Brm Hltterttit lea TwiceaWeek Saturday Edition NEWS ALL THE OFFICIAL NEWS OF WALLOWA COUNTY. IN THE N-R ALL THE NEWS WHILE 11 IS NEWS TWICE-A-WEEK "NEWS RECORD TWELFTH YEAR. NO. 20. ENTERPRISE, WALLOWA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1910. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER TIE RECORD Cent a word single insertion, 1 unit a word 2 insertion a. Special rates by month and year. ' LOST. Suit of clothes, and pair of low shoes. Lost between Joseph and' head of lake July 4. Finder' leave with Marx at Enterprise. Reward. 20tf ! 'notice. To the party ,who borrowed the five tooth cultivator from Will Zur cher's bam In Enterprise. ' Please return the same at once.' ' ' i 20U1 . H.! Best, Owner. 1 DISSOLUTION! NOTICE. The legal firm of Burleigh & Eoyd, . composed of Daniel Boyd and J. A. Burle'gh, has1 been dis solved by mutual consent, and the members of the firm will continue the practice' alone. Mr. Boydf will continue to maintain his' office in hi3 own building on Main street. Mr. Burleigh will occupy a suit of rooms in the new Litch building. EPWORTH LEAGUE ELECTS OFFICERS FOR ENSUING YEAR. The Epworth League of the M. .E. church has elected the following of ' fleers for the ensuing year, and) has outlined some pracucau worn lo u ' done, . .. . President, Geo, ,D. Clayton; 1st vice-president, Jessie Robertson; 2d vice-president, Edna Chambers; 3rd vice-president, Grace Wood;. 4th vice-president, Cora Berland; secre tary, Bessie Wlllgerodt'; , Treasurer, blcfield; organist, Jennie Berland. Social and business meetings! will be held each month. PURCHASE JEWELRY 8TORE OF MARTIN LARSEN. The undersigned has purchased the entire Jewe".ry stock of Martin Larsen and Co., and the business ts open for everything In the jewelry and repair line.. AH kinds of re pair work neatly and promptly done, and guaranteed. Plating done and guaranteed. All watches, clocks, etc., Bold, repaired and guaranteed. - W. H. DURHAM. n o n d a nti n ' -Ix - tuiv.caLci uiscis arc me truest expression 01 every corset virtue tne nignest acnievement iu mc q CI art of modern corsetry.. Every wearer of the Royal Worcester Corset is the proud possessor of a wealth of n a B There is a subtle chajrm n J ' rh a I - 'w m v I ' 1 SOME OF THE SPECIAL PRIZES FAIR COMMITTEE "ON THE JOB" WITH A VIM AND MANY RESPOND. That the failr commiitte is strictly 'on the job," and that practically the whole county is responding to :he hard work and excellent solicit ing that is being done, is patent to any one who will call at A. C. Mil- r's office and hear the people talk fair. The special cash premiums .hat are being offered byt many will open the eyes of the contestants wide. Just to mention one or two at this time, the following wild be, of Interest; ' ' Jay Dobbin and neighbors will give a cash prize of 135.00 to the contestant who harnesses and hitch es to a wagon a four-horse team the quickest and with the neatest dispatch; Everything by way of neat ness will, enter into the wlnntag of the premium. That is, the buckles must be all properly bucldled, 'the lines and 'various straps untwisted, and everything' about the act com plete and neat. ' j W. C. Dorrance will offer a cash prize of $25.00 tothe girl under 18 years who will bake the best. pan of biscuits, and do it ' the quickest. The mixing of the dough and) putting the biscuits in the pan and the bak ing of them, must be done om the gruond, in full view of the spectat ors. This is an excellent prize and the fact that it will be competed for on the fairgrounds before all who care to see it, adds to the gen eral interest Moreover dt gives the girls of Wallowa county under 18 years an' opportunity to win 26.00 cash.' ....... Our up-to-date -creamery man, J. W. Bickford, will give a cash prize of $25.00 for the best milch cow on the ground. The cow ts to be milked on the fair grounds and the milk tested there, and the percentage Of butter ' fat' there obtained. This win interest every dairyman in the county. ; nan c Have Made Figure - . Style, Health, Comfort and Symmetry and grace about all. Royal Worcester Corsets which appeals to your finer tastes and excites your admiration and fancy. Royal .Worcester Cor sets are absolutely without a rival, each model an original con ception of surpassing excellence in every detail. Prices, $1.50 to $3.00 Sole V mse rjiterj Scores of other special prizes will be given for scores of other attrac tions.' These special prizes will be given to the readers of this paper from time to time.. Watclu for them. Every one will bo an 1 opportunity for some one in the county to win a Jtlg handful of money. K. OF P. INSTALLATION LAST FRIDAY NIGHT. The Enterprise K. P. lodge instal led officers last Friday, n'lght as fol lows, W. E. Taggart, O. M. Galley and C. M. Lockwaod holding over: C. C. G. W. Franklin, V. C. H. Lj Browning,' Prelate Henry A. Thomas, K. of, R. and S W. E. Taggart, M. of F. G. M. Galley, M. of E. C. M. Lockwood, M. of W. T. M. Dill, M. at A. S. F. Pace, I. G. Geo. Law, O. G Fred Zum walt." .. ." The installation was held in Fra ternal hall. New Town Plat , Is Now Accepted Lpstjn Townfsite Struggle Culmin ates In Plat That la I Recorded. The struggle bver the new town site at Lostlne ha3 resulted) in the platting of a new town, to be known as Evans near the 0. R. & N sta tion there. ,. The plat was presented to the county court, and accepted. The county ctoik was ordered to record ' the plat. Considerable effort has been ex pended, pro and con, over the mat ter by Lostiue residents. Just what effect, If any, the new town of Ev ans will have upon the city of Los tlueremalns to be seen, although to the- casual observer the roost logical outcome will be the growing together of the two places. Any thing that aids iaii the' settlement of the one. will' aid' in the settlement of he oher. , " G. , I. Rate lift is closing out his'' entire stock of-musical Instruments, consisting of organs, violins, guitars, banjos, accordians, etc., at cost. n a a a a q a a a eti the American Famous Agents Oregon ROAD MATTERS ARE HEARD JOHN ANTHONY ROAD STILL HEDGED BY CONTENDING .' INTERESTS. The most important matters up before the" county court this week, at least so far asm any of the ranch ers are concerned, were those per taining to the several new roadways that have been projected. Among these the O. F. Mays road at Los tine was ordered opened. The E. H. TuWey road near Wallowa was ordered opened. The G. F. Lindley road at Flora was ordered opened. John Anthony Road. The John Anthony road Is still in the thoes of its struggle. The gist of the mater is that the ranchers wish the road openedl while the Palm er Lumber company make the claim that opening the road will injure their lumber property to the ex tent of some $5,000. Up for hear ing before the county court, the lumber' comapny's interests' ware represented' by Attorney Jrio. S. Hodgln of La Grande and' the. ranch ers' . Interests were maintained by Attorney D. W. Sheahan of this city. The viewers' report was ac cepted and the final order relating to the road was continued. The John McDonald road near Wallowa was also heard. The view ers ' report was accepted and the final order continued. ORATORS OF THE DAY IN WALLOWA COUNTY. Circuit Judge Knowles wa orator of the day at Josdph, the Fourth of July, and delivered one of the strong '3st addresses on the theme of na tional liberty that everhas been de livered in the county The Judge's pleasing manner as well as his na tural eloquence and ready speech lis well known, but in his Fourth! of 7 . . . - . .... July discount's he was at nia oesi and did himself proud. ', Hon. J. P. Rusk, accompanied by Mrs. Rusk, attended! the celebration 0 n q n a n n a a a the a 14 a t j E3 . ;. . . , .... , ' VjtJt n I at Troy. Mr. and Mrs. Rusk reside at Joseph.. At Troy Mr. Rusk was orator of the day, and although Troy had many excellent features in her celebration, Mr. Rusk's address , was the star number of the day's events. Everybody in attendance was pleased with the masterly handling of the theme, with the hitting of the deaila from new angles, and with the general well rounded ef fort. Practically the whole north residence of the county attended at Troy, and. all expresesdl deep sat isfaction over the address. Mayor J. A. Burleigh of Enterprise was orator of the day at, Elgin, where he made friends and admir ers of every one who heard him. . Mayor Burleigh Is a forceful and exceedingly! pleasant speaker, always of the ability to entertain his audi ence while he Instructs It. Mayor Burleigh 1 conceded by all who know him to be a man of big, bright future, and he merits it by his ability and hl integrity. Two Games at Joseph Played Ralr Irvtieirfer! Wlh One Game Ent,qrprlsa Wlna the Oth- i er Handi Dowa Two games of bail, one last Mon day and one lastWednesday, were played between the Enterprise and Joseph league teams, at Joseph. Mon day's game was stopped by 'rain in the fifth inning, when the score stood 3 to 2 in Joseph's favor. The end of thegame, of course, would have found the score tunned about, and with ease, as was verified by the second game, played Wednesday. In Wednesday's game the Enter prise team arrived there In ah auto, and although it was late when the game was called, the Enterprise team came forth victors to the ex tent of 15 to 2. The score- merely prophesies what the score' would have been in Monday's game, had It been playeti to the finish. But, of course, Joseph was not responsible for the rain, while she was . strictly responsible for the fifth inning score of 3 to 2 In her favor and we can all be happy over lit. Sunday the Enterprise team meets La Grande at La Grande. That we will win the game, every Enterprise fan bellevs. That we won't is said to be sort of suspicioned' byi all' the La Grande fans. Well, we'll win, any way. ' ' ' ' ' ' RANCHERS) TAP SILVER CREEK FOR WATER. W, C. Murray has Just returned from a trip' over the mountains where he and some'of his neighbor ing ranchers on the Slope have sur veyed a water way from SUver Creek, through a canyon to this side of the range. The object will be to tap Silver Creek and put the water on this side for irrigating purposes. Mr. Murray found that the matter could readily be effected, and work was begun, 1 as stated, the survey having been made.' '' Cartill Banking Insurts th Saftty of Df posits." Depositor! Have That Guarantee at WALLOWA NATIONAL BANK OF ENTERPRISE, OREGON CAPITAL $50,000 8UBPLUH 155.000 I 'I''-. I ' -. We Do a General Banking Business. Exchange Bought and Sold on All Principal Cities. Geo. W. Hyatt, President Geo. H. Craig, Vice President DIRECTORS Geo .8. Ckaio Geo.' W. Hyatt Mattie a. Holmes J. H. Dobbin " " . ' W. R. Holmes ; 293 acres Alder Slope, $23,000.00 80 acres Alder Slope, $ 8,000.00 160 acres Ml land, about six miles out, $2, 000. 00 320 acres, 12 miles out, $3,200.00 ' ' City UoU, 3100 to $300 ' '. ' ' v , , ...... , , Residence Property, $050 to $3,000 Fire Insurance Surety Bond Live Stock Insurance W. E TAGGART, The Pioneer Real Estate Mad. ENTERPRISE, ':' :. : : OREGON SHOO T BOTH PARTICIPANTS BOUND OVER ONE MAN A3 PROSE CUTING "witness.1 The shooting scrape between Hen-; y Aldrlch and Jesse Halley, July 3, at tne lake, .resulted In a prelimin ary hearing Wednesday, after: which Henry Aldrich was bound pvef' iU the sum of 1 1200 to await) the action of the grand Jury, and Jesse Halley was placed under 9500 bonds as a prosecuting witness'.' ' Both nieni were brought to Enterprise.' " ' '' The fight Is said to have occurred near a refreshment stand at the head of the lake, July 3rd. It was testified' to in the hearing that Al drich and Halley had some words whereupon Halley la alleged to have atruck Aldrlch across the' head with a lemon squeezer. Aldrlch is alleged to have secured a pistol and fined, wounding Halley la theright shoulder. Both men are virtually strangers In Wallowa county, probably hav ing been attracted here by the cele- brat Ion at the" head of the lake. Prosecuting Attorney T. M. Dill ap peared tor the state in the prelim inary hearing, before Judge Smith, and Attorney Daniel Boyd for ' the defendant, Aldrich. ' In that Judge Knowles has sent word that the 'c lis cult court will convene next Tues day, it is probable that the hearing will be had practically at once. BURNED OVER TIMBER MAY BE MADE USEFUL. Portland, July 5 The outcome of an experiment to be tried with burn ed over timber in Coos County by the Santa Fe railroad will be watched with interest throughout the Pacific Northwest If succesful,. It will mean that large areas of forest, form erly considered! useless, will become valuable for the burned-over timber Vet remaining. The Santa Fe has contracted for 1200 cedar piling from such a tract in Coos county, if the charred piling proves a success much more of the same material will be bought by the Santa Fe and a wide market will be found for this now apparently worthless timber. SUNDAY 8ERVICE8. . , M. E, Church. The W. C. T. U. will meet at, the M. E. Church" Friday at 2:30 p. m. Morning -.service at the M. E. church next Sunday at, 11 a, to. Epworth League at 7 p. m. Union services at the Presbyter ian church at 8 p. m. Sermon by Rev. C. E. Truebolod. Christian Church. Prayer meeting Wednesday even ing. Topic: "Patriotism' Against Intoxicating Liquors! This '' meet ing should fce attended by all who are Interested! in the coming issue: Christian Endeavor Sunday evening at 6:30. ' '' ' Preaching Lord's Day morning af ter the Bible School hour. " , Glfford Ernest, Pastor. W. R. Holmes, Cashier A. J. Boehmer, Ami. Cashier HAS HEARING r-f ncDonnnDnnnncarnononnnnDon cncDnnnnnnnnnnnD