The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, June 29, 1910, Wednesday Edition, Image 1

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    Main Hlttsrlsal See
Twicea Week
Wednesday Edition
1 '
-. Cent a word single insertion, 1
centa a word 2 Insertions. Special
rates by month and year. -
Horses, Vacona and , Haroeea for
sale. Inquire of Falconer Broa.,' En
terprise, Oregon. : 119r4
Thoa. Slegmund. left on sal at Ri
ley ft Riley's the Wonder Washer.
Nice small place adjoining Enter
prise; six-room . house, barn, out
buildings,, young orchard, timber,
running water, etc; Inquire at this
... f , - nfihi;
- on ice. : -
I will seU ch ap for cash my 160
acre farm .on ,pralrl Creek. All
good plow land except 10 acres; 100
acres under ditch. "3 miles east of
Enterprise. Peter Olsen,- Enter
prise. , 116b4
State Funds loaned, 6 per cent, John
P. Rusk. Atty. State Land B'd. Joseph
Farm loans at 7 percent. Call or
write First Bank of Joseph." . 58oH -
Lumber. Anyone having lumber of
iany grade in any amount for Bale.
or who has Umber he intend to aw
; soon, and wishes to contract the lum
3 ber, call on or address W. F. Rankin
, at Haney planer m juaverpriwi,
for W. R. Kivette. 2b4
.Hanesa and ahoes repaired, Ralpb.
Hollembaek,..wlth Rodgera Bros.', to
rink building. . ' 113bm
Nominating petitions for "county
and district, candidates before the
primary September 24, for sale at
this office. Nicely bound. Complete
Bets only $1 at office or by mall.
Notice to Contractors,
Sealed bids will be received for
the erection 'of a one-story, two-room
addition to the school, building of
School District No. '21, at Enterprise,
Oregon. Plane -' and ' specifications
can be seen at the office of W. A.
Rfgdon, architect, or Geo. I. '..Gaily,
district clerk. Bids, must be in of
fice of olerk by S-p.m.of. July ,5,
1910. Right reserved to reject any
or all blda. . ,
By order Scaool Board.
16r3 GEO; i M.- GAILY, ' Clerk.
, . ;. Enterprise,: Oregon.
Bids for Wood. ,
Sealed Bids will be rece'ved un
til 3 p. m. of July 6, 1910, for 150
ricks of wood to be delivered at the
nubile .school building In Enter
prise. Oregon, during the fall - of
1910. . - ' '
By order of School Board.
16r3 GEO. M. GAILY, Clerk.
Enterprise, Oregon.
joseph E. Hidalgo, assistant In
structor In romance languages at the
University of California, has been In
dieted by the grand jury on the charge
of a conspiracy against public morals,
Spokane Permits 8treet Speaking.
SPOKANE. Spokane, after two
fears of fighting, has granted citizens
the 'right to speak on the streets with
out Interference, as long as they do
not obstruct traffic or create disor
der. The new street speaking ordi
nance places the power of granting
permits in the hands of the chairman
of the board of police commissioners.
The first permit was granted to "Sla
ter" Flora Bllklss. woman evangelist
and slum worker.
Portland. -
Wheat Track prices: Club. 78
19e; bluestem, 82c; red Russian, 76c.
Barley Feed and brewing, 919020.
Oats No. 1 white, 925 per ton.
Hay Timothy, - Willamette Valley,
f2021 per ton; Eastern Oregon,
9222S'; alfalfa, 16; clover, 919.
Butter Extra, 29c; fancy, 29c;
ranch, 20c
Eggs Ranch, candled, 27c
Hops 1909 crop, ll4c; olds,
' Woot Eastern Oregon, J417o per
pound. .
Mohair 3223c '
Seattle. ..
Wheat Bluestem, 81c; club, 78c;
red Russian, 74c. ' V- ,
Oats 929 per ton.
. Barley 920 per ton. ......
Hay Timothy. 925 per ton; alfalfa,
918 per ton.
- Butter Washington Creamery, 30e;
ranch, 25c .
Eggs Selected local. 27a
potatoes Market demoralised. ,.
Much Was Accomplished Dur
. ing SessionOver Billion
- Appropriated.
. WASHINGTON After a final day
of double pressure, congress adjourn
ed Saturday ' night until December
with a-remarkable record of work and
all factions claiming the greater part
of the credit
The president's annual message cov
ered the whole legislative field. ' The
program which he ' especially urged
contained about 18 measures, of which
six were adopted. "The regulars claim
credit for everything done that was
mentioned in his message.. The in
surgents and democrats see the re
sults far differently. The railroad bin,
the main Issue of . the " session,' as
adopted, ; bore ' practically no semb
lance to the original Taft-Wickeraham
Din, me insurgents Claiming mat tne
president had nothing left of it but
the commerce court. '" ''
The great bulk of the work Was
done In the last month, and a very im
portant part during the last week. In
the early half of the session the house
was not industrious and the senate
did practically nothing at all.
A Billion Dollars Appropriated.
More than a billion dollars was ap
propriated. If continuing . appropri
tlons bre incorporated In the totals of
the general appropriation measures.
Insofar as the figures could be obtain
ed from measures wblch underwent
changes in the last liours of the ses
sion, the totar of the appropriations,
exclusive of continuing appropriations,
was 9894,086,943. "
The amount' of the continuing ap
propriations for the last fiscal year
was about 9160.000,000. It is safe to
say that it will not be less for the next
fiscal year, ana the grand total there
fore will aggregate at least 91, 054,'
000,000. .
Not the least conspicuous acts of
congress were the strenuous mea-
sures taken by the house of represen
tatives to reform Its system of con
ducting business, so that less power
might be reposed In the speaker and
the organization of which he was the
natural leader. V
; Railway BUI. Takes Time.
More time was consumed in consid
ering the railroad bill than was taken
by all other subjects of legislation,
This measure not only creates a com
merce court, but embodies power for a
committee to Inquire In stock and
bond Usues of railroads, extends the
provision of the interstate commerce
act to telegraph and telephone com
panies and gives the interstate com
merce commission power to suspend
increases in rates until the commis
sion has found the reason for such in
creases. .
under the withdrawal act almost
unlimited power was given to the
president to withhold lands from set
tlement and to conserve water power,
On the other hand, the act providing
for the agricultural entry of the sur
face of coal lands will open to settle
ment at least 60,000,000 acres, bat will
reserve to the government the right
to the coaL
Important Bills Passed.
Revision of the Railroad laws. In-
eluding the creation of a commerce
court " '
Admitting Arizona and New Mexico
as separate states. '
Postal savings bank b..L
Giving to the president unlimited
authority to withdraw public lands for
conservation purposes.
Providing for publicity of campaign
Authorising the Issue of 920,000,000
In certificates of Indebtedness to com
plete reclaiming projects.
Creating a bureau of mines.
Extending the activities of the tariff
board and appropriating 9250,000 for
Its nse.
Looking to the suppression of the
"white slave" traffic
Creating a commission to consider
economies In the administration of the
federal government
.Authorising a tariff system for the
Providing for greater safety of rail
road employes and travelers.
An appropriation of 9300,000 to be
need by the attorney-general In en
forcing the Sherman anti-trust law.
9300.0OO was appropriated for the
rafsfng'of'the'wrecFoTlEe battleship
Maine. ;
Important Bills Not Passed. ,
Federal Incorporation. . '.
A,blll to limit the issue of Injunc
tions. V . ' '
New' form of "government for
Alaska. '; ! f
Ship subsidy. . - '
Bureau of public health.
Codification of postal laws Increas
ing rates on second class mall, v
Senator Gore, of Oklahoma, who
claims to have been offered a bribe In
connection with legislation affecting
attorney's fees claimed by J. F. Mc-
Murry, for servlcos rendered the In
dian nations in land and townslle
cases. Both senate and house decided
to Investigate Senator Gore's charges.
Leaders of Opposition Thrown
Into Prison Under Guard
' of Troops.
EL PASO, Tex. Porflrio Diaz, the
80-year-old statesman who has been
President of Mexico continuously for
26 years, has been re-elected to that
office. , Ramon Corral undoubtedly
has been chosen ' to succeed himself
as vice-president The result means
that the policies of Diaz will continue
another six years, or at least as long
as the veteran ruler shall live.
. Rain in the border states, where
there was the greatest danger of trou
ble, dampened the ardor of the oppo
sition. Further discouragement to the
antl-re-eleotlonlsts was found In the
fact that their candidate for Presi
dent Francisco Madero, spent elec
tion day In the Monterey prison, and
that many of the - active leaders of
the opposition propaganda also were
In custody and under guard of Federal
Whatever fight there was against
the administration seems to have been
concentrated on the candidate for the
vlcepresidency, Ramon Corral, who Is
being groomed by the party in power
as the successor of Diaz. Corral be
lieves In the encouragement of Amer
ican investments in Mexico and in
the protection of all foreign interests
In the republic -on the theory that
they are necessary to progress. His
active attitude In this respect has en
gendered widespread opposition to
him, but by the same token, his can
dldacy has been favored by the cap
italistic class, domestic and foreign,
Lawyer Out for Congress.
PORTLAND, Ore.. A. W. Lafferty,
a Portland lawyer, whose activities In
connection with the claims of the Si
lets Indian Reservation settlors have
attracted considerable attention, has
announced his candidacy for Congress,
Lafferty will be opposed to Represen
tatlve Ellis, who seeks re-election, for
the Republican nomination It. the dl
rect primary September 24.
Ames Would Succeed Himself.
WASHINGTON, D. C Representa
tive Butler Ames, of Massachusetts,
has publicly announced his candidacy
for tb4 United States Senate in a for
mal statement embodying an excep
tionally bitter attack upon Senator
Henry Cabot Lodge.
Gold Beaters' Skin.
The flue gold beaters skin Is the
outer scat of the caecum, or blind gut
of the ox, specially prepared.
Sr ' Hit I1-
Retrenchments Ordered in View
of Anticipated Lack of
CHICAGO. Alarmed over unfavor
able crop reports, rallioa'ds extending
into the Northwest have decided to
inaugurate one of the most rigid rc
trenchment policies of recent years.
All Western railroads, including those
running from Chicago into the North
west and Into Canada, have had ex
perts out. on their lines for the last
ten days gathering ' data regarding
crop conditions. These men have
made reports to various railroad man
agements, which have caused general
alarm as to the tonnage of the future.
Railroad crop reports indicated
that along the lines of the St. Paul,
Burlington, Northwestern, Minneapo
lis & Omaha and other roads the
wheat crop, in several states, will not
be greater than 50 per cent The ex
perts declare that in Minnesota and
in North and South Dakota, for exam
ple, a large ' proportion of the wheat
acreage Is being plowed up and sown
to flax. ,
An early drouth, followed by days
of contlnuouB hot winds, which took
the moisture out of the ground and
started the wheat to heading out, have
been the causes of the threatened crop
shortage. On all of the Northwestern
roads all new construction has been
ordered stopped. One road which had
several hundred miles of new road
graded and ready for rails has ceased
work on this Improvement
W. J. Bryan has sailed 'from Eng
land for Montreal aboard the steamer
Royal George. Mrs. Bryan accom
panled him. '.
t Daniel Sully, the old-time actor, u
dead at his home In Woodstock, N,
Y., from Bright's disease and heart
failure. He had been ill for three
months. - -
uneoaore Roosevelt, Jr., who was
married to Miss Eleanor Butler Alex
ander in New York a few days ago.
arrived In San Francisco with his
bride. The couple will make their
home In San Francisco, where young
Roosevelt ' will be connected with
large carpet establishment as assist
ant to the sales manager.
Chief of Field Service Harry H,
Schwartz, of the general land office,
tendered his resignation, and will en
gage In the practice of law in Port
land. Oregon. Schwartz has been
connepted with the general land of
fice 11 years, with the exception of a
brief period, when he was assistant
United States' attorney at Helena.
Colonel Roosevelt will attend the
annual meeting of the Colorado Live-
Btock Association, to be held at Den
ver September 1.
Federal Attorney Robert Devlin of
San Francisco has brought suit against
A. B. Hammond, millionaire lumber
man and railroad builder, charging
the cutting of Umber on government
land to the value of 921154.10. The
timber, It Is charged, was cut under
the names of two big corporations,
both of which are said to be beaded
by Hammond.
General Frederick Funston Indlgi
nantly denies the report that he was
seriously 111. He said a slight attack
of Indigestion and discomfort from
heat were bis only ailments.
The democrats of North Dakota ex
pect to elect Governor John Burke
for a third term.
The election of a United States sen
ator, representatives in congress and
governor and other state officials was
Involved In the general primary elec
tion held In North Dakota last week
As in other states 01 the Middle
West the contest developed a battle
royal between the "progressive" and
"stalwart" factions of the republican
That former President Roosevelt In
tends to take an active part in the
coming gubernatorial campaign In
New York state Is practically assured,
He fully realizes that the republican
party's hope of salvation In the com
Ing contest Is Governor Hughes and
he Is expected to exert all his In
fluence to persuade Hughes to relln
qulah the supreme bench for the pres-
ent aal tun agjUa tsJL KPXejnfir next
This question
when Hugoes
wiir be threshed
visits Sagamore
Church Property Taxed. -HILLSBORO,
Ore. As a result of
instructions from the Oregon State
Tax. Commission, Assessor Crandall
will place on the assessment rolls all
church property which Is -not occupied
and uBed solely as a house of wor
Frederick Kohler, the "Golden Rule"
chief of police of Cleveland, Ohio, who
has been reinstated after being cleared
of charges of drunkenness and Im
morality. Kohler established a system
of dealing with first offenders out of
court which gave him the name of
Golden Rule Chief." .
The Ballinger-Plnchot Investigating
committee has adjourned to meet in
Minneapolis on September S, when an
effort will be made to agree on a re
Trade of the United States wltft
France in the fiscal year ending with
this month , will probably aggregate
about 9250,000,000, the largest total on
record. .
About 910,000,000 worth of diamonds
are smuggled into United States an
nually, . according to a statement is
sued ' by the Importers' Protective
Union, which has just offered to pay
rewards of $2500 and up for Informa
tion leading to the arrest of offenders.
A military carnival which eclipses
all previous affairs of Its kind In the
United States was opened in Chi
cago Tuesday. An entire division of
the United States army 1b encamped
In Grant park and military maneuvera
and spectacles will continue dally un
til July 14.'; . ,
The senate and house agreed to
the conference report on the bill auth
orizing the survey of all unsurveyed
railroad land grants so that they may
be taxed. The bll affects more than
20,000,000 acres, of wblch 280,000 are
In Oregon, 729,034 In Washington and
671,620 In Idaho. The expense of the
surveys Is to be bora by the railroad
The census bureau expects soon to
begin giving out to the press and the
public the population returns for the
cities of the country. Announcement
will be made from day to day, aa rap
Idly as totals are correctly .ascer
tained. 1
Federal Judge Campbell dismissed
on Jurisdictional grounds the action
brought to enjoin Governor Haskell
and Secretary of State Cross from re
moving the capitol of the state to Ok
lahoma City. The court did not pass
dVectly on the validity of the enab
ling act
. .
Formal application has been made
for the extradition of Porter Charlton
the American youth, who has con
fessed having murdered his wife at
Lake Como, Italy. Charlton was ar
rested In Hoboken, N. J., as he
stepped frou a North German Lloyd
liner, 'and in less than an hour after
bis arrest confessed , that In a fit of
temper he beat his wife Into Insensi
bility with a mallet jammed her body
Into a trunk and sank It In the wa
ters of the Italian lake.
After killing' Thomas A Landregan,
a shoe manufacturer, and James Car
roll, a policeman, on the streets of
Lynn, Mass., three young Russian
Poles were ail caught or killed. The
double murder was committed for rob
bery, the trio carrying off a sack con
talniEjf 9J000. ' ....
' The Decisive Moment
Clnra What constitute the decisive
moment In an engagement ? Dora-
Asking the paU-r's consent, probably.
Chronicle of Important Events
of Interest to Our
Townsend Takes Up Land Grants.
PORTLAND. B. D. Townsend, spe
cial assistant of the attorney-general
of the United States, and In direct
charge of the Oregon ft California
land grant-case which the government
Instituted 'to forfeit title of the rati- :
way company, has returned to Port
land. ' Mr. Townsend has spent most
of the past year in Washington, D. CH
where he prepared the 820-page briei
recently filed In the federal proceed
ings, and which had the personal sup
ervision of Attorney-General Wicker-
sham. He will remain here during
the various stages of proceedings, un
til the big Issue Is finally adjudicated.
restoring to public entry lands now
worth 940,000,000 to 950,000,000, or de
claring the right of. the railroad com
pany to hold 2,300,000 acres despite
the speclflo provision of the grant law
which said they should be sold for not
exceeding 92.60 an acre.
Slletx Settlers Lose.
PORTLAND. On the advice of
Secretary Balllnger, President . Tatt
declined to sign Representative
Hawley's bill confirming the titles of
some 80 odd settlers on the SUets Res
ervation and by reason of this "pock si
veto" the bill Is dead.
This bill passed the house of repre
sentatives several weeks ago, was
promptly reported to the senate and
lay on the senate calendar for two
weeks before It was called up by Sea'
ator Chamberlain and passed. The
bill was ' engrossed, . signed by the
speaker of the house and Vice-President
Sherman, and was laid before
the president when he came, to the .
capitol. -.v it . '
As the bill relates to affairs of the
Interior department the president re-,
ferred It to Secretary Balllnger, who
was present and he advised against
Its approval, contending It would leg
alise titles , that might belter be han-'
died In the regular way by the inter
ior department .
Nineteen Measures Filed.
SALEM Nineteen measures refer
red by the legislature for popular ap
proval or rejection, referred by the
people directly or proposed by the in
itiative have been filed by the secre
tary of state up to date. The twen
tieth one has been presented for fil
ing, but was rejected because It slid
sot have a sufficient number of signa
tures. It is the measure proposing
to annex a portion of Washington
county to Multnomah county. It Is
understood the required number of
signatures will be filed within a few
days to that measure will go on the
Big Salmon Paok In 8lght
ASTORIA. While there Is not a
large run of salmon, every Interest Is
getting some, so in the aggregate the
canneries and cold storage plants are
at work every day.
It Is not possible at this time to fig
ure the pack accurately, but the cold
storage output la fully 60 per cent
ahead of this time last year and the
cannery pack la about 80 per cent
ahead. If natural conditions exist dur
ing the balance of the season there
will be the largest pack In a number
of years.
Pear Trees Have Pear Blight
ROSEBURQ. at a regular meeting
of the Umpqua . Valley Horticulture
Society and Fruit Association held
here, Dr. George A Bradburn, vice
president of the association, offered
several specimens of young trees
stricken with anthraenose, or pear
blight These trees were planted this
year and were evidently sent out In
this condition by nursery companies.
Out of about 100 trees planted by Dr.
Bradburn this year, all wilt be a total
loss on account of the anthracnos.
. Baker City to Ceieorate.
BAKER CITY, Baker City la plan
ning to have the biggest celebration
ever held in Baker county. The avia
tion exhibition, which will be held on
the 4th and 6th, promises to be one
of the greatest atfacllons ever wit
nessed In the stat of Oregon.