The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, July 27, 1910, Wednesday Edition, Image 2

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section. That Is the present condi
tion of this pa,rt of the county.
Aa otli'er improvexents advance, how
ever, our roads must also advance.
The road supervisor said he could
not keep the road in good repair
thiee miles flora Trov wSA the
$100 at his command.
The telephone line from Grouse to
Analone is now complete wi:h the
exeeptjous of a swiuhboird at
Grouse which will soon bj iasialled.
Professor George Hug, principal of
the Eugene hih school, and Mrs.
tieorge Hug, arrived In Enterprise
Saturday' evening on their honey
and Mrs. Chai'les Hug of his city.
The groom and Miss Rose Hug are
brother andi sister to Marshal Hug.
The visitore left for their homes,
Tuesday. . .
The union services next Sunday
evening will be a program, by the
W. C. T U. In the Presbyterian
moon. Mr. and Mrs. Hug were ac
companied by Miss Rose Hug of
Slgin, and the three wUl visit Mr.
Life Insurance Compan'
Only Cjree
w m n
.That 'Is
OrfAllTiff uaranors nre Oregon
W?-Vu I i men of financial standing,
active in the business world, where they
are remarkable examples of success. No
other life insurance organisation is so
helpful to Oregon.
Home ofice, Corbstt building, corner Fifth and Morrircn Streets, Portland, Oregon.
A. L. Mills, President. L. Saamel, General Llnagcr. Clarence S. Samuel, Assistant Mgr. r
Formerly the Wallowa News, estab
lished March 3. 18U9.
Published Wednesdays and Satur
days at Enterprise, Oregon, by
Office East side Court House Square
Entered as second-class matter
January 2, 1909, at the postofflce at
Enterprise. Oregon, under the' Act of
March 3, 1679.
Subscription Rates: One year $2,
six months $1, three mouths 60c,
one month 20c. On yearly cash-in-advance
subscriptions a discount of
25c Is given.
County court began, its session
Monday, having held over from he
ttesslon began before the holding of
circuit court. Various matters are
up for hearing, and the bills of Hie
circuit court were allowed,
Osteopathy, the drugles science
In medicine, Is only about 10 years
old. The word la not even In the
Cewtury Dictionary, edition of 1890.
Its practice U going hand In hand
with bloodless surgery, so In tlnie
we may expect to be cured without
pills and without the knife.
Some principles, are: "Health
means perfect physical adjustment
of all parts; " "health is natural ; Hs-
Fresh Fruits
All seasonable fruits
found here. Also the
finest shipment of For
eign and Domestic
Cheese ever in the city
General Merchandise
With the entire
stock kept brand
new at the lowest
prices the quality of
goods can besold for
All Hats, Shoes and
Gloves at Cost while
they last
An excellent quality of coal
at a conservative price.
Lay in the winter
supply now.
Riley s Riley's
9 lL t
I The Enterprise
Paid 37io for Butter Fat durinjr the month of June. This
was the highest price paid by any creamery in this section.
Beginning with Monday, July llth,thi3 creamery paid 2Qs'C "
for Butter Fat Any person with only one or two cows can $
make a good margin of profit
figure for the Enterprise Creamery.
The Enterprise Creamery Co.
Sole Agents for the DeLaval Cream Separators
ircgoii ire
sase and death, between the timo
of birth and old age, are unnatural."
'All bodily disorders are th re
sult of-mecnankal obstruction to the
free circulation of vital fluids) and
forces." The characteristic gener
alization of Osteopathy in a nut
shell is: ".lot diseases of spina;
If you wish, to learn whether Os
teopathy tan accomplish something
II you or for one of your friends,
take the sensible course and go to
4ha Osteopath. He will tell you,
after a careful examination, what is
the matAer with you and Just how
I13 can benefit you. .
S. L. Burnaugh has sold 60 foot
rout and 'he house on. his land on
West First stiest, corner or uar
fwltf, to Frank Anderson for $1030.
Three From Here
At State Assembly
Hockett, Hyatt; and Miller Represent
Wallowa County Convention,
Dr. C. T. Hotkett, G. W. Hyati and
A. C. Miller returned Saturday from
Portlund, , where they attended the
Republican assembly a delegates.
Uelng 'the only oies present from
Wallowa, they cast the full 18 votes
allotted to this county, voting them
all for Bowerman for governor.
.Mr. Hockett says It was a great
moiling, and everything was harmo
nious.; No other candidate for gov
ernor except Eowerman hud a ghost
of a show, as the Condon, man hnd
sone out early and secured the votes.
The convention took great pleas
ure In turnikig down; Harvey Scott's
nephew, Duniway, for state printer.
Clarke, editor of the Gervate Star,
was nominated for that office. That
was practically the only deviation
from the slate.
Several of the Joint-county dis
tricts took advantage of the occa
sion and male nominations, but
none was male- by the Wallowa and
Union delegates. The latter asKea
lh Wallowa delegates to name
somooue for representative and Dr.
Hockett was proposed, but be vetoea
the suggestion because a larger rep
ro;vnt.pi Ion of our county was not
' Chnmberlains Stomach and Liver
Tableta gently stimulate the liver
and bowels to expel poisonous- mat
ter, cleanse the system, cure consti
pation and skk hoadacho. Sold by
llurnaugh & Mayfleld and all good
For All Kinds of
V. Artlrtlc Palatini, ana
T 0AKES, Contractor
I M. D.-Ijw Broa,' fainta
Creamery Co.
by producing cream at that
Orf Pin Jiff is a Polfcyhohlers' com
ilMiLlJiir pany, managed for the
benefit of policyholders exclusively. All
profits of the business from every source
fro to them. No other Pacific Coast com
panrjis so organized.
At a special meeting of the city
ouncll Monday night, the recorder
vaa directed' to notify property own
irs on both- side 3 of Main street be
ween East First ajid West Second
hose o.i the west side of River
trest between Vain and the E. M.
: M. Cos mill flume, and around the
ourt house, to put in cement side
walks within 60 days In accordance
with city ordinance.
The recorder- Is also to notify
County Surveyor H. E. Merryman
.o at once fix the grades of the
streets and walks in the above dis
trict. '
The vote on the cement sidewalks
was: Yes. Ashley, Combes, Funk,
Hockett. Absent Keltner.
Marshal Hug, was directed to assist
Surveyor Merryman.
The recorder wa3 directed1 to move
! 'Us city books, and furniture to the
room In the court house, that will
be used in the future as a counci.
chamber, and to buy the necessary
table and chairs.
The order for the Immediate put
ting In of cement sidewalks caused
quite a stir along 'Main and River
nreete, Tuesday. Several of the
ar.gest property owners were Indig
nant and one or two flatly said
hey would not obey the order.
Most of the owners are In ac
cord with the order as many were
already making arrangements to
Grouse Fruit and
Corn Crops Fire
Lo,ng Spell of Dry Wehther, How
lever, la Bound to Injure,
Spring Grairk.
Grouse, July 1C The weather con
tinues hot and dry, the mercury go
.ng from 90 to 100 for the last 10
days. Harvesting Id in full blast on
all the bench lauds, while on the
higher Grouse flats .the crops are
later and suffering from the contin
uous dry Beason. The crop Is said
:o be under the average. The fruit
crop la heavy and in fine condition.
The corn crop iU lit fine condition,
ind wl.h a few showers of rain the
yield will be good, while if the dry
weather continues through August
the crop wUl be short.
U. A. Silver has the lumber for
the Troy mill house all ready to be
.muled on the 'mill site and ready
.'or const ruot ion. The work will be
commenced t an early date and
preoceed forward as rapidly aa pos
sible to completion:
Tile railroad survey up and down
.he Grande Ronde river fas progrescs
4ig slowly. . It will be several
wees yet before th corps of engi
neers meat.
The hotel at Troy Is crowded.
There are eleven regular boarders
uiclitdiitg the bridge men and a num
ber of visitors daily. Here we are
looking forward to a rapid develop
ment of this part of Wallowa county.
We have the so'al and climate wKh
he grandest wi:er poww and tlm
Der resources of any sectiou of the
itate. While we have so ninny nat
ural advantages Kill we are far be
hind In the way 'of public roads.
The first, roads that are laid out
usually ai laadcKe In any new
Boss Newport, superintendent of
the Newport construction company,
has the recently awarded contract
for widening and otherwise improv
ing the roadbed of the O. ft. & N.
branch line from Elgin to Wallowa.
The construction crew' and camp
have been placed on the ground at
Elgin and work has begun. All cuts
between the two stations will be
widened to afford a clearance from
the track of 25 feet.
Under of the "Wia One
Clisj," on fixe at the A. C. Mil
ler residence on River street, F:-
:ay evening, July 20. Following is
Overture, from "Princ&is Chrysan
themum" Mise Amy Oimsted
ot-4 Solo, frou the .Mikado,"
Ko-Ko ...A. J. Boehmer
oeal Trio, lrcrm the "Mikauo"
"Three Liutle Maids from' School"
. ..uissts Craig, Davis and Payne
Vocdl Soio, "A Japanese Love
So.)g'' MLiis Boehmer
Ue.KW.ig, "A Japanese School Boy"
..Vr. Leo Foray the
Violin Solo, seleotel
Miss Humphrey
Vocal Solo, from "Princess Chr.s- .
, aalhemuin" .;i3Si Craig
Japaaese edib.ej will be servea
on the lawn be. ore and after, the
entertainment, by the datity little
ladwss of the Flowery Kingdom, to
which you are asked to partake.
Object, f oi eign mfcsiMS.
County Court .
Gives Instructions
Jrde-s Road Supe.visors to ThckT
oughly Inspect All Road
,, Bridges.
The county court took up the mat
er of bridge inspection by the var
3 us county road supervisors, last
londay. The matter called for spec
al consideration owing to the ac
cident which la3t week befell Char
ts J. Shine at a road bridge across
lear Creek. Mr. Shine was hauling
t log over the bridge when the lat
er gave way, preci'citatiiiig the man
ind load to thu bottom of the creek.
Ir. Shine claims that he sustained
he fracture of several ribs and oth
r.injurles, anid calls upon the coun
y for settlement, . The county court
jsai-d the mabter upo.i the arrival of
dr. Shine .Monday evening. Settle was made with Mr. Shine 'for
50. The affair caused the county
jourt to issue the following lnstruc
!ons ot the road supervisors which
vill appear in de'.ail In the official
.ourt proceedings;
In the maiter of having all road su
pervisors to examine all, county
)rir!ge within their road district:
Now at this time the court consid
ers the matter of having all road
' lyervhois eaml ie the bridges
within thiyir road district to de
termine whether the same Is safe
' for public travel, and after the
court fully considering the same,
It Is hereby considered . mad or
dered that each road' supervisor
; shall Inspect each county bridge
within his dls'rict to determine
whether the same la safe for
public travel and If lie should find
. any not safe ha shall place a sign
on the bridge reidk.g as follows:
"Dangerous: Cross at your own
risk. '
signed: County Judge.
County Couiuitwlonors.
d . v-
f x
t Office in Litch Eullding.,
X Te'ephone Connection. ' 2
The Model Cafe j
; and Rooming House '
Best meals in town 25c and up
Rooms-25c, 50c, 76c and $1.00 '
Steam heut; hot ami cold water ?
In Rodgers buiklinx on River
Street, 3 doors south of Funk
corner. Give us a rail " J
W. A. MOSS 5
Fiftbi Annual
Wallowa G)unty Fair Association
will be held at ENTERPRISE, OREGON,
Six days beginning
Monday, September 26, 1910
Liberal Cash Premiums will be paid for exhibits of
It is determined to make this fair a complete
exposition of the resources of Wallowa County.
To accomplish that result the co-operation of all
the people of the county is invited. For pre
mium list or other information, write C. S.
Bradley, Secretary, Enterprise, Oregon. v
Just about now
-'.'.. .
A S we get along toward midsummer in the clothing
. business, we begin to look forward to the coming
fall; the new goods are ordered for you for fall and
winter; and that means thatwe ought to clean up our
spring and summer stocks and dispose of all the goods
we have on hand.
Now, that means that we must offer some sort of
extra inducement to jrou to come in aud buy; an in
ducement that will make it worth while to buy, even
if you've already bought summer clothes; you'll never
have more than enough of our kind.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
clothes are always bargains' at the prices we ask for
them; they're worth the money; the value is in them.
That, makes a reduced price all the more attractive on
such clothes; it's like finding money.
20 per cent off on any suit ia stock
This store is the home of Hart SchalTner'& Marx clothes
New Lino ot
''Superior" Stoves and Ranges
See me and get my prices before buying: else
where. I carry also a full and complete line of
bath tubs, basins and bowls, and a full list of
plumbing supplies. First-class plumbing at the
. lowest figure for which such plumbing can be
TlOf all kinds.1If you believe in beautifying Enterprise, you
must believe hi making .that beauty enduring. Concrete is
enduring it willi render city beauty a "Concrete Reality."
USee us for any and all kinds of Concrete Work.
MARKS BROTHERS, General Contractors. -
rise Livery
and Sales Stable
BaKcr Smith, Proprietors
Fair treatment to everybody. Bus meets all trains 10 cts
Commercial Trade a Specialty.
Firste Class Rigs. Phone Orders Carefully Followed
Horses Bought and Sold
Feed For Sale Open Day and Night
Pure Bred Black Percheron Stallion at thi3 barn for service
the ! 1
Enterprise, Oregon