The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, August 31, 1910, Wednesday Edition, Image 4

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    Won't Ned a Crutcfi.
When Editor J. P. Sossman, of Cor
Mllua, N. C, bruised his leg badly,
it started an ugly sore. Many salve
and ointment proved worthless.
Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve healed
it thoroughly. Nothing Is so prompt
and sure for ulcers, bolls, burns,
bruises, cuts, corns, sores, pimples,
eczema or piles. 25c at all druggists.
All About Metaphysics.
A Scotchman thus defines metaphys
ics: "When a mon wba' keus naetb
lng aboot any subject takes a BUbJect
that nae mon kens anything aboot and
explains it to anitber mon still more
Ignorant than himself that's metaphysics."
frightful cough and lung trouble pull
ed me down to 113 pounds to spue
of many remedies and the best doc
tors. And that I am alive today is
;ue solely to Dr. King's New Dls
overy, which completely cured me.
Now 1 weigh ICO pounds and can
.vork hard. It alo cured my four
rhlldren of croup." Infallible for
coughs and colds, its the most cer
tain, remedy for la grippe, asthma,
.lesperate lung trouble and all bron
.unl alfectious. 60c and $1.00. A
trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all
Took All His Money.
Often all a man earn goes to
doctors or for medicines, to cure
a stomach, liver or kidney trouble
that Dr. King's New Life Pills
would quickly cure at slight cost.
Best for dyspeps, Indigestion, bil
iousness, constipation, jaundice, ma
laria and debility. 25c at all druggists'.
A 8turgon Swim the Atlantio.
The American sturgeon is u distinct
species and Is captured ou Lakes Mich
igan and Erie, where It Is landlocked,
but below the falls of Niagara the
same species occurs and pushes to t lie
sea. It is recorded, with erery proba
bility of truth, thnt a specimen of thiu
species was raptured some years ago
In the Firth of Tay. having crossed
the Atlantic. - Sir ltay Luukester In
London Telegraph.
Tobacco Seeds.
Tobacco seeds are so minute thnt a
thimbleful will furnish enough plants
for an acre of ground.
They Have a Definite Purpose.
Foley Kidney Pill give quick relief
In cases of kidney and bladder ail
ments. , Mrs. Rose Glaser, Terre
Haute, Ind., .te'Jl the result in her
case. "After sufferln for many
years from a serious case of kidney
'rouble and spending much money
for so ealloJ cures, I found Foley
Kidney Pills the o ily medicine that
gave me a permanent cure. I am
igalr. able to be up and aAtend to
my work. I shall never hesitate rto
recommend them." Burnaugh & May
Saved From Awful Peril.
"I never telt so near my grave,"
writes Lewis Chamblln, of Mauches-
r, Ohio, K. It. No. 3, "as when a
Prejudice corrupts the taste, as it
perverts the Judgment, in all the con
cerus of life. liuclue.
President Helps Orphans.
Hundreds of orphans have been
lielped by the President of the Indus
trial and Orphans' Home at Macon,
Ca., who writes: "We have used
iCieotric Bitters in this Institution
(or nine years. It- has proved a most
Big Horse Sale
of High Grade Draft Stock
100 Percherons, Clydes and Shires
will be sold at Public
Auction, commencing
the second day of the Wal
' Iowa County Fair, at
70 Head of 2-year-olds
No Old Stuff
More Mares than Geldings
Every One a Good One 1
TERMS :-6 months bankable note, with privilege'of renewing
To the Citizens of Wallowa County
It is our purpose to handle any business
entrusted to us in such a fair and liberal
manner as to maKe the customer's rela
tion with this bank satisfactory and
profitable. 11 Aside from our excellent
facilities, this bank has the advantage of
a large capital and substantial list ot'
stockholders. It is also a State Deposi
tory. If you are not a customer we
invite 'ou to become one.
Stockgrowers acd Farmers National Bank
Wallowa, Oregon
Dealers in Rams
Headquarters at
On O. K.. and N. R.. R..
xcellent medicine for stomach, liv
r and kidney troubles. We regard
t as one of the beat family medicines
in earth." It Invigorates all viital or
gans, purifies the blood, aids dlges--Lon,
creates appotltlte. To strength
ind build' up pale, thin,, weak chil
dren or rundown people It has no
jquul. Best for female complaints.
Jnly COc at all druggists'.
Baby's Fond.
Put a plwh of tiult luto every bottle
of food baby takes. It is most ueces
sury fur Its health.
One Night Only
Saturday, Sept. 3, 1910
Lowe's Madison Square
Theatre Company
Presents the great comedy drama
The Senator's Daughter
Prices n usual, 25. 35. and 50 cents
Seats on Sale at Burnaugh & Mayfield's
For Quick Relief from Hay Fever
Asthma and summer bronchitis,
ake F. ley's Honey and Tar. It
lulckly relieves the discomfort and
lufferlng and the annoying symptoms
llsappear. It soothes and heals ithe
a flamed air passages of the head,
hroat and bronchiaili tubes. It con
alns no opiates and no harmful
rugs. Refuse, substitutes. Burnaug
: .Mayfieid.
Quit. Natural.
"Did your wife die u natural death?
"Oh. ves. She wus talking wlieu th-
end came." Cleveland Leader.
To keep your health sound; to
ivold the Ilia of advancing years;
o conserve your physical forces for
. ripo and healthful old age, guard
nir kidneys by taking Foley's Kid
ney Remedy. Burnaugh & Mayfieid.
A Model.
"So you think Mr. Meek ton la a mod
l liusliuud?" said l be new member
of the soi-lety.
"I do." answered Min. Voteby Gumm.
He Is studying stenography so as to
Help bis wife with her suffrage speech
mi." Washington Star.
In buying a cough medicine, don't.
! afraid to get Chamberlain's Cough
lemed, There la no danger from
t, and relief is sure to follow. Es
wcially recommended for coughs,
:olds and whooping cough.. Sold by
Jurnaugh & a.aj field and all good
The following partial statistical
report of the Enterprise- Methodist
church, for the conference year
Just closed, Is made by the retiring
pastor. Rev. C. B. Trueblood: .
Number full members, (including
a few absent members) 106; num
ber baptized 17; net - increase of
members 33; number of weddings
Mlemnlzed 10; amount givem to for
eign missions $55; home missions
$36; Sunday school board1 $30; Amer
ican, Bible society $16; total given
disciplinary benevolence $175; paid
to pastor $820; paid' to district sup
srlntendent $80; current expenses
f church $130; current - expenses
of Sunday school $145; value of Im
provements male during the year,
.'or parsonage, fence, etc., $1700.
A Threat That Was Heeded.
In 1800 the Prussian government riV
raondod hu Indemnity of IJ5.0(K).O(X
from tbe city of Krnukfort.. The heat'
of tbe bouse of Itnthscblld liter? sen'
word to Bismarck that If an attemp'
were Hindu to enforce the levy thi
Rothschilds would break every ban!
Id Berlin. Knowing the power betilno
tbe hreut, the uiau of blood and lion
"Dysentery la a dangerous disease
mt can be cured. Chamberlain's Col
ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
has been successfully used In nine
epidemics of dysentery. It has nev
ir been known to fall. It Is equal
y valuable for children and adults,
ind when Teduced with water ' and
meeteniod, It Is pleasant to take.
3 old by Burnaugh & Mayfieid and
vll good druggists.
'A Man of Mys ery," by the Lowe
3iock company, at the opera house,
m Saturday evening proved- to be
ne of the strongest and best plays
et presented by that popular com
pany. It served to Introduce Mr. Ed
ward F. Bernard, the company's new
eading man, who made good. Mr.
3ernard Is ami actor of experience
ind ability eod adds much strength
o this already strong company.
The bill for next Saturday evening
Afi'll be the popular comedy drama,
'The Senator's) Daughter," a hlgh
y successful play, which It 1b prora
Sicd will be presented .' 4n a thor
ctghly first-class manner.
Perry Sarrett, Roscoe Ghormley
ind Rev. Fred G. Potter attended
Jie conference at Joseph. The Rev,
Potter was re-appolnted pastor of
he Promise circuit for the coming
lonferemce year. He will preach ait
Promise Sept. 4 at It a. m. at
Jtopia the second. Sunday morning,
ind at Powwatka at 3 p. m. the
tame day; at East Grossman the
hird Sunday morning.
The sky is thick with smoke from
'orest fires that have been burning
or some time in Promise, West
irossraan and across the Grande
londe river.
Ira Lively returned home with his
)ride, Miss Hughs from Iowa.
Lewis Carpenter has rented the
3hormley place.
- John. Rose, a late arrival from
he Walla Walla country, was ex
imlned' as to his aanlity on Monday
Seforo - Juidige Olmsted' and Dr. An
'.erson amtd committed to the asy
urn at Salem. Sheriff Marvin has
ele.gnaphcd for an attendant to con
vey him to that institution. Rose's
lalluclnatfcn, la that some mialiEcious
.ndlvi'duals weie wrccgful'ly using
he agency of e'.ectriclty to create
lisaase and death. He believes they
ire sending out waves, of electricity
rom some unknown ' hiding place
ind Inflicting the population of the
vorld with various ailments.
A slight shower of -rain fell in
Enterprise Sunday night, but up to
he Trout creek and Whiskey creek
oountry the amount of rain was
mfflclenit to stop most of the har
vesting operations.
Notice is hereby given, that the
regular Eighth Grade Examination'
i'or Wallowa County, Oregon, will
be held In the several school dis
tricts September 8 and 9, 1910.
Teachers having pupils for this
3xam liiatlon, should report names of
Applicants to this office at -once.
J. C. CON LEY, ,
Superintendent ot Schools.
A Midsummer
Saving of Money
EN the next sixty days we expect to close out
all of our Sunimer Goods at prices that will
compel you to invest. If you will come to our store
and see the many bargains that we are offering in
every department of our well filled establishment,
you will see at once that this is no idle boast. -Come
and examine our .line of Men's Fine Shoes.
SHOES, and many other good .and stylish things
that we will not attempt to mention.
We are still having a good trade in our Hand Tail
ored Clothing. Every suit must be sold before the
arrival of our Fall Stock.
Visit our Dry Goods Department; our Grocery De
partmeut, and our Hardware Department. It will
surprise 3ou to see our well assorted stock of Hard
ware. Come and see us, we will treat you right.
Acute or Chronic Which?
No matter If your kidney trouble is
icute or chronic Foley's. Kidney
Remedy will reach your case. Mr.
taude Brown, Reyaoldsvllle, 111.,
.vrajes us. that he suffered ' many
months with kidney complaint which
bnffled all treatment. At last. he
tried Foley's Kudney Remedy and a
'ew large bottles effected a complete
cure. He says, "It has been of In
estimable vailue to me." Burnaugh
& Mayfieid. , .
rion. Tim. Wd. Tan. PrL Bat
77"r2"TT 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31 .'. ....
Foley Kidney Pill.
Tonic in quality and action, quick
In results. For backache, headache,
dizziness, nervousness, urinary ir
regularities and rheumatism." Bur-,
naugh & Mayfieid.
When the digestion is all right,
he action, of the bowels regular,
thre is a natural cravCig antd-rellsh
'or food. When this Is lacking you
nay know that you need a dose of
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. They strengthen, the diges
:lve organs, improve the appetite
ind regulate the bowels. Sold by
Burnaugh & Mayfieid and all good
I n now prepared to
furnish the people of En
terprise and vicinity with
the best of
Whole Milk, per quart, 5c
Cream for table use, per quart 2$c
C i earn to whip, ir quart, 40c
Buttermilk, per gallon, - ioc
Skimmed Milk, per galloa - - 10c
Drives away Flies. Mosquitoes and Gnats.
It protects horses and cattle from attacks
tt insects, enabling them to feed and
sleep in peace. It prevents loss of weight
and atrenKth from worry caused bv
tuck of insects, and from the irritation
of their bites and stings. There is a
satisfaction in the relief it affords
domestic animals from the scourge of
maddening parasites and flies, besides the
pro lit tn returns. Horses do more vork
on less feed and cow yield more and !
better milk when relieved from the frenzy i
Incited by constantly fighting a swarm of
voracious, insatiable insects.
Four sixes, sc, 50c, 750 and fi.25.
Ask yonr merchant for it.
Uoyt Chkuicax, Co. Portland, Oregon
in our factory, Costly Mater
ials and Skill in Making are
the conditions and ingre
dients that combine to make
Modern Sweets
so ferftxt a
"PmtmtiM iU ilodtrm DttUi"
Walla Walla County Fair and
September 19-24 inclusive
Southeastern Washington's Greatest Fair
$20,000 in Purses and Premiums
Flights During Fair Week by Aviator in Celebrated Demoiselle Monoplane
Concerts Afternoon and Evening bj Ruzz'fs Famous Italian Band
Send for Premium List.
R. H. JOHNSON, Sec. T. H. BRENTS, Pres.
When you are in need of good printing
come to this office and have it done right