The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, July 06, 1910, Wednesday Edition, Image 3

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THE NEWS RECORDi,.rr"-p,p'1
Formerly the Wallowa News, estab
lished March 3. 1899.
Published Wednesdays and Satur
days at Enterprise, Oregon, by
Office East side Court House Square
Entered as second-class- matter
; January 2, 1909,. at the postoffice at
Enterprise. Oregon, under the Act ot
March 3, 1879.
Subscription Rates: One year $2,
six ' months $1, three months 50c,
one month 20c. On yearly cash-in-advance
subscriptions a discount of
25c Is given.
: WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1910.
Doors and windows and all kinds
of builders hardware at Keltner's. -
Uncle Ben Wilson returned Sat
urday from' points in California.
. Ice Cream Freezers a brand new
stock at Keltner's.
Deputy Sheriff Crow made an of
ficial visit to Joseph Saturday last,
returning the same day.
All phone orders for bus to and
from depot promptly attended to.
White Front barn. Home phone. 97b
Thompson & Lander's sawmill on
the Imnaha. was. burned' last, week.
It will be rebuilt. . .
M. H. . Tucker returned from
Flora Sunday, after spending a day
In that thriving little city. ,
Blueflame coil oil stdes and Insur
ance gasoline stoves Just arrived
at Keltner's. .
Misa Zora Combes left Saturday
for a visit with relatives amdi friends
at Elgin over the Fourth. ' ' .
W. C. Tool left Friday fori Spokane
and the Big Bend country where he
will visit his people. ,
Fishing tackle all Rinds and sal
mon eggs at Keltner's.
An entire tralnload-of celebrators
left Joseph Tuesday morning, re
turning to their homes.'
Miss Grace Wood left Tuesdaj
for Elgin where she will spend sev
eral days visiting with a Bister.
Carter's White Lead' and Linseed
Oil at Keltner's.
W. A. Evans returned Tuesday
evening from Elgin, where he visit
ed friends over the Fourth.
W. A. Moss returned) from a busl.
ness trip to La. Grande Friday after
Poultrymen, call, at Keltner's and
see the Petaluma Incubators on ex
hibition. a f
Miss Minnie E. Gliddien and her
mother, 4Mr3. Je3se E. Glldden, left
Friday evening for several days'
camping tut the head of the lake..
, A house owned by Tom Winston
at Joseph, occupied by Mr. andi Mrs
W. G. Trill, burned to the ground
at, Thursday. The occupants
barely had time to escape in their
night clothes. A little of the furnl
ture and the piano wene saved.
Sheriff Robeit Campbell of Asotin
county, Wash., and E O. M osier, a
large wool grower of the same eoun
ty, were In Enterprise attending the
wool sale. The latter ranges large
flocks of sheep on the line between
Wallowa and Asotin counties, and
had' some wool here in the sale. -
. "Little Joker" squirrel traps kills
hundreds. Try tt. Price 35 cents.
Get rid of those pants! - The
panting of the heated public
for something cool and re
freshing can be relieved by
Harvey's iced drinks.
Kir-1 Um &
Price for
Felts and Hides
Wallowa County Tide &
Abstract Company
A. C. MILLER, President
Office in Company's new brick building opposite front of
new Court House, Oldest and most complete abstract plant
in county. Abstracts of title furnished promptly and cheap
ly. Insurance written in largest and strongest companies.
Money Loaned at very Lowest Current Rates
Owen Stubblefleld moved into
town from Zumwalt, Friday.'
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Bertel Sargeant of The Buttes, Fri
day, July 1. . '
Mrs. William Brown visited. tn La
Grande over the Fourth, leaving here
last Saturday morning.
Garden Hose big shipment
sprinklers, hose fixtures, at Kelt
ner's. ' .
R. L. Day was confined) to bed
Friday of last week by temporary
ilckness, but Is able to be about1
L J. Jordan. B. C. Martin and
lake Darlington returned last Frld-
Jay from. Imnaha where they had
been looking over the country.
C. S. Wrenn, oae of the county's
leading stockmen, stopped to Enter
rise Saturday on his way to Jo
seph. .
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Weaver and
jhildi left for La Grande Friday
where they will visit for several
Dr. F. E, Moore, osteopath, has
iffice hours all day Tuesday, Thurs
lay and Saturday in. Enterprise. Of
Ice over the bank. 83btf
Forty peaple from in and' about En
terprise left on. the Saturday evon
ng train for Joseph where they cele
irated the -Fourth.
Sherwin & Williams' paints uar-J
un-teed at Keltner s.
F. G. Willliams of Procter, Vt., rep
resenting the Vermont Marble com
any, transacted business In Enter
prise last week.
C. Murdock of Day Ridge was at
tending the wool sale. Mr. Murdock
s aa old newspaper man, now own-
ng some 2,000 acre In. sheep range
Perry Blanchard left SUurday. lasl
'or La Grande to visit Mrs. Blanch
ird who recently underwent an op
iration In the hospital of that city.
Virgil Brines, M. F. Casteel, Cladue
ind George Myers, all of Day
lldge, were In town, the latter part
'f last week, attending the wool
ale, and to other business matters.
James Gibson and Al Daniels, both
if Cove, passed through Enterprise
Friday on the'r way to Imnaha.
They go to look over some pros
pective homestead land in that dis
trict. Miss Alice Proctor of Elgin ar
ived . in Enterprise to visit her
water, Mrs.. Charles Hug, Friday ev
ening. With her Mr. and Mrs. Hug's
ion, .Master Proctor Hug, returned,
'e had been visiting his. grandpa
ents at Elgin".
Hiram Meek and son of near Wal
'owa transacted business la Bnter
3riee Friday. Mr. Meek paid this
fflce a genial visit, and helped
'.atk over "old times" tn Ohio. Mr.
vleek has 200 acres of land near
Wallowa, where he has lived for 19
C. F. Johnson and little daughter
eft Saturday morning for La Grande
where Mr. Johnson spent the Fourth
.vlth his people. Am aunt, Mrs.
Bailey, of Oskaloosa, la., also wl
visiting with Mr. Johnson's father
In La Grande," and the Fourth was
In the nature of a partial family re
union. X
The little daughter of- Mr. and
Mrs. Bertel Sargenat- was burled
Monday of last week in the Prairie
Creek cemetery. The little one
had eufferd from stomach trouble
which finally proved fatal. Both Mr,
and Mrs. Sargeant have the profound
sympathy of their many friends in
the county in their sad loss. The
baby was aged one year and five
days. " ; , ' .
Dr. Moore and Dr. Zudie Purdum
ieft Sunday morning for Portland
where .the latter, who is a sinter
of Mrs, Dr. Moore, will take the Ore
gon state examination in Osteo
pathy. Dr. Moore is a member of
the state . Osteopathy examining
board. It Is understood that after
passing the examination Dr. Pur
dum will practice, osteopathy in
Flora, this county.
PHuKE 20
John RlWoble of Joseph, well known
throughout the valley, made a budij
neas trip, to Enterprise last Satur
day. Mayor and Mrs. Burleigh went to
Elgin Sunday where Mr. Burleigh de
livered tlie Fourth of July oration
The Enterprise business men met
defeat to the bail game with the Jo
3eph business men . Monday, by a
score of 5 to 6.
Mrs. H. M. Ogan of The Buttes
'eft Friday morning for Pittsburg,
Pa., where she will visit hor people,
that being her former hoiiie. ..
Miss V. Thomas and mother went
to Joseph Friday evening. Miss
Thomas was until a short time ago
telephone "central" In Enterprise,
Simon McKenzle, the well knowa
rug man of Lostlne, and son Ken-,
nieth. also a drug man, of Wallowa,
jpent Thursday night In Enterprise.
Miss Nina Miller left Friday for
Promise. She will be met there by
her sister Mrs. Lee Thompson, and
will visit the family home la Prom
ise. -
J. T; Harvey is having built In
to one room ot his ice -cream par
.or a new display window and shelv-
ng, and will stock it with a.iuew
ihlpment of goods.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Ashley aid
lttle daughter Gena returned )lo.i-
ley from a several days' camping
rip above the lake. They report
i splendid time.
F. G. Wheeler, formerly of McGill,
Xev., has taken, charge of the groc
ery and hardware department of the
vV. J. Funk & Company's store, Mr.
Jlayton having resigned.
C. S. Haney arrived from Lostlne
Saturday to spend the Fourth with
lis. family In Enterprise. He reports
he sawmill at Lostlne running full
tone and with a prosperous business.
Rev. Samuel Harris of this, city
eft Monday morning for a vacation
f several weeks. It Is understood
that he will visit the Yosemite val
ey in California onhls. way east,
eavlng there for Ohio where ha will
isit his mother.
Commissioner Sam Litch returned
'rom La Grande Friday, driving, his
ig new Cadillac .machine The
ar Is. large enough in seating ca
pacity and horse power to carry Mr.
'-.itch's entire family, that being his
eason for selling the former one and
mrchasing this, machine.
Misa' Flora Shaffer of Ashland,
bregon, is visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. White of this city.
.Iis9 Shaffer Is the daughter of John
Shaffer at on time a resident of
fjurrlcane Creek, and has just com
pleted with hligh honors acourse in
the Ashland Normal college. -
Warden Joe Clemens, left -for his
mmmer home In Leap Saturday ev
3nlng. He was. called here to prose
cute an Enterprise resident for vio-
ation of the game law. The.govern
nent officials are keeping a sharp
ookout for all violations of this kind
ind are prosecuting them, as rapidly
is found.
C. R. Eberhard, receiver' in the
jovernment land office In La
Jrande, passed through Enterprise
Saturday on his way to Joseph when
lie spent the Fourth. Mrs. Eberhard
g visiting with hec. parents Iru Jo.
!eph, mention of which has been
nade, and Mr. Eberhard joined her
n observing the national day.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Woodfl, forra
tr residents here and near here for
years, but now living In Union coun
ty, spent the Fourth vl3it!ng friends.
in Enterprise. Mr. Woodell has
charge of the Woodell ranch in
tfnlon county, andi reports' the fall
A'heat crop exce'.Ieit, but that ow-
Hg to lack j( rain the spring wheat
rop will be light. '
Luther Lloyd brought in from
he'Imnaha country some excellent
Royal Ann cherries, kindly remem
bering the Entierprse Press. To Il
lustrate Just bow cherries grow there
ind just how Mr. Lloyd - grows
them, that gentleman cut a twig
from one limb of a cherry' tree, trim
mlng the twig exactly one foot long.
Within this foot there were 86 big
Royal Ann cherries on it. The twig
was about an inch in diameter.
Soreness of the muscles, whether
induced by violent exercise or injury,
'js quickly relieve! by the f ree appll
cation . of Chamberlain's' Liniment.
This- liniment I equally valuable
for muscular rheumatism and always
affords quick relief. Sold by all
' I am now prepared to
furnish the ople of I'ln
terprjse and vicinity with
the best of
Whole Milk, per quart, 5c
Cream for table use, per quirt 25c
Cieam to whip, er quart, 40c
Buttermilk, per gallon, - ' oc
Skimmed Milk, per gallon 10c
Carl Hoag of Elgin and! Joseph
Sweet are in Enterprise on. business.
Puzzled the Packer.
Tln first organized work of women
in a relief corps whs led by Florence
Nightingale lo the Crimean war of
18oT). So unaccuNtomcd were people to
that service at the time that It culled
out some curious comment. Writing
of "Chinese" Gordon. Dr. Butler tellx
in his book. "Ten Great ai.d Good
Men." how the boys at Cambridge met
the call upon them for hospital stores.
One day a letter cume suddenly from
the war office telling us that any warm
clothes' for the luvnlids at Scutari
would be prized by Miss Florence
Nightingale. At once in every college
a committee was extemporized of lead
ing undergraduates, charged to colled
presents of Annuel jackets, trousers,
"blazers," rugs, greatcoats, furs, eveu
In a few hours box after bos was
filled with these treasures, and all the
boxes were kindly and gratuitously
packed for us by the leading upholster
er of the town, bis foreman simply re
marking to me in a tone which General
Gordon would have enjoyed:
A nice consignment for a lady, sir."
Causa of Twilight.
Twilight Is a phenomenon Caused by
atmospheric refraction. When the sun
gets below the horizon we are not im
mediately plunged into the dnrkness of
night. Although the sun is below our
horizon, rays of solar light are bent or
refrncted by theTerrestrlal atmosphere
nnd continue to furnish some slizht
Illumination. The process continues
with diminishing Intensity until the
sun Is so far, below the horizon that
the refracting power of the atmos
phere is no longer able to bend the
rays enough to produce a visible ef
fect The time after sunset that the
sun reaches such a position varies with
the latitude of the place. There is less
twilight at the tropic zone than at the
temperate or frigid zone. This is due
to less time taken by the sun's rays to
pass through the atmosphere, at the
tropic zone the sun's rays being per
pendicular and at the temperate and
frigid zones oblique. New York Amer
' With a Grain of Salt.
The earliest record of the Baying
with a grain of saltv dates back to the
year C3 B. C. when the great Pompey
entered the palace of Mithrldates and
discovered among his private papers
the description of an antidote against
poisons of nil sorts. . which was com
posed of pounded herbs. These, ac
cording to the recipe, were to be taken
with a grain of salt. Whether this
was meant seriously or as a warning
sarcasm Is not ktiowu. but thenceforth
It became the custom to say that
doubtful .preparations should be taken
with a grain of salt. From this the
meaning got transferred to sayings of
doubtful truth.' "Atti salt" was a
Greek synonym for wit or penetration.
ana the Latin word "sal" bad some
what of the same meaning. It Is thus
easy to see how the saying "cum
grano satis" could have come to mean
the necessity of accepting doubtful or
suspicious statements "with a grain of
Molokai and the Leptra.
The general idea of the leper settle
ment on the island of Molokai la
wrong, says a writer In Harpers
Weekly. Instead of the entire island
being used for the leper colony the fle.t
tlonient comprises only eight square
miles out of a total area of 201 square
miles. It occupies a tongue of land on
the northern side of Molokai. The
north, east and west shores of this
tiny spit are washed by the Pacific,
while on the south side rise precipitous
cliffs of from 1,800 to 4.000 feet, which
make the Isolation seem even more
hopeless than the beautiful deep blue
waters of the sea ever could. The
most difficult and dangerous trail, con
stuntly mauued by government guards,
foils escape, if it were ever coutem
plated, by the land side.
Stupid Husband of a Notad 8inger.
Cataluni's husband, a handsome
Frenchman, was even more unintel
lectual than bis wife be was stupid.
Once. .having found the pitch of the
piano too blgb, she said after the re
hearsal to her husband: "The pluno Is
too blgb. Will you see that it is made
lower before the concert?" When the
evening came Cutalanl was annoyed
to Oud that the pluno bod not been
altered. Her husband sent for the car
penter, who declared that be had saw
ed off two inches from each leg, as
be bad been ordered to do. "Surely it
can't be too high now, my dear," said
the stupid husband soothingly.
Through the Cracks.
When the celebrated divine Edward
Irving was on a preaching tour lu
Scotland two Dumfries men of decld
ed opinions weDt to bear him. When
they left the ball one said to the other
"Well. Willie, what do you thlnkr
"Ob." said the other contemptuously,
"the man' cracked"'
The first apeuker laid a quiet band
on bis shoulder.
"Will. said be. "you'll often see
light peeping through a crack."
A Poor Player.
Griggs Bo you got home from the
dub ax midnlzbt.. Well l sunpose you
Hay Fever and Asthma
Brlnig discomfort and mlery to
many people but Foley's Honey and
Tar gives ease and comfort to the
suffering ones. It relieves the con
gestion in. the bead and .throat and
is soothing and healing. None gen
uine but Foley's Honey-and Tajr in
the yellow package. Burnaugh al
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
R. U. DAY, Proprietor ,,!
Good Rigs Fair Treatment Horses Bought and Sold
Special Attention to Commercial Trade :
Rates for Regular Boarders Bus to and From Trains
Best of Help Employed. Home Phone
Open Day and Night One Block North of Hotel Enterprise
Reliable Abstracts of title furnished on short
notice. '
All Kinds of money to loan on farm property,
from one to five years; large or small amounts
Fire Insurance written in companies that pay
all losses in full. - '
C. M. L0CKW00D, LocKwood Bilyen,
United States Commissioner ' Managers
FoTcTwItle youTTad nTwortriufe at The
office. Played upon ber sympathies,
eh? BriL'ers-Well-er-yes. but either
her sympathies were out of tune or
I'm a' darned poor instrumentalist.
Boston Trnnscrlpt.
Good and Sufficient Reason.
Editor But. my good fellow, whv do
you bring this poem to me? Impecuni
ous One Well. sir. because 1 badn't
Rtamp, sir. London Tatler. 1
Opportunity seldom '
mes with a
letter of Introduction.
London's Big Ban.
Why is the large bell in the tower
of the houso of parllument in London
culled Big Ben? The average London
er himself seems to have no idea how
it got its name. When the building
was designed Sir Benjamin Hall bad a
great deal to do with carrying out the
plans of the architects, being high
commissioner of public works, and his
coworkers appreciated the fact that to
him the city of London was largely in
debted. So when the question came
up in parliament as to the name of the
enormous bell that was to be bung lu
the tower a member shouted, "Why
not call It Big Ben?" This suggestion
was received with much applause as
well as with roars of laughter, for Sir
Benjamin was an enormous man, both
lu height and glrtb, and bad often been
culled Big Ben. From that day on
th bell whose peal every Loudoner
knows has been known only as Big
Ben. Uarpcr'B Weekly.
Mighty In Tltlea.
The ruler of Turkey,, in addition to
the titles sultun and kba-kban (high
prince and lord of lords), also claims
sovereignty over most districts, towns,
cities and states in the orient, specify
ing each by name and setting out In
each of bis various titles "all the forts,
citadelB, purlieus and neighborhood
thereof in .regular legal form. His of
ficial designation euds, "Sovereign also
of diverse nations, states, peoples and
races on the face of the earth." All
this Is in addition to his high position
as "head of the faithful" and "su
preme lord of all the followers of the
prophet," "direct and only lieutenant
on earth of Mohammed."
The Great Eastern.-
The dimensions of the one time world
famous Great Eastern were as fol
lows: Length. 692 feet; width, 83 feet;
depth, 60 feet; tonnage, 24,000 tons;
draft when unloaded, 20 feet; when
loaded. 30 feet She bad paddle
wheels fifty-six feet in diameter and
was also provided with a four bladed
screw propeller of twenty-four feet
diameter. Sbe bad accommodation
for 800 first class, 2.000 second class
and l.'-'OO third class pasHengers, 4,000
in all. Her speed was about eighteen
miles an hour. The Oreat Eastern was
finally broken op for old iron In tbe
year 1880 after a checkered career of
some thirty-one years. '
Fair, but Stormy.
A gentleman boarded tbe Karorl car
at Kelburne avenue. Itecognlzing a
friend on one of tbe seats, be nodded
pleasantly and then said, "Welt, what
do you think of tbe weather?"
"Ob. horrible!" was tbe reply.
"And bow is your wife today V
"She's Just about tbe same, thank
your' New Zealand Tree Lance.
No Ear For Mualo.
"Hrw do you like the music,
Judklns?" said Miss I'araons.
"I'm sorry, but I bave no ear
music," be auswered,
"No." put In Mr. Jasper. "He uses
bis for a pen rack,"
Japalac, Tarnish italni, Unseed
at Burnaugh A Mayfleld'a(
Have you examined our
. line of ,
g Ladies' and Children's
Wash Suits Ladies' K
Fancy SKirts: Waists, 1
Undershirts, Muslin
Underwea r , Hosiery,
Gloves, Etc S
. Also a complete line of
Men's Furnishings, in-
eluding the McKibbin 2
and Stetson Hats. jjj
We have just now the
most complete line that
we have ever carried, -
We buy our Dry Goods from
one of the largest houses in
Chicago and have a large
assortment from which to
make our selections.
We discount our bills, which
gives us the goods laid down
in our store at the lowest
cash prices.
We give our customers the
benefit of our cash buy. We
also give a discount on all
cash purchases. ,
If you are going to build
call and let us figure
with you on Doors and
Windows. We have just
received a large stock of
38ame and we are going
to sell them at herl rorlr
m i -
R.S.& Z.I
Teething children have more or,
leea diarrhoea, which can be controll
ed by giving Cbambeaiala'ai Colic,
Chotera and Diarrhoea Remedy. All
that l necessary is lo give tbe pre
scribed dose after each, operation of
the bowels more than natural and
then, cantor oil to clean the sys
tem. It la safe and sure. 8old by all
E. N. SlWdlobrook, proprietor of
the Mitchell hotel in. Joseph, died
in Spokane laet week after a brief
llbu of brain fever. His remains
were taken to Joseph, Mrs. Middle
brook accompanying them, passing
through Enterprise last Mouday, .