The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, June 18, 1910, Saturday Edition, Image 2

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Formerly the Wallowa . News, stab
ilised March 3. 1899.
Published Wednesdays and Satur
days at Enterprise, Oregon, by
Office East side Court House Square
Entered as second-class matter
January 2, 1909, at the postofflce at
Enterprise. Oregon, under the Act of
March 3. 1879. '
Subscription Rates: One rear $2,
six months $1, three months 60c,
one month 20c. On yearly cash-in
advance subscriptions a discount or
25c Is given. .
SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1910.
Much has been hinted of the .water
power running Idly away In this val
ley. Much more may bo hinted or
stated. Lumped off Into one bold
statement of fact, , It can be said
that there is enough -water power
here to run all the mills of Eastern
Taking the river from Enterprise
to the lake we have a distance on
air line of some seven miles. The
lake is approximately 700 feet high
er than Enterprise, and the fall will
maintain' about 100 feet to the mile
In many places considerably more.
It will Buffice the water power in
vestor to know that the fall will be
adequate to support water power
plants every half mile on the aver
age, andi that over a dozen water
plants could be ' Installed between
here and the lake, each using the
same stream and the same water.
Thus enough power could be de
rived from this one stream, .we ven
ture, to run all the factories of East
era. Oregon, , i '
The first step to this development
of water power and such millions
of power! is 'to labor for the set
tlement of the county; Jo got actual
farmers on ,the crying soil; to In
crease the population, the Industries,
the- 'business volume; after which lo
cal capital will be evolved to har
ness water powers and build trolley
lines!;' Let every Wallowa i county
believer .write to his andther friends,
get such friends on the ground; and
thus aid1 the growth of, Wallowa's
The action of the: fair) board Thurs
day night la enlarging the executive
committee to 15 members and giving
the country precincts the majority
of the members, was just the right
thing. The fnrtjr Is to be a Wallowa
County Fair, no' an Enterprise Fair
any moro thau-an Imnaha or Flora
Fair, but an exposition of the re
sources and products of the -whole
county, held at Enterprise. It Is
therefore only meet and proper
that the whole county should man
age It.
Enterprise business men stand
back of It financially and will see
that all p'remlums are paid In full
and expenses met. , .
The location of the fair grounds'
wo also a wise move. The Bank
addition ts nice level ground that
can be transformed Into an Ideal
site, Tbe city water mains should
be extended to the grounds, which
should be feuced. Thn .with neces
sary buildings erected1 and trees
planted the Wallowa County fatr
grounds would be In a few years sec-
oud to none in' Uie state.
Judge Knowlea' rulings were uphald
by the Supreme court last week In
two Important suits appealed from
tht county. The Judge 1 adding at
each term of court to his reputation
as an impartial JurUit, and Is also
veiy popular with the men yiha pay
the taxes for his buAlness-lIke ad
ministration of hla office.
t ta Richardson: "Oregon b grow
ing faster than any other state In
Uia Union, and her cities faster than
y other cities of the world.,,
let us all boost our respective cit
ies, but let us not forget that all
our cities belong to Wallowa county.
In ten years, Mr. Eastern Gentle
man, you will regret not settling In
Wallowa county where valuwa grow.
' . Rsady For the Next One, .
' A geueruuti and brave but very ec
centric Virginia plnnier named Hill
Carter, who dad once been an ofFWr
In tbe United suites navy, hud a tin ml
te bnud buttle at BstiiulTa one day
witb bis plantation overxeer and came
off second best.- He therefore chal
lenged tbe overseer to a formal duel,
but tbe latter declined on tbe gruuud
that, being1 a bunbmid and father, be
was under obligation not to rixk leav
ing bis family destitute. Carter at
once removed that objection by set
tling upon the family a comfortable
annuity. Then everything was got
ready for the fight, but just as the
two men faced each other the sheriff
arrived oo the scene, took them Into
custody and bud them bound over to
keep the pears. Mr. Carter did uot.
however, change tbe deed of gift with
which be hud provided for tbe over
ueer's family, remarking tbat be might
wish some time to resume the inter
rupted fight and hence would rather
keep everything in readluetis for
prompt action. New York Post.
"Aw, come on:" the little boy was
heard to remark. "Be a sport. I'll bet
yer any amount o money up to 0
cents." Ila rper's.
Trus Happiness.
About the happiest man In the world
should be be that, having a fad. Is able
to make a living at It. Chicago Record-Herald.
Tbe arrow that pierces the eagle's
breast Is often made of bis own feath
Notary Public .
Collections made. Real Estate
Mught and sold and all business
natters attended to. Call on ' or
vrite me.
: j-'v.'.,''v J"
wmrnssmsmf mf a mjm
s liSlllil
iiiig iiitiiii
Another Great Booth Tarkington-Harry: Leon Wilson Ston
They said he was the worst man on the river, yet he showed them v
that the soul of a man and the heart of a man would not perish
while the spirit willed that they should live, t U r -
HIS romantic novel of life, love, war, intrigue and reveng(
on the Mississippi in the early Colonial days, capture:
the imagination, thrills the soul, and illustrates that even an un
principled gambler and card sharper may yet redeem the lif
he has bartered for illicit gain, v
J ' :" ' v ' ; v: - v ' ' . ' ' : '
We Congratulate Our Readers on the Opportunity to Reac
' . This Absorbing Narrative i
which Begins in this Paper
Hit Him Canting and doing.
An att.mrney went lo a livery stable
and hired! a team for two or three
hours Huil. at tbe end of that time, lu
a state uf iibsetitraiudctfnesM. left lite
team at another livery stublo. where
It remained eight days. At stable No.
1 there wan no worry about the team.
Tbey knew the attorney was perfectly
good for the pay. Tuey "knew that If
he kept tbe teum a mouth the bill
would be paid promptly on presenta
tion. Tbey presumed thut be knew
what be was about and
was bis business and uot theirs.- At
stable No. 2 there was equal freedom
from anxiety. Tbe attorney came
there, left the team and went away,
saying nothing. They put the horse
Into a stall and "chalked it down" ou
the office slate, knowing him to be a
business man who paid cash. Discov
ery came at last, and the lawyer wuf
presented with two bills, one for eight
days' hire and the other for eight days'
keep. - He paid both bills promptly,
but it cured hiui of bplng Hltseni mind
ed for neurly a whole month.
United States Land Notices
Department of tihe Interior.
U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or
egon, May 16th, .1910.
Notice Is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of the
General Land Office, under provis
ions' of Act of Congress approved
June 27, 1906 (34 State., 517), we
will offer at public sale to the high
est Udder, at 10 o'clock A, M., on
the 8th day of July, 1910, at this of
fice, the follo,wing-described land:
The NW SEft and the NE SW
M Section 29, T. 1 S., R. 44 E. W.
M, Serial No. 06766.
Any persons claiming adversely
meo i
Novelized by W. B. M. FERGUSON
the above-described land are ad
vised to file their claims,' or objec
tions, on or before the time desig
nated for eaJe. 39c5
F. C. Bramwell, Register.
" Colon R. Eberhard, Receiver.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or
egon, May 14th,, 1910.
Notice is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of the
General Land Office, under provis
ions of Act of Congress approved
Jim t 27, 1906 (34 Stats., 517), we
w'lr offer at public'sale to the hlgh
"c bidder, at 10 o'clock A. M., on
the 12th day of July, 1910, at this of
fice, the following-described land:
The SEtf NW,.-Eft SW &
SW't SEft Sec. 28, T. 1 N., R, 43
E. W. M, Serial No. 07301. , ".
Any persons claiming adversely
th.e above-described land are ad
vised to file their claims, or objec
tions, on or before' the time .desig
nated for sale. 39c5
- j F. C. Bramwell, Register. '
j Colon R. Eberhard, Receiver.
; , LATED TRACT. ' 1
. Department' of the Interior. '
U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or
egon, June 3d, 1910.'
. Notice Is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of the
General Land 1 Ofllce, under provis
ions of Act of Congress approved
June 27, ,1906 (34 Stats.,' 517), we
will offer at publlo sale, to the high
?ot bidder, at 10 o'clock a. m., on
the 21st day of July, 1910, at this
office, the following-described land:
The NE& SW& &', SWli SBtf,
Next Week
Enterprise Livery
and Sales Stable
BaKer a Smith, Proprietors
Fair treatment to Everybody. Bus meets all trains.
Commercial Trade a Specialty. , '
First Class Rigs. Phone Orders Carefully Followed
Horses Bought and Sold
Feed For Sale . Open Day and Night
Pure Bred Black Percheron Stallion at this barn for service
Sec.- 33. T. I N., R. 45 W. M.
Serial No. 07406.
Any persons claiming adversely the
above-described land are advised. o
file their claims, or objections, on
or before the time designated for
sale. 42c5
F. C. Bramwell, Register.
" .', Colon R. Eberhard, Receier. .
'Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or
egon, May 23d, 1910. .
Notice la hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of the
General Land Office, under provis
ions of Act .of Congress approved
June 27, 1906 (34 Stats, 617), we
will offer at public sale, to the high
est bidder, at 10 o'clock A. M., on
th 14th day. of July, 19J0, at thla of
fice, the following-described land:
The SW Sec. 18, T. 1 S.,
R. 45 E. W. M. Serial No,' 06773.
Any persona claiming adversely the
above-described land are advised to
file their claims, or objections, -on
or before the time designated for
3ale. ; 41c5
F. C. Bramwell, Register.
Colon R. Eberhard, Receiver.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or
egon, June 13th, 1910. ' v , . .
"Notice Is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of the
General Lond Office, under provis
ions of Act of Congress . approved
lune 27, 1906 (34 Stats., i517),. we
will offer at public sale,- to the high
est bidder, at 10 o'clock: a. mn on
-he : 28th day or July, 1910, at this
jffice, "the followlng-descnlbd land:
The'SEK SW Sec. 6, & NE
NW Sec. 7, T. 1 S., R. 45 E. W.
Serial No. 07432.
Any persona claiming adversely the
above-described land are advised to
.'lie their clalme, or objections, on
it before the time designated for
sale. ''.;; - - , 43c5
, F. C. BramweU, Regiter..T
'j . iColon R. Eberhard, Receiver. '.
Department of the . Interior.
U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or-
egon. May 13th. 1910. ' f '
Notice Is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of the
General Land Offle, uadei", provis
ions 'of Act of Congress approved
Jux,.27,.'1906 (34 Stats., 517), we
will, offer at public sale to the high
est bidder, 10 o'clock' A. M., on
the' 8 ti 'day of July, 1910, at thiaf of
fice, the following-described land:
The SW NB Sec. 28, and the
EV4 NW'Sec 34, T..1 S., R. 45 E.
V. M. Serial No. 06498. ;. v ,
Anjr1 persons claiming . adversely
the- above-described ' land are ad
vised to file their claims, or, objec
tions, on or. before' the time desig
nated for saW .', : , 42c5 ,
F. C. Bramwell, Register.
Colon R. Eberhard. Receiver. ''
Department of the Interior. ,"i
U. S. Laud Office at La Grande, Or
egon, May 7th, 1910. v
Notice ( herby . given that, - as
directed by the Commissioner of the
General "Land Office, under provis
ions of Act of 'Congress approved
June 27, 1904 (34. Stats., 617), we
will offer at public sale, to the high
est bidder, at 10 o'clock a. m., on
the 7th day of July, 1910, at thla
office, the following-described land:
The SH NWli' Sec. 10, T. 1 8.,
R. 44 E.W. M, Serial No. 06791. '
- Any persona c 'aiming adversely the
; above-described land are advised to
fide their claims, or objections, on
-or before the time designated for
sale. ' ';' v ; 38c5
f F. C. Bramwell, Register.
Coltfn R. Eberhard, Receiver.
M Advertisements
I AniilMI fiTDlTADia iinmor .
Notice 4a hereby given, that tbe
, undersigned has been duly appoint
ed by the County Court of Wallowa
County, Oregon, administrator of the,
Estate of Emeline Akin, deceased,
and has qualified as auoh admin- '
Istrator. All parties having claims ,
against said estate ' are hereby no
tlfled. to nresemt them, duly verified
to the undersigned, at the office of
Burleigh & Boyd, Enterprise, urer
eon. within six months from the .
date of the first publication, of ihlsj
nouce, May zoun, iaxu.
40c5 . C. A- RAY,
Administrator of the Estate of Eme
ltne Akin, Deceased.
In .the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Wallowa County.
James B. Nobles, Plaintiff,
. " .
Earl L. Martin and E. E. Champlln,
Defendants. '
To, the Defendants, Earl L. MarUi
and K E. Champlln: " "
In the name of the Sta-te) of Orgeons '
You and each of you are hereby
1 - 1 1 Ml - .1 ' I A JmI til A
ibove entitled court and. cause on) or
before the 30th day of J.uly 1910,
;hat being the time fixed by the
csourt for'you to appear andi answer
aereln and more than six weeks fron
lie date at the first publication of
.his summons, and If you fall so to
ippear and answer, plaintiff will ap?
ply to the court for the relief de
manded in. the complaint, to-wlt: .
. ... : ai a .
.he plaintiff have, and recover of an4
.rom said defendant,- Earl Li. Mar
.in, the sum of Two Thousand six
Hundred and four & . 75-100 Dollars,
.2604.75), with interest thereom fronj
ms u-aie uuiu paua a.i nm reuie vi j
er cent per annum, and for the sum
rf Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00)
llaburaem-enta of thia eult," and for '
lecree that the plaintiffs said mort-
jicj.jod, and the premise descrlb
id therein 'a sold by the sheriff of
Vallowa County, Oregon; and that
plaintliff may have Judgment and exe
cution agalmst' said defendant, Barj .
u. Martin, for any . deficiency which
nay ' remain after applying the pro
ceeds of the sale of the premises
lescrlbed ln 'the complaint, and that .
laid plaintiff may become" a purchas
r at Bald sale, and that said sheriff
cay put said purchaser into the posr '
leaalon of said premises described In
laldotwii plaint, and that you and
jach of you be Torever barred and;
brever foreclosed of any right, title, '
:lalm or interest, or equity of re-'
.vBcriuea premises siiuaiea ana oar
. 1 st . . . 1 1 . ' . n . . '
't Orgeon, to-wlt: The South haUf
jf the - Southwest quarter c
taction Twenty Blx (26), end the
'Test half (Of the Northwest quarter
it Sectfaai, Thirty five (35), in Town-
ihlp Two North of Range Forty fou?. ,
,44), E.. W. M. to WaUowa County, !
Oregon. ; , .
.This- summons ts published once a
.reek for six successive and consecu
tve weeks by order of the. Hon. J.
j, viujslu, juuge or ine uouniy
kurt of Wallbwa Countr Oreeon. '
vhich said order Is datedi May 26th,
SiO.directlng the first ' publication
o be made on- the 28th day of "
lay, 1910, and the last publication
n ine mn. day of July, J310.
; First publication May 28th, 1910.
, THOS. M. DILL, '
113s7 Attorney for Plaintiff. '
n the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for WaUowa County.
n the matter of the Estate, of Wil
' Ham Holloway, Deceased.
.Notice la hereby given that the un
leralgned has been duly appointed
by the County Court of Wallowa
County, Stata of Oregon, th Admm-
uuu.ti ui vviinam not-
oway, deceased, and 'has duly qual
fled as such Administrator. All"
jemons having claims against aald
sstate are herebv notuMmt ant
luested to present the same to "; me
jrlthln AlV miUltfla. . - J .
lereof, properly verified as requlr
Jd by la,w, and to present the samal
mm. puuueoea June ,
lv. . ' 42c5 '
Tlaful a.ttm. . ...
Administrator of Estate of WUtiam ,
Holloway, Deceased. '
THOS, M. DILL, Attorney for Ad
: m Integrator &itArnH nr
- w.vmvH.