Lodge Directory In n C ENTERPRISE LODGE, No , U U. 1.15a. EMERALDt REBEKAH LODGE, No. 11 K, n ENTERPRISE LODGE, No . Of P. 4. JUAN1TA TEMPLE, No. 1, Pythian Bisters. Ml 0(11110 KNTEKPIUSIS CHAPTEK lYIAuUNlUNo. 30, Royal Arch Masons WALLOWA LODGE, Na 82, A. F. 4 A. M.. MWI EAGLE CAMP, No. 10497, M .II.A.W. A Meets first and third Thursdays In each month, in new Fra ternal hall Visiting Neighbors always welcome. CHAS. THOMAS, Consul. J A3 W. RODGERS, CVsrk. ANEROID CAMP, No. 2542, It. N. of A. Wn III ENTERPRISE CAMP, No .U.W. 535. W. Of W. ALMOTA CIRCLE. No. 278. W. of W. THE GOOD TOBACCO SHOP IS ROMAN'S If You Prefer the Best Brands of Cigars or SmoKing Tobacco you can always get what you want here. Fine line of PIPES The same is true of all our . Stock. Come in and see. PRENTISS ..OMAN'S Next Door to Bank Enterprise, - Oregon W. B. APPLEGATE. Notary PublU. Collection! made. Real Estate bought and sold and all business matters attended to. Call on or write me. PARADISE, OREGON. CB33 What Can You Expect? . .. . What, can you expect your business to " amount to without a Telephone? Do you , ( suppose a customer will lose time running after you when you can call your compet itor by 'phone? Home Independent Telephone Co. l-JW?WJSffs-M J. D. WALCK v Real Estate Dealer NOTARY TUBLIC Mitchell Hotel Block JOSEPH, OREGON ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET BEST OF MEATS ALWAYS ON HAND. Hlst Market Comues & HotcllklSS . INDEPENDENT Pelts and Hides proprietor PHONE 20 Fifth -.Annual Of the Wallowa County Fair Association will be held at ENTERPRISE, OREGON, -Six days beginning Monday, September 26, 1910 Liberal Cash Premiums will be paid for exhibits of LIVESTOCK, AGRICULTURAL, and HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS It is determined to make this fair a complete exposition of the resources of Wallowa County. . To accomplish that result the co-operation of all the people of the county is invited. For pre mium list or other information, write C. S. Bradley, Secretary, Enterprise, Oregon. THH NEWS RECORD (Twice-a-Week.) AN INDEPENDENT NEWS PA PER. Formerly the Wallowa News, estab lished March '3. 1S99. Published Wednesdays and Satur days at Enterprise. Oregon, by THE ENTERPRISE PRESS Office East side Court House Square Entered as second-class matter fauuary 2, 1909, at the postofrice at Enterprise, Oregon, under the Act ol March 3, 1879. Subscription Fates:' One year $2, tlx months $1, three mouths 60c, one month 20c. On yearly cash-ln- advance subscriptions a discount or 2.5c Is given. SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1910. Who Got the Baby 7 Once upon u time a crocodile stole a baby and wns Hbuut to nnike u dinner of It The f run tit- .mot bur, besgwi so piteously for the child llmt the croco dile said: "Toll nie one (nub mi J you shall have your buliy ag:iin." TUe mother replied. "You will not give him back to tint." "Then." paid the crocodile, "by Vmr agreement 1 shnll keip bim. for it you have told the truth I mid uot ;iiiug to give him back, and if it is a lie I have also won." But the mother said. "If I told you the truth you are bound by your prom ise, and If It Is not the truth It will not be a lie until you have given me tny child." Who got the baby? No Sense of Proportion. The young ninu who had spent his efforts for several yeurs without re sult In studying art was talking with his practical uncle, who bud patiently paid the bills. "Of course," said the young artist, "1 know 1 haven't made tuuch'of a go of It, but 1 don't think you ought to ad vise me to try something else. You know It's best to put all your eggs In oue basket and wntch that basket." "Utn! Tbut may be. Charlie; but did you ever think how foolish It is to put so many baskets around one ban tam fggV" The Indian Empire, With a population of about 300,000. 000 the Indian empire Is governed by some 1.000 Englishmen. Z32BS232SZ SKEEEBES1 Fair ' . , Not Strong Minded. "Your wife. Clark. Is, 1 should say, strong minded lady." "There you would- be wrong. I Ihould rather describe ber as brittle minded." "Buttle nilndodr. "Yes; she's been giving me pieces of her mind for years." fin Easy Arrangement. Wife Am I, then, never to have m way In anything?" Husband-Certainly, dear. Wheu we are both agreed you con bare yonr way. When we differ I'll have mine." An irritable man lies like a hedge hog rolled up the wrong way, torment ing himself with his own prickles. K. P. Hood. Doited States Land Notices NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Dapartmenit of .the Interior. J. S. Iand Office at La 'Grande, Or egon, July 2th, ISiO. Notice Is hereby given that. Mary 3. Yeager, whose pomtoffioe address 3 Elgl.i. Oregon, did, oni the 27th lay of October, 19-09, file In this ji'fice Sworn Statement and Appli cation, No. 072O3, to purchase the NTE4-N.E Sec. 7 and NW'4 NW 'A; Section 8, Township 1 North, iaiige 45 East, Willamette Meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provision of the -act of June 3, 1878, tnd acts amendatory, known as the 'Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraitse- nieut, and that, pursuant ito such -ap- ...icAiion, the land and timber there on have been, appraised, at $241.25 Hie timber estimated 290,000 board feet at 75 cents per M, and the land ?23.75; that said, applicant will offer1 u proof tn. support of her applica tion and sworn, statement on the 27th day of October, 1910, before The Register and Receiver at the United Staies. Land Office, ait La Grande, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest clils purchase befoio entry, or Ini tiate a contest at any tfoiie before patent Issues, by filing a corirobo .ated affidavit In this office, alleg ing facta which would defeat the. entry. ' 50cll F. C. Bramwell, Register. ; NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISO LATED TRACT. PUBLIC LAND SALE. L Department of the Interior. i U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or egon, August 1st, l91ii : j Notice Is hereby given that(-a,& directed by tjhe Commissioner "o4neJ General Land Office, under provls ions of Act of Congress approved June 27. 1906 (34 Stats., 517), we v'li offer at public sale to the high er, bidder, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 22d day of September, 1910, at this office, the followlng-descrLbed innd: ' . The NEtf, NE',4 Sec. 12, T. 1 N, R. 45 E. W. M., SerJal No. 06692. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are ad vised to file their claims, or objec tions, on or before the time desig nated lor sale. 51c5 - F. C. Bramwell, Register. Colon R. Eberhard, Receiver. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. United States Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, July 15th, 1910., ' Notice Is he'.eby given -Uiat Tom lon.roe, of Chico, Oregon, who, on June Cth, 1905, made Homestead Entry No. 14438 Serial, No. 04513, for NE4, ' Soctlo.i 28, Township 1 North, Range 45 East, Willamette .Meridian, has filed notice of inten tion to make Final Five-Year Proof, to estab'lsh claim to the land above described, before C. M. Lockwood, U. S. Commissioner, at his office, at Enterprise, Oregon, on the 8th day of. September, 1910. ' Claimant naniei as witnesses: Theolore Woods, and Jared H. Man ley, of Enterprise, Oregon, James Tlppett, and Guy W. Tlppett, of Chlco, Oregon. 48c3 F. C. Bramwell, Register. NOTICE FOR. PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Of flea at La Grande, Or egon, July 29th, 1910. Notice 1 hereby given that Elmer J. Jewell, whose post-office address is Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or egon, did, on the 10th day of No vember, 1909, file In this office Swots. Statement and Application, No. 07257, to purchase the S SW, Section 22, Township 1 North, Range 47 East, Willamette Meridian, and the Umber thereon, under the pro visions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law." at euch value as might be fixed by appraise ment, and that, pursuant to such ap plication, the land and Umber there on have been appraised, at $200.00 the timber estimated 210,000 board Toet at 50 cts. per M, and the land 195.00 ; hat said applicant will offer final proof In support of bis applica tion and sworn statement on the 27th day or October, 1910, before C; M. Lockwood. United Slates Commis sioner, at Enterprise, Oregon,. Any person is at liberty to protest ItliU purchase before' entry, or inl ! tkvte a contest at any time be'ore j 'patent issues, by filing a corrobo rated affidavit .in this office, aileg irg facts which would defeat the entry. 50cll . F. C. Bramwell, Register. NOTIC FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, June 20th, 1910. m ' Notice is hereby given that Joseph Allen, whose post-office address is Enterprise, Oregon, did, on the 2nd day of September, 1909, file In this office Sworn Sta ement and Appli cation, No. 06986, to purchase the SE'4 NW, Section 11, Township 1 North, Range 44 East, AVIUamette Meridian, and the timber "thereon, undr the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, lcno.vn as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pur luant to such applied" !ou, the land asid timber thereon have been es tl uated and valued by Uie applicant at $100.00 the timber estimated at S50.00 and the land $50.00; that said applicant will offer final proof m support of his application and sworn statement on the 10th day of Sep tember, 1910, before C. M. Lockwood, U. S. Comm'r, at. his office, at En terprise, Oregon. . Any person is at liberty to pro-, test this purchase before entry, or initiate a contest at any time be fore patent Issue3, by filing a cor- rouorateu affidavit in this office, al leging facts which would defeat tho entry. 44cll F. C. Bramwell. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' Department of the Interior. United States Land Office at La Giande, Oregon, July 15th, 1910. Notice' is hereby given that Homer A. Galloway, of Enterprise, Oregon, who,, on December 15th, 1908, made Homestead Application, No. 02C92, for Ey2 SE4, NW14 SE, SE34 NE4, Section 25, Township 1 South, Range 44 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of inte.itlon to make Fi nal Five Year ProJf, to establish claim to the -land above described, before C. M. Lockwood, U. S. Com-, missloner, at his office, at Enter- prlse, Oregon, on the twentieth day Df September, 1910. . . Claimant names as witnesses! Snow V. Heaton, Nanne Heaton, Cor nelius O'Nell, John Humphries, all jf Enterprise, Oregon, . 1 , ISco F. C. Bramwell, Register. -- ' ' ,; , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISO-. LATED TRACT. PUBLIC LAND SALE. Department of the -Interior. J. S. Land Office at La Giande, Ore gon, August 15th, 1910. Notice is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provis ions of Act of Congress approved June 27, 1906 (34 Stats., 517), we 111 offer at public sale to the high 3st bidder, at 10 o'clock a; m., on the 13th day of October, 1910, at this office, the following-described land: . The TV4 NW14 Section 27, and N 1,3 NB14 Section 28, T. 1 N., R. 45 E. W. M., Serial No. 07077. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are ad vised to file their claims, or objec tions, on or before the time desig nated for sale. ' 52c5 ; F. C. Bramwell, Register. Colon R. Eberhard, Receiver. NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. LATED TRACT. PUBLIC LAND SALE. Department of the Interior, r. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or egan, August 15th, 1910. Notice Is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Lond Office, under provis ions of Act of Congress approved June 27, 1906 (34 Stats., 517), we wlill offer at public sale, to the high est bidder, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 13th day of October, 1910, at this office, the follow Lngd escribed land: The NE14 NE4 Sec, ' 28, T. l' S., R. 44 E. W. M Serial No. 07568. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for Bale. 52c3 ' : F. C. Bramwell, Register. -Colon R. Eberhard, Receiver. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U, S. Land Office at La Grande, Or- goa, May 16th, 1910. Notice Is hereby given that Michelle Baker, whose post-office ddress is Lnierprise, Oregon, did, on the 20ta oay of July, 1909, file in this office Sworn Stateme.it and Application, No. 06831, toVirchasa the W"i SE" M, Sec, 8. ami Ntfc NEij, Section 17, Township 1 North, Range 45 East, Willamette. Meridian, and tho timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3. 1S78, and acts Rmendatory, known as Uie "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to - such application. the land and Umber thereon have 1 been estimated and vahued by appli cant at $400.00, the timber estimated to be worth $200.00, and the land $200.00; that said applicant will offer final proof in support of his applica tion and sworn statement on the 10th day of September, 1910, before John A. Rumble, U. S. Commissioner, at his office, at Joseph, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or ini tiate a contest at any time before patent Issues, by filing a, corrobo rated affidavit tn this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. 44cll F. C. Bramwell, Register. . Legal Advertisemcnfe ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Wallowa County. In the matter of the Estate of C. S. Fitzpatriek, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, F. W. Fitzpatriek, has been duly appointed by the above entitled County Court as administrator of the above entitled estate, and that he has duly qualified as such administrator." All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified 'to pre sent the same within six months from the date of this notice, properly veri fied as required by law, to the ' under signed administrator at Lostine, Wal lowa County, Oregon. Dated this 11th day of August, 1910. F. W. FITZPATRICK, Administrator of the Estate of Chas. S. Fitzpatriek, Deceased. J. A. BURLEIGH, Attorney for Ad ministrator. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Wallowa County. Hugh E. Wylie, Plaintiff, Edith B. Wylie, Defendent. To Edith B. Wylie, above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you by the plaintiff in the above entitled court and cause, within six weeks from and after the 11th day of August, 1910, the same being the date of the first publication of this summons; and if you fail so to appear and ans wer, you will be in default for want thereof and plaintiff will thereupon apply to said court for the relief de manded in his said complaint, to-wit, for a decree of said court dissolving the marriage contract now and hereto fore existing between plaintiff ard defendant, and that 'said marriage con tract be from henceforth held for naught. - The defendant will take notice that this summons is published by order of Hon. J. B. Olmsted, county judge of Wallowa County, Oregon, in the Wal lowa Chieftain, a newspaper published weekly at Enterprise, in said 'county and state, and directing that the same be published in said newspaper for a period of six weeks and seven issues thereof, .the date of the first publica tion thereof being the 11th day of Au gust, 1910, and the last publication be ing the 22nd day of September, 1910. D. W. SHEAHAN, Attorney for Plaintiff. iiuBBiuiiiiiniiinnHinnuBiiuuHBiiiimm 3 B 4 a m The City Planing' Mill m m m w a H a W. F. RANKIN, Proprietor ENTERPRISE, OREGON. Carries a complete stock of rough and dressed a lumber a a a H M H a n a d A line of standard mouldings always in stock. ; Satisfactory Mill WorK a Specialty g Five per oent discount for cash. All account balanced at expiration of 30 days and asttled by cash or not. B m XIBIEIBaSKBlIIIBEHIIBUaBIKiaBHBBSISZBiaifliHBiaaa If i wv L.BERLAND Dealer in Harness. Saddles. Channs. Sours , . . . . ana Leatner Goods of all descriptions. I ' '. I will fit you out with the best goods for the least J money. When in need of anything in my line, call and J inspect my stock before purchasing. J ENTERPRISE, . . . . OREGON la Grande D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor. 4 Foundry and Machine Shop. Casting andMa - chine Work done on short notice. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE FEED MILLS Sawmill break down jobs promptly attended to GIVE US A TRIAL NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice Is hereby given, That by virtue of a writ of execution, Judg ment order and decree issued out of and under the seal' of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wallowa County, to me directed and delivered, dated the 2nd day of Au gust, 1910, upon a judgment and de cree rendered and entered in said court on the 18th day of July, 1910, in favor of J. M. Simmons, plaintiff, and against Laura A. Hamilton, tiula Bare, Clarence Bare, Eva Wil son, Max Wilson, Me'.lie Hamilton and Velva Hamilton, defendants, for the sum of $751.50 .with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent .jer annum., and the further sum of $100.00 with Interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum, md the further sum of $23.40 coats tiid disbursements and the coats of ind upon this writ, commanding me ;o make sale of the following de scribed 'real property to satisfy said judgment and costs, to-wlt: - A tract of land beginning at the southeast corner of the southwest uuarter of the northwest quarter of section sixteen in township one north of range forty-eight E. W. M, .hence running north on the quar .er section -line thirteen rods; thence west'flf.ty-four and six-elevenths- rods to -the Imnaha river; thence south -p and along said river about fourteen-rods to the quarter section line between the NW14 and the SW4 of section sixteen in last de scribed township; thence east to the point of beginning, and all In Wallowa County, Oregon. Also the following tract, to-wlt: Beginning at the northeast corner of the west one-half 51 the south west one-fourth of section sixteen In township one north of range forty aight E. W. M.; thence south about 700 feet; thence west to the cen ter of the 'channel of the Imnaha river; thence down, and along the center, of the channel of the Imna ha river untji it Intersects the one half mile line running east and west through section sixteen liv towni&hlp one north of range forty-eight E, W. M.; thence along that line to the point of beginning; and all im Wal lowa County, Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and de cree and In compliance with the commands of said writ, I -will. on Monday the Cth day of Septem ber, 1910, at the hour of two o'clock p. ro. at the front door. of the Court House of Wallowa County, in the City V0f ; Enterpiise, in said County and 'State; sell "at public auction, 3Ubject to redemption, to the high est bidder, for cash in hand, all of the right, title and Interest which the within named defendants or either of them had on the date of the mortgage herein foreclosed, or since had, la end to said, above de scribed premises or any part there of, to satisfy said execution, judg ment order and decree and all costa and accruing cos.. Dated this 2nd day of August, 1910. EDGAR MARVIN, . Sheriff of Wallowa County, Oregon. . (First Insertion August 4, last Sep tember i; 1910.) - xit)tii teirys ' Iron Works.