The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, August 24, 1910, Wednesday Edition, Image 1

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Wednesday Edition
.. . -a, -j. .iJ-4 JL T ,T 11 JL-6f X&7 ET
Cent a word single Insertion, 1
cents a word 2 insertions. Special
rates by month and year. ; .
Slate Funds loaned, 6 per cent. John
P. Rusk. Atty. State Land B'd. Joseph
Farm loans . 7 percent. Call or
write First Bank of Joseph. B8btt
'Good second-hand organ cheap, in
quire at Enterprise Livery Barn, bm
Wonder Washer at Rliey'fl. 27b4
Lots In Troy townelte for sale at
$20 and up. O. R. & N. railroad
la now making final location' survey
on Grande Ronde river between
Rondowa and . Snafce river. When
road Is built Troy will be the larg
est town and chief trading center
of the entire North Country. See
or write , H. E. Merryman,- owner,
Enterprise, Oregon. 27btf
now o rwui uuudu iuiu' w .u
somhteast part of town. Yi'ill be
sold for $2000, the actual cost of
lots and house, if taken soon."- In
fc- a . V 1 Q lita In
quire at this office. zou.
Good cow for sale. Inquire of Mrs.
Fay. "'. - '
Horses, sheep or town property to
trade for farm land. See Enter
prise Real Estate Co., Wagner &
Corktns, Enterprise, Oregon. tf
Good wages, working Modem Broth
erhood of America. Society stands
among the most prominent In, the
field. Write me for terms and plans.
'3111 W. 6th Ave., Spokane, Wash.
John, J. Goa,r ata' manager. Ic4
Nominating petitions for county
and district candidates before the
' primary September 24, for sale at
this office. Nicely bound. Complete
sets only $1 at office op by mall.
Nicaragua's Government Tottering.
WASHINGTON,D.C The provision
al government of Nicaragua is totter
ing to its fall, the Madria army is
demoralized, consternation reigns in
Managua, and Dr. Madris, his gen-eral-in-chlef,
Toldeo, and General Iriar
are preparing to flee the country.
Packers to be Indicted. -CHICAGO.
It is expected that the
, federal grand jury, which has been
Investigating, the methods of the so
called beef trust for more than a.
month, will attack what the govern
ment considers the. heart of the prob
lem by returning Indictments 'againts
individuals of the packing companies.
.Will Honor Real Estate Dealer.
ALBANY. An unusual honor is to
be conferred upon C. W. Tebault, a
real estate man of this city, by the
citizens of Lacomb. As a mark of
appreciation of the successful efforts
of Mr. Tebault in securing settlers
for that locality, a barbecue has been
arranged to which a public Invitation
is extended. Two yearling steers are
to be roasted and other refreshments
- Rains Helo Canada Croos..
-WINNIPEG, Man. The total wheat
Vltil H will Via loruo- tlian a n a .vn..t.
All lA uraolra atrn atnrArt BtafiL
ments made by grain elevator men
and elevator interests. The rains
' and increased the yield to such an
ettent that nnw- ira nattmnten tnr
the total yield run' as hi eh as 120..
000,000 bushels.
Wheat Track prices: Club, 89c
bluestem, 97c; red Russian, 87c.
Barley Feed and brewing, $24.
Oats No. 1 White, $30 per ton.
Hay Timothy, Willamette Valley,
$1819 per ton; Eastern Oregon,
$2022; alfalfa, $13014.
Butter Extra, 33c; fancy, 33c;
ranch, 23c. ,
Eggs Ranch, candled, 30a
Hops 1909 '.' crop, 1013c; olds,
' nominal. "" " ;
Wool Eastern Oregon, 1417c per
Mohair 32S3c.
Seattle. '. : "
Wheat Bluestem," 96c; Club, 90c;
red Russian, 87c.
Oats $33 per ton. .
Oats $31 per ton.
Hay Timothy. $22 per ton; alfalfa,
$14 per ton. 7 -
Butter Washington Creamery. 33c;
ranch, 22c.
Eggs Selected local. 1 6c
Property Loss Will Be Close to
Miliioa, and Many Lives
Are Reported Lost.
MISSOULA, Mont. Except for Wal
lace, Idaho, the forest fire situation
on both sides of the Idaho-Montana
line Is more serious.
Flames are sweeping over an in
creasing area, destroying small settle
ments and wiping out of existence
millions of dollars' worth of property.
The loss of life will be large. It
grows hourly, and the number of In
jured is constantly Increasing. In
and around Wallace it is estimated
here the death list is at least fifty.
In addition to at least 25 otherwise
hurt, it is said that ten persons have
been made blind.
The loss to the city is estimated al
close to $1,000,000, aDout half of the
city being saved.
Forest Supervisor Geo. W. Welgel
reports that the region between Wal
lace and the St.. John River is swep'.
practically clean, with enormous loss-
Fires between Burke and Mu'.lai.
threaten both towns and many worn
en and children have been sent out
At War Eagle tunnel six were foum
dead and two were badly burned
Five of the dead were in the tunnel,
where they had sought refuge. Thej
lay face down In water, covered witi
wet rags and blankets. ' Some hat
died from the fire and others from
suffocation by smoke. The Injured
were taken to Providence Hospital in
Wallace. . . . '
Twelve , dead were recovered a.
Big Creek. There were three injured
at' the place. There are at Pine
Creek three dead, five blinded - and
five otherwise Injured.
The bodies of the dead are being
burned where found. It may be weeks
before a complete estimate of the fa
talities can be made. .. .
Elsewhere in the fire tone the out
look Is bad. In St. Joe 18 men are
missing and it is feared that they
have been burned to death. The for
estry service has organized a relief
train well equipped with pack animals
oarrylng provisions and hospital sup
plies and will endeavor to get through
the fire.
CHICAGO. The first blow in the
$5,000,000 Illinois Central graft
scandal has fallen, and three officials
of the 'road were landed in Jail
It was a full confession from an of
ficial of the Blue Island Car & Equip
ment Company, declared to involve
not only these, but numerous others
of the road's former officials, that fin
ally resulted in the arrests. .
. The men arrested today - were:
Frank B. Harriman, former general
manager for the Illinois Central, re
leased on bond of $40,000; John M.
Taylor, former general storekeeper at
Burnslde, released on bond of $40,000;
Charles L. Ewlng, former general sup
erintendent of the Illinois Central
lines north of the Ohio river. :
Nlcaraguan War Over.
MANAGUA. The Nlcaraguan war
is over This is conceded, following
advices received here that General
Louis Mena of the revolutionary army
has taken Granada, the most import
ant city on the Pacific coast of Nicar
agua. President Madrl has resigned
his office, and Jose Dolores Estrada,
brother of the revolutionist leader,
has taken his place.
War Department Announces Oppor-
j . tlonment of Fund. .
f WASHINGTON. The war depart
ment announced apportionment of
' $4,000,000, the appropriation made by
congress for militia of various states
Of this total fund allotted according
to congressional representation -and
militia strength of respective states,
Oregon will receive $36,137, Washing
ton will receive $33,632, and Idaho
$21,032. V;
Enlisted strength of militia of "vari
ous states Is reported as follows: Ore
gon, 1415; Washington, 1244; Idaho,
The proposed international exhibi
tion at Bilboa, Spain, in 1912, is now
practically a certainty.
The population of Canada on March
31 last was 7,489,781, according to the
estimate of the census department.':
A $5000 contribution for the relief
of the flood sufferers in Japan was
forwarded by the American Red Cross
to Tokio.
The shipbuilding concerns of Ham
burg, Germany, have decided as a con
sequence of the strike of 8000 me
chanics, to lock out their employes,
some 15,000 In number. It is expected
that this will stop all warship build
ing. The epidemic of cholera in southern
Italy Is steadily showing an increase
in the districts affected.
Attorney-General O'Malley, of New
York, in an. opinion sent to Governor
Hughes, holds that exhibitions of the
Jeffries-Johnson fight pictures are not
a violation of the penal law of the
state. ,.
The commissioner of Police of New
York wants farmer boys on the force.
Accordingly, what is known as the
mental test of policemen will be made
less severe.
When the next list of the cities In
the United States of 25,000 or more
Inhabitants is made up there will be
at least 220 of them, or 60 more than
were shown by the census of 1900. Of
these 60 two thirds are in the west,
two ninths in the east and one ninth
in the south.
The defeat of Governor Shallenber-
ger of Nebraska for the democratic
nomination for governor by 100 votes
Is admitted. Mayor Dahlman ol
Omaha is the winner. ,
Hawley Harvey Crlppen and Ethel
Leneve sailed for England on th
White Star line steamer Mesantic,
and are due at Liverpool at noon next
Politicians of all parties and all fac
Hons will follow with Jreen Interest
the western tour of Colonel Rooseveli.
The ex-president left his borne
Oyster Bay Tuesday and after a dayfr
stop In Utlca, where he addressed a
meeting of farmers, he proceeded di
rect to Cheyenne, Wyo., where he is
to speak at the Frontier day celebra
tion. He Is scheduled to remain in
Cheyenne from Saturday until Mon
day, when he will depart for Denver.
Son-in-law of Ex-President Roose
felt, who announces that he will not
vote for "Uncle Joe" Cannon for
speaker. . .
Although John D. Works, of Los
Angeles, has received 2000 votes more
than A.- G. Spalding, of San Diego,
for United States senator, Spalding
has the indorsement of the assembly
and senatorial districts. The result is
a problem which will probably be
passed up for solution to the next leg
islature. Representative W. E. Humphrey, of
Washington, one of the closest sup
porters of Speaker Cannon, in the
bouse, states that he would not vote
to re-elect the speaker. Mr. Humph
My is being opposed for renomlhation
by the insurgents of his district be
cause of his relations with Cannon.
The entire Castro . family, aprar
en'ily, has been ousted from Venezu
ela. A dispatch to the state depart
ment from the' American legation at
Caracas stated that 6 relatives of ex
Presldent Castro bad been expe'U-d
from Venezuela. -
; U Pat For Electric -iant.
Tea! will Im the oii!y fuel ti ml In on
jrreat (Jerimtn elec trif power geiirrat
Ing station. '
? mmt
V Hlf
, Chronicle 'of irr,portar.t
. cf Interest ta 0::?
i Headers.
Passenger Rates Will Ce rterlucsd.
; SALEM. Notice of the vo iint:uy
reduction of passenger rates eoon !o
be made on tho entire syssiera of t'.ie
Oregon Railway & Navigation Com
pany has been served on the railroad
commission by W. W. Coitun, general
counsel bf the railroad corporation.
The reductions are not great, but are
sufficient to be materially felt by
those who are regular patrons of the
main and branch lines of the O. R. &
N. The new rates will be filed with
the commission as soon as they "have
been printed, according to statements
ef the railroad's counsel and will go
Into effect soon thereafter if approved
by the commlsslson.
To Eliminate Middleman.
THE D'ALLES. The Farmers' Edu
cational Union of this county has
rented offices In this city. It is the
purpose of the union to handle the
wheat and other produce of the union
and sell It direet to exporters and
millers, cutting out the middlemen.
Preparations Mads to Call California
Troops to Fight Fire.
PORTLAND. So serious has the
situation become in the Crater Na
tional forest in Southern Oregon thnt
George H. Cecil, associate district for
ester, called a conference of the chiefs
of the various olllces to receive sus
gestions as to further procedure in
the work of fghting the flames which
are devastating vast areas of valuable
timber and threatening the destruc
ticn of lives and other kinds of prop
erty. i.A message was sent by Forester Ce
cil M the. district forester at San
Francisco, asking information as-to
the number, locntion and disposition
of troops in California at tho present
time, how many may be available for
service In Southern Oregon. The sit
uation is extremely serious, perhaps
the worst in Oregon history. In the
Southern Oregon country there is lit
tle likelihood of the timber fires be
ing extinguished by rain before the
middle of September.
New Road Is Probable.
FOREST GROVE. The . construe
tion of a raIlroudfrom this city to the
Patton Valley district is one of the
probabilities of the near future. The
projected road will connect at Forest
Grove with the Oregon Electric Rail
way and will have its terminal at the
new toftnslte platted on the large tim
ber holdings of August Lovcgren, p
big tlmberman of Preston, 'Wash.
Harriman Estate Not Liable for Oro-
gon Tax. "
. 'SALEM. According to an pplnlon
of Attorney-General Crawford, Orrson
will not be among receivers of rev
enue from the inheritance tax now
due In several states from the Harri
man estate. The state's attorney holds
the heirs of the estate residing out of
Oregon are not subject to taxation
under the Inheritance tax law. This
decision practically deprives tho stnte
of many thousands of dollars, as the
Harriman estates In Oregon are of
great value, and the assessments un
der Inheritance tax laws have all been
Willamette Survey Is On.
OREGON CITY. Chief Engineer
Thompson, of the United Slates En
gineer department, accompanied by a
party of 15 men, arrived here to com
mence a survey of the- Willamette ri
ver above and below tha falls, for the
purpose of determining the best site
for locks, for which an appropriation
of 1000,000 has been made by the
Lnlted States government and the
state legislature. Killing Ehe'sp.
ROSEBCRG. Farmers and stock
raisers along the North Umpqua river
In the Deer c:vrk section cf Uo'jijla
i County, have' offurpd s regard of 510
; to any person wbo will kill one or
; more of the pan'hers that are dullr
! reducing the shee p Cocks. i
Declares He Has Net Asked for a
Erek. With S'icrman. '
OYSTER BAY. Thee dore Rooso
volt denied emphatically that he had
Bent" an ultimatum 10 President Talt
'"demanding that the president brent
with Vice-Presidoin Sherman.
H'.e report had it that Mr. Sherman
I was chiefly responEihli: lor the action
of the state committee in rol using to
I select Colonel Roosevelt as temporary
chairman of the! New York state re
publican commit'. ee and in recom
mending the vice-president Instead.
The colouel added that he had not
sent Mr. Gx'iscom or any one else to
Beverly on any mission. He made it
clear that he had no intention of do
ing so and recognized no situation
which could call for such a step.
SULPHUR, Okla. The select com
mittee appointed by the house of
representatives to investigate Indian
land matters and the so-called Mc
Murray contracts and which also has
been Investigating the Gore bribery
charges, issued the following state
ment: "The committee has heard and care
fully considered all' of the testimony
submitted and is unanimously of the
opinion that there is and was no war
rant for Rny person to use the names
of Vice President Sherman and Sen
ator Charles Curtis in connection with
any improper relation with any In
dian contract whatever"
This is tho opinion of the commit
tee after hearing tscores of witnesses,
who appeared following the testimony
of Senator T. P. Gore. Senator Gore
declared that he had been approached
by Jake L. Hamon and 'that Hamon,
acting in the interest of J. F. McMur
ray, bad offered him (Senator Gore)
125,000 or $.-,0,000 as a bribe.
The Senator testified that Hamon
mentioned Senator Curtis and Vice
President Sherman as being "Inter
ested" in the deal, Mr. Sherman being
named as the man "higher up."
WASHINGTON. After September
1 the new style of recording money
orders issued by the postofflce will
go Into effect. Instead of recording
the name of the sender and name of
the payee, the number of the order
and amount will be entered by the of
ficials, and If the sender loses his re
ceipt and the money order Is also lost,
unless the number and date can be
furnished from memory, there will be
no way of tracing.
Man Bitten by Horse May Lose Arm.
ALBANY, Ore. There Is practical
ly no chance to save the right arm
of Jack Fisher, the groom, who was
bit on the wrist by Tidal Wave, the
famous pacer. The Jaws of the big
stallion crushed both bones In Fish
er's wrist, and severed the big artery
in his arm, and his physicians be
lieve It will bo necessary to amputate
the arm. -
WASHINGTON. The Esperanto
Association of North America voted
to hold Its next annual congress In
Portland, Ore., July, 1911.
Sherman to Take Stump.
CHICAGO. Vice-President James S.
Sherman Is to take the stump in
Illinois for Representative William B.
McKlnley, cf Champaign, regular can
didate for ic-eloctlon In the Nineteen
district. .
Duke Josef In Accident,
NEWPORT, R. I. Duke Franz Josef
of Bavaria and Representative and
Mrs. Nicholas Long worth, who art
K-iests of Mrs. Ogden Goelet; Mra
Robert Goe'et and Vincent Astor, son
of John Jacob Astor, all figured in
an Hu'o-nobi'ie accident here on Sat
urday. . " '
Ccycte Bite; Then Rabies.
AF.OTiX, Wash. An unknown sheep
beid. r wis round along the Snake
River, 20 miles from here, In a very
precarious conditions with rablea re
suiting from a bite of a mad coyote.
Salt Lake Conference Resolves
to Participate in Conser
vation Congress.
SALT LAKE CITY. Resolving to
take part in the proceedings of the St.
Paul conservation congress and adopt
ing a platform of principles directly
opposed to the PInchot policies, the
conference of Rocky Mountain and
Pacific states governors went on rec
ord as favoring state Administration
of natural resources, and it was "quite
evident from tho expressions of at
tending governors and representa
tives that, In their opinion, western
mon are more capable of carrying on
the work of conservation than tho
theorists, of the East. . '
Participation Is Question.
The principal object of the confer
ence was to determine whether or rot
the Rocky Mountain and Pacific Const
states Bhould participate In the tit.
Paul conservation congress.
The'' formarTequegf-of LJovrHor
Marlon E. Hay, of Washington, 'that
these states be represented on the
programme at St. Paul was denied by
officials of the conservation congress
and this plain and positive manifesta
tion of discourtesy and uufairness
prompted Washington's chief execu
tive to call the conference of gov
ernors. A delegation of St. Tatil business
men appeared' before the assembled
governors and their representatives
and promised the West fair treatment
and that an extra day during which
all governors or their representatives
will be given a henring, would be
added to the programme
PANAMA. Acting" President Men
doza resigned and has been succeeded
by Senor Don Samuel Louis, minister
of foreign affairs.
Intense excitement prevails through
out the republic of Panama as a ro
suit of the complex political situation
that has resulted. It is bolleved here
that Mendoza's resignation was forced
by the United States government, un
der the stringent terms of its treaty
with Panama.
Wendllng Captor III. .
ALBANY, Ore. John Taub, who
discovered Joseph Wendllng, the al
leged child-murderer, In San Fran-
umi:u uuou wm ngi aim is claim
ing the $11,000 reward for Wendllng's
capture, Is lying ill. in St. Mary's hos
pital in this city. Ho was forced to
leave the train here while on the way
from San Francisco to Portland.
Roosevelt Off for Trip.
OYSTER BAY. Theodore Roose
velt started Tuesday on a Journey of
6493 miles, which will extend over
nearly three weeks and In the course
of which he will travel through 14
states. During the tour he will de
liver fourteen set speeches and many
extemporaneous addresses from the
rear platform of bis car.
Plenty of Chin,
"She talks twice as much ns the oili
er girls I kuow." "Yes; she bus a dou
ble chin." Clcveln nd Leader.
A fool's heart Is In bin tonptue. but a
wise man's tongue la In bis beurt
M V :