The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, August 10, 1910, Wednesday Edition, Image 2

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(Twice-a-Week.) ' ' ' "
Formerly the Wallowa News, stab
. liahed March 3. 1899.
Published Wednesday and Satur
days at Enterprise, Oregon, by
Office East side Court House Square
Entered as second-class matter
Jmuar 2, 1909, at the postofflce at
Knterprlse. Oregon, under the Act of
?!arch 3, 1879. . .
Subscription Rates: One year $2, i
six months $1, three mouths 50c,
one month 20c. ; On yearly cash-ln-'ivan-
subscriptions a discount of
i'9 is given.
Ths Origin of the "Marseillaise."
In the reiu of terror under Kreron
and Hurras, wben hundreds of vic
tims were carved by the guillotine and
tbe people rose against the aristocra
cy, was born tbe byuiu of France,
composed by Rouget de I'Isle. He
was an officer of engineers and at a
banquet was asked to compose a war
soug. He wrote It In bis room tlmt
nlgbt before going to bed. and the
next morning bis hostess, the wife of
the mayor of Strassburg. tried It on a
piano, and In the afternoon tho.orcbes
ti'a of tbe theater plu.ved it lu tbe
square of Strassburg. where It created
much excitement aud gathered many
volunteers. Roiigct railed It a song
for tbe Army of tbe Rhine, but subse
quently it was sung by a regiment of
volunteers, mostly assusslus, wbn
marched out of Marseilles to Paris,
where It was appropriated by the cap
ital and called the "Mymne des Mursel
lals." But Joseph Roiiget. the author,
died in poverty. Desbler Welch In
Harper's Magazine.
Weitminstar Hall.
Westminster bull, Engluud's old ball
of tbe king's Justice. Ih one of tbe
world's notable historical shrines.
Built four centuries before Columbus
Balled for America, burned, restored,
remodeled. It has seen more history
In tbe making thau perhaps any other
building west of Rome. ' Here some of
the early parliaments met, uud here !
the second Edwurd was expelled from
bis throne. Here Richard II. was de
posed, Charles I. condemned aud Crom
well bulled as lord protector, whose
head. If the legend is uut hemic, was
afterward exposed from cue of tbe
hull's plunacles. . Westminster bull wbh
tbe scene of tbe trial of Warren Hast
ings. In It seutence of death was pro
nounced on William Wullace, Sir Thom
as More, Somerset, Essex, Strafford
and Guy Fawkes.-New York World,
Triad to Fly.
John Milton in "Britain to the Con
quest" says tbut tbe youth King Ila'r
old. hist of the Saxons, strangely as
piring, bad made aud fitted wings to
his bauds uud feet. With these, ou the
top of a tower, spread out to gather
the air, he flew more'than a furlong;
but. the wind being too high, be came
fluttering to the grouud, maiming nil
bis limbs, yet so conceited was be of
his art that the cause of his fall was
attributed to the want of a tail, as
birds have, which be forgot to make.
Fresh Fruits
All seasonable fruits
found here. Also the
finest shipment of For
eign'' and Dome s t i c
Cheese ever in the city
General Merchandise
With the en t i r e
stock kept brand ,
new at the lowest
prices the quality of
. goods can besold for
All Hats, Shoes and
Gloves at Cost while
they last
; An excellent quality of coal
at a conservative price.
Lay in the winter ,
supply now.
Riley 2 Riley's
The Enterprise Creamery Co. J
Paid 37jc for Butter Fat during the month of June. This 5
was the highest price paid by any creamery in this section.
Beginning with Monday, July 11th, this creamery paid 2Q C
for Butter Fat Any person with only one or two cows can Z
make a good margin of profit by producing cream at that S
figure for the Enterprise Creamery.
The Enterprise Creamery Co. 8
Sole Agents for the DeLaval Cream Separators t
FreJillo Malt In, young son' of E. O.
Makin, while play'ng with an, old
rusty 22-caiiure rile, Saturday,
de:i'Uy d'lschureei the weapon, tho
oullet striikiiiK hi sister LdLLh who
was standing a fe;v feet In front ot i
I him. The bullet entered, the center
1 of the upper lip, striking the upper
jaw. and base of teo'.h and wa4 de
flected up through .the nostrils.
The accident occurred about 10 a.
m., and Mr. Alakln was away from
home, but help was summoned from
ths field where men were working,
and Mr. Makin reached by phone at
Loitine a ha was on his. way to
Wallowa in his auto. He phoned
Dr. IIockeLt of Enterprise, who hur
ried In his auto to ( he Makin home,
six m'lles east of town. Doap pro'o
Ide failed to locate the bulle!, aud
later the girl was brought to town to
Dr. Ault's office where en excellent
X-ray photograph failed ito show the
leaden, messenger. It is supposed the
bullet went Into the nostrils and was
discharged with the profuse bleeding,
or e!3e was. swallowed,
j Thi3 girl waa standing so close to
ths gun, that her face was burned
viui lue powder. She Ih now vcov.
jering nicely from the accident and
no more eerlous reaulU are expected.
Mrs. Sarah E. Hetrick died at hei
home on Swamp Creek, about sevei
miloB from Enterprise, Saturday, Aug
ust 6. Fnueral services were held a'
Enterprise cemetery Monday at 13
o'clock, conducted by Rev. C. E. True
blood of the M. E. church.
Mr. and Mrs. Hetrick came to the
Grande Rcnde 12 years ago and move
to their Swamp Creek home three yean-
ago last February. Mrs. Hetrick hat
been an invalid for 14 years. She wa
born in Howard County, Mo., Novem
ber 19, 1847. She leaves her husband,
little grandchild, a daughter at Prom
ise and one at Wallowa, and three sons,
one at Ravena, Neb., one at Wallowt
and one at Enterprise. She had been i
member of the M. E. church since sht
was 13 years of age.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to thank all who helped
u in the illness and death of our
I. HETRICK ami Family.
C. S. Haney, who starts his annua)
threshing campaign this week, has beer
around a bit looking after his work
md while at home a few days since,
was quite optimistic about the crops tn
both irrigated and non-irrrgated lands.
Mr. Haney states that as far as he hue
seen there will be big .crops of - fal
sown grain. The spring sown grain if
of course poor and most of it has been
cut. for hay. -
Many fields of fall wheat in the hills
will make above 40 bushels to the
acre. I
Combes & Hotchk:s3 of this city sold
to Walker, of Scuttle, six car loads of
cattle and the same were shipped Sat
urday, two cars loaded here and foi
at Joseph.
Senled bM far the dance hall con
cession at the County Fair will he
received until Tuesday, August 16
The rieht Is reserved to rejoct any
aud all' bids.
C. S. BRADLEY, Secy.,
Enterprise, Orw.
For All Kinds of
Artlitle fainting, and
rr Haarflng'
do not fall to call on
OAKES, Contractor
N. B.-Lowa Bros.' Painta
1 he Policyholders' Company
Heme Cflice, Corbctt Blig.,
A. L Mills L Samuel
County Survevor H. E. Merrvman .
has finished the survey ancTplotting of ,
the town site of Troy and has placed
the lots on sale.
Mr. Merryman, and many others as
well, are sanguine Troy will be an im
portant commercial and industrial cen
ter as soon as the railroad is buiit
down the Grande Ronde river.
The O. R. & Nv is now making the
inal Burvey between Rondowa and
Lewiston and in a fe w months will have
all the data necessary for letting con
struction contracts. ,
Troy is on the west bank of the
rande Ronde at the mouth of ths
VVenaha river. AH north country roads
lead to Troy. The county put in a
ridge across the Wenaha two years
igo, and a $10,000 steel bridge across
lie Grande Ronde is under construction
this summer.
Troy is the center of the finest fruit
region in all the northwest. Tens of
thousands of acres of bench land on
which grows the finest apples, pears,
peaches, plums and prunes, are tribu
tary to Troy. Millions on millions ol
feet of the largest and best timber will
be manufactured into lumber at Troy.
These are only a partial list of the
vast natural resources tributary to this
new town.
So far, 94 lots on five ' streets, : com
prising eight blocks, have been laid out.
The streets are 60 feet wide and on the
large blocks the alleys are 20 feet wide.
The business district lots range ir.
size from 25 x 105 to 25 x 125; residence
lots 30 x 125. River frontage and in
dustrial sites of various sizes.
All the town site as laid out is under
he proposed ditch.
All phone orders for ous to
.'roin depot promptly attended
White Front barn. Home phone.
Social Breikfast.
newspaper wonders
we uo louder Invite people to break
fust. Tbe reason is to be found In the
state of ml ml Unit usually possesses
tbe free and Independent cltlzeu at
tbut hour iu tbe inuruliij;. a state of
mind tbut makes him unbearable to
himself uud to every oue wbo comes
near hint. Presumably It was uot ever
so. for Invitations to breakfast were
ouce commou enough, and uot so long
ago eltlier. Mr. Uludstiuie used to
have guests to breakfast every Thurs
day morning ns recently as 1S84, uud
It was thought sullkleut to supply teu
aud coffee, oggs. bread and bultcr and
perbnps some cold meat. Hut the
really solid breakfast bad come Into
fashion long before then, and It Is
said that the English learued the fash
ion from the Scotch. Motley, when be
was ambassador to Kiiglnud, found
that the substantia! breakfast was
grievously opposed to the simpler cus
toms of his own country. He says,
"When I reflected that nil these peo
ple would lunch at and dine at 8 I
bowed my bead In humiliation, uud tbe
fork dropped from my nerveless
grasp." Argouaut.
Big Clocks.
The big clock of tbe Metropolitan
tower at Mudlsou square. New York,
la by long odds the costliest aud most
elaborate public timepiece ever con
structed and is tbe only great clock in
tbe world operated wholly by electric
ity without the touch of human bands.
Some of Its other Wonders are Its size,
being the largest four dial tower clock
and the third largest clock of any size
la the world, and its altitude, which
Is tbe highest of auy clock lu tbe
world. It lias also the btggest and
heaviest striking bell.
The other three largest clocks are
the one face dial of the Colgate fac
tory In Jersey City, which Is forty feet
across, the next In sbr.e of mammoth
public chronometers being the dial at
St. ftombort's. lu the old city of Ma
llues. In Belgium, whleb is thirty-nine
feet across. St. IVler1 of Zurich,
Rwltxerlaud. has a dial face twenty
nine feet, aud then In order comes the
MetroHlltan tower clock, which Is
tweuty-six feet six luehes In diameter.
Oakes carries a
Brothers' PaluU. .
Upe of Lowe
lOStf '
Fifili and Horriso?, Po;t'aiJ
Clarence S. Samuel
The ' executive committee having
chare of the f air are the recipients ol
many complimentary messages from
people ih various parts of the county,
upon the completeness and liberality of
the premiums offered, and assurances
ere being received of the active sup
port and co-operation of the people
generally. The committee is greatly
encouraged and CDnfidently believer the fair will be an unqualified suc
Mr. W. Church Dorrance requests his premium be extended to ih
elude all girls under eighteen years oi
age, instead of sixteen years as pub
lished. The premium offered by Mr.
Dorrance is such a handsome one ami
the purpose for which it is offered it
such an eminently practical one, that ii
is to be hoped, that there will be mud
competition for it.
Thursday of the fair hss been desig
nated as Union County day and a spec,
ial train will convey the citizens of our
neighboring county to Enterprise ii
time to enjoy a program arranged witl
special reference to the pleasure of oui
guests. The train will start from Li
Grande, making stops at all station!
to take on passengers.
. The business men of La Grande arc
expected to close their places of busi
ness on that day and attend the Wal
lowa County Fair en masse. It is con
iidently expected that not lebs thai
one thousand Grande Ronders w ill Le
present :
It is planned to make Friday of the
Fair, "Politicians Day, "and invitations
ore being extended to all candidates
for state office, on all tickets, to bi
present and make addresses. Already
assurances hKve been had from Mr.
Jay Bowerman, candidate for Goveix
nor, and from Mr. W. R. Ellis, can
didate for oongress, that they will be
here in case they are nominated.
It is also planned to honor the various
citie3 and sections of Wallowa Count
with special days, on which programs
appropriate to the day will be held.
lhcse days and programs will be an
nounced later. -
II. T Mitchell aud
last week at liunaha.
family spsul
' Companion.,
Small Tommy -My pifs awful smart.
Utile Elsie What dot he do? Small
Jotumy-Ues h mechanic and makes
locomotives. I.iirle Klsle Thill's uoth
i.ig. My pa's a commuter aud makes
two trulus every day.-Chicago News.
Good and Evil,
Nothing Is truly good to a mao wijkli
does uot make him Just, temperute.
courageous mid free, and nothing can
be evil to a man which does uot give
him tbe contrary disposition.-Marcus
A Wond.rful
In Its review of Pierre de Vasslere's
book "Le Mori du Hoi" the Neueste
Nucbrh bteti dwells upon the account
of the last seven minutes of Louie
XVI. as described In the book. These
were betweeu 10:13, when the king ar
rived at the foot of the guillotine, and
10:22. "when a shot tired at the end of
tbe Champs Klysees. uo one knows by
whom, gave notice (bat the head had
fallen." The review calls nttentlou to
the statement by the author that toe
king's bands had ben pinioned be
bind him by the executioner while
Louis was putting ou the coat which
Yhen m Enterprise stop at
The Model Cafe
and Rooming House
Best meals in town 23c and up
Rooms-25c, 5(V, 7Gc and $1.00
Steam heat; hot and cold water
' H
In Rotlgcrs building on River
Street, 3 doors south of Fu:ik
corner. Give us a call
COM it
be was to wear at the "end"and" that
when he reached the platform of tbe
Instrument of death be rushed unas
sisted to tbe upright farthest from the
stairway, "slapping tbe face of one of
the assistant executioners who tried to
stop him." With bunds fastened at his
back, tbe reviewer aks, "How did tbe
doomed monarch manage to perform
the operation?"
Bunyan's Wicket Gat.
In tbe village of Elstow there is
abundant material that la visibly asso
ciated witb Jobn Bunyau. Tbe isolat
ed church tower contains the very
bells in tbe ringing of which Buuyan
rejoiced and afterward- trembled.
Above all there must be mentioned tbe
wicket gate which figures early Id the
story of ' Pilgrim' Progress." The
wicket gate of "Pilgrim's Progress" Is
commonly represented as a garden
gate or a turnpike gate, but really tbe
term denotes a small doorway cut out
of a large door. Concealed behind a
tree at the west end of Elstow church
is Just such a small doorway in tbe
broad wooden surface of tbe great
door. Through this lowly opening
Bunyau must often have passed wben
a boy. Harper's Weekly.
The Major's Value.
"Major Bunks." said a veteran, "was
a pompous chap. The boys bad a good
deal Of fun ouce over his exchange.
'it seems that ou a very dark night
a stalwart Confederate. took the major
prisoner. This fact, together with tbe
uarrutive of the prisoner's return to
camp, was signaled to headquarters
' 'Major Bunks, raptured ' during
night march, exchanged later for two
plugs tobacco.'"
The Lilies.
Two thousand years ugo It was sup
posed that water lilies closed their
flowers at night and retreated far un
der water, to emerge again at sunrise.
This was Pliny's view, and It was not
Impeached until the , English botanist
Just about now
'AS we get along toward midsummer in the clothing
business, we begin to look forward to the coming
fall; the new goods are ordered for you for fall and
winter; and that means that we ought to clean up our
spring and summer stocks and dispose of all the goods
we have on hand.
Now, that means that we must offer some sort of
extra inducement to you to come in aud buy; an in
ducement that will make it worth while to buy, even
if you've already bought summer clothes; you'll never
have.more than enough of our kind.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
clothes are always bargains at the prices we ask for
them; they're worth the money; tire value is in them.
That makes a reduced price all the more attractive on
such clothes; it's like finding money.
20 per cent off on any suit in stock
This, store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
INew Ulne of
"Superior" Stoves and Ranges
See me and get my prices before buyinT ' else
where. I carry also a full and complete line of
bath tubs, basins and bowls, and a full list of
plumbing supplies. First-class plumbing at the
lowest figure for which such plumbing can be J
S. K. CLARK Enterprise, Oregon
HOf all kindsjlf you believe in beautifying Enterprise, you
must believe in making that beauty enduring.TConcrete is
enduring-it will render city beauty a "Concrete Reality.""
4See us for any and all kinds of Concrete Work.
MARKS BROTHERS, General Contractors. (
Enterprise Livery
BaKer & Smith, Proprietors
Fair treatment to everybody. Bus meets all trains 10 cts
Commercial Trade a Specialty.
Firsl Class Rigs. . . Phone Orders Carefully Followed
Horses Bought and Sold
Feed For Sale Open Day and Night
Pure Bred Black Percheron Stallion at this barn for service
John ' Kay in 1G8S first "doubted
veruclty. Tbe great lily of Zanzibar,
one of tbe' grandest of tbe Illy family,
opeus its flowers, ten Inches wide, be
tween II lu the morning and in the
afternoon. They are of tbe richest
royal blue, with from 150 to 200 golden
stamens in the center, and they remain
open four or flvp days. It is not gen
erally known that there are lilies that
have nocturnal habits nlgbt bloomers
as well as day bloomers. They hts
very punctual timekeepers, too, open
lug and closing witb commendable reg
ularity. Pepys and the Comet.
On Dec. 21. 10tH. Pepys. tbe diarist,
records. "My Lord Sandwich this day
writes nie word that be hath seen at
Portsmouth the comet and says It Is
the uiost extraordinary thing be ever
saw." Again, three days later, be
writes. "Having sat up all ulgbt till
past 2 o'clock this morning, our porter,
being appointed, comes and tells 08
that tbe bellman tells him that tbe
star Is seen upon Tower bill, so I and
my boy to Tower bill. It being a most
line bright moonshine nlgbt and a
great frost, but no eoniet to be seen."
Later tbe same day, however. Pepys
did see the comet, "which now, wheth
er worn away or no. 1 know not, ap
pears not witb a tall, but only Is larger
and duller than any other star."
Westminster Gazette.
What sculpture Is to a block of mar
ble education Is to a bumau soul, tl'be
philosopher, tbe saint and tbe hero, tbe
wise, tbe tiood and tbe great man very
often lie bid aud concealed In a plebe
ian, which a proper education might
have disiuterred aud brought to light.
Shakespeare's Handicap.
Mrs. Mouimoreucy Smyttie And
what were you reading when I came
Id, my dear'; Shakespeare! Ab! What
a wonderful man: And to think (bat
he wasu't exactly what one would call
n gentleman!-ijndon Puuch.
and Sales Stable