The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, June 04, 1910, Saturday Edition, Image 2

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Formerly the Wallowa News, estab-
llahed March 3. 1899.
Published Wednesdays and Satur
days at Enterprise. Oregon, by
Office East aide Court House Square
Entered as second-class matter
January 2, 1909, at the postoffice at
Enterprise. Oregon, under the Act of
March 3, 1879.
Subscription Rates: One year $2.
six months $1, three mouths 50c,
one month 20c. On yearly cash-ln-advance
subscriptions a discount of
25c is given.
Why Not Pats the Plate f"
Tbey ought to puns the plnte at
church weddings. It comes natural to
do It In church, and to do so would
add a pretty and useful employment to
the duties of the ushers, who always
1 bare a little spare time before the
bride arrives. And, really, getting
. married Is more expensive than ever,
i and. though wedding presents are ex
cellent in their way, what the young
people usually need the most Is cash.
Instead of the list of gifts which the
newspapers sometimes print we should
read. "The collection yielded $4,000.
: 000." That would be nice. It is much
' easier to store and care for money
than plate and glass! And money al
ways fits and' there is no such thing as
an embarrassing duplication of dollars.
8ATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1910.
His Athletic Neighbor.
A young man .inmate of a boarding
bouse bad been disturbed night after
night by the boarder In the next room
doing things with a punching bag he'd
rigged up in the room some way. At
breakfast each morning the young man
would look over the crowd and won
der who tbe bag puncher might be.
but there was no one In sight but a
bunch of women and eight or ten men
with narrow chests and retreating
thins. One night he mad? up his mind
to knock on the bag punching room
er's door and ask him to put over his
exercise until duylight when all the
world's awake. Tbe man might be
small enough to bulldoze even with all
his athletics. The door .opened and
there, clad In a tight fitting red Jersey,
was a robust, buxom woman of per
haps thirty summers.
"And what did you say to her?" tbe
young man was asked.
"I was so startled," replied he, "that
I asked what afterward seemed to mo
the most natural request 1 could bXve
made. I asked her if she'd lend me
a couple of mutches." Cleveland I'lulu
He Saved the Patent Office.
When in tbe war of 1812 the British,
who hud taken Washington, trained
their guns upon the patent office. Dr.
Thornton, throwing himself directly
before the guns, cried:
"Are you Englishmen or Goths and
Vandals? This Is the patent office a
depository of the ingenuity and Inven
tions of the American nation, in which
the whole clvlHzed world is interested.
Would you destroy It? Then let the
charge pass through my body."
And the building was spared. Twenty-four
years afterward, however. It
was -destroyed by fire, together with
everything in it.
The Harm of Damp Houses.
It Is dangerous to health and even
to life In a damp, moldy bouse or one
built over a moldy cellar. Many years
ago the London Lancet in an article
on diphtheria traced tbe disease in
certain cases to the presence of cer
tain molds and fungoid growths which
seemed to be breathed Into the throat
Remember, one of the best disinfec
tants is lime. Moldy cloths, such as
shoes and other articles that are unfit
for use, should be destroyed at once.
The Persistency of Colds.
Why Is It that we are so heavily
subject to colds? Other epidemic dis
easesmeasles, typhoid, scarlet fever,
diphtheria may get bold on us once
and there is an end; it is not usuul to
have any of them twice. We brew in
our blood Immunity. The poison of the
disease evokes In Us Its proper anti
dote. Our blood cells make a sort of
natural antitoxin and keep it in stock.
- so that we are henceforth protected
against the disease. A well vaccinated
nurse, for example, works with safety
In a sum 11 pox. hospital, where tbe very
air is Infective, but' her blood is so
changed by vaccination that the small
pox cannot affect her. By scarlet fe
ver, again, we are. as it were, vacci
nated against scarlet fever. Tbe reac
tion of our blood against the disease
Immunizes us. No such result follows
influenza or a common cold. We brew
nothing that is sarmaaeut. We are
Just as susceptible to a later isTaslou
as we were to the Invasion that is just
over. London Spectator. .
Why Ha Applauded.
"Are you fond of music?" asked a
Stranger of the young man at tbe con
cert who was applauding vigorously
after a pretty girl hud sung a song in
a very painful way.
"Not particularly," replied the young
man frankly, "but I am extremely
fond of the musician."
Out of Her Reach.
"Does your heart ever rench out for
the unattainable?"
"No, but ray hands do when my hus
band Is not at home. There are three
buttons at the back of my gown that 1
can't rench."
United States Land, Noticeg
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land- Office at La Grande, Or
egon, May 7th, 1910.
Notice is herby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of the
General Land Office, under provis
ions of Act of Congress approved
June 27, 1906 (34 Stats., 517), we
.will offer at public sale, to the high
est bidder, at 10 o'clock, a. m., on
the 7th day of July, 1910. at this
office, the following-described land:
The SV4 NWH Sec. 5,0, T. 1 6.,
R. 44 E.W. M., Serial No. 06791.
Any persons claiming adversely the
above-described' land are advised to
file their claims, or objections, on
or. before the time designated for
sale. 38c5
P. C. Bramwell, Register.
Colon R. Eberhard, Receiver:
Department of the interior.
U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or
egon, May 7th, 1910.
Notice Is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of the
General Lond Office, under provla
lona of Act of Congress approved
June 27 1906 (34 Stats., 517), we
wlill offer at public sale, to the high
est bidder, at 10 o'clock a. m., on
the 7th day of July, 1910, at thia
office, the following-described land:
ffhe SE SW Sec. 9, & EV6
NW Sec. 21, T. 1 S., R. 44 E. 'W.
M., Serial No. 06790.
Any persons claiming adversely the
above-described land -are advised to
file their claima, or objections, on
or before the time designated ' for
sale. 38c5
. F. C. Bramwell, Register.
Colon R. Eberhard,' Receiver.
More Appropriate.
'I teach my parrot only short
words." '
"Do you? Now. I should think that
parrots were better adapted to learn
ing plys.TllaMs."
Watch for
Making a Lawn.
On bis English tour an American
was admiring tbe velvety smooth""",
of a certain sward, and. being pos
sessed of land and an overpowering
confidence thut with money all things
are possible, be asked the head gar
dener how to produce such a lawn.
And the gardener said: "It's easy
enough, air. All you need do Is to
remove all the stones, plow up the
ground, plant It with grass seed and
roll It for 300 years."
Our. Friends.
If we choose our frieuds for what
they are. not for what they have, and
If we deserve so great a blessing, then
they will be always with us. preserved
In absence and even after death, In tbe
amber of memory. Cicero.
Couldnt Talk.
De Style You say that loving pair
of deaf mutes were sitting In the parlor
i and didn't enrrv on a- conversation?
, Gunbusta They couldn't, for they were
I holding hnnds.-New York Press.
and district to
Writt lr full articuljr, 1
U MOMKV KEQII1H KI until you receive rim approve ol your blcycl. Weahtp
to anyone, anywhere m the U.S. witJumt a ant iJtMit in advance, riy Jrtifkl, aoS
allow TEN UAid' 1KKK TKIAL during winch time you nmy udVilie hityvle and
put it ro anyai you wian. 11 you are Uien not perfectly Mliatiril or do not with 10
keep the bicycle elnp it hark to ua at our einn ami rvn will not it mil vu ctnl.
FACTODT PBICFS ,u"'"n,U' rustiest trade recycles it is possible to make
V,v" at opt small profit above actual factory coat. You save tie
If II ii?V aample LalMt Model
la a 111 Bukina-aioner fast
in n vui v k
to ij midillemen'a pronta by buying direct oi u and have the manufacturer's tear-
amtua behind vour bicycle. 1IO M4IT llll V m hi.irU m .
at mux frict until you receive our catalocnea aid Warn our unheard ot Ja.tirj
frhtl and rtmarkatu kW tffcrt to rlUur HlleltU.
mU!LL BE flSTOKISHrn "hc,n you receive oct twautifnl catalogue and
, J"U' BE IWUfle,0 ,tudy pur aui.b mnd. l. at the mnMruHf
ffwrarva-we ran make you thla year. We acll ii,e highest trade bicyclea for less money
than any other factory. We are .-ttitiM . m .h....
ItlC'VCLJfi 1KAI.I:IS. you can eel! our bkvUcs under yuur own name ulale ai
rlcca. Orders tilled ttte t ay received.
r dounit our rri
hKCOMI II AMI IUI!VI1S. W. ,.1- I, ..It. 1 ..J It I.. V...
' astlallV IUVa a number on hand taken In trad hv f.ur .il ..... Tl... ... 1...
pruuiyur "i pnsw ranvwa; irmn WO to M or tu, uenrrutuve runrain Itata mil Ml Ire.
AATTB DOgtrr Incla whiK'ta, Imported ruller clmiua and itetluia. nana, lepa
lUAd I e.a-C2UAL, aquipmenl of aU kinds at tmif Uu auW rraaaV Acm.
(ii)50 CECSa. P9CCTU3E-PCG3F $
Department of tihe Interior. ,
U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or
egon, May 16th, 1910. ,
Notice Is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of the
General Land Office, under provis
ions- of Act of Congress, approved
June 27, 1906 (34 Stats. 617), we
will offer at public saltrto the high
est bidder, at 10 o'clock A. M., on
the 8uh day of July, 1910, at thla of
fice, the follo,wlng-descnlbed land:
The NW SEV4 and the NE &W
Section 29, T. 1 S., Rl 44 E. W.
M, Serial No. 067C6.
Any persona claiming adversely
the above-described ' land are ad
vised to file their claims, or objec
tions, on or before the time desig
nated for sale. 39c5
F. C. Bramwell, Register.
Colon R. Eberhard, Receiver.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or
egon, May 13th, 1910. ,
Notice Is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of the
General Land Office, under provls
loris of Act of Congress, approved
June 27, 1906 (34 Stats., 517), we
will offer at public sale to the high
est bidder, 10 o'clock A. M., on
the 8th day of July, 1910, at thlsl of
fice, the following-described land:
The SW14 NE Sec. 28, and the
EV4 NW14 Sec 34, T. 1 S., R. 45 E.
W. M. Serial No. 06498.
Any persona claiming adversely
the above-described land are ad
vised to file their claims, or objec
tions, on or before the time desig
nated for sale. 42c5
F. C. Bramwell, Register.
Colon R. Eberhard, Receiver.
Tktvtgularrttait trie d ihtst tira i$ T'
iW W) aWr ataltfl. Ahl At trr.artaaa Asia afc.1 sHITT mi
aw Matt. A tv at. a ear .aar Caf A JlAlliauia CA
NAILS, TsMika or Glnaa will no lot the
aklr ouk. Siaty thoitsaiut pair sold Inst year.
Over two hundred tltouaaud paira now iu uae.
DtSOmPTIgHt Made In all si tea. It isllvel
a special quality of rubbce-. which never become
Iiotouannd which clcxea up amall punctures without allow,
nar Ihealr loeacape. We have hundrcilaof lettcra from ttia
tiidcuatonieraatalina; that their tireahaveonlvbcen pumped
it p once orlwtcelnawhule acuaon. The wei .hnomorethan
an ordinary tire, the puncture resisting qualities being given ....... J lli;)m i.uiivv.ini m - Jf
tr?d. ThereKularpriceolriieiietireaU(.VtpeTpair,btitfur I
K. Tt1laiuKpuiikrawearemakiiiira:ecialfMclorvtriceta
t'.te ride of only U "o per pair. All ordcra ahipped aume day letter l received. We ahtp C. O. D. on
Kotlco the think mtihor tread
"A" and pnuolura air I pa "It"
and "IV nlau rim atrip "If
to proven rim euttlna;. This
tiro will outlae ant other
annko-Miirr, k.UaVaXlti auul
h.3U U1U1NO.
.'"tmnral. You do not liav a cent until you have examined and found them strictly aa reDreaenteJ.
V will allow a eewh illauonn of per cent (therein; niakina; the prtca .o4 per pair) if you
-nd XI.t. UASIl Wil li ORUKft and enclone) thla advertiaeencut. You run no riik In
ajdm ua an order as Hie tirea maw. be returned at UUK expciiM if for any reason they arc
tint aaliafactory on examination. W ant perfectly reliable and money aent to ua la aa aafe aa in a
tank.. If you order puir of the tirea, you will find that they will ride easier, run faster,
wear better, hut lonaer and look finer thus) anv tire vou havfwrer used or aren at any price. Wa
Know that you will be ao well plrawd that When you want a ticvcle yon will give ua your order,
V e waul you to tend ua a trial order at once, lirnce thla remarkable tire oiler.
ft Vlff l'arfrirl n don't buy any kind ai any prk-enntit you tend for pair of
r I sa.a.aL f IletlKetliorn Wiiciiire-I'rnl tirea on apptwal and tnal at
. the apectal Intruduciory price quoted tlre; or writ for our !g 1 ire and Sundry Catalou ae which
describe and quote all makea and kindaot tirea at about hall the usual price.
HO t'HT WAIT t writ a a ponal today. 1X1 NOT THINK, or BCTINO a bicycle
cUTeta wa art makiug.
anyone until you kuow the new and rcaaorful
It ouly ooau a poawU to averytlitiig. Write tt NOW,
!. l r.:io cvole c::.:?nny, ciiicko, ill
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or
egon, May 14th, 1910.
' Notice Is hereby given that, as
directed by bh Commissioner of the
General Land Office, under provis
ions of Act of Congress approved
Junr 27, 1906 (34 Stats., 617), we
w'U offer at public sale to the blgh
om bidder, at 10 o'clock A. Ms on
the 13th day of July, 1910, at bhis of
fice, the following-described land:
The S.Etf NV, E4 SV &
SW14 8E Sec. 28. T. 1 N, R. 45
E. W. M.. Serial No. 07301.
Any person) claiming Adversely
the above-described rland are ad
vised to file their claims, or objec
tions, on or before the time desig
nated for sale.. 39c6
F. C. Bramwell, Roister.
Colon, R. Eberhard, Receiver.
Department or the Interior.
IT. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or
egon, May 23d, 1910. t
Notice Is hereby given that, aa
directed by the Commissioner of the
General Land Office, under provis
ions of Act of Congress approved
June 27, 190G (31 Stats., r,17), we
wlli offer at public sale, to the high
est bidder, at 10 o'clock A; M., on
he 14th day. of July, liHO, at this of
jce, the fol!owinfe.-d escribed land:
The S'B SW4 Sec. 18, T. 4 S.,
I. 45 E. W. M., Ser:al No. 06773.
Any persons claiming adversely the I iJH
ibove-deacribed Jan d are advised to
lie thelar claims, or objeclkwis, .on
r before the time designated for
sale. 4Ic5
F. C. Bramwell, Register.
Colon R. Eberhard, Receiver.
Legal ikriiMeiits
In the Circuit Court of the Stats of
Oregon, for- Wallowa County.
James B. Nobles, Plaintiff, J
vs. . :
Earl L. Martin, and E. E. Champlin,
Defendants. '
To the Defendants, Earl L. Martin
and E. E. Champlm: , ;
In the name of the State of Orgeon: ;
You and each of you are hereby ,
required to appear and answer the ,
complaint filed agaiiist you in the
above entitled court and cause on, or
before the 30th day of July, 1910,
that being the time fixed by the
court for you to appear and answer
herein and more than six weeks from
the date of the first publication of
this' summons; and if you fail so to
appear and answer, plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief de
manded In. the complaint, to-wit:
. For a Judgment and decree that
the. plaintiff have and recover of, and
from said defendant. Earl- L. llar
tta, the sum of Tvvo Thousand, six
hundred, and four & 73-100 Dollar's,
(2604.75), wi'th interest thereom from
this date until paid at the rate of ten
par cent per annum, and for the sum
of Two Hundrel Dollars ($200.00)
attorney's, feea, and for the costs and
disbursements of thla- suit and for . a
decree that the plaintiff's, said mort
gage described, to the complaint be
fjjv-s..jrid, and the premise, describ
ed therein ' e so'.d by the sheriff of
Wallowa County, Oregon; and that
plaintiff may have judgment and: exe
cution against s'aid defendant, Earl
L. Martin, fbr any deficiency which
may remain after applying the pro
ceeds of the sa'e of the premises
described In, the complaint, and that
said plaintiff may become a purehaa
er at said sale, and that said sheriff
may put said purchaser Into the pos
session of said premises described in
said complaint, and that you and
each of you be Torever barred and
forever foreclosed ot any right, title,
claim or Interest, or equity of re
demption, in ' and to the following
described premises situated and be
ing in, the County of Wallowa, State
ofOrgeon, to-wit: ' The South half
of the Southwest quarter of
Section Twenty six (26), and the
'.vest half of the Northwest quarter
of .Section, Thirty five (35), Ini Town
ahfp Two North of Range Forty fonr
(44), E. W. M. in Wallowa County,
Thla summons Is published once a
week for six successive and consecu
tive weeks by order of the Hon. J.
1J. " Olmsted, judge' of the County
Court . of Wallowa County, -..Oregon,
which said order is dated May 26th,
1910, directing the first publication
tO;be made on. the 2Sth day of
May, 1910, and the last publication
on the 9th day of July. 1'JIO.
First publication May 28th, 1910.
' , THOS. M. DILL,
il3s7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
t-eviii'i. ,i iim.a.iil ua iiwawaweail , i I UTe 'MM""" "- ''"I1 " '
A Splendid Overall
for every use.
Cut generous
ly full. Two
hip pockets.
Felled seams.
Swfrndso , CaCtVata
Notice is hereby given, that "the
undersigned has been duly appoint
ed by the Comity Court of Wallowa
County, Oregon, administrator of the
'Estate of Emellne Akin, deceased,
:ad has qualified as such admin
istrator. - All parties having claims
against said estate are hereby no
tified, to present them duly verified
'o the undersigned, at the office of
Jurlelgh & Boyd, Enterprise, Ore
jon, within six months from the
late of the first publication of this
lotice, May 2CUi ,1910. . . .
40co , V C. A. RAY,
Vdmlntetrator of the Esta,to of Eme-
lLne Akin, Deieased.
In the matter of the estate of
Phebe Jane Bunnell, deceased.
Notice Is hereby givenk that on the
2nd day of May, A. D, 1910, the un
lerslgned was duly appointed adraln
stratrix ot the estate of Phebe Jane
3unaiell, deceased, late of Wallowa
County, Oregon. And that all per
jons having claims against said es-
tate are required to present the same
o the undrsigined adminlstratiiix, at
aer residence In Enterprise, Wallowa
County, Oregon, duly verified, wlth
ji six months after the first publi
cation of this notice, and upon fail-'
reeo to do, sakl claims will bu Ig
lored and forever barred.
Dated, May 2nd, 1910.
; MACKilE a, BLOOM, '
Admin 1st rai rlx.
CHARLES THOMAS, Attoriny for
AdiuLuistratrlx. 37c5
Real Estate Dealer
Mitchell Hotel Block JOSEPH. OEEGOIT
Wallowa. Appleton, Flora lo. Paradise,
From Paradise, Flora and Appleton to Wallowa,
Good accommodations, courteous treatment and reasonable rates.
Leaves Wallowa at 6 a. m.
E. W. SOUTH WICK. Proprietor.
. PROVE ill;;;''
C Hundreds of people in this town are
about ready to purchase a talking
CI, Buy in the dayligh t I Make compar
isons 1 . Remember that there are " talk
ing machines'' and "phonographs," but
only one Graphophcne the
C Be sure to get in touch with us before
you buy. ' Complete Graphophone out
fits from $20 up. Come in and listen.
Most people prefer to
. ",. hwy "on tirce -and that
suits, us. Terms are Easy!
, ' . . .
' Agents, '
L i la
Rjmnant sale. NOW' ON at W. J.
Funk & Company. Uargilaa iti
almost verTthiu.
We Do High-Class Job Printing Try Us
j We guarantee satisfaction -