The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, September 21, 1910, Wednesday Edition, Image 1

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    Wednesday Edition
Cent word single Insertion, 1
cent, a word 2 insertions. Special
rates by month and year.
Slate Funds loaned, 6 per cent. John
P. Rusk. Atty. State Land B'd. Joseph
Farm loons at. 7 percent. Call or
write First Bank of Joseph. SSbtf
Two lots in, Alder View addition to
the city of Enterprise. Beautiful lo
cation. A genuine bargain. Wm. H.
McFetrtdge. 37bm
Horses, sheep or town property to
trade for farm land. See Enter
prise Real Estate Co, Wagner &
Corking, Enterprise, Oregon. tf
I will sell all or any of my own prop
e ty. at reasonable prices. W. W.
Zurcher, Enterprise, Oregon. 40btf
TooC Away the Sting.
A pleasant retort was that given by
Admiral Marsden at a dinner In Malta
several years ago. It was given on
the Fourth of July by him to the
American officers on a man-of-war,
and all the English officers in the har
bor were -guests. They were no bet
ter bred than many Englishmen of
iuai uujr, mr wueu iue regular iuuse.-
"The day we celebrate." was read,
they set down their glasses untasted.
The venerable host added gently:
"The day,- gentlemen, when England
celebrates the coming of age of ber
eldest daughter." Every face cleared,
and the toast was drunk with hearty
cheers. Wit never finds Its way to the
mark so swiftly as when aimed with
kindness and good will. Argonaut
The Hookah In India.
The hookah is smoked as a refresh
ment and sign of fellowship by the na
tives of India and not merely as a lux
ury. When a group of natives are
seated together and, as Is the custom,
the hookah is passed around to each In
turn. It Is considered very bad man
ners for any one to decline to have a
few puffs. If the hookah Is thus re
fused In a friend's bouse or while one
Is the truest of another it is regarded
as an insult If for any reason a na
tive is put out of caste the fact Is
strictly marked by his former caste
fellow's refusal to smoke with him. and
any one who eats, drinks or smokes
with an outcast is himself outcasted.
Chambers' Journal. -
' The Klondike placer mining district
In Yukon . Territory, has produced
1160,000,000 In gold since 1898, and
mining experts estimate the amount
yet to be mined will equal that al
ready produced.
Trnila hatween ttia TTnltari Rtatoa
and the Philippine Islands increased
,84 per cent during the year's opera
tion of the new tariff law, according
to the Department of Commerce and
Chicago Second Largest City.
Washington The population of Chi
cago Js 2,185,283, an increase of 486,
708 or 28.7 per cent as compared with
1,698,675 in 1900. This announcement
leaves Chicago ranking In population
as the second city of the United States
and fourth in the world.
..' Airships Injured Many.
Milwaukee Eight persons, five
women end three men, were more or
less seriously injured when a Wright
aeroplane, driven by Arthur Hoxey,
swerved sidelong from its course and
plunged into a crowd befor the
grandstand at the state fair.
Wheat Track prices: Club, 82c;
bluestem, 88c; red Russian, 81c.
Barley Feed and brewing, $22. . .
. Oats No. 1 White, $28 per ton.
Hay Timothy, Willamette Valley,
$19 20 per ton; Eastern Oregon,
$2022; alfalfa, V15Q16.
. Butter Creamery, 36c; 'ranch, 24c.
ranch, 24c. . , ."
Eggs Ranch, candled, 35c. .
Hops 1909 crop, 10 lie; olds,
nominal, 1910 crop, 13c.
Wool Eastern Oregon, 14 17c per
I ound. .
Mohair 32 33 c.
. Seattle.
Wheat Bluestem, 91c; Club, 82c;
red Russian, 80c. "
Oats $30 per ton.
Barley $21 per ton.
Hay Timothy, $24 per ton; alfalfa,
$15 per ton.
" Butter Washington Creamery, B6c;
ranch, 26c. .
Eggs Selected local, 38c -
Boldly Challenges His Political
Opponents to Come Out in
the Open and Fight.
Syracuse, N. Y. Coming into the
rtronghold of opposition, ex-President
Theodore Roosevelt boldy challenged
the opponents of his political doctrines
to come out in the open and fight if
they dared. .He prophetically said
that if they did they would be beaten.
.' "The new nationalism," he stated,
"means nothing but in application to
new conditions of certain old and fun
damental moralities. It means an in
vitation to meet the new problems of
the present day in precisely the spirit
in which Lincoln and the men of his
day met their new problems."
The ex-presldent also gave warm
commendation to President Taft as a
public official and expressed his ap
proval of several of the accomplish
ments of the Taft administration. Col
onel Roosevelt did not indorse the ad
ministration as a whole. What he did
have to say, however, placed him or
record for the first ti-iie In regard it
many more of the important feature
of it, breaking the Bilence which ht
had maintained steadfastly on the sub
Ject, except for his few brief refer
ences to his successor made when he
was on his western trip.
He also defended his recent crlti
clams of two decisions ot the Unitei
States Supreme Court, made in i
speech In Denver, Colo., and quotec
the words of William H. Taft, writter.
when he was a Judge, to support falf
contention that the people have the
right to criticise decisions ot the court.
Atlantic City The forty-fourth na
tional encampment of the Grand Army
of the Republic opened in this city
Monday, together with the annual
meetings of its several affiliated bod
ies. The gathering of the veterans,
their families and friends is ' one of
the largest in recent years. The city
is extensively and handsomely decor
ated in honor of the occasion, and the
piers and the great hotels along the
waterfront bear electrical lilumlna
tions of unusual brilliancy.
The feature of the week was the
parade of Grand Army men on Wed
nesday, when about 20,000 veterans
were in line. Commander-in-Chief
Samuel R. Van Sant, of Minnesota,
and his staff reviewed the procession,
together with the governor of New
Jersey and other notable guests.
Would Jolt Taft
MADISON, Wis. When the plat
form convention, composed of all can
dldates on the Republican ticket,
meets in this city September 26th.
President Taft will probably be due
for a severe Jolt If present plans
do not miscarry his administration
will receive a grilling such as no ad
ministration has received before from
its party supporters.
BEVERLY, Mass. President Taft,
In his coming message to Congress,
will give prominence to a recommen
dation that at least $2,000,000 be ap
propriated for Immediate use In be
ginning the fortification of the Pan
ama Canal. It became known here
also that President Taft's economy
plans do Hot contemplate any. Inter
ference with the established naval pol
icy of adding two battleships a year
to the ' American fleet
Train Robber Confesses.
St Louis Postoffice Inspector C. L.
Patterson and Detective Robert Kay
serd left for Seattle with a signed
confession of George Ebellng, convict
ed and sentenced to prison for robbing
the Missouri Pacific train at Blencoe,
Mo., last winter.
This confession, it Is believed, will
result in clearing up the hold-up of
the Great Northern train 115 miles
from Seattle on May 9, 1909.
G. H. Schlidmiller, the Dartmouth
College football star, has arrived in
Corvallis prepared . to take np his
duties as coach of the college football
team for the present season.
Deals With Chinese Government Rep
resented by Prince Tsai Haun.
San Francisco Charles M. Schwab,
steel magnate, has arrived in San
Francisco to meet Tsai Hsun, prince
ot China, and close a deal whereby, It
Is said, a Chinese navy will be built
at the Union Iron Works in tnis city.
Schwab's conference with the prince
is the outcome of more than a year's
correspondence between the Chinese
government and the Schwab interests.
It is said that plans for the war ves
sels were forwarded to China by
Schwab some time ago. It is also said
that the prince's visit though osten
sibly one of instruction, is for the pur
pose of closing the deal. The Chinese
party will accompany the Schwab pec
pie east. .
Portland Rear Admiral Robley D.
Evans, "Fighting Bob," as he is more
familiarly known, who is making a
tour of the Pacific Coast, in an inter
view stated that "The Pacific Coast is
without defense and would be at the
mercy of an enemy in the event of an
attack. The Atlantic has protection
and I see no reason why the Pacific
should not be equally protected.
"The Pacific Coast should have 16
battleships with all the 'trimmings,'
which mean eight armored cruisers,
one ammunition ship, four colliers or
Ships carrying .fuel, 16 torpedo boats
and six submarines.
"What is the use of comparing our
navy with that of Japan? Japan is
not the only nation to be reckoned
with. Japan has its fleet of warships
in . Japan, Germany has Its fleet at
T:ng Tau, the. English have a fleet
at Hongkong, and the French a fleet
at Saigon. We have none in the Pa
clflc ocean and our western coast is
Rear Admiral Evans is in better
health than he has been for some time.
He has thrown away his crutches,
which were for temporary use only,
and does not even depend upon his
cane to any great extent
"Respectables In Peril.
New York Property owners in New
York who permit their buildings to be
used for gambling purposes or as dis
orderly bouses are face to face with
exposure. Acting Mayor Mitchell has
sent a list of such houses, together
with the names and addresses of their
respectable" owners to Police Com
missioner Baker for invest'gation.
Encourage Hog Production.
Spokane Directors of experimental
stations in Montana, Oregon, Idaho
and Washington and officials of rail
roads and experts from other states
will meet in the rooms of the Spokane
Chamber of Commerce October 4 to
discuss ways and means of Interesting
farmers in raising more bogs for the
markets in the northwestern states.
Man, Refusing Aid, Dies.
Freewatcr William Saager, a fruit
raiser, d'.ed here ot typhoid fever after
a mon'h's illness. Ha belonged to the
sect known as the Church of God, ami
in accordance with toe tenets of the
church he refused all medical attend
ance. He recently sold his farm In
accordance with what be believed to
be a message from God. Two yiar
ago be put sign In tront of his res
idence near the railroad track:' "Fres
meals g'ven here to Ml God's hungry
poor. If you are hungry come "n."
Ha was formerly a hardware merchant
in Uis city.
Tkk 'j?v per
Chronicle of Important Events
of Interest to Our
Salmon Run Light.
Astoria Reports from ail the
streams, both along the Oregon ml
Washington coasts, are to the eft en
that good runs of flan are coming iu
and the packing plants are doing ex
ceptionally , well. The catch of fall
salmon on the Columbia river is vei-7
light at the present time, and some ot
the glllnetters who have been fishing
with large mesh nets have taken the in
out of the water. Now that the
weather conditions are changing,
however, a good run ot silver "sides is
looked for.
Murderer Gets Fifteen Years.
Marshfield Fifteen years in the
penitentiary is the punishment given
Will White, who has been on trial be
fore Judge Vail in the circuit court
at Coquille.
White Is a young man, who worked
In a woolen mill and resided at Ban
don. He provided for his mother and
became angry at his stepfather be
cause he would not work and killed
htm In the family house. An attempt
was made to prove him insane. The
Jury after being out nearly all day
returned a verdict finding the young
man guilty of manslaughter.
Western Troops May Maneuver at
Klamath Hereafter.
Portland Setting apart of a portion
of the Klamath Indian reservation for
a big maneuver field to be used by
troops stationed throughout the west
is now under consideration by the
Federal authorities. For the purpose
.Of reporting formally upon the adapt
abilitv of the' tract for' tfillltarv uses
Adjutant-General Flnzer of Jths Oregon j
National Guard, and Brigadier General
Maus, of the United States Army,' are
in Southern Oregon. They will care
fully inspect the entire reservation.
Thirty thousand acres of land are
embraced in the tract and it is de
scribed as ideal for maneuver pur
poses. The country is diversified, af
fording timber, the best of water, con
siderable broken country and hills big
enough for good artillery practice.
Congress will likely be asked to set
the agency aside for a permanent man
euver camp. Other lands will have to
be substituted for those now occupied
by the Indians In the event the plan
Is carried out.
Open Reservation Roads.
Pendleton Attorney Charles A. Tar
ter Is now engaged in drawing up the
order which will be signed by the
county court and which 'will be the
final formal act in making the roads
across the reservation free to stock
men. The only condition Imposed by
the Indian department is that clock
men give bonds to cover all damage
which the stock may be in transit
and this is agreeable to stockmen.
Portland Through the agency ot
various widely distributed bureaus and
traveling representatives a large num
ber of persons scattered all over tlie
United States are said by United
States Attorney McCourt to have been
mulcted of amounts aggregating h'lt
dreds of thousands of dollars In the
supposed purchase of lands now held
by the .Oregon & California rail ay
In a majority of cases the agents
of persons pretending to be attorr oys
for applicants for the Oregon & Cali
fornia land grants have charged 175
for filing such applications, which on
their face are worthless, inasmuch as
it is apparent that if the govern. runt
wins Its suit against the railroad cuu
pany no applications made for the pur
chase to the company would be of any
value, while If the company should
win, it certainly would not sell the
lands to appllcantBjecause its failure
so to do in accordance with the pro
visions of the grant has been the
ground for the suit to forfeit them,
When a mistake Is made In a ship s
peed It may be set down as a knot
teal error. London Mall.
Senator Robert M. La Follette Is
Buffering from an ailment that may
Tequlre an operation, according to
James A. Frear, secretary of state of
The mantle of Woodrbw Wilson,
president of Princeton University,
who will tender his resignation as the
result of his nomination for governor
by the New Jersey Democrats, may
fall upon the shoulders of ex-Mayor
George B. McClelan, of New York,
who is the most talked of man for the
A break 1n President Taft's vaca
tion came Tuesday when he left Bev
erly for Washington to confer with
the members of bis cabinet on various
public matters demanding attention.
After a ten days' stay in the capital,
the president will return to Beverly,
to remain there until he leaves for
Washington for the winter, about Oc
tober 15.
Frank Bertran, to whom was voted
a medal by congress for heroism at
the battle of Manila Bay, is dead. He
was a member of Admiral Dewey's
flagship Olympia, and when the Span
ish flagship was sinking, carried a
line aboard her, saving nearly 200
lives. Several European countries
awarded him medals for bravery.
Deaths from cholera continue te
grow in Italy. ,
Emperor William of Germany will
visit St. Petersburg in November.
A papal decree Instructs the Con
gregation of the Holy Office to plact
in the index expurgatorius, which is a
list of books Catholics are forbidden
to read, the modernist reviews and
The cholera epidemic, which, orig
inating in Southern Russia, has claim
ed already upwards of 100,000 victims.
Is stretching its way across Asiatic
It is reported that Turkey and Rus
sia have entered into a military al
llance, and that the convention indi
cates Turkey's reapproachment with
the powers in the triple alliance.
A dispatch fom Funfklrchen, Hun
gary, says that a formidable bomb
was discovered lying on the 'railroad
track in front of Emperor William's
The Republican state campaign
opened at Kenton, Ohio, with Warren
G. Harding, candidate for governor,
and James Wilson,, secretary of agri
culture, as the principal speakers.
- Insurgents were victorious in three
out of twenty-five congressional dis
tricts of Illinois In the primary elec
tion. Representative Henry Sherman Bou
tell, who was defeated In the primar
ies by F. H. Ganabergen, who pro
claims himself a progressive Republi
can, states that he will run inde
pendently. With one element standing for In
surgent ideas and another insisting
that such men as 'Senators Dolllver,
Cummins, La Follette and Brlstow
shall not be invited Into Indiana by
the party "organization," the Republi
cans are about to open their cam
paign. Of most Interest In the field ot
politics will be the congressional pri
maries In Minnesota, where the pro
gressives are making bitter fights on
Representatives Tawney and Nye, both
regulars and staunch supporters ot
Speaker Cannon. Other political
events of the week will be the pri
maries In Oregon, the Republican and
Democratic state conventions in Il
linois, and the Republican state con
ventions In Colorado and New Jersey.
The freight rate hearing before the
Interstate commerce commission ex
aminers. In which the railroads oper
ating In western territory are seeking
to Justify a proposed Increase in
freight rates, was resumed In Chicago
The tariff board met In Washington
Wednesday to lay the foundations for
the beginning of the scientific Investi
gation of the three most Important
schedules of the Payne-Aldrlch law.
The Nebraska State Railway Com
mission has entered an order per ml t
ng the Union Stock Yards of South
Omaha to Increase rates 100 per cent
The railroads of the state were or
dered to absorb these additional
charges or show cause on or before
October 24 why tbey snould not do so
Diminutive Craft Successfully
Shoots the Dangerous
Niagara Falls, N. Y. Captain Klaus
Larsen, in his little motorboat, the
Ferro, Sunday afternoon made a suc
cessful' trip from the foot of the cat
aract through the Whirl-Pool Rapids
to within a mile of Lewiston, a dis
tance of 4V& miles.
Despite the buffeting of the Whirl
Pool Rapids, he went through safely,
but his boat was leaking badly at the
finish and throughout the trip.
Larsen had intended to start at 2:30
o'clock, but he was delayed by engine
trouble. Besides the police threaten
ed to interfere on the ground of at
tempted suicide. The Ferro swuns
under the cantilever bridge, the en
gine running at top speed, and was
caught In the swift drift where the
river begins its rush down to the
Whirl-Pool Rapids. Larsen held to the
middle of the channel and In less
than three minutes had made the
great pool. '
In the trip through the rapids the
little boat was lost from sight most
of the time, but at Great Wave it was
shot 20 feet out of the water. The
boat landed right and continued to
the pool.
Except the old Maid of the Mist,
sent through in 1864 to avoid seizure 1
Larsen's Is the only engine-propelled
craft to have gone through the rapids.
Peter Nlssen, of Chicago, 1900, and
C. A. Percy, 1887 and 1901, went
through the rapids safely in barrels.
Frank B. Kellogg, the government
"trust buster," Is prominently men
tioned as a possible successor to the
late Solicitor-General Lloyd C. Bowers.
Metcalf Will Not 8upport "Wet" Can
didate for Governor.
Lincoln, Neb. R. L, Metcalf, asso
ciate editor of W. J. Bryan's paper,
has Issued a statement declining to
support Mayor Dahlman, of Omaha,
the "wet" Democratic candidate for
governor. He says he will support C.
H. Aldrlch, the county optionist Re
publican candidate.
Metcalf ran for the nomination for
United States Senator on a county op
Uon platform and was defeated.
Investigates Lortmer. '
Chicago Members of the senatorial
committee that will investigate the
election of Willam Lorlmer began their
sessions here Tuesday. J. C. Burrows
of Michigan, Is chairman of the com
mittee, and the other members are
Heyburn of Idaho, Gamble of South
Dakota and Dillingham ot Vermont,
Republicans, and Frazier of Tennes
see, Johnston of Alabama and Payn
ter of Kentucky, Democrats.
Tourists Return- Via Canada.
Ottawa, Ont. Never before has
there been such a rush of American
traffic from Europe via Canada, to
the New England states and the State
of New York as that being exper
ienced In the Port of Montreal,
It marks a widespread revolt in the
United States against the customs
taws and their administration' at the
Port of New York and at other Ameri
tin Atlantic ports of entry.
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