The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, June 08, 1910, Wednesday Edition, Image 3

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Formerly the Wallowa News, eatab
' llahed March 3. 1899.
Published Wednesdays and Satur
, days at Enterprise, Oregon, by
Office East side Court House Square
' Entered as second-class matter
January 2, 1909, at the postofflce at
Enterprise. Oregon, under the Act of
March 3, 1879.
Subscription Rates: One year $2,
six months f 1, three mouths 60c,
one month 20c. On yearly caah-ln-
advance subscriptions a discount of
15c la given.
"HO JUNE '1 1910
Smm. floe. Tarn. Wd. Tku. Frl. Sat.
... .. .. TTTT
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 . . . .
City and County
Brief News Items
L.- M. Chapman was here from
Los time Saturday.
"Little Joker" squirrel traps kills
hundredo. Try . lit. Price 35 cents.
Michael Crow of Lostine spent Sat
, urday 1m Enterprise.
Dr. F, E. Moore, osteopath has
office hours- all day Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday in Enterprise. Of
fice over the bank. 83btf
Attorney D. W. Sheahan sold his
ranch In the Eden country last week
to Albert Baker.
The special) car of the general
manager of the O. R. & N. road
passed through, Enterprise Saturday
j morning.
Sher,wln & Williams' paints guar
anteed at Keltner's , "
Misses-. Gladys and Isabel Miller
and Miss Muriel McKinley, all of
whom have beero. visiting Mt. and
' Mrs. A. C. Miller of this.' city, left
Wednesday morning for their homes
In La Grande.
Blueflame coll oil stoea and Insur
ance gasoline stoves Just arrived
at Kelbners. ; '';',,'
Judge J. B. Olmsted -received $100
from W. E. Taggart Monday morn
ing, in settlement from the .Aetna
' Insurance company for the tire 4which
recently broke out In the Judge's
residence near Enterprise..
Fishing tackle all Kinds and sal
mon' eggs at Keltners. :
. Four men representing large ln
terests, from Clearwater, Idaho, are
looking over the country in '. and
about Enterprise. They are looking
for range for a large bunch1 of horses
and also for land open tot settlement.
Ladles" Kahkt Riding Suits, Just
received, at W. J. Funk & Co's.
George Houser of Joseph, Inter
ested In the- Black Marble Lime
works south of Enterprise, spent the
latter part of last, week here oa bus
iness. Mr. , Houser returned) to Jo
seph Saturday evening. He ' re
ports that the outlook for the lime
industry here Is excellent.
Some score or more residents pf
Enterprise left Monday morning for
Portland, where they will attend
iha rnu ramlvnl Tf thA balance of
Oregon sends a corresponding num-
ber, right off the bat, so to speak,
the rose carnival will be a success
in point of attendance, at least. -.
Hit with a club that's the
way a sizzling hot day makes'
one feel, unless you drink Har
vey's cooling sodas.
We handle 7-aacbes and City Pro perty. . ; -We
can exchange your land for city property, or visa-versa.
We have some fine residence tote for sale.
We eell Business Lots.
' , Make Loans on Land.
Write Your Insurance. ,
Call and see us when in town.
1 Office In Litch Bulldinfl.
AAAAAi. A. - A. A. .. A- - 4 A rtl il ttl
I Wallowa County Title
! Abstract Company
I A. C. MILLER, President
Office in Company's new brick building opposite front of t
new Court House, Oldest and most complete abstract plant j ;
in county. Abstracts of title furnished promptly and cheap- ; ;
ly. Insurance written jn largest and strongest companies. "
Money Loaned at very
Poultry men, call at Keltner's and
see the Petaluma Incubators on ex
hibition. .
S. F. Pace arrived home Saturday
from a several days trip to Wallowa
anj other points in and outside the
county. t
Large shipment of new potatoes
Just arrived at W J. Funk & Co's.
Four pounds for 25 cents.
H. E. Oakesi left on' a business
trip to Lostine Tuesday, returning
in the evening. While there he en
gaged in, a little fishing Jaunt of an
hour or two.
Just received a shipment of mar
ble and am prepared to furnish mon
uments on short notice. Prices and
work right. Also agent for the cel
ebrated Stewart's Iron Fence. Char
les Willgerodt, Enterprise.. KWbm
Mrs. S. K. Clark arrived here
from points In Arizona, Sunday
aight. Mrs. Clark left some months
ago on account of her condition! of
dealth, and returns very much im
proved. V-' .
If you want good feed1 for- your
earn and good treatment come to
.Vhlte Front Barn. .. 97btf
L-. B. Payne, secretary of the
local Commercial club, conferred with
a representative of the Joseph Com
mercial club last Saturday on the
matter of advertising Wallowa coun
ty to eastern homes eekers. The Jo
seph representative wllll bring the
matter up before the, Commercial
club of that city.
For Father and Sons, Clothes, at
prices you can affordi to buy, wheth
er you need or not. W. J. Funk
& Co.
Surveyor H. E. Merryman left Tues
day morning for Rondowa where he
has several days work at survey
ing. - Garden Hose' big . shipment
sprinklers, hose fixtures, at Kelt-
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Gleason, for
merly of near Chateau,- Montana, are
In Enterprise doing light housekeep
ing while Mr. Gleason, Is- seeking a
ranch location.. The residents of
this section, ofwallowa county hope
that the ne(w-comer may fmd a
ranch near here and remain as citi
zens. How about that new suit for the
4th T Funk & Co. are ready to help
you out at their sale, June 4th. Don't
pass this up.
Dr. Gray, the painless dentist
specialist, now at the Hotel Enter
prise. . ? .
Mrs. Fred S. Ashley and little
daughter Gena returned Wednesday
of last week from an extended' visit
with friends at points In Idaho. Mr.
Ashley met the two at Wallowa and
returned with them.
You have the money. We have the
Clothes, lets s,wap. See our clothes
Saturday, June 4th. W. J. Funk &
W. J. Spencer of La Grande has
been imf Enterprise on business.
He represents the George Palmer
' Lumber company, a company vowntag
some 60,000 acres of timber land; In
Wallowa county. f
Dr.' Gray .extracts eeth absolute
ly without pain or danger, . '
Mrs. Charles Hug and little son
, Procter returned home -Jast week
from Elgin, and La Grande. ( The
little son had visited his grandpar
ents In Elgin for some two weeks.
Attorney Daniel Boyd returned
' Monday morning from Chico whither
he went on business in company
!wlta ' .J.'D. Struble. Mr. Boyd Is
! enthusiastic over the crop outlook
for the section of the county he
passed through, and says that the
: future for Wallowa county never
trsm an fLff-rlcilltlir&l
standpoint, as it does this year.
& Sheets
Enterprise, Oregon,
Lowest Current Rates
that boy his. school suit,
NOW. Sale starta Saturday, June 4.
W. J. Funk & Co. ,
Beyrl Robinson, daughter of I. H.
Robinson, of Joseph, concluded a ten
days' visit at the Mountain Vie,w
Fruit farm of O. J. Roe, and returned-
to her home In Joesph, Sat
urday. ,
We; start our sale Saturday, be
cause we want the people to the
country to have an, equal break) with
the town folks. Bring your butter
and eggs along. W. J. Funk & Co.
Miss Ram ana Roe was hostess to
a delightful party Thursday of last
week, the guests being the mem
bers of her Sunday school class and
their teacher, Miss Amy Olmsted.
A delicious picnic dinner was spread
under the trees of the spacious lawn
which surrounds the home at the
Mountain View Fruit farm, and a
day of genuine pleasure was enjoyed
by.tihe happy young people.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Boehmer will
entertain the Win One class- of the
Presbyterian Sunday school, of which
Mr. Boehmer Is teacher, Thursday
jvening at their home.
Hamilton. Vance, a pioneer prospec
tor and miner of eastern Oregon, ar
rived in Enterprise from his mine
claims on the lower Imnaha, near
Snake river last Monday, remain
ing over Tuesday Mr. Vance has
some' good property .there. On the
surface the copper assays - show
from five to thirty -five per cent
in copper values alone, with good,
profitable gold . values. The forma
tion is sulphide with granite con
tact. Nothing more than assessment
work is- being done at this) time, as
little or no development work will
be done in the district until trans
portation facilities- enter that sec
tion, along Snake river. Mr. Vance
is about a mile and a half above
Eureka. . .
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon, for Wallowa County.
In the matter of the Estate of Wil
liam Holloway, Deceased-.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has beea duly appointed
by the County Count of Wallowa
County, State of Oregon, the Admin
istrator of the Estate of William Hol
loway, deceased, and has duly qual
ified as such Administrator. .All
persons having, claims against said
estate are hereby notified and re
quested to present 'the same to me
within- six months from .the date
hereof, properly verified as requir
ed by la,w, and to present the same
to me at Flora, Oregon.
Dateu and first published June 9,
1910. 42c5
Administrator of Estate of William
Holloway, Deceased. .
THOS. M. DILL, Attorney for Ad
ministrator, Enterprise, Oregon.
Following is a list of letters re
maining uncalled for at the. postof
flce at Enterprise, Oregon, for the
week ending June 4, 1910: Mr. John
Arnold, Mr. George Beem, Mr. John
Clark, Mr. Gerald Nolk, Mrs. P.
Lottie, Mr. F. A. Mayler, Mr. Cbas.
May, Ora Pennington, George Ped-
erson, Mr. T, W. Tung, Mr. Clyoe
Persons calling : for any of the
ibove will please say advertised. If
lot called for, the above will be sent
to the Dead Letter office on June
18, 1910.
BEN WEATHERS. Postmaster.
Glad to Recommend Them.
Mr. E. Weakley, Kokomo, Ind.,
ays: "After taking Foley's Kid
ney Pills, the severe backache left
e. uy kidneys became stronger,
.he secretions natural and my blad-
ier no longer pained me. I am
slad to recommend Foley' Kidney
Pills." In a yellow package! Bur
laugh ft Mayfleld.
I am now prepared to
furnish the people of En
terprise and vicinity with
the best of
Whole Milk, per quart, ' 5c
Cream for table use, per quart . 35c
Cieam to whip, ir quart, . - 40c
Buttermilk, per gallon, - IOC
Skimmed Milk, per gallon . - 10c
A Sixth Cause of Disdise Over or
. Under Activity of Nerve Center.
The treatment of nerve centers Is
an Important one, and is especial
ly a fundamental method in. osteo
pathy, it is proven by physiol
ogy that nerves may be simulat
ed, that Is, the strength and force
nerve currents may be increas
ed; also that nerves may be Inhib
ited, that Is, the nerve current may
be decreased by manipulation.
We have taken advantage of these
facts and applied them to the treat
ment of those diseases which are
caused either by over- or under
activity of nerve centers. For ex
ample: A goitre Is quite often (not
always) due to over-activity of a
larg nerYe center (the 'superior
cervical ganglion).
The treatment here indicated is
to decrease the strength and force .
of the nerve currents as they pass
out from the superior cervical gang
lion to the thyroid- gland, (which
when enlarged Is called a goitre.)
That the goitre decreases In size
under this treatment is sufficient
evidence of its efficacy.- as a ther
apeutic procedure. '
But this nerve center also sends
nerves to the eye, to the heart, to
the blood vessels- of the head;
hence, all diseases which affect the
eye, ear,' nooe and .throat and heart
are . more or less amenable to os
teopathic treatment by this route."
Remember, that stimulation and
inhibition of nerve centers form only
one methcd of treatment. I touch
this subject only briefly,, but the
object jWlll be obtained" If your con
ception of osteopathic diagnosis and
the possibility of osteopathic treat
ment have been widened.
That osteopathy has profound
hypothesis and a wide working basis
and application must be evident. If
the conception, of It is unusually
limited by deficient knowledge, It
is the deisre to expand such views
that leads " me to present this
pamphlet. Osteopathic Health.
(To be continued.)
Our entire stock of men's and
boy's clothing goes on sale at great
ly reduced prices, Saturday June 4.
W. J. Funk ft Ce.
The White
If you want a high grade sowing
machine which is a
The machine Is -unsurpassed for
simplicity, durability and the char
acter of the work it will do. It is
made in two styles, the Vibrator
Shuttle ' and the Improved Rotary
Shuttle The lattter machine sews
either a lock or a chain stitch.
There are a number of styles to
choose from and the wood work Is
the handsomest possible.
Fred S. Ashley
handles the WHITE MACHINE In
Dandruff and
: but outward signs of the evil
done in sec-c t by myriads of dao
Jruff germs sapping the life blood
I of the hair. Micro kills the para
site, soothes toe itching scalp,
gives lustre to the hair and stops
It falling out A single application
gives relief aod proves its worth.
Save your hair before too late.
Micro prevents baldness. It is t
delightful dressing for the hair,
free from grease and sticky oils.
i AcV your dniggistfor free booklet
. For 8a1e By
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
R. L,. DAY. Proprietor
Good Rigs Fair Treatment
Special Attention to
Rates for Regular Boarders
Best of Help Employed Home Phone
Open Day and Night One Block North of Hotel Enterprise
' Loans
Reliable Abstracts of title furnished on short
notice. ' J
All Kinds of money to lpan on farm property,
from one to five years; large or small amounts
Fire Insurance written in companies that pay
, all losses in full.
C. M. L0CKW00D, Locttwood & Bilyen,
United States Commissioner Managers
X . of P. ST
TEMPLE, No. 7, Pythiaa
lllAuUillUNo. 30, Royal Arch Masons
K. M., '
II III I EAGLE CAMP, No. 10497,' M
iVI.VlLn.VV. A. Meets first and third
rhuredays In each month, in new Fra
ternal halL Visiting Neighbors always
ONEROID CAMP, No. 8642, R. N. of A.
lK.U. 11. 535, W. Of W.
LMOTA CIRCLE. No. 278. W. of W.
Ben Hinton Found 'Guilty.
CANYON CITY The Jury in the
Ben Hinton case returned a verdict ot
guilty of murder in the second de
gree. The first ballot stood, accord
ing to reports, eight for first degree
and four for second degree. Hinton
Is' already sentenced to one year in
the penitentiary for larceny of a
Start 8urvey for Line to Coot Bay.
EUGENE F. B. Kidder, one of the
promoters Of the railroad proposed to
be built by the Lane County Asset
Company of this city between Eugene
and Coos Bay, is in Marshfleld, where
he will direct the beginning ot the
survey from that end of the line. . .
By -request. Dr. Gray will remain
tel Enterprise, until June 15, 1910.
Department of the YlterIor'
IT. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or
egon, June 3d, 1910.
Notice is hereby given that, as
iireoted by the Commissioner of the
General Land Office, under provis
ions- of Act of Congrees approved
Tune 27, 1906 (34 Stats., 017), we
wily offer at public aale, to the high
'?ot bidder, at 10 o'clock a. m., on
the 21t day of July, 1910, at this
office, the following-described land:
The NE4 SW & SW SEtf
Sec. 33, T. 1 N, R. 45 E. W. M,
Serial No. 07406.
Any persons claiming adversely the
above-described land are advised to
file their claims, or objections, on
or before the time designated for
lale. : 42c5
F. C. Bramwell, Register.
Colon R. Eberhard, Receler.
What Everybody Ought to Know.
That Fo!cy'g Kidney Pllle contain
Just the ltigrediente necessary to
tone, strengthen and regulate the
action of the kidneys and bladder.
Burnaugh & MayMeld.
Making Pure
Is a
Mission ,.,
rfLJlr Modern Diceen
7 A Minion Fulfilled
ft TatronU tht "Modern Dealer"
II tf CMfwtlmwy Cfc, Mir., PtrtiuU, OrafW
Horses Bought and Sold
Commercial Trade
Bus to and From Trains ?
h $ S
m ,
j liead
Have you examined our
line of
Ladies' and Children's
Wash Suits Ladies'
Fancy Shirts: Waists,
Undershirts, Muslin
Underwea r , Hosiery,
Gloves, Etc.
Also a complete line of
Men's Furnishings, in
cluding the McKibbin
and Stetson Hats.
We have just now the
mosf rrfnnlTA lino tVio-f
we have ever carried. ta
We buy our Dry Goods from
one of the largest houses in
Chicago and have a large
assortment from which to
make our selections.
We discount our bills, which
gives us the goods laid down
in our store at , the lowest
cash prices.
We give our customers the
benefit of our cash buy. We
also give a discount on all
cash purchases.
If you are going to build
call and let us figure g
with you on Doors and g
w:,i... iv 1 ps)
iiiuuuYva, 11c navcjusi n
received a large stock of g
same and we are going
to sell them at bed rock
S Company
Chamberlain's 1 Cough Remedy I0
sold on a guarantee that If you are
not satisfied after using two-bhlrds
of a bottle according to directions,
your money will be refunded. It le
up to you to try. Sold by all deal
ers, , ;
Indispensable records for owners
of stallions, containing uoJcrlptlon
of mares, dates of service, time of
payments, and all necessary data,
printed on good paper and strongly
bound la boards with cloth back,
for sale at this office or sent post
age prepaid oa receipt of price, l.