Wstarfaal Baa Twicea Week Saturday Edition THE CORD ALL THE OFFICIAL NEWS OF WALLOWA COUNTY IN THE N-R ALL THE NEWS WHILE 11 NEWS TWICE-A-WEEK NEWS RECORD TWELFTH YEAR. NO. 26. ENTERPRISE, WALLOWA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1910. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER NEWS RE Marriage Licenses. - July 25 Geoige Vernon And Flor ence Schotleld. (Married same day by Justice A. C. Smith da Enter prlas.) July 28" Fred J. Matthews, and Prudence Eddlemon, both of Flora. Id TUCKER GOES TO PENITENTIARY CITY AND COUNTY BRIEFS. Joseph Gleason and family went to Portland Thursday, to reside.. Mlas Luclle Corkins went to Wal lowa Saturday, or a day visit. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cook, ylsl tor IriT our city, spent Friday at Liitlne. .Mrs. William Dalsleyi went to" Los tlne, Saturday for a day's visit with relatives. i horn as. Siegmund went to Wal lowa Saturday' to put up bills for the county fair. The many friends of Judge Da vid Reavis will be- pleased to learn that ho Is regaining his usual health and Is able to be up and around. Contractor Haworth'a force have moved the carpenter shop and lime house from the court house yard to a lot he bought la the horth part of town. - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor and five children, formerly residents' of Cali fornia, Mo., are here with a view of loca'ng. They are occupying tem porarily the George Harrison house, but. expect to move onto a farm lat er. The Taylors are relatives of Prof. A. G. Smith. 1 Mrs. L. A. Duncan of Rochester, N. Y arrived FrlJay for a visit at the homes of E. R. Bowlby and William Hanson. Mrs. Duncani has been In the Wet three, years. She was at Los ' Angeles a year,, and then spent a winter In Honolulu. She .was a passenger on the Beaver wheni It went on. a bar at Astoria a short time ago, and the passen- gara had a trying time of it. Miss Carrie Godfrey, an actress of unusual ability In character parts, an excellent operatic singer and . fine pianist, Joined the Lowe Stock company here Friday and', will ap pear In. the play tonight. - Charles J. Boss and W J. Hunt, also Joined the company today. Mr. Hunit is , huaband of Mdsa Godfrey, and both he and Mr. Boss ere sterling act ors. "Mr. Boss will play leading nnrta . . i NOT A CANDIDATE, Many friends of Daniel Boyd have been urging him to become a candi date for the Republican nomina tion for the legislature. -Mr. Boyd said Saturday that while he apprec iated the honor and' felt grateful to his friends, he would not be a candidate. ' BEGINS FOUR YEAR TERM PE TITION FOR PARDON BEING CIRCULATED. . Sheriff Edgar Marvin and Char-lea- Hour left Fiiday with Tom Tucker for Sa'em, where Tucker begins a foiy years term in the penitentiary He was convicted last November of the crime of partic ipating In. a riot . at the Baudon shearing plant three years ago. No tice of appeal to the supreme court was filed and Tucker was released on $5000 cash bail. The appeal was not perfected, and a few week ago Judge Knowles. directed Sheriff Mar vin to again place Tucker n con finement. x Much sympathy is expressed for Tucker In hia predicament, and it is intensified by the circumstances of the failure of the attorneys to per fect the appeal. The scene at the train Friday morning, when Mrs. Tucker was taking leave of her husband, was quite affecting. A petition for his pardon Is find ing many signers, including some county officiate. Tucker Is ordinar ily an. . industrious, law-abiding clti haft jl large number of friends. ' ' - . ; On the other hand, many people say he is undoubtedly guilty of the crime charged, was found guilty by a Jury, and should suffer the punish ment prescribed by law. MAYOR J. A. BURLEIGH DELIGHTED ELGIN PEOPLE Mayor Burleigh pleased everybody at EIln in hia Fourth of July ora tlon there so much that ha was pre vailed on to give another address on the following day. The Recorder had thLs ta s&v ot hia speech; . : The oration, delivered by Hon. J A. Burleigh, a well known Enterprise Orcsran legislature, was the best ev er heard in. Elgin, and one of the most Interesting ever heard1 In' east ern Oregon: Mr. Burleigh la not only a polished orator, but is a thinker of no small ability, and in stead of making the "eagle scream" ' I. .the method .used on such oc caslons, he delivered a straightfor ward talk on. the present condition of the United States government and the duty of the cltteens thereof. One of the principal, ideas conveyed by him was that no government Is better than the cl liens who compose it, and that whatever defects exist In . the government of the United State today is- due to the voters. "A government can be no cleaner than It people." ws a fact which .drove home to his hearers. He made it plain that it was the duty, of ev ery citizen to think for himself ana not to vote was worse than being an, anarchist. Space forbids giving details of his oration, but It was to the point, full of good and whole some advice, and the manner tn which he delivered held the audience In rapt attention during the entire clme. Numerous times he was stop ped by the applause and the Im mense throng lnthe pavilion cheered llm at the closejv. ireat Crowds At Oceanside Resorts Fit Wither Bring the People to Ntyth Bqkch Many Improve men Made. niUtSaailEIBiaHE3QIIEDBMIBHIBBIBMnniWIS 5 OUR LITERARY CLUB. M 11 " 1 ''''' We alwayi like to meet with Bra. Brown, sue naa tne cosiest noma inereis in ivwu, A " Homey " kind of home, you know, a place . Where you can sit and sort of test your . face. I know of houses gewgawd ao with style, That when you enter you pot on a gmile A fort of social ahine, as you might 7 . So that you'll hannonix and be an fait. Bat oh, how dreadful tired I should get If I should tra in forever with that se t. Ko, give me Hrs. Brown whoa happy guest Can just lounge down and test, and rest, and rest. Eer rooms an low and broad, and quiet green That restful green, and all the pictures lean At comfortable angles, and yon chat Ia low and coney tones and there'sacat, Of course a cat, that yawn then in the aun A picture of content, like everyone. Then Hrs.Brown brings out her dainty a? t Of tea things, and wa know that we shall get The very nicest, dearest cup of tea Tis C HAS It da SANBOEM'S brand, yon know, and wa Save all of us been nsing It 'round town, . It's always Ufa to copy lira. Brown. To feel good All day long You should drink a cup of the famous Chase & Sanborn's DISPLAY AT COUNTY F RICH DEPOSITS COPPER, GOLD, SILVER, ETC., WILL BE SHOWN. Long Beach. Wash., July 29 The fine weather prevailing on. the North Eeach, Is bilnglng hosts of visitors M the ocean, shore, Intent on secur ing rest and a good coat of tan. ; The outlook la. particularly brigni tor a remarkably busy season; this summer, the number of visitors at ;hds' time being far greater than aver before at the same time ot the year. The march of progress Is evident -hroufthout the entire length of the beach, and development being as sured, prosperity is but a matter jT course. Work on the Automo- Dlle 'Boulevarde Is progressing very rapidly, beach houses by the score" are being erected, and new rooming houses and old are being rapidly put into shape to .take care of the hoards of summer transient which Mil soon be down upon us. The North Beach Push club with f .(A combined effort, shouldering me wheel of orogreas. has awakened in era of activity which will undoubt edly secure the proper recognition oi ;he unsurpassed advantages of tne North Beach for enjoyable outings and, at the same time, all the comforts, of home. Negotiations' are now pending with Portland capitalists for the install ation of a water system to supply .h beach and surrounding country aide with fine mountain water. With the culmination of this, project, one ol the obtsacles to an otherwise .ncora parable locality Is obviated. One of the mo3t interesting feat ures of the Wallowa ( County Fair association's exhibits will be a tnor- ouh display -of Wallows county minerals. Several claim owners have already manifested the lnten tlon of making an exhibit of the leadlner ores of their properties, and this should Inspire all owners of all mineral prospects to do likewise, making a distinct and Invaluable fea ture of the great fair. "Wallowa county contains some of the best gold, silver and copper ores in the country. While the mineral is at present undeveloped .that fact does not argue against the presence of rich mineral deposits here. As a matter of fact there are more. low. grade primary deposits in. this coun ty than, in ninetenths the miner al producing sections of the United States. And lit la the primary de posit which makes In time the big producer. Primary deposits, again, are the synonyms of mineral tn quantity. 'Primary deposits argue against mere "pockets'' of rich, high grade precipitations that must run out eventually. With good, low-grade primary de posits of mineral lying just at the doors of our county fair, It would De almost wicked . not to Install a superb collection of mineral at the fair. There ia also another view point: A first-class, mineral depart merit showing Wallowa county's re sources in that particular, might prove the means of presenting to large capital ,the Invitation to come Into thia district and open some, of our prospects and)- convert them into mines. At least that possibil ity' Is contingent Right in the heart of a mineral, district Knter,. prise would be nsglectlng an oppor tunity by neglecting such a display of her minerals as would attraot the favorable attention of any mine In vestor who might attend the fair The fair association la exerting ev- rv effort to get claim owners to ex hibit, and It Is to the material ad vantage of such owners to aid in the effort by responding with, the be3t ore on the dumps. JOSEPH. Contract for new city water works let to J. M. Mitchell for $16,810.20, who has already begun work on the Job. Attorney W. G. Trill has forsak en Joseph and moved to Salem, whence he came. Mitchell & Tyler's saw mill on Big Sheep creek burned to the ground with no Insurance'. Forest fire' raging on the West Fork of the Wallowa river. Over 200 .tents of campers, now at the lake. NEW BANK WW IEW Grant Hamblen has rented' the sample room of the Hotel Enter prise and will open a barber shop in a few days. , Tonight's Play Is Great Melodrama Lo.we's Company Will Present; the Moonshiner's Daughter at Opera House. BUILDING GF STONE 8TRONQ FINANCIAL INSTITUTION BACKED BY CITY CAPITAL FUNK TO BUILD. A new bank with a state charter and $25,000 capital stock will be started In this city in a few months, and a new stone building will be erected for it. C. E. Funk will erect the building on his lot between tho new Lltch building and Keltnera hardware store. Mr. Funk la seek-' I vug plans now and he will erect a structure that will be a credit to the city. The principal backers of the new bank are Salt Lake and Chicago capitalists, represented by Wm. C. Hlnterman,' at present assistant cashier .-of the Continental Nation al bank of Salt Lake. The local men named In the application for he charter are L. W. Riley, B. 3. Boyd and A.C. Weaver. The Moonshiner's Daughter, a Southern melodrama, is the play that will toe presented by. .the Lowe Stock company at the opera house tonight. This Is the best 'of the targe number of that class of plays, and abounds in thrilling situations hairbreadth escapes. It is a well written play, the dia logue being high class and full ot witty lines. The comedy element is very strong, a negro character being especially good. ' It is a great picture of life In; the mountains of the Southern states the old moonshiner, his foster -lun PU1J 'i&pjntn luaqoiun tin 'piiqn ted States Revenue officer form ing the central figures in the plot. Between the acts, splendid spec ialties will be given. The company has .been reinforced by four high class people since last week and lit .performance will be one, of tbq. t,est ever presented In this city. NO lover of music should miss hearing Mlaa Godfrey sing. BETTER REGISTER NOW. If vou haven't registered you can't legally sign a petition, and you win be late In getting the voter pam phlet from the secretary of state. Better see Boatman right away. Coffee for breakfast It has the true "Coffee" flavor and excellent" clearness. fEvery housewife knows the superiority of - Chase & San born's Coffees and Teas S T Combs, of the Wallowa firm of SheflKComtoa. & Co., has sold his Interest .to Bruce Cox, and. will move r, Rsihw11 N M. on account 01 his wife's health. B. B. Boyd, C. M. Lockwood aad Frank Sheet and their families, .Mrs. C S. Bradley and Mrs. Char les Thomas went to the lakei Friday, .'or a week's camping. - Mrs. Jos. Mayer, who had been vlsitlne her daughter. Mrs. W. C Ketchum, left Saturday for Hot Springs, Wash., and: from there will 'o on to her home at Lebanon, Ore W. C. Feaglns of Leap, died 'of heart disease July 14, a few mln utes after eating a hearty dinner. The body was burled in Wallowa cemetery, services being conducted by Elder H. E. Merryman of the R. C. of L. D. S. Mrs. May Love.1 and children. Gar re.. Cecil and Venus, left Friday for Promise to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Henderson, and other relatives. Her sisters, Ethel and Hope, who had been, here vlsit- lnx. returned home with her. Bruce Dennis, publisher of the La Grande Observer, and James Spence, an employee of .that paper, were here over Thursday night on busi ness. The Observer In connection with the News-Record. Is going to give a big write-up of Enterprise and Wallowa county Industries. Many Bears Seen In West Grossman Some Shot, Some, Get Away Newsy Letter From Promiao. Cqrrespondent Inspected Minam Bridge. County Judge- Olmsted and Com ml-sriloner Lltch were at Minam, Thursday, inspecting the Jolnt-coun tr bridge, which has recently been raised several feet to clear It of brush and driftwood brought down by spring freshets. Sole Agents for Enterprise W.J.FUNK:&CO. ENTERPRISE, OREGON REOPENED The Red Front Blacksmith Shop by the reliable blacksmiths VT. P. Hnmbltlon A Son Machine Repairing: Horee8hoinir Same old stand Promise. July 27 F. M. Newlon. is working on the flh hatchery below Wallowa. All of the Leffel family have been on their homestead for the past fe,w weeks. The children have been at tending high school at La Grande and Mr. Leffel has a position as con ductor on the Palmer logging train. Mrs Oase shot a bear recently, but her neighbor women explain that It was. in a trap. Mr. Mlaner has trapped two black bears recently and is still looking for a big brown one he had sight of not long since. A young bear crossed Wright Hen deraon's door yard a few days ago He says ho went and chased It wnen It was out of slight. The Aiken saw mill at Colpltta la fclill busy. Mr. Lvon went to Wallowa a few days ago. Mrs. Lyon and children visited Mrs. Clemens. Monday Timothy hay is about all up and man are now In their grain. Lacey Trump was a West uross man visitor. Sunday. Beecher TrumD Is staying for a few we-"ka at his sister, Mrs. Wright Henderson's. He 1 helping wrigui bull fence for Mr. Newlon. Rev. P. G. Potter will preach at Promise Aiwust 7. at 11 a. m.: at Jtoola. Auituat 8 at 11 a. m. Theue. wlM be his last service3 lx-fore the annual conference which meets at Joseph beginning August 18, which lie will attend. Mrs. E. J.Forsylhe will give a fare well reception Monday afternoon from 2:30 to 6 o'clock at her home on Greenwood street, in honor of her daughter. Miss Eula, who leaves Wednesday morning for Ann Arbor, Mich., to enter a training school for nurses. The reception Is given that all Miss Eula's friends may have, an opportunity to bid her goodbye. CITY AND COUNTY BRIEFS. Mrs. O. S. Hulsa went to Beldler, Thursday, to visit her daughter, Mrs. 21'IJah Weaver. J. K. Burns of Logan, Utah, who :ad been working here, went to .Vallowa, Friday. Attorney J. A. Burleigh went to La Grande Friday on a short business rip, returning Saturday. A. C. Weaver went to the lake Thursday and biought home his fam ily, who had been pimping there. Mlsa Bertha Bue of Wallowa, and tslend, Mrs. Rochstad of Portland, ipent Friday night here with friends. Mrs. W. W. Wlllett returned to her home at Lostlne Friday after a ahort visit here with friends and relatives. .,- ,; Mrs. Charlea McVar of North Yak- !ma. slater of Mrs. W. H. Graves, after a pleasant visit here, left Frl- liS for Baker City. W. E. Taggart. the, Insurance man has adjusted the fire loss, of Mrs. N. Falconer's barn, paying the full amount of her claim, $100. Mlsa Greta Harman, who Is attend ing ' Normal! went to Lostlne Sat- 4 to spend the two days vaca- ion at her, home near there. Mrs. J. W. Flowers went to Union Friday, to visit Mrs. Et Rutter. Her daughter. Llda. who had been working at Joseph, accompanied her. William iLuchman of Rock Island,- 111.; left for Walla Walla, Friday, after a few day visit witn nis. friends, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. DU-worth. Mrs. J. . Burleigh and Mrs. D. F. Steele went to the . Minam, Satur day, to meet Mr. Burleigh, return- lrg from La Grande on the after noon train. Miss May Dobbin, after a pleasant visit at the home of her cousin, J. H. Dobbin, left Saturday, for Ya colt, Wash., where she ia employed as a' teacher. Canfiu Banking lnsurts th Satly of Diposlts," Depositor! Have That Guarantee at WALLOWA NATIONAL BANK OF ENTERPRISE, OREGON CAPITAL 150,000 SURPLUS 156,000 Wc Do a General Banking Business. Exchange Bought and Sold on All Principal Cities. Geo. W. Hyatt, President .... . - T r-m I .1 A Ueo. n. uraig, vice rreeiueu W. R. Holmes, Cashier A. J. Boehmer, AmL Cashier Mr ni Mm T L. Reavls and child have moved back to Enter- nrlim frnm Crowell. Teias. Their many friends are gtal to know tney hav dim In become citizens Of the DIRECTORS Geo .B.Craio Gko. W. Hyatt mattik a. holmm J. H. DOBBIN W. JR. nuLM 293 acres Alder Slope, $23,000.00 80 acres Alder Slope, $ 8,000.00 160 acres hill land, about six miles out, $2,000.00 320 acres, 12 miles out, $3,200.00 City L,ot, $100 to $300 Residence Property 9GBO to $3,000 Fire Insurance Surety Bond Live Stock Insurance W. E. TAGGART, The Real Estate M.n. . Tiir-VT ENTjUKrKlSlS, : : : : ukuuuix I best town and county on earth. at sSZZS rxxaaxnaaawixxxazaa nterpria Oregon