9rtn Historical It Tu)iceaWeek Saturday Edition ALL THE OFFICIAL NEWS OF. WALLOWA COUNTY IN THE N-R ALL THE NEWS WHILE 11 It NEWS TWICE A-WEEK NEWS RECORD TWELFTH YEAR. NO. 22. ENTERPRISE, WALLOWA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 16. 1910. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER THE HEWS RECORD Cent a word single Insertion, 1V4 cents a word 2 Insertions. Special rates by month and year. . WANTED. Firstclaes cook and dining room girl. W. A. Moaa, Enterprise, Oregon. 22 Helped Out the Gunner. findebu.-u-n. In, the grand duchy of Mn-klfiibiirK-SchWHrlii. in celebration , ot the blrtb f a grand dm-al belr de cided to brt (he rfguliitlou salute, of 101 guns. Ad anclfut cannou was liaulvd nut for i lie purpose, and the tiring begun. RnforttitiHtely tbe pow der, 'ran abort after the nliiety-tblrd shot, and there whs no means of ob taining any more lu the town. The burgomuster wan lu despair, especially bh ninety-three snots Indicated that tbe grand ducal baby wan a girl, v Ai this moment the municipal bandmaster ratne forward with a luminous pro posal, which was eagerly accepted. He dlspatcbed bis I rig drum major to tbe market place, where he struck elg'bt powerful strokes on his Instru ' uient to make up the 101 shots, and ' tbus tbe situation was saved. London Standard. PO JURY'S FINAL REPORT Malayan Tree Dwellers. , Tbe SakHls or tree dwellers, of the Malay peninsula build their houses in forked trees a dozen feet above ground and reach them by means of bamboo ladders, wjiicb they draw up when safely boused out of barm's way. Tbe bouse itself is a, rude kind of aback made of bamboo, and tbe flooring is lasbed . together piece by piece and bound securely to. the tree, limbs Jby rattan. These curious people are rath er 'small and lighter lu complexion than tbe Malays, though much uglier. They have no form of religion at ail not eveu Idols no written language and 8 peak a corrupt form of Malay. Hunting. . "Do you enjoy bunting?" , , "No." "1'erbaps you bave never had favor able opportunities for enjoying the sport. What have you bunted mostly V "Before 1 was married I generally bunted for a boarding place. Since then most of my bunting bas been for flata."--Cblcago Record-Herald. Putting It Gently. r Mr. , Henpeck I' bear' that young Jones and bis wife are not getting along very well. Mrs. Heupeck (au thoritatively t Jones should never have married when be did. He was too young to realize tbe step be was tak ing. Mr. Henpeck Vea, I know. But 1 like tbe boy.' We bave many things In common. FIFTY TRUE BILLS FOUND AND COURT IS BUSY WITH THE GRIND. ' The grand Jury's, final report baa bean returned and the circuit court la busy with 'grinding out, the grist." Fifty true- bills were found by the Jury, the report as returned to he court being as follows: , "To the Honoiable J. W. Knowles, Circuit Judge, for Wallowa county. state of Oregon: v, "We, tbe grand Jury for adjourned term held to July, 1910, beg. leave to , aubmlj. the following report, of our doings as , such; ) 1. "We have been In session wire days and returnd Into court 60 true bills of Indictment, and no not true bills of Indictment. 7 ?We have carefully Inquired into all matters brought, to our attention, and have no report to make upon ati7 maters Investigated, further ' ha,: we did not find sufficient to Indict. "In compliance with instructions W8 nave . vleLted all the county of fices In the court house, and find them cleanly and neatly kept, and are unable, to report, upon "the con dition of the public record or any further management of any office. ' 4. : "We" appreciate the kindness and consideration of your Honor, and the constant assistance of the Dis trict Attorney and his deputy, and the faithful service of our bailiff; and would ask to be allowed to adjourn subject to the call of your Honor. . . . THOS. MORGAN. J. M. RANKIN. CHAS. H. WILLIAMS." " " "' LEO FORSYTHB. N. D. VARNER. W. W. WHITE. B. F. BBCHDOLT. "Grand Jurors."' honor " impersonated "Grandma" to perfection with powdered haiir, specs and white lace cap. All had their needlework and stories were told on the lawn,' where also delicious re freshments of Ice cream and cake were served. Many merry games were played and two group pictures were taken, one of the little mothers and one of the dolls. Before; depart ing for their homes the company enjoyed music to the' parlor.. Pa tronesses of the affair were Mes dames T. M. Dill, W. H. Dlilworth, S. D. Keltner, A. J. Boehmer. Present were: Elise ' Brichoux, Margaret Steel, Fern Weaver, Jos ephine Stubbleflled, Maggie) Weaver, Grace Steel, Ramona Roe, Zllpha Funk, Margaret Galloway, Wave An derson, EetheJ Cox, Fannie Jordan, Ruby Ledbetter, Elenora Gasklll, Emily Jordan, Eslle Olmsted, Em ily Jordan, pialir Mevor, Ore Hamil ton, Anglltae Merryman, Ila Cham bers, .Verna Haney, Eddy Reynolds, Retta, Vest, Mary Mahaffeey, Portia Steel, Eva Ledbetter, - India Ault, Elise Holmes, "Betty Lane," Nanne Heaton. LAUNCH "CHIEF BURNS There I Hope. , Spellbinder (uu the stump Gentle men. In all my career I bave -never been approached wltb a bribe! Voice From tbe Hear Cheer np. old man: Your luck may change.-Brooklyn Life. DOLL PARTY IN HONOR OF ! MISS ELEI8E BRICHOUX Mr. and Mrs. W. W. White de lightfully entertained in honor of their niece, Miss, Elelse Brichoux of La Grande, Thuisday afternoon. The children were dressed' lni matronly costumes and had their hair done high like" big ladles.' The guest of troy District Needs Rain Corn, However, Looking Fin Other General News Notes of Interest Troy, July 9 There was a large attendance at the celebration at Tro: , July 4 and 6, and everyone had a jood time. Among' those from a Jlstance who attended were 'Hon. and Mrs. J. P. Rusk of Joseph, and Jr. and Mrs. John Crossland of En- rprise. , C. J. Fleming was neaa salesman it the T. H. Valen store during tne elebration, Mr. Valen being Indis posed from the effect of a course it treatment he bad been taking for ung trouble. Mrs. George Llghtie la very sick. Dr, Qllmore Is in attendance. The continued dry weather and hot winds are doing serious damage to crops. In this1 locality.. 'If we do not ;et rain very soon the wheat will not yield any better thaw last year. The com looks good, also the fruit crop Is In fine condition. Clara Renfrew returned last week from Grande Ronde where she had ieen visiting rela'ives. , . Earl Renfrow ce'.ebrated the Fourth at Wallowa. B v OUR LITERARY CLUB. H - " ' ' ' " aiiiiiiBiiiiiunHiiiiiiiiinsiiinuuniiHinn' To feel good All day long You should drink a cup of the famous' Chase & Sanborn's Coffee for breakfast It has the true - "Coffee" , flavor and excellent . clearness. . $Every - housewife knows the i . superiority of Chase & San born's Coffees and Teas BOAT BELONGING TO WALLOWA LAKE AMUSEMENT, COMPANY 1 IS TOTAL LOSS. ' ''. The launch "Chief Joseph," the larger of the two boats on Wallowa lake, operated by the Wallowa Lake Amusement company, was to tally destroyed by fire Thursday night last. The f company carried no insurance on the craft, lit is un derstood, and the loss la a dead one 3f $1600. The Amusement company Ira suf fering such a total loss at the very outset ot their enterprise have enough to dUcourage them, but It is hoped by every resident of the county that they will not permit discouragement to Interfere with their many plans for making , the lake the most popular summer resort In the whole northwest. Moreover the members of the company have the assurance of the sympathy and best wishes' of the whole county. Men who put their money Into an enterprise that mean the advertise ment of and the welfare of a whole county, and do 'so when 'they know there can be no adequate returns for two or three years, are assur 3dlv titled to , the warmest 'well wishes of the people' of that coun ty. And hi this- beglnnng as to all Dthers the old German proverb Is pertinent, that "all beginnings are difficult." SALE ON FOR NEW TOWN SITE, The plat of survey for the new '.own site of Evans, situate adjoin ing the .depot grounds at Lostlne, has been accepted by the County Dfficiala and the sale of lots is now on. 'If you wish to get In on he ground floor, now i your op- Phone or,write couch & jucuon- lld at, Wallowa, Oregon, as they have the handling of the entire tract. Prices reasonable and graded ac- sording to distance from depot. 22r2 COUCH & McDONALD. SUNDAY SERVICES. Christian church: Bible school at 3:45 a. to.; prayer meeting Wednes day evening.' Topic, "The Feet and Christian. Walking." Lord's ; Day morning service at 11 a. m. Union service at the M. E. church In - the evening.' We heartily welcome all. Giford Ernest, minister, M. E. 'church: Sunday school at 10 a. m.; morning service at 11 a. m., sermon by the pastor. Ep worth League at 7. p. m. Union gospel meeting at 8 p. m. Sermon by Rev. Glfford Ernest of the Christian church. C. B. Trueblood, pastor. Official Proceedings Of County Court First Judicial Day. Wednesday, July 6, 1910. Be It remembered that at a reg- We always like to meet with Sirs. Brown, ' She has the cosiest home there is in town, A "Homey" kind of home, yon know, a place .''.; Where yon caa ait and sort of rest your face. I know of houses gewgawfl so with style, , That when yon enter you put on a smile A sort of social shine, as yon might say, So that you'U harmonize and be an fait, But oh, how dreadful tired I should get If I should train forerer with that set. Ho, give me Jtrs. Brown whose happy guest Caa just lounge flown and rest, and rest, and rest. Her rooms art low and broad, and quiet green . That restful green, and all the pictures lean ' At comfortable angles, and yon chat In low and cosey tones and there's cat, ' Of course a cat, that yawns there in the sua A picture of content, like everyone. Then Jars. Brown brings out her dainty set Of tea things, and ws know that we shall get Trie very nicest, dearest cup of tea ; Til CBASK At SAHBOSB'S brand, ytrn vknow, and we Bare all of ns been nsing it 'round town, Jt'i always safe to copy airs. Brown. Sole Agents for Enterprise - "NEAR" FIRE IN ALLEY CAUSE8 TIMELY ATTENTION Wednesday noon,' between 12 and 1 o'clock, rubbish, and Boxes in some manner caught fire hi the alley be tween the Jackson ft Weaer drug store nd the warehouoe of W. P Samms. For a ' time the flames threatened the warehouse and be fore being extinguished scorched the siding considerably. A very time ly play of water on the fire, howev er, soon ' extinguished' the flames be fore any serious damage waa done. , I W. J. FUNK & GO. ENTERPRISE, OREGON CORVALLI8 8TUDENT9 MEET i AT HEAD OF THE LAKE A number of student who for merly attended the O. A. C. at CorvallU, spent an outing at the head of the lake, thla week, beginning Thursday evening. Those who left from Enterprise Thursday for Jo seph .were: Mrs. S. L. Burnaugh MUses Jennie and Cora Berland, Es sie Baler and Audrey Combes. Natural Cas Discovered. ROSEBURO. While drilling for oal In Flournoy Valley, about twelve miles front this city, the Douglas De velopment Company lately discovered what is supposed to be an unlimited supply of gas. A four-foot vein of coal was also found during the course of the drilling, which has been going on for more than two months. ' Iowa. Court met pursuant to adjourn ment, when were present as on yesterday. The following proceed . tags were had,' to-wit: In the matter of the town plat of Evans of Wallowa County, Oregon: , Now, at this time L. Couch, and others present ' the above named plat to the Count for its approval, and it appearing to the court that the same does not bear the name of any other to,wn or addition in the county and that alii taxes and assessments have been, paid and the same has been approved by the County Surveyor, H. E. Merry man, and the County Assessor, B. V. Miller, and a:ter fully' examin ing the same, It is hereby ordered that the same be approved by 'the Court by the name of Evans and it Is further ordered that the same be filed and recorded la the County Records. in the matter of the road petitioned for by E. H. Tulley and others: Thisi matter came on to be heard at this time on 'the report of the Board of County Road Viewers for a second reading, as provided by law. And said report of , the Board i of County Road Viewers having been now publicly read in open court on- two several days of the present term, and It ap nearing to the Court 'that said Board of County Road Viewers report favorably Jiereon, and rec ommend that, said proposed road be established as a county - road and be declared, a public highway of Wallowa County, Oregon, and -all the proceedings herein being regular and according to law, and no remonstrances or claims' for damages having been tiled herein, and there having been no cause shown , why thi proposed road should not ' be declared a public highway and ordered open accord ing to law, and the court seeing from the report, of the County Road Viewers that such road will be a- public utility ; the report of the viewers being favorable there to, and all the files and records of said proceedings having .been sub-, mitited to the District Attorney who advised this. Count as to the legality of such proceedings. It Is therefore, hereby consider ed, that said proposed road be de clared a public highway of Wal lowa County, Oregon, and ordered opened up , and placed In1 repair for travel according to law. 1MB NORMA L ENROLLMENT TEACHERS OF COUNTY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF EDUCA- , TIONAL WORK, The attendance upon the summer normal being held here la good and ' increasing from day to day. The work is appreciated by the teachers 1 of the county who attend, and the work thus performed by Superin tendent Conley and assistants in In creasing the teaching efficiency of Wallowa county is invaluable and meeting with the success it deserves. The following teachers have been enrolled thus far: . Cecil C. Ghormley, Powwatka. Mrs. Mary S. Franklin, Enterprise. Claude Cole, Flora. , Emma Roup, Joseph. . Katherlne Galbralth, Joseph. Mrs. Fannie Roberta, Enterprise. Mabel Wilson, Enterprise. Matilda Hagen, Wallowa. Anna Fine, Enterprise. Doille South wick, Promise. Mildred Hamilton, Imnaha. Emma Hantkopf, Enterprise. T. M. Roop, Utopia. , -Emma Weaver, Enterprise. Mary. Broughton,, Paradise. Mamie Nelson, Wallowa. Greta Harmon, WalltowaT Geo. W. Paddock, Flora. Edna Holmes, Flora. , . Nettle Brock, Flora. (To be continued.) PLEASANT RECEPTION IN HONOR OF MISS PROCTOR Tuesday evening 'ast at their res- jlar term of the county court of the idence in Enterprise, Mr. and Mrs. 3tate of Oregon for the County of Wallowa, begun and held at the court house in the city of Enter prise, in said county and state, on Wednesday, the 6th day of July A. D. 1910. the same being the nrst Wednesday In said momtii and the ,1m e fixed by law for holding a reg ular term of said count, when were present ' Hon. J. B. Olmsted, coun- Charles Hug gave) a reception in hon or of Miss Alice' Procter of Elgin, .Irs. Hug's sister, who is visiting In Enterprise., The evening was a most enjoyable one and dainty refresh ments were served. .Those present were as follows: Herbert Brown ing, Jake Bauer, Arthur Pace, Wal ter Sheets, Dr. Ketchum, C. O. Bil- yeu and Fred Savage; Misses Au- Enterprlse, Ore., July 14, 1910. Policy Holders, of New York Llfa Insurance Company: . Governor Hughes, of New York, , has Just signed a bill giving the , Vew York Life the privilege of wru ng $165,000,000.00 new business this ear. No other company In the ?aat has- been able to procure the .Imdt, $150,000,000.00. ,,. I know the New York Life poli cy holders will be proud to know .hat they are. members of the great est financial snip afloat In the en :Ire world and that they draw In' aash if desired their portion of the earnings of the Institution. ' Darwin P. Ktngsley, president of the New York Life, Is a Western-' ar and the acknowledged leader of :he Insurance world. JACOB I. Mc KNELL Y, . Special Representative. P. S. - New York Life baa Just negotiated a $250,000.00 In Portland for five yeare which Is more than gross premiums received from Ore gon policy holders of the company for the year ending ,Dec. 31, 1909. Do. not experiment; when you want insurance but take It in a companj that bas achieved permanent solid ity, the NEW YORK LIFE, ty Judge; Sam Lltch, county commls- drey Combes, Luclle Corklns, Jen- doner; W. G. Locke, county commls- iloner: W. C. Boatman, clerk; Jgar Marvin, sheriff. The following Proceedings were had. to-wlt: la the matter of the proposed road petitioned for by E. H. Tulley and others Now at this time the viewers' re port on the E. II. Tulley road comes regularly-on to be heard, rnd ar- ter being read for the first time, In r.ontiiiued for a sec ond reading. In the matter of the proposed road rwtkloned" fnr tav John Anthony and others: . Now, at this, time the viewers report on the John Anthony road comes regularly on to be hoard, and after be!ng read for the first time, the same is continued for a second reading. - In the matter of the proposed road by John McDonald and others Now, at this time the viewers' re port on the John McDonald roaa comes regularly on to be heard, and after being read for the first time, the same Is continued for a second reading. in tKa. matter f the examining of Road Supervisors' Reports: ."Now, at this time the Court pro ceeds to examine all Road buper visors' Reports on file with the Clerk. - Whereupon Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. Second Judicial Day. Thursday, July 7, 1910. In the County. Court of the State nie Berland, Cora Berland, Joyce Craig, and Mrs. W. C. Ketchum and her mother, Mrs. Mayer. NOTICE. On last Sunday the Christian Sun day school of Enterprise, Ore., went on record to work and vote for temperance and "dry Oregon." 0. M. and Harvey Hendrickson, both of Paradise, brought In a load of hogs Wednesday, returning on Thursday. , ZjCartfiti Banking Insurts tht Safity of Dtposlti." ' Depositors Have That Guarantee at WALLOWA NATIONAL BANK OP ENTERPRISE, OREGON CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $55,000 Wc Do a General Banking Business. Excnange Bought and Sold on All Principal Cities. Geo. W. Hyatt, President Geo. H. Craig, Vice President W. R. Holmes, Cashier Ai J. Boehmer, Asst. Cashier Geo .8. Cbato J. H. Dobbih BIRFXTOKS Geo. W. Hyatt Mat-tie A. Holmes W. R. Holmes 293 acres Alder Slope, $23,000.00 80 acres Alder Slope, $ 8,000.00 160 acres hill land, about six miles out, $2,000.00 320 acres, 12 miles out, $3,200.00 City Lot, $100 to 9300 Resldne Property, $6SO to $3,000 Fire Insurance Surety Bond Live Stock Insurance W. E. TAGGART, ENTERPRISE, : : The Pioneer Real Estate Man. : : OREGON of Oregon, for the County of war vazz V