Enterprise Lodge No. 94, Knights of Pythias. The Story on which the Order is founded. A lesson which has made the whole world better. - Prices as usual, 25. 35. and 50 cents Seats on Sale at Burnaugh & Mayfield's To the Citizens of Wallowa County It is our purpose to handle any business entrusted to us in such a fair and liberal manner as to maKe the customer's rela tion with this banli satisfactory and profitable.. If Aside, from our excellent ; facilities, this bank has the advantage of ,. a large capital and substantial 'list of stockholders. It is also a State Deposi tory If you are not a customer we invite you to become one. Wpowers d Farmers National Bank Wallowa, Oregon This Is Your To get a 20, 40 or 80 acre tract on Alder Slope, the best Fruit, Berry and Vegetable land in the valley,' improved or unimproved, with plenty of water. , Terms to suit you. Priced from $25.00 to $125.00. per acre. Alder Slope Land Company ' ' Cm tI. Jordan, Selling Agent. La Grande -z- Oregon Plumbing, plumbing fixtures, pipes and fittings, ft Keltner's. G. J. Wagner of Alblna Is- here for a two months' stay. Three cars of cattle were shipped from here Tuesday by Chandler. A fine line of room-size rugs. Just arrived at Ashley's. 3Sa6 BaU Brand Rubbers and Boots, guaranteed. V, J. Funk & Co. Fishing tackle all kinds and sal mon eggs at Keltner's. : Dr. F. A. Cltee, the eyesight spec ialist, will be at the Hotel Enter- - prise- Friday of this week. If you want good feed for your earn and good treatment come to .Vhlte Front Barn. 7btf Five entries already fo sight for the relay race. It will be worth coming miles to see. Alders Collegian clothes, best for 3tyle and service. W. J. Funk & Co. Council met ' in called session, Tuesday, and arranged for addition al street lights during the fair. Mrs. Rudolph Hug of Elgin return ed home Monday after 'a week's vis it with her eon, Marshal Charles Hug. Miss Jennie Berland; accompanied by Mrs. Ed Eerland, of Joseph, spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Berland. Can- locate man ou good homestead 7 miles from Enterprise, 60 acres good) plow land, all in body. Plen ty of water. Daniel Boyd. The big safe for the Enterprise State Bank arrived and has been Installed In the Boyd building, the temporary quarters of the new bank. Dr. W. L. Nichols, osteopath, suc cessor to Dr. Moore, has office hours all day Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday, in Enterprise. Office over the bank. 21atf ( Melotte brothers have finished the fine concrete walk around the Lltch building and have begun on the half block on Main street from the . postoflflce east to East ' First, in front of the Rouse estate building and the M. & M. property. The Lowe Stock company will present the great story-drama, Da mon and Py thias, in the opera house Saturday night, under the auspices of and for the benefit of the local K. of P. lodge. Local Kndghts will take part In the play. Men's sheeplined macklnaw and canvas coats. W. J. Funk & Co. OPERA HOUSE , Sept. 24, 1910 j Chance Mrs. T M. Ddll was at Lostlne, Tuesday ' Miss Myrtle Cramer- has returned to Eugene, ' Carter's White Lead and Linseed Oil at Keltner's. A. S. Cooley moved his family from Wallowa to thiiis city Sunday. Hardware and ammunition prices are right. W. J. Funk & Co. Wall paper ai. half-price. 88a6 , Fred S. Ashley. Miss Getchell of La Grande is a new clerk In the E. M. & M. Co. store.. Ladies' ' and children's Coats and Capes styles are right. W. J. Funk & Co. Shepherd Morgan, and family have moved' to town from Imnaha. They occupy the Fosner property. Ross Falconer is putting, down a nice sidewalk along the West First street side of his residence prop erty. Miss Victoria Haas went, to Hot Lake, Monday, to see her father, who is taking treatment there for rheumatism. R. McCrae, landlord of Wallowa's leading hotel, was here Monday on his way home from a trip down on lower Imnaha. - H. A. Gallo.way received the sad news Sunday of the death of his mother at Aledo, .III. She passed away Saturday night. H. A. Galloway made final five- year proof, before U. 8. commis sioner Lockwood, Tuesday, on his nomestead northeast of town. Don't forget to telephone Mrs. B. B. Boyd about that article of furni ture or furnishing you will loan- for the Free Rest Room at the Fair. P, S. Lake,' recently of Payette, ha& charge of the dry goods depart ment In the E.. M. & M. store. He and his wife occupy apartments In the bank building. - Miss Anna Shirk of Faulkton, S. D., .who had! been here visiting her brother. Principal H. K. Shilrk, left Tuesday for McMinnville where she wilt teach the coming year. Mrs. L. Montgomery, who had been here to see her sister, Mrs. Trlnnaman, who Is very ill at the home of Mrs. Mavor, returned to Moore, Ida, Tuesday. Not a minute should; be lost when a oniid snows symiwumo 01 uivuy. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy giv en as soon as the ' child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, will prevent the at tack. Sold by Burnaugh & May field and all good druggists. Crrurch Dinners. ... The ladles of the Methodist church of Enterprise, will serve dinner on Thursday and Friday of next week In the dining room of the Frater nal building. On. Thursday will be a chicken dinner and Friday one Just as good. The peop1 of Enterprise kno.w what to expect when the Meth odist ladies serve dinner. 8af Medrcln for Children!. Foley's Honey and Tar is a safe and effective medicine for children as it does not contain opiates or harmful drugs. Get only the genu lne Foley's Honey and Tar lm the yellow package. Burnaugh & May field'. . LECTURE ON FRUIT. The fair board has received word that the O. A. C. professors will not arrive ' until Wednesday, but Judd Geer of Cove, the state fruit In specter, will deliver an address Tues day on Fruit. . He will also Judge the fruit exhibits. . Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Is today the best knwn' -medicine .In use for the re lief and cure of bowel complaints. It cures griping, diarrhoea, dysentery and should be taken at Uue first un natural loosness of the bowels. It Is equally valuable for children and adults. It always cures. Sold by Burnaugh & Meyfteld and all good druggists. NO CHANGES HERE. The changes in the land that 1st to be opened for settlement on Octo ber 22, does not affect this county to any extent. The changes bear principally on an area In Baker coun ty. Ah Awful Eruption of volcano excites brief interest, and your Interest In afcla eruptions wHl be as short. If you use Buck- len's Arnica Salve, their quickest cure. Even the worst boils, ulcers, or fever sores are soon healed by It. Best for burns, cuts, bruises, sore lips, chapped hands, chilblains and Dllea. It elves Instant relief. 25 cents at all drugglats. When Mterit, Wins. When the medicine you take cures your disease, tones up your system and makes you feel better, stronger and more vigorous than before That to what Foley Kidney Pills do for you, In all cases of backache, .headache, nervousness, loss of appe tite, sleeplessness and general weak ness that to caused by any disor der of the kidneys or bladder.Bur naughi k Mayfleld. - Active Campaign For Oregon Dry Temperance Forces of Wallowa County Effect; Strong Central Organization A meeting of the teinpe-rance forces was held In this city Satur day, and an organisation, effoctedi for carrying on the campaign in, this county for the consUiiutlonal amend ment for statewide prohibition- as well as the defeat of the proposed constitutional amendment giving mu nicipalities the light to have saiooas If they choose. A permanent organization was made 'with the following officers: President, Samuel Harris, of Enter prise; secretary, J. A. Burleigh, of iSnterprlse; treasurer, Thomas Mor gan, of Joseph; vice presidents, J. Olmsted, Enterprise, F. D. Mc- Cully, Joseph, Samuel Wade, Los- Jne. John McDonald. Wallowa, and S. Johnson; Flora. The execu tive committee consists ot Samuel Harris, J. A. Burleigh, Thomas Mor gan, A. F. Poley, U. W. Hyatt and B. Olmsted. Thorough speaking and iKerature campaigns will be cara-led on un- II election day, and as large a ma jority secured for "Oregon Dry" as Is possible. J. J. Handsaker of Portland, opens the campaign speaking at the fol lowing points: Alder; Tuesday ev ening, Sep. 20; Hurricane' Creek school house, Wednesday evening the 21et; Flora, Thursday evening the 22nd; Paradise, Friday evening the 23d; Leap, Saturday evening, the 24th: Lostlne, Sunday morning the oh; Joseph, Sunday evening the 25th;. Roup's school house, Monday evening the 2Jth; Pratt's school house. Tuesday evening the 27th; Swamp Creek Baptist church, Wed nesday, evening the 28th; Liberty school- house Thursday the 29th; Enterprise, Friday the 30-th; Wallowa Saturday evening, October 1st and Sunday morning, October 2nd: Los- cine, Sunday evening, October 2nd. These two questions, state wide prohibition and the destruction of the present county option law, are he two greatest questions the vo- :ers of Oregon have to pass on In his election, and each voter should Tughly inform himself before pre sumlng to cast a vote for or against either of them. J. J. Handsaker addressed . two large assemblages toi Enterprise, Sun day, an open air meeting iai the court house yard In the afternoon; and a union service in the Presbyterian church at wight. At the Jatter meet ing over $150 wa raised toward the expenses of the Oregon Dry campaign In this county. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. (Articles under this head are Paid Advertising.) W. T. Bell, Treasurer. W. T. Bell, present treasurer, an nounces he Is a candidate for the re-nominatlou for the office of coun ty treasurer, subject to the will of the Republican, voters at the prl mary, September 24. HOCKETT 8TANDS FOR ' IMPORTANT LEGISLATION From La Grande Observer. Dr. Hockett of Enterprise, candl date for Joint representative, Is In the cltv todav and la speaking of his campaign to the Evening Observ; er said: . "There are several things' that I deem Important to this pant of Ore gon and if I am elected I shall do what I can to accomplish them. have no desire to go through the country with a brass band seeking office, neither do I wish to make assertions that are out of reason' as to what I ,wlll do If elected. But there are local matters In which our people are IniteresLed. Take for In stance the Wallowa state fish hatch ery. ' Everyone In our county knows that the dam there keeps fish from to: fig up stream and It has long hfvn a question that received ear nest discussion, yet the state kc Islature did not take action, or was eer the board Messed hard on the RFAD AND REMEMBER i For this is no mark ing up scheme and then a cut down, but is a fair and square deal of 20 per cent discount on everything in my store every- af ternoon during fair week for the bene fit of my out of town customers. I have . a first-cl ass stock to choose from. Come in and see. ID U R II A M I ENTERPRISE, OREGON H axmw25S55IE35E3QB39DBHKflM i WHITE FROINT Livery, Feed and Sale Stable R. L,. DAY, Proprietor Good Rigs Fair Treatment Horses Bought and Sold Special Attention to Commercial Trade Rates for Regular Boarders Bus to and From Trains Best of Help Employed Home Phone Open Day and Night One Block North of Hotel Enterprise Abstracts . Loans Insurance Reliable Abstracts of title furnished on short -notice. All kinds of money to loan on farm property, , from one to five years; large or small amounts Fire Insurance written in companies that pay all losses in full. WALLOWA LAW, LAND ABSTRACT CO. ENTERPRISE, OREGON . Boatman S Bilyea, Managers a u o D matter At one time a delegation citizens of Wallowa county con sulted Harry McAllister, who was hen fish warden, and prayed! for ts removal but without avail, I pro pose recommending the temoval of he hatchery to the lake at Joseph nd seeing that it Is done, for that the logical place for It. There would then be no Interference with he fish In the streams. Now speaking of economy' con- mued the doctor, "What Is econ omy In public office? Does It mean or a representative to go to Salem and vote for an. appropriation for .hree normal schools amounting to 318,000 when it Is a matter of com mon knowledge that these normals fathered a strong political machine which farced every bit of legitimate jsiatloni to. first bend the knee to the normals before it could be enact- ad Into law? I am decidedly favor able to one good normal school or this state and the appropriation jf a reasonable amount or funas to maintain It, but I am not nor I nev- wlll be an. advocate of letting lormal schools scatter over tne jtate In order to build a political nachine as was done prior to the act of the last legislature which killed them. It .would be well for every tax payer to see now nis senator r representative voted on that $318,- 100 appropriation for the normals ast time and also to see whether he voted to let the normals stand is they were, or with the majority which decided they were a menace :o proper legislation, In the state. 411 of these things are Important :o eastern. Oregon. "As to statement No. One, I frank ly state to all voters that there Is no senator to e'ect at the present :lme and therefore statement No. One Is not an Issue this year. I favor the direct primary law and pledge myself to fight for tt .when ever It Is assailed In any way what ever. Furthermore my candidacy' !a based uporn the good I can do my constituents In a business and Hraightforward manner. Here In Union county the experimental farm needs money. It to one of the excellent institutions of the state mi I am for being liberal wlthi It because the farmers get the bene fit from the experiments made on the farm. It will also be my aim to fight for the branch Insane asylum for Union If the bill carries at the election, and to be vigilant for any thing else I cam obtain for these two counties In an honorable man ner from the state legislature. Paid Advertising. Saved a 8o!dlor Life, Facing death from shot and shell In the civil war was more agreeable to J. A. Stone, of Kemp, Tex., than facing It from what doctors said .was consumption. "I contracted a stub born cold," he writes, "that devel oped a cough, that stuck to me n spite of all remedies for years. My weight ram down to 130 pounds. Then I began, to use Dr. King's New Discovery, which completely cured me. I now weigh 178 pounds." For coughs, colds, la grippe, asthma, hemorrhage, hoarseness, whooping cough, croup and lung trouble, It's supreme. 60c, $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all druggists. 1.; a null M lit M H m h n M m m n . x M fc M a M Read This Have you examined our line of Ladies' and Children's 8 Wash Suit. Ladies' B a ai S Fancy Skirts: Waists, 5 Underskirts, Muslin S Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Etc i H A 1 1- - J? S Men's Furnishings, in 8 eluding the McKibbin . and Stetson Hats. We have just now the most complete line that we have ever carried. 3 We buy our Dry Good3 from a one nf trip lnro-naf Vinnaoa in B mm - -- e"" ... n g Chicago and have a large B g assortment irom which to Q make our selections. 1 We discount our bills, which S I gives us the goods laid down 3 in our store at the lowest S cash prices. 3 We give our customers the 3 benefit of our cash buy. We B also give a discount on all cash purchases. If you are going to build Jj call and let us figure m B" with you on Doors and jjg Windows. We have just I received a large tock"of same and we are going 5 to sell them at bed rock S prices. S B R,S. & Z. jj Company jj lUiuiiuuniunuiiir T (xy.sf::icjcjcififjfif When in Enterprise stop at The Model Cafe 3 and Rooming House Best meals in town 25c and up Rooms-25c, 50c, 76c and $1.00 Steam heat; hot and cold water In Rodger building on River Street, 8 doors south of Funk corner. Give us a call W. A. MOSS PROPRIETOR