The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, August 03, 1910, Wednesday Edition, Image 1

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Wednesday Edition
Cemt a word single Insertion, IV
cent a word 2 Insertions. Special
rates by month and year. -'
Violin pupils. Miss Peirl Humphrey,
graduate of Notre Dame Academy.
Call ait J. L. Browning's. 24bm
Girl to learn .telephone . operating.
Apply Independent office, Enter
prise. 27bl
I. ills and books, between hotel -and
depot. Finder will be rewarded by
leiurulng to J. P. Sanders. Or leave
at this office or at E. M. & M. Co.
store. ' . 26btf
Lost, in or near Enterprise, ladies'
.black hand satchel containing coin
purse, $3.00 and some email change,
one pair black silk mittens, paiir
black lisle gloves, three handker
chiefs, and card from Rev. Adams.
Finder, please, return to this office
or Edith Stubble-leld. .
Two pigs, sandy with black spots.
Finder communicate wi'th" C. E.
Funk, Enterprise. 19btf
Dime ruuua luuieu, o yer mui. duuu
P. Rusk. Atty. State Land B'd. Joseph
Farm loans tfi. 7V4 percent. CaU'or
write First Bank of Joseph. - 68btt
Wonder Washer at Riley's.
Fresh cow andi calf; also surrey,
team and: harness. Inquire at M.
& M. flour mill, Enterprise. 27b2
Lots in Troy towneibe for sale at
$20 and up. 0. R. & N. railroad
da now making final location' survey
on Grande Ronde river ; between
Rondowa and Snake river. When
road is- built Troy will be the larg
est town and chief trading center
of the entire North Country. See
or write H. E. Merryman, owner,
Enterprise, Oregon. ' 27btf '
New 8 room house and 3 lota in
souhteast part of town. Will be
sold for $2000, the actual cost of
lots and house, if taken soon. In
quire at this office." 27btt
The following Is a list of letters
remaining uncalled for at the post
office at Enterprise, Oregon, for the
W62k ending July 30, 1910:
'.Mr. F. P. Brcsins. Mr Elmer Col-
vln, Mr. Walter S. Hanson, Ray Shel
ton, Mir. Ed Ledbetter.
1 When calling for any of the above
please say advertised. Those not
called for will be sent to the dead
letter office on August 16, 1910.
' BEN WEATHERS, Postmaster.
Oklahoma Corn Damaged.
GUTHRIE, Okla. The report of the
State Board of Agriculture estimates
the damage to the corn crop In Okla
homa in the last month at 21.3 per
Tali Is against a damage of 25.6
per cent In 1909.; The board reports
the cotton holding up well. '
Since July 25 the hottest and dry
est weather of the year has been felt
and the damage li gall to be much
Increased over the figures made pub
- - . Portland.
Wheat Track prices: Club, 86c;
bluestem, 95; red Russian. 5c.
Barley Feed and brewing, $24. .
Oats No. 1 white, $28 per ton.
Hay Timothy. Willamette Valley,
$1819 per ton; Eastern Oregon,
$20022; alfalfa, $13014.
Butter Extra. 33c; fancy,' 33c;
ranch, 23a
Eggs Ranch, candled, I7o.
Hops 1909 crop, 1013c; olds,
Wool Eastern Oregon, 14017c per
Mohair 32 33c.
- Wheat Bluestem, 94c; club, 88c;
red Russian, 87c. " '
Oats $32 per ton.
Barley $24 per ton. -
Hay Timothy, $22 per ton; alfalfa.
'4 per ton.
Butter Washington Creamery, 33e;
ranch. 22c.
Eggi Selected local, tie.
Lee Statue Will Stay. '.
. BEVERLY, Mais. President Taft
has approved, without comment, an
opinion by Attorney-General Wicker
sham to the effect that there Is no
provision of law by which the statue
of General R. E. Lee in Confederate
ualform can be removed from Stat
uary hall. In the capital at Washington.
Arrested as Steamer Lands for
Alleged Murder of His Wife.
No Confession Obtained.
FATHER POINT. Quebec Doctor
Hawley Harvey Crippen and Ethel
Claire Leneve, his stenographer, who
fled from London after the disappear
ance of Belle Elmore, the doctor's
wife, were arrested here 8unday
aboard the Canadian Pacific liner
Montrose, at the command of Inspec
tor Dew, of Scotland Yard.
The Identification of the long-sought
fugitives by the detectives on the
English steamer which had raced
across the Atlantic ahead of the Mont'
rose, marked the culmination of one
of the most sensational flights 1a re
cent criminal annals; '
Girl Sobs Hysterically.
Accompanied by Canadian officers,
Dew boarded the vessel,. and 18 min
utes later both man and girl were
locked in their staterooms, Crippen,
broken in spirit but mentally relieved
by the relaxed tension; the girl, garb
ed In boy's clothes, sobbing hysteric
ally. They were no longer "Rev. John
Robinson and son," as booked from
Antwerp on July 20. . .
After brief delay, the Montrose con
tinued her 160-mile Journey up the
river towards Quebec, where the jali
awaited the pair. Crippen is charged
with the murder of an unknown worn
an, believed to have been his actress
wife. Belle Elmore. The girl Is held
as an accessory. In Charge of In
spector Dew they will be taken back
to England for trial, on the Royal line
steamship Royal George, leaving Que
bee on Thursday.
WASHINGTON. D. C Nearly 800.
000,000 acres of public land, the
cream of the West, is now withdrawn
from entry. Some of it Is permanent
ly withdrawn, as, for instance, the
forest reserves. National parks, etc..
and other portions may in time be
again placed within the reach of the
people of the West
There remains of the public domain
only about 700,000,000 acres that Is
unappropriated and unreserved, and a
very small percentage of this residue
Is attractive or will ever be attrac
tive to settlers. Included In' this acre
age are the bad lands of the West,
the Irreclaimable, deserts, barren
mountain summits and - worthless
mountain country. Only a small por
tion Is arable, and very little Is of
a character' that will permit of agri
cultural development. The best lands
have not passed to private owner
ship are now held up by the govern
Wendllng Captured Aftec Long Chase
llng, former, janitor of St John's
church of Louisville, Ky., and the man
who is charged with the murder of
little 8-year-old Alma Kellner, niece
of one of the richest men of Louis
ville, is under arrest here. Wendllng
was arrested after having been bunt
ed through half a dozen states of the
union, through Mexico and part of
Central America. Wendllng admitted
his identity but protests his Inno
cence of the crime.
OTTAWA, Ont Balked of bis life
long ambition to make a voyage to
the North Pole, Captain Bernler, who
sailed for the Polar regions from Que
bec recently, on the government
steamer Arctic, under sealed orders,
haa evidently been placated by a com
mission from the Canadian g'overn
ment to essay the Northwest Pas
sage. Whether or not, however, Cap
tain Bernlor succeeds In forcing the
Northwest Passage, his Instructions
are to plant the British flag and as
sert Canadian sovereignty over Arc
tic lands that ho may visit la the
course of his expedition.
No Egyptian Tobacco.
Egypt grows no tobacco. The best
tobacco reachee Aden from Cavalla
and is known aa nm
SEATTLE. Fruitgrowers of Idaho,
Oregon and Washington at a meeting
here organised the Northwestern
Fruit exchange, a co-operative agency,
to handle the business of the fruit
growers of the three states. The head
quarters of the exchange will .be es
tablished Immediately at Portland,
Ore., and branch agencies will be
placed In all the important market
centers of the country.
Its purpose Is the co-ordination of
the fruitgrowing Interests of Wash
ington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana
and the centralizing of the handling
and marketing of fruit grown In all
the best districts In these states
through one channel.
Many Negroes Killed..
PALASTINE, Texas. Twenty-three
negroes and four white men were
killed In a race riot between Elkhart
and Slocum, 15 miles south of here,
according 'to advices 'received from
the scene of the battle.
The riot began when James Alford.
a white man, had an altercation wlto
a negro regarding a protested note
This led to a general, fight between
the ' whites and negroes In which
knives and pistols were used.
WASHINGTON. Porter Charlton,
confessed murderer of his wife, whose
body was taken from Lake Como,
Italy, may go forth, a free man, from
Jersey City jail. The Italian govern
ment has made no formal demand for
the extradition of Charlton, and in the
Opinion of authorities on internation
al law, unless such a demand i
made by the authorities, the Federal
officers must order Charlton's release.
It has been generally concluded that
Italy hesitates to demand Charlton's
extradition, owing to her policy of re
fusing trf extradite crlmiaala to the
United States, when they have taken
refuge in Italy. ,
Oldest Sailor Now 101.
; SEATTLE. The army transport
Dix sailed . for Manila Sunday with
a cargo of army mules, cavalry
horses' and army supplies. One of
her passengers Is Don Is Aguera a
Filipino sailor, aged 101 years and
six months, whose .birth date is re
corded In the Catholic Church at
Rendered Insane by Monotony of
Ranch Life.
MARTINEZ, Cal. Mrs. Joseph
Mello, formerly Isabel McNicoll of
San Francisco,' wife of one of the
wealthiest ranchers In Contra Costa
county, drowned four of her six chil
dren In a small bath tub at her borne
at Marsh Mello Is believed to be In
sane. Behind the tragic death of the inno
cent babes Is the story of a woman
who, used to the luxury and the pas
times of a gay city, was suddenly
placed on a lonely ranch where her
days became monotonous. - .
Grand Trunk Strike Settled.
MONTREAL. A ' basts of settle
ment on the Grand Trunk has been
reached after a prolonged conference
of union representatives and railroad
officials, and the men are expected to
return to work.
The coroner's Jury empaneled to
Inquire Into the death of Ira G. Rawn,
late president of 'the Monon railroad,
returned an open verdict, but found
that he died from a shot received
from his own weapon by his own
One thousand " acres of tobacco,
nearly as much wheat, and more than
500 acres of corn were destroyed by
a cloud burst in Lincoln, Boyle and
Mercer counties, Kentucky. -
Local government officials, acting
upon orders received from Washing
ton, confiscated 60,000 Ice cream cones
consigned to a Kansas City drug com
pany. The government alleges the
cones are Impure.
Erwln Wider, the raahler of the
Russo-Chlnese bank agency, was ar
rested la New York and held la $25,
000 bail, after confessing to defalca
tions aggregating mora than $500,000.
. Chrenle Condition.
Prospective Tenant Of course the
bonse needs repairs. Owner Huh!
Via you ever see a house' that didn't!
Conflicting Forces May Causo
Boy Monarch to Lose
His Throne.
MADRID. Alfonso' of SpMn i:;
caught between conflicting foices; each
of which seems bent on removing him
from his throne. Between tlie three,
it is evident to students of Spanish
affairs that the boy monarch v!l)
probably have to fight his way ou!
through the most critical strife of hi;
eventful career.
The diplomatic battle with the Vati
can has assumed the greatest import
ance, but the threats of the Carlists.
headed by Don Jaime, the pretender,
and the armed uprising of the thou
sands of Spanish exiles along the
French border, aided by the general
strike being preached all over Spain,
have won thousands of adherents' who.
today Join forces In a contest with
Alfonso, with the throne of Spaiu as
the stake.
Excitement in the capital and
throughout Spain Is Intense .over the
conflict with the Vatican, which came
to a climax when the diclslon of Pre
mier Canalejas to recall the Spanish
ambassador , to the Vatican was an
nounced. The clerical element, which has of
ten before won similar battles in
Spain, shows no hesitation in entering
upon the conflict and seems to have
set its aim, not upon minor conces
sions and a compromise acceptable to
the Holy See, but upon the downfall
of Canalejas and his cabinet and the
cancellation of the entire programme
of reform. The withdrawal of the
Imperial decree permitting non-Catholic
organizations to display the In
signia of house worship, which fur
nishes the ostensible cause of diplo
matic relations, assumes secondary
.CHICAGO. The great wheat battle
of July, 1910, closed with Thomas II.
Waterman, the new king of the pit,
In the saddle. The "corner" closed
Without any squeezing of the shorts,
which Is a most unprecedented way
for a well-regulated corner to act, es
pecially when a new monarch is as
suming control.
The main reason for thefailing of
the corner and the escape of many
shorts from the promised squeezing
Is that the Chicago board of trade
permitted Waterman and his asso
ciates to learn that no squeezing of
the shorts would be tolerated and that
the creation of an artificially high
price on the closing day of the option
would result In some one being sus
pended from membership.
The closing prices of the July op
tion were $1.05 and $1.05. Septem
ber wheat closed at $1.03Vi and
Strike May Tie Up Road.
CHICO, Cal. The ejitlre system ol
the Northern Electric Railway will be
tied up by a strike, if efforts now
on foot succeed. The company has
failed to grant a raise In wages to
linemen employed by It, and they
were ordered out by the electrical
workers' union. This prevents the
completion of the double-track work
under wav In Sacramento.
v, KW' ' 't J
R - . 11 si . 1
The American consul at Managua,
has advised the date department that
the revolutionary movement Is gain
ing strength In western Nicaragua.
New York City faces a sugar fam
Ine as a result of the strike at the
Williamsburg plant of the American
Sugar Refining company. For nearly
a week the company has been unable
to make Its usual deliveries to re
tailers. Final steps In the transaction by
which a large number of gas, electric
and water power plants In Oregon,
Washington and Idaho are merged un
der the name of the Pacific Power A
Light company, a $7,500,000 operat
ing corporation, have been taken.
Mayor Gaynor has announced his
determination to put a stop to the
distribution of free beer to policemen
and firemen by several big New York
The bill modifying the declaratloi
of religion required by the Engllal
King upon accession passed the house
of commons on third reading by is
vote of 254 to 42.
While satisfied that neither a pre
tectorate over nor the annexation o'
Liberia is contemplated In the pro
posed plan of the United States tr
raise a loan of $1,500,000 to consoll
date Liberia's debt on a sound busi
ness basis, some disquietude is mani
fested In French government circlet
over exactly what Secretary Kno
contemplates In the premises.
There are to be some unique fea
tures in a monster suffrage parade
which Is to take place In New York
City In October as the opening gun ot
the suffragists fall campaign. Ac
cording to the announcements just Is
sued, one float Is to be filled with
"suffrage babies" to show that suffrs
gists do not neglect rearing families
Old age pensions In foreign coun
tries have been the subject of invest!
gatlon by Congressman Frederick
Lundin, Republican, Illinois. He flndt
that they have proved successful and
he Is hopeful that some such provts
Ion for the care of the aged my be
made in the United States.
,--,.-... ... . . , .
John Llnd, nominated for governor
by the democrates, has said definitely
and flatly that, if elected, he will not
serve as governor' of Minnesota.
Kernilt Roosevelt's return to Paris
has revived the rumor that the young
hunter of big game has lost his heart
to the charming Miss Margaret Ruth
erford, daughter of Mrs. W. K. Van
derbilt, who resides In Paris a large
part of each year.
Ex-Secretary of the Treasury tinder
Grover Cleveland, who died at bis
home In New York Sunday.
W. J.. Bryan has just given Instruc
tion that the work of Improving his
farm of 160 acres near Mission, Texas,
be pushed forward as rapidly as pos
sible, as he desires to move Into bis
new home with his family this fall.
He gives Intimation that he Intends
to make Texas his permanent home.
Laura Jean Llbby, the author of
sensational novels, made her debut on
the stage Monday In a New York roof
garden. Miss Llbby It Mrs. Van Ma
! ter Stlllwell In private life.
In a communication received from
Wells-Fargo attorneys by the state
railroad commission, the commission
Is asked to withhold service of .ts re
cent order cutting rates until Septem
ber 1. The law allows 20 days for
consideration of such an order.
Eighty years old, tired of life and
fearing she would become a burden
to relatives, Mrs. Regula Seether of
Portland donned a bathing suit at
Seaside, waded Into the surf and al
lowed herself to drown.
- .''. V
.:- 1
Chronicle of Important Event3
of Interest to Our .
Build Electrlo Line Down Coast.
MARSHFIELD. Stating that the
purpose is to build an electrlo line
from this city to Roseburg, the Coos
Bay Traction corporation, which was
recently Incorporated in Oregon for
$1,000,000, made a public announce
ment through the president, George
F. Averill of this city:
It Is understood that It Is a part of
a plan to build an electric line to
Florence and Coos Bay and on to
Roseburg and also from this city to
Bandon, down through Curry county
and across to Grants Pass.
Nothing la given out as to who
Averill Is acting for further than that
he Is connected with eastern capital.
Assessment Matter of Law.
SALEM. In defense ot the request
made by the tax commission for a
closer assessment by county assessors
of mortgage . notes. Commissioner
Charles Galloway dictated a long In
terview for the newspapers, In which
he reaffirms the former request and
makes It clear that the commission
expects assessors to use their utmost
efforts to reach debts on account,
note, contract or mortgage. The in
terview Is given with' the object of
correcting some, misunderstandings
that he fears may have arisen as re
sult of the recent discussion of the
feasibility of taxing mortgage notes
In the public press.
Realty Frauds ' Alleged.
SALEM. Attorney-General A. M.
Crawford has directed a letter to Dis
trict Attorney Cameron, of ' Multno
mah county, calling his attention to
the townslte of . Hiltmah In Crook
county and suggesting that the sub
ject might be worthy an official In
vestigation. ,
He said that the town Is platted on
a rockplle In a desert near where one
of the proposed lines of railroad Is
surveyed. He says there are no houses
there, or any other buildings, although
the advertising matter shows banks,
hotels and buildings on the town plat.
For a while, be says,' there was one
tent on the land.
He was requested by the county of
ficials to call Cameron's attention to
the conditions and if possible bring
the parties causing the alleged fraud
Into the courts. The land is practi
cally valueless, he asserts, for any
purpose whatever and Is so situated
that no one will ever become an In
habitant there. He Incloses a photo
grar of the place showing the soli
tary tent and bIbo some advertising
Work at Celllo to Begin.
THE DALLES. The government
will resume active operations on the
construction of the Celllo canal at Big
Eddy, four miles east of The Dulles,
early next month. It Is reported that
the work will be in charge of Gov
ernment Engineer L. B. Russell.
Aold Retards Timothy.
WALLOWA.A. W. Sampson, who
la employed in classifying lands In the
national forests for the government,
with a view of determining the acidity
of the soil and the proper grasses to
sow for producing the best crop ot
forage, haa returned from Washing
ton. Extensive experiments were
made last year with bluegrass, tim
othy and red top. The timothy and
bluegrass did well for a few weeks,
when the roots struck a stratum of
add soil about two Inches In depth.
The roots curled up In a mass and
the growth was retarded greatly until
the latter part of August, when, this
stratum was penetrated and the roots
hot rapidly downward, producing a
flae growth in such plants as had sur
vived the season.
Fish Hatchery Cleared.
WALLOWA. The Wallowa fish
hatohery, located 14 miles below this
olty oa the Wallowa river, Is clear of
flsh and eggs, all the fry havlng'hatch
ed, reached the feeding age, and been
turned tabs the rivet.
They Come Easy.
No man baa to serve an apprentice
ship In order to leant now to make