The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, July 06, 1910, Wednesday Edition, Image 1

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    "WM Hr,:srfet, iM v
Wednesday. Edition
Cent a word single Insertion, XVt
unta a word 2 insertions. Special
rates by month and year. "
160 acres, on Prato-ie Creek, 150 acres
good plow land, 100 under ditch, 3
miles east Enterprise. ' Pter 01aea,;
owner. Enterprise. 18b4
Nice assortment of millinery flowers
and foliage at W. J. Funk & Cos. - .
Thoa. Sieground left , on sake at Ri
ley & Riley's the Wonder Washer..,
Nice small place , adjoining . Enter
prise; six-room " house, barn," out
buildings, young orchard, timber,
running water, etc. Inquire at thla
office, J "L'jL '1W?,-' -'
I will seUchTap for cesh my 160
acre farm on Pralrio . Creek. JM1
good plow land except 10 acres; 100
acrea, under ditch. 3 miles .east of
Enterprise, . Peter Olsen.C Enter
prise.,. .' . . ." H6b4
Slate Funds loaned, 6 per cent. John
p. Rusk. Atty. State Land B'd. Joseph
Farm loans at 1 percent. Call or
write First Bank of Joseph. 58btf
7, : : LOST.
Two pigs, sandy with black spots.
Finder communicate with C. E.
Funk, Enterprise. 19btf.
Lumber. Anyone' having -lumber- of
iny grade in any amount for, sale.
or' who has timber he Intends to saw
loon, and wishes to contract the lum
ber, call on or address W. F. Rankin
at Haney planer in Enterprise, Agent
tor W. R. Kivette. . zdd
Nominating petitions for county
and district candidates before the
primary September 24, for sale at
this office., Nicely bound. Complete
8 eta only $1 at office or by. mall.
Enterprise ie doing things by car
load lota these days. F. SV Ashley
and G. I. Ratcllff each received a
carload of new furmlture last -week,.
8. D. Ke'lner and Riley' & Riley
each a carload of cedar shingles,
and, C. 8. Bradley shipped. Friday,
morning a carload of oaitsl which will
be followed by three " carloads . . of
rye by the same- .shipper. Thte
means, an increase, Ini the business
volume of the city, ,
Great Trainmen's 8trlke Pending,
Philadelphia, July 2. A strike by
16,500 freight trainmen of the Penn
, sylvanla railroad is threatened unless
the railroad management consents to
another Increase in wages. The prop
osition to strike Is being voted upon
by conductors, firemen, - flagmen . and
baggage masters ' employed on the
Pennsylvania lines eaet of Pittsburg,
and the demands Qf the men call for
the payment of wages from 6 to 20
per cent higher than those paid by
eastern competing lines. , '
' Heat Fatal at Chicago. . ,
CHICAGO. Sixteen persons were
killed in this .city Saturday by the
heat, sending the total dead since the
present siege set In above 70. There
have been In excess of 100 prostra
tions, many of which will terminate In
death.. Five persons were -badly bit
ten by dogs which suddenly went mad
in the streets.' . '
' Portland. . .' ' -,.'
Wheat Track prices: - ..Cluh,-'
81c; bluestem, 84c; red Russian, 78c.
' 1 Barley Feed and brewing, $1920.
Oats No. 1 white, 126 per ton. '
,' Hay Timothy. Willamette Valley,
$202t per ton; Eastern Oregon,
$2225; alfalfa, $1314.
Butter Extra, t. 29c; , fancy,. 29o;
ranch, 20& - .
; Eggs Ranch, candled, 27c
Hops-1909 crop, 10 12c; olds,
nominal. ' : '..
Wool Eastern Oregon. 14017c per
, pound. . ' " . ,
Mohair 82033c !
' Seattle.
Wheat Bluestem, 85c;
red Russian, 79c.
Oats $26 per ton. " -Barley
$23 per ton.
Hay Timothy, $25 per ton; alfalfa.
$18 per ton. .
Butter Washington Creamery, 31 e;
, ranch, 22c .
Eggs Selected local, 28c .
Famous Retired Army Engineer
Will Assist, in Solving
WASHINGTON. Brigadier-General
William L. Marshall, who recently re
tired as chief of engineers of the
army, has been appointed consulting
engineer of the secretary' of the in
terior in the reclamation service. The
position was created by . Secretary
Ballinger to assist him In solving the
engineering problems involved in com
pleting reclamation projects now un
der way. It was said at the interior
department that the new officer would
not supplant F. H. Newell, director of
me reclamation service, wnose xaie
has been the subject of much specu
lation ever since the lines were drawn
between the : Garfield and Ballinger
administrations. ' ''
No Changes Likely.
It was expllcltely stated that Gen
eral Marshall's appointment did cot
indicate any change In the personnel
of the field force of the reclamation
service; Inasmuch as be wouid have
no supervision over the operation of
the service or over the designing of
construction work. He would act,-it
was said, in -an advisory capacity to
the secretary of the interior.
The creation of the new position
was In accord with the wishes of the
president and was In harmony with
the plan .of inspection by army engi
neers of existing reclamation projects
as provided for the appointment of a
board of five engineers from the engi
neer corps of the army to Inspect the
reclamation works, reporting directly
to the president. ' '
Mr. Taft has the appointment of this
board now under consideration.
WASHINGTON. The bureau of
mines, created at the last session of
congress as a co-ordinate division In
the interior department, has assumed
actual existence with George Otis
Smith, director of the geological sur
vey, acting as its chief. Mr. Smith
will preside over the new office In con
junction with his duties as director of
the survey until a permanent head is
appointed. . .. , ,
It is estimated that the total num
ber of Immigrant aliens admitted at
all ports of the United States during
the last fiscal year reached 1,035,545',
and Increase of 263,759 over the num
ber admitted last year. The non-immigrant
aliens admitted, that Is, those
coming to the United States temporar
ily, only reached 145,421, which Is a
falling off. of 47,028, while the total
number of fall persons debarred dur
ing the year was 24,200. Last year
only 11,000 were debarred.
A surprising surplus of $9,402,432 In
the year's ordinary receipts and ex
penditures Instead of the expected de
ficit; a decrease of $1,648,337 for the
month in the public debt; $17,462,815
received from the corporation tax and
an $11,000,000 cut In postal deficiency
disbursements for the year are Some
of the remarkable features of the
treasury department reports for the
fiscal year ended Juno 30.
-'The treasury department is sending
advertisements for ' bids for public
building sites In air cities for which
provisions were made In the omnibus
public building bill. . Bids for Oregon
sites will be opened August 2 and
elsewhere In the Northwest August 3.
,t 1 r'. r i .
Suffering From . Peculiar Religious
Mania, Wounda Saloon Man.
KINGSTON. NY Suffering from
a peculiar form of religious mania
that will jiot yield to treatment, Ew
ing Watterson, son of Colonel Henry
Watterson, of Louisville, Ky., Is under
arrest at Saugerties for shooting three
times and slightly wounding Michael
Martin, proprietor of a saloon.
Ewlng Watterson, according to his
father, who came to look after his
son's interests, has for some years
been a victim of a form of religious
mania which has failed to yield to anv
Whites to be Excluded.
chief attending the b!; sun, or willow
dances, at Big Jake's Crossing near
Clinton, Okla., announced that they
had d&Idni to build. a number of
towns In wtich only lr.dians would be
permitted to live.
: I ' : : i . ..
Dt Lesseps Fliss 45 Miles.
MONTREAL. Count de Lesseps, In
the machine in which he crossed the
English Channel, made a cross-country
flight from Lakeside to Montreal
and return, a distance of 45 miles. He
made the Journey in 49 minutes. 3
and 3-5 seconds. . i -
Lend a Hand.
It's nil is'Jt to say "cheer up." but
do something to push It along. Boston
Herald. 1
.The First. National Bank, of Bill
ings, Mont, has been closed by the di
rection of 'the controller of the cur
rency, the bank havinq been reported
by the examiner to be insolvent.
Western railroads are- considering
iiih Hnvisani rv nr niinnnini uii huk i
cial rates, including colonist rates, and unul auer lne on orlne cma
making 2 cents the minimum for all 1 8ional Balllnger-Pinchot investigation
travelers and all occasions.
Members of the senate committee
appointed to Investigate the charges
made by Senator Gore relative to Ok
lahoma Indian land contracts have
discovered that cpmruittee was not
provided with funds to defray the cost
of inquiry.
There will be no relief from high
meat prices for a time at least. This
is the declaration of J. Ogden Armour,
whose word is law when the price of
"eat is Involved. . ... , '
Fight news, round by round, was
telegraphed Into the county jail in
Chicago on Monday. A telegraph op
erator, who- is a prisoner, was at the
receiving end of the wire.
sr . .
Undisputed heavy weight champion
pugilist of the world, who knocked
out James J. Jeffries at fleno, Nev
July 4, in) the 15th round.
Secretary's Visit to Beverly
Believed to Have Deep
BEVERLY, Mass. Secretary of the
Interior Ballinger was summoned to
the summer capitol for a conference
on Tuesday. Officially, he and Taft
are said to have discussed the admin
istrative features of the $20,000,000
reclamation bond issue, but authori
tative information Indicates that the
conference was of much deeper signi
ficance. Whether or not Ballinger is
to remain in the Talt cabinet was
. probably decided. '.
' It Is certain, however, that there will
I be ho announcement on the .. subject
, cummuiee is maae puDiic. uoionei
Kooseveit is probably the first pro
Pinchot supporter with whom the pres-
ident has talked In regard to the con-
1 servatlon situation since the congres-
sional Inquiry closed. It Is, therefore,
;, regarded as peculiarly significant that
1 immediately following the next Taft-
Roosevelt conference should come the
announcement that Secretary Ballin
ger was summoned to talk over affairs
with the president. ' Furthermore, the
date comes within the 15-day period
during which President Taft has here
tofore said he would transact no busi
ness other than of the most pressing
Suffering from the burden of busi
ness cares which fell on her shoulders
after her husband's death, Mrs. E. H.
Harrlman is reported to be In very
frail health.
W. J. Bryan, who has arrived home
from his European trip, declined to
dlecuss political matters from a na
tional standpoint, to the effort that is
being made by his Nebraska friends
to launch him as a senatorial candl
date. Mr. Bryan pleaded unfamlllarlty
with local conditions.
.Abraham Ruef, the former political
boss of San Francisco, under sentence
of 14 years' imprisonment for bribery
and at liberty on $300,000 bail, has
been ordered to show cause why he
should not be remanded to the cus
tody of the sheriff. s '
- With a view of determining the
practicability of the voyage to 'the
North Pole by airship, which Count
von Zeppelin is said to be determined
to take if he can obtain any assurance
that it has a reasonable chance of sue
cess, a party of notable Germans have
Started for Spltzenbergen. Price
Henry of Prussia leads the expedl
tlon, and accompanying him are sev
eral scientists, chosen especially for
their knowledge of polar conditions.
OYSTER BAY, L. I. Three of the
most prominent Insurgents In congress
visited the former president Saturday
afternoon at Sagamore hill, by his in
vltatlon. They were Senator Joseph
L. Brlstow and Representatives Mur
dock and Edmond H. Madison, all of
In a carefully prepared statement
given to the newspapers after the con
ference, Roosevelt's present stand on
matters of national concern was
clearly set forth.
"We found him absolutely unchang
ed In his attitude towards public ques
tlons," said the statesmen. Particular
izing as to the railroad bill, the states
men declared that the former presi
dent had congratulated the Insurgents
on putting Into that measure ' provl
slons that he considered 'vitally nec
essary. " . '
Ban Goes on 104 8aloons.
MILWAUKEE. The city 1 council
has carried out the socialist policy of
suppressing the disorderly saloons In
the city by denying licenses to 104
that had not been conducted properly.
. Colored Valet of Grant Dead.
. Baltimore. George Washington
Stokes, 92, colored, once the valet of
General V. S. Grant, Is dead here.
He attended the famous general faith
fully and at the end of the war Gen
eral Grant wanted to take him home.
MERRILL. That the people have
taken hold In earnest of the plan for
getting a branch of the Southern Pa
cific railroad Into this city Is shown
by the fact that, more than $2000 has
already been ' voluntarlty pledged to
help pay for the right of way between
here and Klamath Falls.; .
Lynchers Plead Guilty.
PRAIRIE CITY, Bert Green and
Earl and Emmett Shields, held for the
murder , by lynching of Ollle Snyder,
have entered pleas of guilty, of mur
der In the second degree before Judge
Davis. They' will receive sentences of
life Imprisonment
Causa of Trouble.
She rid you tell anybody about my
pies? He Oh, yes! I hud to tell my
pnyslcluo wniit ailed me. Exchange.
With a picturesque grove of fir
trees as the setting, Harvey L. Lam
bert, a carpenter, shot down his wife,
Grace, at Portland, as she stood with
their three-year-old gir! in. her arms.
The Canadian Northern railway has
announced that its loss last week by
bush fires in the Rainy River district
was 125 boxcars, 30 depots, station
houses, freight sheds, water ' tanks
and $500,000 worth of yard material.
Pleas of guilty were entered by the
Southern Faclfic Railroad company
at San Francisco to 18 counts of the
indictments charging rebating and
discrimination In rates found by the
federal grand jury on Information
gathered by the Interstate commerce
commission, and fines aggregating
$18,000 were imposed by United States
Circuit Judge Van Fleet: ;
! A petition signed by Dr. B. , Clark
Hyde and his attorneys, asklns- that
the Imprisoned physician be allowed
to visit his home , at the birth of an
expected chlld, was handed to Judge
Ralph S. Latshaw of the criminal
court, who said the request would be
y'i,. r.
Th defeated heavy weight cham
pion knocked out lm the, 15th rowd
by Jack-Jolwaon, colored, at Refe
NeV7 July 4. ;
Chronicle of Important Events
i of Interest to Our
Readers. '
Rogue 80II Test Ordered.
PORTLAND. In compliance with a
request by Representative Hawley, the
secretary of agriculture has ordered tL
detailed soil surrey of the Rogue ri
ver area In Oregon to be made immed
iately. ' The survey will ' cover ' 600
square miles and Is to be in charge
of Mr. Strahorn, soil expert from the
bureau of soils. It probably will be
finished before the end of the summer
and the report should be ready next
winter.. The report will show In de
tail classification of soils, what they
are best adapted to and how' they
could, be Improved! It will also in
clude a chemical analysis.
; . ;
Harder. 8hot Dead. ;
BURNS. In a shooting affray, a
herder known as Jlmmle Leonard was
killed by another, Dick Williams, on
Steen'a mountain, south of Diamond,
76 miles from Burns. - "1. . I
Leonard had lived In this country .
several years and was reputed a quar-.
relsoine, dangerous man, who went
armed and proclaimed his readiness to
use his peapons. After 'the killing
Williams came to Diamond and tele
phoned to the sheriff, who went there
In bis auto, placed Williams under ar
rest and brought him to Burns, but did
not put him in jail, as the facts seem
ed to make it a case of justified homl-'
clde. . ' : ; 'L"
Railroad Held Unsafe. :
! SALEM. In a letter forwarded to
Attorney-General Crawford, the state
railroad commission has established a
new and rather startling precedent by
ordering the discontinuance of service
ou vua uurvauis cc Amen, luiw.nw 1
road company between Corvallls and
UnnrAO In Ronton nnnntv That thA .
11. - 1.1 rt . 1 . - T. 1 . 1 1
line is unsafe for use and has entirely
Ignored Its duties as a common car
rier are some of the allegations made
in the letter to the attorney-general. '
: The action of the commission Is the -result
of a complaint filed by A. Wil
helm ft SonB, of Monroe, Ore., and ces
sation of traffic is demanded until
such time as the road is rehabilitated.
Boy Kills Farmer.
OREGON CIT,Y. Carrying out hia
threat made a year or so ago that "he
would get . him," Curtis Helvey, 20
years, old, snot and killed oeorge
Smith, a farmer, at Carus, six miles
east of here.
Helvey immediately went to his
home and telephoned to his father in
town and told him to tell the sheriff
to come out and arrest him as he had
hot Smith. Helvey now occupies a
cell In the county jail here.
At the inquest, under the direction
of Coroner Holman, the Jury recom
mended that young Velvey be held for
the crime. ' 1 ' .
Garvals Man la Candidate.
GERVAIS. W. J. Clarke, of thla
place, newspaperman and postmaster.
has announced his candidacy for state
printer, and will seek the nomination
before the state republican assembly,
In his announcement he will make the
Issue In the coming campaign upon a
platform advocating a "flat salary for
state printer, as was decreed by the
voters of the state in 1906 under an
Initiative petition, by the overwhelm
ing vote of (3,479 votes for, and 9571
votes against."
t Myers In Field.
PORTLAND. Jefferson Myers, of
Portland, wishes to become governor
on the democratic ticket. He has filed
his declaration of Intention with the
secretary of state, declaring himself
to be In favor of "a system of Just
taxation, the Initiative and referen
dum, the direct primary law state
ment No, 1, the recall, and corrupt
practices act." He dec'area further,
be will vigorously oppose all move
ments tending to the annulment of
any of these laws or constitutional
provisions." ,
- neart Troubles Cummins.
DES MOINES. Because of heart
trouble, augmented by the strenuous
labors of the recent session of the
senate, Senator A. , B. Cummins has
cancelled bit Chautauqua, dates until
August 14. ' , V- :