BY BOOTH TAHIiiNfiTON and MA1EY LEON WILSON N0VELI2EP FROM THE PLAY JftJRERGUSON COWTl!UED.J CHAPTER X. -TW t -- t n . I by 'a and Adele's high Biirlls. which Infected an uut mree member of the company, the j umucr in liouor or coiouei juoreuu , was nu entire Hticcesg and, in fact, ! could not Iiiive been surpassed had that unfortunate gentleman himself been present. Judge- Pleydell, believ ing thiit lie was assisting to entertain one who by championing the cause of the Itandalls, while at the same time ridding the community of the notorl ous Cameo KIrby, had earned Ills last ing esteem and gratitude, told his best stories In his happiest vein, and Mme. Davezac, together with Ann Pleydell, Kiifferii.g tiwU-r the same delusion, put forth every effort to charm, even going to the length of heartily applauding the Judge's most venerable and moth ravagiTl yarns. No menu raconteur himself, Klrby ransacked his vast store of personal j experience for ' Interesting topics of conversation Hint would bear rehearsal In the prwnt company, and even I nine, (ini'l:- mid unwillingly drawn t seme my: r.'iotH spell Into the vor t x of' I. nrefully selected, as ' 'fitted n "t leUry, the least In nocuous of M m.iuy escapades and ventured to . fiVe It to the demure . cir of his di ta r partner, Miss I'ley C.oll. This heroic action of the old , river gambler for he was desperate- j )y embarrassed ut the honor Bhown Kin and 'thoroughly cognizant what i 'list be the Inevitable and tragic end 1,'sc of Ills f.artfor'H reckless action N vm'.'Ni'icnt tf":ilniony to the fact that i:.i pi-, H!:!h manner of M. Veau- y, coupled w't'i Mr. IJandall's grave h 'encp end hIt-IT- d courtesy toward Irby. h;td uo -ll;c-t upou the spirits of the company, If, Indeed, their do uicniior whs even noted by the ma jority. Before pilfering the hotise the two :--6iitleniPii In question had coine to an understanding regarding the status of their guest, concurring in the opinion that he was Impersonating the gentle uau In whose honor the dinner had been planned. But Aaron alone had found a sinister significance In the General's obsprvntlon to the effect thai Klrby wore a quantity of cameos, and, ulthough ho lacked authentic evidence . upon which to erect bis suspicions, while likewise granting tbnt It was an amazing and unbelievable action for one to deliberately walk into tliebouso of his enemies, he vaguely sensed that the pseudo Colonel Moreau was none other than the notorious Eugene Klr by. Still, Aaron Randall was a strictly Just and upright man, who was fully awaro of the. many crimes committed In the mime of circumstantial evi dence. Slow to pronounce Judgment, he wns-qtilck to act when once assur ed that In no Fcnso would justleo be violated. Jloroover, Adele. lu whose Integrity and force of character he had tho flnnost belief and. for whom be bad tho hlglioF-t regard and proof of whoso acumen Jie had had ample testimony, vouched for tho linposturo and even confessed complicity If not actual Initiative In the same. In the absence of Tom Randall sho was ab solute mistress, with the right to act ns sho deemed fit, and had, moreover, exacted his . word of honor that he would trust her until the arrival of ber brolh v. Even fciul he been wills fled with i; u.i; 1 of h! i;:jeet:,jivi regard! ; H.,'n Identity this juvLi U.9 1o ,'. e w.mKl li.uf p .ti.,ei' Professional Ditectory of Wallowa County TH08. M. DILL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW a uruce in nun nuiiumg, noom -4 ,. . 't.5".- ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW ' 1 Practlc In all Stat Courts and t Interior Department. Careful at J teutlou to all business. 4 D. W. LAWYER SHE AH AN ENTERPRISE t Practice In State and 'Federal I Courta and Interior Department. J. A. DURLEIOH ATTCxNcY-AT-LAW Office lu Litch Building. j, juwerprwe, urecon. f . . W Aaron to secrecy ana M. veauary, be- , Ing subsequently acquainted with the compact, likewise agreed that it could not be violated. For the young Creole this passive role was extremely difficult, and it wus eloquent proof of his self com- mand and personal Integrity, coupled with those refined lnstlucU bestowed by gentle birth and breeding, that he considered Aaron's promise equally binding upou himself and, repressing all promptings of Jealousy, refrained from denouncing Klrby as nu Impos tor. The successful suit of an honora ble rival would have been difllcult enough to recognize, but thU encroach ment of a stranger who nt the best was a masquerade!" If not a li l" more sinister and disreputable was In tolerable, for M. Veaudry bad gath ered from Mr. Randall's manner that he suspected their guest of being guilty of something more criminal than assuming a nuuie to which he had no right. Thus, even while the young Creole mill A nymi nrnvnil Hint HVtrn Tlnmlnll'a arrival would be hastened and coincl- h offended but still feeling dent with It free vent could be given JU8tIfl,ed " V'0, iM'"n hp. hnd a8 to their suspicions, I.arklu Bunce ear-1 sume(1' l6,tnl ,llol,llll that tnose em nesily hoped to the contrary-hoped tlous whlch 1,0(1 Prompted his words that Klrby would suddenly realize his were but nutri'l. Impersonal and sin danger, growing the more deadly and I oere- " was hIf rlK,lt to Protect tu certain as every minute passed, and 'rl ne ,ove1 from t,,e wIIps of name would ride for the river before the ' loss adventurer, of whose Integrity he coining of Nemesis, v.t mM,i.r wn moro pe. m,.to from tlmf reeklesn vomifr irnntle. man's Intention, for, unmindful of his i imrlner'a Inerenslnir uneasiness nnd i that both were the object of watchful, i,Hiii0 ovo he .x.niiinied to net ns if !,., .,,,,1 nnnnwiiiiin. h.i.i i.eon nrenWi i solely for Adele and himself. Dinner finally at an end, he nnd his young hostess, entirely absorbed in each oth er's society, sought the drawing room balcony, while the others, with the ex- j ceplion of ISuuce, Indulged In a game : of piquet, M.- veaudry provlug a wretched partner, his entire attention being occupied with the couple on the balcony. M. Veaudry, 'owing to his preoccu pation, proving such a thankless part ner, Mme. Davezac at last turned to Bunce and suggested that he and Klr by Join the game in lieu of the young creole and the judge. "Eh, truly, Auutole," she added, with some asperity, tupping the other's arm with her fan, "you cannot keep your j mind ou the game, and so we are un- thorlty here; do you not? Very well, able to play. Will you surrender your then. My Introduction of this gentle place to Colonel Moreau?" I man as Colonel Moreau Is enough fot "It seems to me that I have already you." done that," he responded gloomily. With ns good grace as possible yield- ' Ing to the dictates of courtesy, Kirby unwillingly terminated his tete-a-tete with Adele. and as he approached the card mble his place was promptly pre empted by the young Creole, who fol lowed Miss Randall to the balcony, lt was the first time he had been ulono with Adele, nnd his loug repressed , emotion and bitterness found vent. "Ah, niiinizplle, it is true," he said reproachfully. "You are changed so quickly. Yes, you will soy I wanted to see you happier, but I also had wished to be the oue to make you so. Adele," he adiled earnestly, striving to take her hand, "If this difference li you conies only from the gratitude you feel to to Colonel Moreau because he tried to protect your father 1 shall be happy. Cut how have this man be witched you that" "I don't understand you, Anatole," ! she raid quietly, drawing away. I "'Tis I that do not understand you, Adele. I think you know from the first ho Is not Colouel Moreau. I have i"f'5-'':''4-H5',4" X L G. HOLLAND, M. D. ? PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office in Lltch Dulldtng. ' Telephone Connection. RitrUd. . Edmund Keau whs playing In "Rich ard ill.," and the part of Cntesby bad to be taken by a low comedian, who sauntered on to the stage at the wrong moment aud uttered the famous words, "My lord, the Duke of Buck tngbam Is taken," lu the wrong place. Edmund clinched his lists In rage, but otherwise took no uotlce of the re mark. Later the comedian repeated the words In the right place, aud when the king expressed surprise at the uews t'atcsby folded bis arms, walked boldly dowo the stage and remarked to the great actor In loud tones; "I told you o before, Mr.'Kean. but you wouldn't believe me." r tr n rir T T l - w. U, 1HUJ., ; Attorney and CoaseloatLaw Office In Berland BulWlng. En I terprlse, Oregon. some very strange suspicion of him". instantly tbe wiman in her was up m nl-ms, spoking to defend, eager to do oattie for the object it sought to shield. "It Is enough that I know he j3 a mnn wi, nas h!Ml a Rreat vrong done him. That's one wav of inaking a wormln believe that yon love "her wnen Rne- trying to help some one In trouble, make It harder for her-be felons," she finished, with a bitter iaui;h "I am Jealous I do not deny that. Cut I am, first of all things, a man of honor." be said quietly enough, ' al though white with auger. His voice trembled with emotion as he added, with simple dignity: "Po you think a man of honor have suspicion of a rival only because he is Jealous? Do you think I would suspect him only for that?" "I can't discuss it with you," she re turned coldly. Leaning on the balco ny railing, she promptly became ab sorbed In the wonders of the night. ' Recognizing the slgu of dismissal, he yet hesitated, miserably conscious bad the gravest doubts. It was his right to protect her from herself, for. lony lt aa Bhe m!Rnt. " was tOO blttcr,y npparont that this debonair '-"l'' u.iu fuu-wu wnpre ouiers had failed and that Adele had discard?. cd a" sorrow wlih her mourning and was yielding to a fascination that he firmly believed would prove her ruin.. While he still hesitated, afraid to make tin enemy of the girl he loved, yet stubborn In his resolution tc thwart Kirby, Aaron Randall, suspect ing some such controversy as had tak' en place. Joined them on tho balcony ind Anatole, with evident relief, turn sd again to Adele. "Mademoiselle, hero Is your coubIq He will not be thought to be JealouV! he said gravely. "1 ask him to tell you what he will not tell me. 1 ask him to tell you what he thinks about this gentleman." "Cousin .Aaron," replied the girl, turning and confronting the two from . whom she had most to fear, "in my brother's absence you respect my au- "It must be, Cousin Adele," replied Aaron, evldoutly greatly perplexed and troubled. "And I am responsible for uiy ac tions ouly to my brother," added the girl, looking directly at M. Veaudry. He flushed under the scrutiny of her eyes and the significant inllecllon of her voice. "In his abeace I would protect you. I would net for him," he protested des perately. "You may when you have his au thority. Until then I bid you adieu." And, with au elaborate courtesy nuil pleasant smile, she vanished through the window, while the gentlemen re mained on the balcony, a prey to the most disquieting thoughts. "You see how she have change lu this one day with him," bitterly ex claimed Anatole, pointing through the' open window to where In a distant corner of tho room Klrtiy sat at the card table. Mr. Randnll merely nod ded and gloomily chewed bis cheroot. lie was facing u difficult problem and'' i W. C. KETCHUM ', DENTIST - ENTERPRISE : Office . hi Building. Room! X 121.. Home Independent Phoie.T C. T. HOCKETT. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND StRGEON Office hi Litch build m. Room 4- 112. Home Ind. Paone In office T1 and residence. T DR. C A. AULT $ ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON J Office In Bank Building. Home phone both offlo and !; " reslQence, Jjj . . . CHARLES THOMAS LAWYER ENTERPRISE, ORE. Practice la State and Federal ' X Courta and Int. Dept. Abstract. Bklg, oppoalte court house. praying forTue arrival ofTyoung Ran dall. . Presently from the music room there came tho subdued 'harmony of a gullar and burp, aud wheu the soft prelude had finished Allele's fine contralto, took up the theine. singing, "I sent thee late a rose wreath, not so - much honoring thee.-' It was Klrby'a favorite song, stiatch''S of which Anatole had heard the oilier bumroitig at intervals since his arrival. 'Clearer, sweeter, purer sonnO.jd the words until the ntusie as cendtd like an anthem and came steal ing cut of the window to mingle with the soft murmur of the night, to blend with the unheard, far. distant harmony of the starH. Anatole stood transfixed, a prey to tho bitterest .emotions to which iinui was ever hostage. ' - "You hear?" he cried "passionately, turning. to Aaron. ."For the first time since how long? Now she wear uo more black. Now she is no more si lent. Now she siug, not for her broth er, not for those who love her, not for ma"- - "No; it's for -, Colonel Moreau," fin ished the older man, throwing away his cigar. The creole laughed harshly, contemp tuously, his black eyes snapping with passion. "For 'Colonel Moreau?' I dare you look . me in .the face and say that man is Colonel Moreail," wav ing a trembling-hand to the window. , "I shall tell., you vnothing," replied Aaron-sternly. ' "No matter what I sus pect, I don't' know.; And 1 won't let a mnn be kdlled.untll I do know." "When you met this man you did not know him," ;suld Anatole, with slow significance. "I think to myself who cun he be? I iimke a guess and an other guess and another guess, but I am not sure," "r.xactly," commented Mr. Randall, with some nharpn.'Ks. "There you are. You are , not sure. Neither, am I. There is nothing to .do but to' await Tom Randall's arrival -or, failing-that, some authority from him, instructing us how' to act; otherwise our -honor -binds un, and We must meet this dif ficult matter-, with such patience. and fortitude as we may possess. At the same time I thoroughly understand your feeling:, and you have uiy entire sympathy..' Let us pray this-unbearable suimnse will soon be terminated, f. r I make a poor and unwilling con spirator." - . ' '. Meanwhile, jit the card table,. Messrs. Kirby and Ennce hnd been acting, for the, benefit 'of the audience, a farce comedy bon'.erlng on the burlesque. Two seasoned gamblers, men who knew every gtuie and trick embraced In cards aud to ' whoin tho pasteboards were as 'familiar as one's . knifo and fork, it was somewhat difficult to Sim ula tie that chronic state of ignorance for. which, their self relegated position In society should attest. Moreover. KIrby's , native blMtrionb ability was badly handicapped by 4ii thoughts being solely centered upon the now absent Adele; whiie the worthy Buivce's ua'.ural clumsiness was greatly enhanced by anxiety over their mutual safety, re-enfoied by a per spiring embarrassment at finding him self a. unit of 'such society. Happily for thorn their partners Were not of a suspicious or inquiring turn of miud "X OAS"T DISCUSS IT WTTH TOU," BUS BAIB COLDLY.. and were entirely engrossed with" the game. - ' ' ' : "You gentlemen know the cards n little?" Mme. Davezac bad t ventured. -with a charming aud guileless belief In their Ignorance. . "Well, we shall teach you something new of the game, maybe." . Til be glad to learu something new about it." Klrby replied, with giavl'y aud perfect truth. . ' Mme. Davexac. with sadly amateur ish fingers, with many u flour ish. Intended to Impress the presume ble tyros with a fitting Hdmirailou t ber skill, proceeded to cut the dink while Bunce eyed her gloomily and meutally criticised what he termed r "dirty riffle." Ills professional dlgn!t was outraged by the fact that shs hud eut to the last card and then sereuely reunited the deck, and. forgetting him- elf. he was about to assert his rights and demand a .new. shuffle jvhen .a wnrnlng' kick from Kimy 'checked him. "Ah, 'tis your deal." Mine. Davezac at length exclaimed, 'tendering the ng In irony in the present e of people cards to Bunce. "First you must make wuo were incapable of understanding the cards well mix "them, so like it. One curious Instance which he gave you saw me. See, you suf-fel, as they .WU8 (his: Thackeray had been dining call It. You think you can do that?". ' ut the Sart"ick nnd was talking Ju the '. "Yes'ra, I reckon I can git that fur," smoking room after .dinner wish vurl he ventured modestly. Taking the 0us club acquaintances. One ot them deck, he promptly forgot his role and happening to have left his cigar case proceeded to give a very fine demon- fl( home, Thackeray, though dlsl.kiug stratlon of the professional shuttle, 1 the man. who wiis'h notorious raft' spreading the cards In the air between hunter, good naturedlj offered him one his hands until he resembled an ex- 0f bis cigars.. The mini accepted the pert bartender mixing drinks. This cigar, but. not nailing it to his liking, completed to his entire satisfaction, he had the bad taste to say to Thackeray, spouted out the pastelioards in a deal' guy, Thackeray, you wou'l mind my of lightning like rapidity, while Mme. j gaying don't thiuk much ot this and the om-jucige sat uoit upright- with astonishment. At length an extra desiorate .fiid well executed kick from Klrby checked the old gam bler's stirring exhibition, and, covered with confusion, he dropped several cards to the floor and, In order to hide his flaming cheeks, stooped and began to miserably grope for them. "You see", exclaimed Klrby, "my secretary 1st not so experienced as he might be. To speak, confidentially, I would have let him go last month if lt weren't that he Is the only support of a wife and eleven children." " "I wish I was in tbe lower regions," groaned Bunce sotto voce. "I'll see that you get your wish If you doii't sit up here," replied Kirby. But soon it was KIrby's turn to gain that state of absentmlndedness for which lie had censured his partner, for lu tho odjolulng room Adele had com menced to sing, and all his thoughts promptly went out to her, bis Hps mutely repeatlug the words of the well remembered song, while his eyes grew as dreamy and abstracted as bis niliid. At length, when it was his turn to play, conscious only that he was holding a book of cards and conse quently Inferring that he must be in dulging in his bread and butter game of poker, he spread his hand face up upou the table. .'"Malheur!" exclaimed Mme. Davezac, aghast at this startling Innovation. "He expose his hand." - - .. ;.- ': "I fear," commented the Judge, ris ing aud pushing back his chair, "that Colonel Moreau finds it difficult to play cards and listen to the voice of a beau tiful woman-at the same time." "And you cannot say that he have not good taste," commented Mme. Da vezac. "Tiens! We adjourn, then, to -the music room. You will come, Colo Jiel Moreau nud monsieur the secre tar'?" . ." Adele was still singing. Miss rieydeH accompanying her, nud, drawn by the :-:oft harmony, M. Veaudry aud Aaron at length forsook the balcony and, as ft had the others, proceeded to make their way toward the music room, Their goal, however, was never attain ed, for as they stepped through the window Into the deserted drawing room they were met by Poulettc, one of the "French niggers." She carried a small buudlo made of a knotted spot ted handkerchief, and her manner at tested that, she was evidently laboring under the -repressed excitement Inci dent upon discovering business not In tended for her cognizance. In fact, she hud but completed a victory over old Croup, who, had persistently annoyed her with his attentions and, when cen sured for so doing by his ample wife, had promptly aud quite untruthfully charged -Poulette with making his lire unbearable by her unrequited affection for his person. Since then roulette, smarting under the calumny, had ea gerly sought some method of nssoag ing her outraged feelings, and now at last she had secured lt. 'JMlche Aaron," she whispered, pluck lug Mr. Randall's sleeve as he was about to pass on "Mlche Aaron, dut black man, : Croup, he have n secret. Dat secret it is with Mlche Moreau." (To te continued.) A Volcano. a volcano If" What Is a volcano?". ..asked the teacher. "A mountain with a Ore Inside." said one." A smile of comprehension spread over the puzzled face ot the smallest pupil as she asked surprlsedly, "Is that a uiouutain range?" A Punoont Playor. The romediau bud bis benefit and thankful for the patronage of "klud friends In front" .let : off this lin promptu. which was applauded: Like a Krate full ot coal I glow, A great full houee to we. And were I not grateful, too, - A great tool I abould be. More Important. '"See here, waiter: I found a collar button In this pier "Hidu't see nothln' of an umbrella. did yo". boss? Dab was one loa' bean las' night.". Srtbner'a Magazine. Lead Pipe. !.;.! may be melted and when cool ed to the solidifying polot ' may be squirted. In this manner lead pipe Is made. Mining World. ApolOBH oniy arroor which they cannot alter. ApolOBi" only acroont for the eU -Curler. . Thokry' Satire. Thackeray created quite erroneous Impressions of himself by often indulg- .cigar?" Thuckcraj. no doiibi irritated at the niauH ungraciousness and bear ing In mi-id his tuft bunting predilec tions, quietly responded. "You ought to, my good fellow, for It was given me by a lord." - Instead, however, of detecting the Irony, the dolt Immedi ately attributed the remark to snob bishness on Thackeray's part aud to the end of his days wentnbout declar ing that "Thackeray had boasted that be bad been given a cigar by a lord." Maternal I nit i net. "Children that yell like that onght either to be gagged or kept at home," remarked tbe Irascible geutlemau with tbe white beard to the bus conductor. And faces like the one wot you're scariu' people with." chipped In the mother of the noisy lufaot, "oughter be made Into door knockers or sent ter the chamber o' 'ori'ors." '. The gentleman with the patriarchal face fungus took a brick red complex ion. "I know It's awkward at times" he commenced. " - It's more'n awkward: It's not bin' short o' 'orrible," snapped tbe lady, aa she once more glanced- at the sorry elderly man's set of features. Wheu tbe rest of tbe passengers tit tered audibly tbe old gentleman came to the conclusion that lt behooved him to speak to tbe point. "1 mean the child" he tried once more. . And you didn't mean It no good." returned tbe lady, ."else you wouldn't a looked at It." Loudon Ideas. . Jungle Housekeeping. The negro housewife In the West Indian juugle finds housekeeping very easy." Fruit and vegetables grow wild " nil about tbe but aud the river abouudu with dub. Ou wiikIi day all she has to do Is to pick a few of the berries of tbe soap berry tree, take her clothes to tbe river and -use the berries as she would use ordinary soap. Even her cooking pots grow on the trees, tbe calabash cut In halves, being used for tbls purpose. - Calabashes are used also for bowls, basins and Jugs for carrying water "fioin the river while the small ones make excellent cups. In the afternoon, when he is ready for her enp of tea. the Degress picks half a dozen leaes from the lime I'lisb growing at her door, bolls them, squeezes the juice from a sugar cane for sweetening and thp wonnut sup plies the milk. Thus she has' a deli cious cup of tea without depending on the grocer for It. She makes tbe mats for her floor out of the dried leaves of the banana, plaited Hiid sewed togeth . er as the old country people In this -country make their rag mats. . ' Micro kills the Dandruff para ' site, soothes the Itching; scalp, lives lustre to tho hair and stimulates Its growth. , A single application gives relief and proves its worth. Do not be bald. Save your hair be fore too late. Micro is delightful dressing for the hair, free from grease and sticky oils. Booklet free. HOYT CHEMICAL COMPANY PORTLAND, oaceo REOPENED ; The Red Front BlacKsxnith Shop . by the reliable .blacksmiths' W. P. Hambletpn A Son Machine Repairing Horseshcing Same old stand Enterprise)' Oregon'