The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, June 15, 1910, Wednesday Edition, Image 2

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The new- steel bridge for the
Grande Ronde river at Troy ,wlU soon
be on the ground there and erected.
The bridge was unloaded, beginning
Monday morning, and the contract
for hauling it was awarded Joe Me
lotte. A force of men and teams was
employed both for the unloading
and the hauling of the structure In
sections to the place of erection.
Completed August 1.
According to the contract the
bridge roust be completed over the
river at Troy by Augu&t 1. la an
Interview with Judge J. B. Olmsted
that official stated that there was
no doubt that the work would be
completed within the contract time.
The contract calls for a bridge, of
the following dimensions: That W
be constructed wlMi one continuous
span of 175 feet with two approaches,
one of the latter being 19 and the
other 76 feet. The bridge span of
175 feet, specifies "pin center length."
The bridge will rest upon four cylin
der piers filled with concrete, and
the whole bridge provides a road- I
,way of 16 feet. .Aside froni' the ap
proaches the bridge la of steel
throughout. ' .
The erection of this bridge at
Troy connects Enterprise with a
large stretch of good country, and
aside from the convenience afforded i
by It will prove of great benefit fl-
nanclally to the county seat by let- i
ting in the products of the country
beyond Troy. j
The total weight of the bridge is
33 tons. The contract price for haul
ing It is (1.50 a hundred.
The management of the opera
house ha been fortunate enough to
secure for all of next wfee!:, the Mad
ison Square Theatre, company, who
' will appear in a repertoire of late
popular plays. Th!s company is one
of the most successful repertoire
companies In the Northwest country,
having played some of the longest
engagements on record in the var-
Fresh every day, ard
all other fruits, fresh
and dried, in season. .
General Merchandise
With the entire
stock kept brand
new at the lowest
prices the quality of
goods can besold for
All Hats, Shoes and
' Gloves at Cost while
they last
It is not too late to plant
garden, and our Morse's
Califoenia Garden Seeds are
warranted to grow
I Riley s Riley's
K"' Combes &
Price for
Pelts and Hides
Hack Calls to
any part of the city
answered day or night.
BAKER BROTHERS, Proprietors.
J First Class Rigs" '
m and careful drivers.
Ions . cities. ' .' .During the present
season it has played sixteen continu
ous weeks at ' Moscow, Ida., and
eight continuous weeks at Dayton,
Wash. For the past three weeks It
has been at the Alrdome, LaGrande's
new summer theare, where It has
given the best of satisfaction to large
audiences. Its business at La, Grande
continues unabated and it- is coming
to Enterprise at this time only be
cause of "the reputation which En
terprise is gatomg for herself on the
outside, that of having the best sum
mer climate on earth.
The company carries 11 people and
Includes in its repertoire such' popu
lar successes as "In Old Kentucky,"
"The Minister's Wife," ''Kathleen
Mavourneen,". "The Golden Giant
Mine." and others. It also carries
some of the strongest specialty peo
ple on the road.
New Serial For
Our Readers
Every One In. the County Will Want
to Read This Interesting and
Popular Story.
Beginning next week this paper
will present its readers with one
of the best of the late serial stries.
It is alive and bristling with inter
est, crowded with dramatic climaxes,
and throbbing with human interest.
A gifted writer has thus described
this serial:
"Led by a chap who has blood, in
his eyes, a crowd of men decide, that
the only fitting end for Cameo Kir
by la sudden death. He may be
shot, may be lynched, ' but there's
hardly any chance that he Is going
to escape alive.
"He knows the chances of hi get
ting away are mightyi slim one
chance In' a hundred but he de
cides to take that chance. He does
and for about three chapters the
reader is kept hustling down the
lines to see how It turns out.
"Another escare comes along, and
that one is treated .with a new turn.
It brings 'General' a bo who Iovob
yarns of. good and bad princes, in
to the story,
"The General ,wants to know
whether Cameo KIrby, who has
climbed Into a window and met. the
General for the first time, la a good
or bad prince. Cameo decides he is
a bit of both. . This is something
new to the boy. The boy leads
th-- way Into the love story, and it
a ' pretty love :ory that add the
'heart interest' to the story of the
Mississippi gambler's life.
"It's rather hard on the Teader
putting 'Continued' at a score of
points in 'Cameo Klrby,' but why
do newspapers run serial stories?
To keep the reader's Interest alive in
the paper. That's the only treason.
,cto the reader must take his or
h'V medicine and wait for the
next day or next week's paper. '
"Again, that makes a serial story
of real value the kind that forces
your reader to get the next Issue."
A dispatch in the Portland Tele
gram states that the O. R. & N.
will hasiten the new road from Hun
tington down Snake river to Lewis
ton, Idaho, This, if the informa
tion Is correct, will give eastern Ore
gon and Wallowa county another ont
!ot. A road down Snake river will
open up all the vast country In the
northeastern portion of this county,
throwing markets at the very doors
of the ranchers.
Foley's Kidney Remedy may be
g'iveii to children with admirable re
sults. It does away with bed ,wet
tlng, and Id lso recommended for
use after measles and scarlet fever.
Burnaugh & MayXleld.
Hotchkiss independent
Both Phones
Home Independent 40
Pacific States 45.
Our bus meets all
trains. Fare 25c..
within city limits
TO ,
Next Sunday the local fans wirf be
given an opportunity to see the next
big league game between Elgin and
Enterpprise, excursion rates of one
and a third fare for the round trip
being granted all who go. The regu
lar morning train will carry the ex
cursionists to Elgin, and a special
train will return .with them In the
Expect; Big Crowd.
A big crowd is expected to take
advantage , of the low rate and En
terprise fans should, as they doubt
less will, attend la a body. Elgin
did herself proud In the large num
ber of persons who attended the
game here last Sunday. And al
liough there were over two hundred
Elgin people heret it is not too much
to expect that a greater numbeT
than that .will attend the game at
Elgin, the coming Sunday.
Enterprise, moreover, has high
hopes of taking" the game from Elgin
in fact. Enterprise is pretty well
jatisfied that her team will do so.
As some of the fansput it, it's a
cinch that thla will fce done. Per
haps 300 excursionists! from here
will 'not be too big an estimate of
he attendance there and the, "moral
jupport" of the many fans means
aiuch to any team. - .
Wallowa Valley
Strawberry Best
A' hat the Hood River Apple) .la to
Hood River Our Strajwbeprry
is To Us.
It may not be at present gener
ally suspected, but Wallowa valley
ian- grow the best strawberries on
This Is a big statement. It Is
;lven, however, advisedly, and the
vVallowa county enthusiast will not
jack down from It. What the Hood
River apple has' been and Is to the
do d River district, the Wallowa val-
ey strawberry can be to Wallowa
alley. All that 13 needed is for
.nore persons' to raise strawberries
!iere, advertise them after forming
i strawberry growers' association,
ind keep them on hie. market ex
clusively as . Wallowa Valley straw
jerries. . The fame will come. The
world's strawberry marLet will pa
tently wait for the Wallowa valley
rry, because It is Just a good deal
,he best strawberry that can be rais,
jd anywhere.
A resident of Enterprise had an
3xperience .with the Wallowa valley
ftrawberry which thoroughly . tested
Its quality. He placed about a bush
il of the berries, fresh picked, In a
:ub and left them over night. The
text day the fruit was cared for.
vVhen taken from the tub, there was
lot a particle of Juice from the ber
ries In the tub. All the berries were
red ripe, not half green, but they re
Socialist Party, of Amei ica Column ,.
This space is occupied by paid advertising and is edited by the En
terprise Socialist Local which meets Thursday nijrht of each week at
7:30 o'clock in the McCoy residence on North River street All meetings
open. Visitors always welcome. Frank Hamblen, organizer; E. A.
Fosner, corresponding secretary; N. H. Marks, ; financial secretary;
Fred Otto, treasurer.
Hundreds who will read this call
.hemselves Socialists but are not
member of the Socialist party.
They hope to see Socialism come.
They nave tearnel that only through
the victory of the workers can re
lief come to the workers. They
know that between the workers and
the enjoyment of the fruits of their
labor lies .the private ownership of
the Instruments of labor.
Knowing tlKse" things, ,wantlng
hat Socialism will bring, and rea
lizing that Socialism can come only
through political action, and even
granting that the only party .that
stands for these things is the So
cialist party. they stilt remain out
side the organisation.
Many of theae men and women are
member of unions. As such they
are very bitter against the person
who reaps he benefit brought by
the union but refuses to share Its
burdens. The same argument applies
to those Socialists who refuse to
unite with the Socialist party. That
party built . up Socialist sentiment,
circulated Socialist books, estab
lished Socialist papers and maintain
ed them under terrible difficulties.
It has carried on a tireless, organ
ised campaign for years until now
tained all the'r juice and flavor and
remained firm. Such a strawberry
would ship anywhere, after being
picked red rip , and its superiority
over- the average stra,wberry is thus
instantly seen. s
What we need to do Is ta ralsal all
the Wallowa valley strawberries pos
sible, organize a Wallowa- Valley
Strawberry Growers' association, and
then advertise them to the utmost
limit. In such an event, it would
not be but a few seasons when the
Wallowa valley strawberry would be
known all over the world, and the top
aotch prices could be had for them.
Our whole valley could be devoted
to raising the Wallowa valley straw
berry, and then not begin to Bupply
the demand.' - ,
Watch Uie E. M. & M. for fresh
vegetables, Saturday. ' bl
Takes Important
Prisoner In
Howard Hunter, Alias Lee West,
Arrested at Joseph
O. H. Kulper, , a detective In
charge of the Pacific Division of the
American Bankers' Association, ar
rested Howard Hunter at Joseph,
Tuesday afternoon, and telephoned
Sheriff Marvin to take the prisoner
ut charge pending the arrival of Dep
uty Sheriff Hart from Blaine coun
ty, Ida. The prisoner was thus
brougnt to Enterprise and lodged in
Jail. Deputy Sheriff Hart telegraph
ed that he would arrive in Enterprise
Wednesday evening to remove the
prisoner .to Idaho,
Hunter is charged with forgerfes
amounting to $135 In the aggregate.
The forgeries ,were committed in
Blaine county, Idaho, and the Bank
ers' association has been after the
yrlsoner for some time. Detective
iulper brought wivh him a picture of
Lee West and presented it to the
prisoner. The latter acknowledged
-hat It was his picture, but said It
was taken three years ago. How
aver the prisoner had on the same
joat and vest a shown in the pic
:ure, and 'he clothing showed little
ear. Hunter has been working in
:he mines in' the Snake river coun
ty, making Joseph his headquarters.
vVhen he , was inlormed" that the pros
jcuting witness would pc bably iden
:Ify him, he is reported to have said,
'Then it will be all up w'th me."
I ' ' " ;
Mrs. Perry Blanchard, wife of the
jsnial boat of the Enterprise hotel,
will go to La Grande shortly for
in operation in the hospital In that
city. ,
' Mts. Blanchard has been , ill for
icveral weeks, at tiroes suffering
jeverely. It is hoped by her many
friends In Enterprise that an " oper
ation .will effect her complete re
covery. As soon as she is strong
jnough to withstand the travel from
aere to the hospital she will be
taken' by the doctors In charge.
Horses, Wagons and Harness for
sale. Inquire of Falconer Bros., En
terprise, Oregon. , ' 119r4
there Is a movement, a pre Ha and a
party reaching into every corner of
the country.
You should be 'a member of that
party. You should, attend Us meet
ings, help meet Its expenses, share
hi the work and the benefits of the
general organization.'
Only by working with this party
can you become a part of the great
International Socialist movement.
Only through such membership can
you have a voice In determining the
policies and tactics of the party. On
ly when .working In co-operation with
the tens of thousands of members, of
that party will your efforts be mul
tiplied by the assistance of this
great organisation.
You need the Socialist party.
The Socialist party needs you. Why
not Join it today?
If you do not know how to reach
the organisation send your name to
the secretary of the Enterprise So
cialist Ixjcal, E. A. Fosuer, Enter
prise, Oregon.
Fur All Kinds at
Artistic FalatU.
raw HMla
' do not fail to call on
OAKES,' Contractor
N. B.-Lw Bra.' faints
The Fourth of
' Marks an Epoc in Clothes Buying for men. Have
you-thought about that suit of clothes for the com
ing Fourth?We have someexcellent patterns and all
absolute fits in the following high-grade Men's
clothes .
Kuh, Nathan and Fischer Make
$15 and $20
Hart Schaffner and Marx
$20 and up
A full line of Men's furnishings. A complete line
of Men's Shoes. Everything for men. . The en
. tire stock kept right up to the top-notch of quality,
style and durability, and the prices kept right
down to bedrock. Come in and see.
, The Men's Outfitter
Business vSnap
For a Good Butcher
Meat Marketjn live town of 1500 aoaaa
Population $2000
Five Room House, Five Lots, Barn .
and three and one-half acres yfciUUU
takes it all
on' balance.
Wenaha Land Company
Troy, Oregon or Enterprise, Oregon
sex n
Madison Square Theatre Co.
In a repertoire of late popular plays
S An exceptionally talented
3 senting the late successes
. .
Parquet and first two rows in balcony, 50 cents
Family Circle, 2p cents.
Gallery, 25 cents
Reserved Seats at Burnaugh $ Mayfield's B
: , ; . New L.lne of ,
"Superior" Stoves and Ranges
See me and get my price3 before buying else
where. I carry also a full and complete line of
"bath tubs, basins and bowls,, and a full list of
plumbing supplies. First-class plumbing at the
slowest figure for which such plumbing can be
Consolidated and New Stock
I have purchased the Jewelry stock formerly owned by A. C.
Carpeuter, nd have adde? to It new shipments of stock, making my
Jewelry t.cVe replete wUh all that can be desired In a Jewelry busl
ne-n. I vuh to extopd my personal thauka to the people of Enter-
i r. .i of this esc lion of Wallowa allheir Jewelry Interests my
rouie. and assure, them that X make county for their generous pat.
own. Your patronage solicited. All .work guaranteed. ?
Martin Larsen Sc Co.
Jeweler .
part cash and short time
Write for particulars.
June 20 1
company of artists pre- S
in very superior manner
Enterprise, Oregon