1 1 III J Hi In honor of Wallowa County's greatest fair the News Record and the Chief tain, in connection with the Port land Journal, will give the biggest newspaper bargain ever offered the people of this or any other locality Two Papers That You Want for the Price of One Regular Price Regular Price Twice-a-week News-Record $2,00 Wallowa County Chieftain. .-i .$1.50 Semi-weekly Oregon Journal 1.50 Semi-weekly Oregon Journal . 1.50 Total... $3.50 Total... 3.00 Fair week Bargain Price both papersj $9 00 Fair week Bargain Price, both papers 1 ji H year, 208 papers, for only . tp.UU year, 56 papers, for only.--.----. P" . Less than a cent a copy Less than a cent a copy Daily Journal, $5, and News-Record, $2, total regular price, $7, Fair week bargain price, 5.25. Daily and Sunday Journal, 7,50, News-Record, 2.00, -total regular price 9.50, Fair week bargain price 7.00. Daily or Daily and Sunday Journal with the Chieftain, fair week bargain' price 50 cents. less than with News-Record, NOTICE: These prices are for new or re-newal subscriptions. Renewals must include back dues. REMEMBER these prices are for FAIR WEEK ONLY. Our solicitors will be on the grounds, or the same Bargains can be had at the office, east side Court House Square. A cordial invitation is extended all par trons and friends while at the Fair to call and see our office, the best equipped country printing shop in Ore gon. ; Typesetting machine in operation every day.) 1 - J THE NEWS RECORD (Twlce-a-Week.) , AN INDKPENDENT NEWSPAPER. Formerly the Wallowa News, estah Halted March 3. 1899. ( Published Wednesdays and Satur days at Enterprise. Oregon, by THE ENTERPRISE PRES3 Office East side Court House Square Entered aa second-class matter January 2, 1909, at the postofflce at Enterprise. Oregon, under the Act ot March 3, 1879. Subscription Rates; One year $2, lx months $1, three mouths 50c, one month 20o. On yearly cash-in-advance subscriptions a discount of I So is given. any Democrat In' the state In brains and common, sense, and su perior to any In- oratorical ability. The Second Oregon district would bo known nationally If Burleigh rep resented It In congress. WEDNE3DAY, 8EPT. 21, 1910 MAINE AND WASHINGTON, Maine went Democratic because there Is no.dlrect primary In Maine. There are. as many Republicans In Main aa there were four years, ago. and no more Democrats. But many Republicans, were sick and tlrott ot being "ruled''; they wonted a band in h rulrfug but under th conven-tlon-gang-Bya'em they had no chance. Aa a sign, of their revolt they voted 4he Democrat ticket Washington was. different. The ame Insurgency aa In Maine found by moan of the direct primary a chance to make Mselt heard and felt .within the party, so there will be a Republican victory In Washing ton In November. The direct primary makes for party stability. WILLING TO RUN. It la Amusing to see how many "prominent" Portland Domocrate are willing to rum for congress In thle di.st.rtot since they heard from Maine. Harry Lame, John Manning and ex Senator Goarta are mentioned. We have a Dmocrat' right her in Wallowa county that would make a better congressman than any of them. J. A. Burleigh U the peer Antl-prlmary writers make a great ado about the vast number of can didates under the direct primary. The field was open In Wallowa coun ty and' thore's barely enough candi dates In both partloe to fill the offices. Whether the reason Is tho prosperity that give all a good liv ing without office, or because tho present officers are so Butitofactory, tho fact remains there .will be but few contests here Snturday. an Issue because there la no United States, senator to be "looted. What If Bourne or Chamberlain, should Ale? Even' office holders have been known to die. The only safe way ! to put none but true blue primary nen ou guard. Congressman Ellis on hls own statement makes, a pitiful' showing I for his many years In congress. ! Three little pub'.lc buildings! Nom jinote Lafferty and the d.strlct will have a live man. Besides he is a primary man. while Ellla has the assembly tag. RECENT REAL ESTATE DEALS MADE AT WALLOWA The aseniblyiles are dodging statement No. l by saying It la not Fresh Fruits All seasonable fruits found here. Also the finest shipment of For eign and Dome s t i c Cheese ever in the city General Merchandise With the entire stock kept brand new at the lowest prices the quality of goods can besold for All Hats, Shoes and Gloves at Cost while they last An excellent quality of coal at a conservative price. Lay in the winter supply now. Riley 5 Riley's In another column, are given the views of Judge Lowell on the way to beat Bqwerman, the antl-prlmary candidate for governor. Dlrolck Is a good man, a true-blue primary man and he will surely be nominated If all primary men vote for him. The Connecticut RepubUcam con vention at Hartford was In great con fusion because of so many fradulent votes cast. Sounds like the old days la Oregon that Bowermank Ellis & Co. want to go back to. Scratch an assemblylte and you find a Roosevelt hater. Two met In an office in Enterprise a - tew days ago, and it was a race between them to see who could cuss the ex-presldent the hardeet. Oswald West is the logical Demo cratic candidate for governor. Myers may bo a good man, but be Is com paratively unknown. West has made good wherever put. Ills recordi Is splendid. J,. Couch of. Couch & McDonald, Wallowa, was . In town' Wednesday and reported real estate selling briskly. Among their recent sales are the E. W. South,wlck place of 165 acres, about nine mites northeast of M'allowa, to Mrs. Belle Feagins for $K00; two lot in the McDonald i.n frnni .1 W. Kern of Arling ton, Vssh.. to lolin ( r i r b : two lots hi th j Iermani addition, to. J. C. Hall, ho will erect a d.welling at once for rent; house and lot In .the Her man addition to W. P. Poole, re cently from Chicago: two lo!s in the McDonald addition, with house, to J, W. Messenger, a photographer from the East. inuiiHimuiiguniuu aaiimminiinnniin Open Red Front Barr Baker and Smith, of the Enterprise Livery, will open up the Red Front barn Fair . week as a feed stable First class accommodations for all rigs. 39a6 A Reliable Medlclrp Not a NareoV Mrs. F. Marti, St. Joe, MIoh., says Foley's Honey and Tar Baved her little boy's life. She writes: -Our little boy contracted a severe bron chial trouble and as the doctor's1 med Icine did not cure him, I gave him Foley's Honey end Tar in which I have great fa:th. It cured the cough, as well as the choking and gagging spells, and 'he got well In a short time. Fo'ey's Honey and Tar has many times saved us much trou ble and we are never without it in the house. Burnaush & Mayfleld. I L. O. HOLLAND-, M. D. Every maa "recommended' by the Taconia convention was turned down' at the Washington primary. Oregon will do likewise. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Litch Building. Telephone Connection. New Kyle ta furnUure; call and ?e the big new stock at Ashley's; two carloads just arrived. 41bl For All Kind of Artistic Palatial. aa . Faar Haasa . do not fail ta call oa OAHES, Contractor M. B.-Low Broa.' IVinU The City Planing' Mill W V RANKIN PrniioiatAi. ENTERPRISE, OREGON. . " B Carries a complete stock of rough and dressed 8 B a lumber. A line of standard mouldings always in stock. Satisfactory Mill WorK a Specialty ' Fly per oent discount for 0ash. All accounts balanced I . at expiration of 30 days and settled by eash er note. ... xaaiziBBXiBBamziHixnanBiiiBBBiNEBsinBBnuBf 8 M 8 8 I Ur 11 f . nr..i -'-A vv aiiowa county i itle ofc Abstract Company ; A. C. MILLER, President new Court House, Oldest and most complete abstract plant J in county. Abstracts of title furnished promptly and cheap- lv. Insurance writ.tpn in lnrowt onrJ ctmn " - " .m&wV uiiu uuvuab vuiutjcuueSs Money Loaned at very Lowest Current Rates A 'aiHKBBnaiaiiBMginMiiiiiiiMSBsijMiiuini,,,,.,,! a s H Enterprise Livery and Sales Stable BaKer Q Smith, Proprietors Fair treatment to everybody. Bus meets all trains 10 cts Commercial Trade a Specialty. First Class Rigs. Phone Orders Carefully Followed Horses Bought and Sold - Feed For Sale Open Day and Night - Pure Bred Black Percheron Stallion at this barn for service a High Grade Job Woih a Specialty