rn Hltrlt M TwiceaWeek Saturday Edition THE fm ALL THE OFFICIAL NEWS OF v WALLOWA COUNTY IN THE N-R ALL THE NEWS WHILE 11 IS NEWS TWICE A WEEK NEW8 RECORD TWELFTH YEAR. NO. 18. ENTERPRISE, WALLOWA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1910. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER RECORD Wants Cent a word single Insertion, 1 cents a word 2 insertions. Special rates by month and year. FOR SALE. Horses, Vacons and - Harness for .sale. Inquire of Falconer Bros., En terprise, Oregon. 119r4 household furniture, including a Fischer plomo. ' Also rood,' fresh milch cow with calf. John"- W. Kerns. ' . - 17r2 160 acres, on Prairie Creek, 150 acre good plow land, 100 uuder ditch, 3 miles east Enterprise. Peter Olsen, owner, Enterprise. Ib4 Nice assortment of millinery flowers , and foliage at W. J. Funic & Go's. , CANDIDATES ATTENTION I Nominating , petitions for county and district candidates before the primary September 24, for sale at this office. Nicely bound. Complete sets only f 1 at office op by mall. Noticfe to Contractors. - Sealed bids will be received for the erection of a one-story, two-room addition to . the school building of School District No. 21, at Enterprise, Oregon. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of W. A. Kigdon, architect, or Geo. M. Gaily, district clerk. Bids must be lri of fice of clerk by 3 p.- m. of July 5, 1910.. Right reserved to reject any or all bids. . By order School Board. 16r3 GEO. M. GAILY, Clerk. . . Enterprise, Oregon. Bids for Wood. Sealed Bid will be rece'ved . un til 3 p. m. of July 6, 1910, for 150 ricks of wood to be delivered at the public school building la Enter prise, Oregon, during the fall, of 1910. 1 ' . . By order of School Board. 16r3 . . GEO. M. GAILY, Clerk. "t Enterprise, Oregon. ; . P PAIR I EuCR.EKJDlTC fcLl Contrcator J.' E. Patterson finished the Prairie Creek Irrigation ditch and turned it over to the farmer own ers, Monday. , Ryal Vorcester Corsets n . .. . . Q IV J . wx . ,-UiBCl9 ,c LUC truest expression oi every corset virtue tne nignest acnievemeni. in . uic q art of modern corsetry. Every wearer of the Royal Worcester Corset is the proud possessor of a wealth of Style, Health, Comfort and Symmetry g 4 ,.;,. -- . sa " " hi . J p S v a sMF ) Z M r53l I I cn nncsrnn WOOL SALE YESTERDAY 1 P. Practically Whole Clip of County Stored Here. TWELVE BUYERS ON THE GROUND Highest Bid at Joseph Was 16 l-4c Nine Houses 1 Represented The ; Two First Sales The wool sale began' in Enterprise at 1 o'clock Friday, and the sampl ing and examination: of the product occupied several hours. There were twelve buyers present, on the floe of the warehouse, representing nine houses.- The first sale was made at 2:30 when Longfellow & Arnold accepted a bid of J5 cents- for 70,175 pounds. The wool was bought by S. F. Frank enstlen of Hecht, Libman & Co. . The second sale was made by J. H. Dobbin .who accepted the bid' of 16 5-8 cents per pound, the highest price offered so far at either Joseph or Enterprise. The bidi was on 155, 143 pounds, andi was made by. C. W. Ryder of Crimmlms & Pierce. The top price offered In Joseph Friday morning was 16 cents per pound. This offer was made for the C. L; Hartshorn clip,' and it to un derstood that no sale has yet been , consummated there; Up 'to about 2 I o'clock Friday afternoon the sale tn the Enterprise warehouse was con fined to examinations of the various! clips to storage. Have Made Figure are the truest expression oi m... ouuui iXLl iwvai and excites your admiration and fancy. Royal Worcester" Cor sets are absolutely without a rival, each model an original con ception of surpassing excellence in every details Prices, $1.50 to $3.00 W. J. FUNK & Sole Agents Enterprise BEGAN Clip of County Herd Practically the whole clip of the county . isi in tha warehouse here. Joseph hast'- something like 250,000 pounds In storage. Here there' are nearly 1,000,000 pounds on the floor for sale, representing fortyone dif ferent clips, or different wool grow ers. ' This Is iight, a3 was anticipat ed. ' The special car bearing the wool buyers, or the "bosses" represent-, ing the houses, was brought ia Thursday evening and sidetracked here. The buyers went on to Joseph, ' returning to Enterprise Friday at about noon. TWO WEDDINGS HERE WITHIN THE WEEK'. Two quiet weldings "were observ ed la Enterprise Wednesday and Thursday of this" week. "The young people, Harry D. Miller and Miss Effle Straley, both of Joseph, were quietly marrLad by W. P. Samms, Wednesday evening. The ceremony was a private one. -., The second wedding was observed Thursday morning,, when the ' Rev. C. E, Trueblood united In marriage Luther A. Pinkley of Prairie Creek and Miss Ida Young of this city, or near here on Trout Creek. Those who attended the second wedding weTe the mother of the brlda and Mtssi Aria Younig, a sister, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Young, aud a young er brother, Master Curtis Young. The newly married people willl live on Prairie Creek where the groom owris a splendid ranch. SUNDAY SCHOOL MEET . AT JOSEPH A SUCCESS 'A number of Enterprise persons attended the Sunday school conven tion .at Joseph Wednesday evening, returning home the same night or the following, morning. A. J. Boeh- the American Famous every corset virtue the highest achievement in the UILCSLCr V,UrSCUS WHICH UJJJJCilia UJ JUUl llliv-l. l.cj.o.vij CO. Oregon accnccacc mer attended with practically his whole class from the Presbyterian church here. Mrs. W.' W. White, Mts. E. J. Forsythe, Mrs. T. M. Dill, Mrs. A. F. Poley, Mrs. Saunders, and the Revs. W. H. Gibson, and Samuel Harris were among those who attend oil from here. Rev. Phipps was one of the attrac tions on. the program, and spoke In Enterprise Friday nlghL. He. was well received here as. well as in Jo seph during the convention. HURRAH, FOR AUTO TRIPS ' TO AND FROM LAKE. Those wishing to go to the lake for .the Fourth should purchase .their tickets at once of Rodgers Bros., at the garage. Tickets including a launch ride across the lake are on sale. Machine leaves Enterprise hotel corner every hour. G. I. Ratcliff is closing out his entire stock- of musical instruments, consisting of organs, violins, guItaTS, banjos, accordtans, etc., at cost. Fair Committee Holds Meeting . Executive Board In Session. Settles Upon, Premium List. Court- ty Must Uni(e. The executive committee of the Fair association met last Tuesday night In the office of A. C. Miller, and settled upon the premium list for the coming Wallowa county fair. The list will be printed and sent forth In due time. In comparison with the list3 of other fairs, that decided upon, by theboard at this meeting holds first rank, and the premiums are much higher than those offered by older and more widely advertised county fairs. In Interview with an Enterprise business man it was properly stated that It "Is Important to keep before the residents of "the county the fact that this is a Wallowa county move ment, in which every resident has an Interest at stake." That l . the spirit that will make the fair a suc- a u a a a a a as m' s Jf S Mi m ' a Mi vi m n Hi' a ml cess from .th start. Every farmer or rancher in the county can so ad' vertise the county agriculturally and otherwise, by placing his produce in exhibition, that rapid settlement iud Increased' value of farm lands Mil be a most logical climax. Thus lie success, of the Wallowa, county air while depending In a wide meaa re upon the farmer, will ultimately leneflt the farmer perhaps more han any other resident. And it vught to benefit him. He Is the man by whose toll we all have bread and meat, wool and clothing, . fuel anJl comfort. Moreover, It Is plain that the farming portion of the county Is awake to the importance of holding the greatest fair In . our history, this fall. i gggDBBBBHBH&HflflHBBHRHI&BBSB B ' B I M By the Gallon in Packers ' ' : ' '' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Phone your Orders at Once and the Cream- will be reserved, no matter how large the demand or how short the supply REMEMBER Our Delicious Edible Cones Made of Pure Cake; no pasteboard, as many Cones are When Eating Ice Cream First: Call for Enterprise Creamery's Delicious Ice Cream. Next: Male sure it is ser ved in an Enterprise Cream 1 Enterprise Creamery JUNE REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS NUMEROUS. The real estate transfers for the month of June were as follows: H. E. Barton et'al to W. L. Hewitt, warranty deed, add. to Joseph. Peter Bandon and wife to Roy Powell, assignment of bond (or deed. NV6 sec. 25, tp. 2 s., range 45. Teresa Eievans et al to Frank Todd, warranty deed, NWV4, NW sec. 11, 3 b, 46. W. Boner to James Erlkson, s, sw, sec. 1, 3 s., 44. Daniel Boyd and wife to Prlcilla Logan, warranty deed, lot 6, blk. 2, Alder View add to Enterprise. A. Brtdweil to Iva Brldwell, war ranty deed, se ne, sec 21. 3 s 46. (To be continued.) ery's Pure Edible Cake Cone