Hlatsrfsai 1st TwiceaWeek Saturday Edition TH NEWSRECORD ALL THE OFFICIAL NEWS OF WALLOWA COUNTY IN THE N-R ALL THE NEWS tWHILB II IS NEWS TWICE-A-WEEK NEWS RECORD ELEVENTH YEAR. NO. 115. Enterprise, wallow a county, Oregon, Saturday, june 4, 1910. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER Cent a word single Insertion, 1 cents a word 2 Insertions. Special rates by month, and year. FOUND. Laid if s' bracelet, on Slope road to Joseph. Owner can have same by calling at this office, describing prop erty, etd paying for this notice. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM PROMISE. (Delayed.) Faradlse, May 6. M. E. Hotchkiss of Enterprise has filed on, some land) oa Joseph! Creek nar the mouth, of Rush; Creek. C. D. Akin has sold bis ranch to O. L. Barnes. -u : , , James Barnes, Ida Bowlin, C. D Akin, O. L. Barnes and D. O. Balls bed papers made, by the local not ary recently. Mat Devia of fclora went to Aso tin after hte wife. , Rev. Jackson and wife are here. Mrs. Jackson delivered a sermon, last night at Straley's hall. George Frazer, the Flora butch er, was down to Mack Shelton'a and bought the firm's, sheep pelts. Mack Sbelton and Don ' Coggtas made a trip to Wollowa this week. Thomas Barnes has moved- out near Enterprise on his homestead. Bailey Shelton and family were up from the. river. He saya they will commence shearing about May 10th. Dr. Gltoaore of Flora made a pro fessional call on Mrs.'W. B. Apple gate. ' , ;" REV. GIBSON ATTENDING) ASSOCIATION MEET. Rev. Gibson, moderator in the Grande Ronde Baptist association, well and " most favorably known through this' section, of Oregon, left Enterprise Monday niornlng for Baker City where he will attend the meeting of the Baptist asocelatton of which he is an officer as stated. He wlU probably remain- from EnterT prise for some two weeks,' return ing on or about June 16. He goes directly to La Grande, and will at tend to his field duties until the 10th of June, whem the meeting oc curs at Baker City, continuing until June 12th inclusive. Mr. Gibson re porta hte work here as very satisfac tory, the preliminary duties being practically through with, respecting the erection of a new church edi fice here. " Stockh adders' Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the stock -'holders of the Enterprise Hotel Com pany will be held at the company's b tej In Enterprise, Oregon, on Mon dav, June 20th, at two o'clock p. m., fn. the purpose of electing a board o! directors, and the transaction of before said meeting. GEO. W. HYATT, Secy. Oakes carries full line of Lowe Brothers' Paints. 108tf h B TV All, SJCJEflTDlJlJIEEJ JAPIOKS "iVlfri PURCHASES C9 ' - C05S88. We Have the Exclusive cm W. J. FUNK a GO. i COMMERCIAL CLUB HOLDS MEETING VARIOUS MATTERS LOOKING TO LOCAL WELFARE ARE CON . SIDERED. The Commercial club met Thurs day night with a good ab'-endance, and talked over natters of great Importance to Entorpri3e and Wal lo(wa county to general. The mat ter of advertising .this section of Or egon, that is Wallowa county and Dniterprlse, was taken -up and dis euaed at length, A committee was appointed to con fer with the . Commercial clubs of Wallowa, Lostlne and Joseph, and -hese clubs with . the Enterprise club to arrange with, ithe county court of Wallo.wa county for proper advertising of the county's re sources and opportunities. The matter is a most Important one to every city and every resi dent In tho county. It la a general measure, having nothing more to do wtth ono locality than another ' in the "county. It promises results to every township and not to a few. hdi it is hEed that It may bo en tered Into by every city and resident for the common good and the com mon ' development. The committee appointed -was as follows: 3. B. Boyd to confer with Wallowa, Bick ford and Payne to confer with Jo seph and the confrere with Lostine lo be filled by Charles Cro.w.' Thla committee wilt report at the next meeting. 1 The matter of the Fourth of July celebration was taken up, and it was considered that it were more prac tical to let the celebration' go by And devote all the energy toward thai falT In the fall. A committee composed of A. C. Miller Geo. W. Hyatt, B. B. Boyd, C. S. Bradley, C. H. Zurcher, W. R. Holmes and J. C.Shackelford,, was appointed to take the matter in charge. This commit tee will have the power to appoint subcommittees and take entire chart of the preparations' for the fair. It will report at the next meeting of the club. Twq other committees were . ap pointed, one to look into the mat ter of rural delivery routes out of Emterprlce, and the other to confer wt:h the business men of Enterprise relative to the advertising fundi pro-ic-'.'i ocilo weeks a&o, and pai;'a!l subscribed to.' Tba former commit tee la composed of Postmaster Ben Weathers, L. E. Jordan and Geo. W. Hyatt; the latter committee is com posed of L. B. Payne, W. R. Holmes and Geo. W. Hyatt. Other matters were discussed, mention of which Is made ln an other column. .Mrs. .J. T. Harey and little daughter returned from La Grande Saturday evening. Mrs. Harvey's health Is very materially improved. mnninuiinnniiiui 5 Mrs. g Housewife: I We do not have to enlarge on the merits of Chase & Sanborn's f Teas and Coffees f for you know all s 2 about their su perior qualities. Agency in Enterprise m a 'GRABBED" A PORTION OF COMET'S TAIL W. p. Samms presents a unique problem for . the chemists' of the country," in the presence of floe jl!ow looking U vi wKch was pre c'pliated in a rainfall upon the sides of an ordinary galvanized 'iron wash tub, and appuaiint! to be fine par tVtltjs of oxidized ihmlstry from iho H.iltcy roniet's ,tn!l. According to newspaper report, such "star dusi" was found in Lewiston, Ida N). Mr. Samms states that the pre oipit&tion was not formed' during that day and evening the earth wo passing through the comet's tail, but was deposited! . In a rain: fall subsequently. It la not improbv atle that fine particles of the com et's tail remained in our atmosphere from the celestial visitor, and were precipitated In solution with wat er, or rainfall, and oxldleed on the Iron of the tubs' as supposed. Piairie Creek District Smiles Crops and Stock Are Looking Fiie ; and All Bids Well For Wallowa. What every visitor to Wallowa county should do Is to take a ride up the valley Into the Prairie Creek dis trict. He will ' be surprised at the thousands of acres of rich, level land extending for miles off north, aast and southland the .rapid settle ment of that section of the valley wll' stagger the mind that is looking for a "new country." Farms there are not only fenced but the most) of them are cross fenced. Some of the finest hogs, cattle and horses as .well as sheep are found there. Some of th best-toothy and, alfalfa lhi the world are grown there. - Potatoes, Leans, cucumbers', and all sorts' of garden vegetables , and apples are found flowering into perfection, - and life is contributed to by almost all phases of ncture. , ." . Visit Hunt Ranch. An Enterprise Press representative visited at the H. S. Hunt ranch. This ranch is snug against the foothills of the mountain range, la level, Is pro tected from winds, on from such small winds as occur here, and is un usually ,well protected1 from late frosts by Its altitude. Mr. Hunt has beans and cucumbers up out of the ground. "He grows the most tooth some sweet corn imaginable there, ais potatoes have but one fault, and that is, If he doesn't vatch them grow too big. And all general farm produce to grown on the ranch In abundance. Watjer Power 'Handy. In. addition to the general farming and stock raising on this ranch, Prairie Creek flows directly throuBh the (arm and within ftcty feet, pf the kitchen door. The fall of the creek Is sufficient, within about 400 feet, to create good horse power, and Mr. Hunt has harnessed enough of this pqwer to do his own and the neighborhood grinding. For about that distance a flume baa been built, conveying the water to a large ov ershot wheel. This wheel turns the jhof ting which la turn sets- the chc min, elevator and all, Into operation. When either Mr. Hunt or any of the nelghrtortag ranchers desire barley chopped or desire graham flour all he has to do Is turn the water on and start the mill. Utilizing the same power, Mr, Hunt run his cream separator. Formerly before the timber went Into the re serve, Mr. Hunt erected am Improvis ed cross or drag saw, and made the creek aa,w all his wood for him. It was a ' pleasant visit Mr. and Mrs. Hunt and their daughter gave their guests from Enterpries, who were: Dr. and Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Jeai Ellis, and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dil wo th. Mr. and Mrs. Hunt and fami ly spared no pain to make the vis It one of themost pleasant and all departed feeling bettered from the touch of sublime nature with which the host and hostess and family are surrounded dally.' All crops throughout the entire district traversed wer looking fine. A more promising year never pre sented kself to eastern Oregon Off u the Elop country, too, fol lowing tb read betwoen Joseph and Enterprise, alt crops and stock are in the most promising condition. New ground lots of It has been broken and seeled to this or that, and the en tore topography of the land scape has been changed by tbls hus bandry, v T : SETTLERS HERE RESTORATION TO ENTRY OF , RESERVE LANDS SPEAKS RAPID GROWTH. Twenty-three thousand, three hun dred and otxty-tive acres of good, rich, virgin Wallowa county land has been released from thei for est reserve and placed for entry by the recent order of Secretary Ballln gof. Other lands In Idaho, near Po catello, involving a similar acreage, were also restored to entry. . This will be received with delight ty every resident of Wallowa coun ty, the lands (restored lying north, iiorthwest and east of Enterprise, cju will mean a more rapid develop ment of the county agriculturally be cause of a more rapid settlement than otherwise. It ,wlll be received with gratitude also by the prospec tive eastern settler who was liter ally turned back to his eastern home by running against a reserve that simply held new districts from progress. POSTMA8TER J. C. YOUNG OF PORTLAND DIES Postmaster J. . C. Young died In Portland early Monday morning, of cancer of the stomach. He had been seriously 111 for over two months and at the time of his death was sur rounded by his family and Immedi ate friends. Mr. Young was appointed! post master In Portland in 1909. He was formerly of Baker City, and! ,was at the time of his appointment as post-, master serving as private secretary to .Senator' Bourne. Mr. Young's daughter married Walter Block, not long ago, the latter the son of Mox Block of La Grande. Postmaster Young was, a nephew of Brlgham Voung,,,. . ... " Official Proceedings Of the County Court (Continued from Wednesday.) Fifth Judicial Day. Tuesday, May 17, 1910. Court met pursuant to adjournment when were present as on yesterday. The following proceedings were had: In the matter of allow big miscella neous bills against the county: Now at this time the matter oil al lowing the miscellaneous ' bUI against the county came on for consideration, and the catd bills having been submitted to the court and the court having pass ed upon and audited each of said bills separately as arrears from toe signature of the court there on, It Is hereby considered and order ed by tho court that the saldl bills be allowed and warrants Issued by the county clerk ty payment, of the same as allowed In classes and amount!, as follows: High School Fund. To Whom Drawn. For What. Am't. D. L. Mc Adams, janitor work..$ 2 50 II. K. Shirk, miscellaneous ex penses ...... 12 00 General Fund. ) A. H. Meyer, Juror May Term. 19 40 D. S. Church, Juror May term . 23 00 J. M. Frultts, juror May term 21 40 J. A. ClUasple, Juror May tern 9 20 W. B. Daggett, Juror May term 19 20 Fred Bork, Juror May term.. 27 20 Will Tippobt, Juror May term. 9 20 J. II. Williams, Juror May terra 20 60 Leonard Johnson, Juror , Mcy term .... .... 22 00 W. Q. Trill, defending James Lane 25 00 Chas. H. Wllllcms, Juror May tsnu 27 00 J. II. Enuffer, Juror May term 24 00 B. F. Bechdolt, Juroj May, term 23 00 Thos. Morgan, Juror May term 16 00 Daniel Boyd,' defending Henry Wright 23 00 J. H. YcEIroy, Juror Blay. term 19 00 T." L. Sberod, Juror May terra 19 00 7. Q. Bett'a, Juror May term 19 40 R. E, HealMt, Juror May term 9 80 A. J, Conklln, JurofMay term 85 00 Will IZayea, Juror Kay term 15 70 J. W. Vcmack, Juror May term 22 20 C. M. McFetridge, Juror May term ..' iO 80 Wrtus Hanson, juror May term 18 40 R. W. ColpKts, Juror May term 24 80 A. J. Harris, Juror May term 12 20 L. F. McAnuUy, grand Jury MEANS M MORE bailiff 15 00 H. C. Cramor, grand Jury bailiff 15 00 Ole Pagln, court bailiff 18 00 II. R. Hanoa, official reporter 60 00 N. D. Varnor, Juror May term 15 90 W. C. Boatman, typewriters cleaned 2 50 Glass Prudhomme Co., supplies 94 90 K. E. Me'rryaian, work Edg- niand rood 6 00 H. E. Merryman, work Boner roadi 7 50 Wallowa Mercantile Co., cus pidors 5 55 Edgar Marvin, help during clr cult court .' 16 50 Thos. M. Dill, expense during court ; 20 00 Nole Duncan, duties as con stable , 2 10 A. F. Sheets, justice fees.... 2 60 (Continued! on page 3.) Wedding of Well Known Persons Forsylho-EIIswortH Nuptials Cel ebrated In, La Grande Juna. 1. ', A beautiful home wedding took place Wednesday evening, June 'l, at 8 o'clock at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Ellsworth. 2&02 Ash street, La Grande, when Miss aernyce A. Ellsworth vtras united in marriage to Mr. Robert, Leo For sythe, of Enterprise, Rev. W. H. Gib- wn officiating. The young people are Justly popular. Miss Bernyce is one of La Grande's charming young ladies who is honored, loved and appreciated for genuine worth. Mr, Forsythe la the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Forsythe and ia one of he moat respected young business men of Enterprise. Miss Maggie Coleman acted aa the bride's attendant, and Mr. Walter R. Parker as the groom's best man. The Ellsworth home was tastefully aecorated In pink and white. Cu pid's figure with drawn bow and ar row-pierced heart was everywhere In evidence, and thus was told the story of love's triumph. A three course welding supper of dainty and rare abandon oe ,was tastefully served. The guests were a few se lect friends of La Grande, and Mr. and Mrs. Q. J. Forsythe and daugh ter, Mlsa Eula, of Enterprlne. A 5 o'clock dinner will be served today at the home of tae groom's parents hero, the young couple arriv ing from La Grande this afternoon. - CALLED TO WISCONSIN BY MOTHER'S ILLNE8S Mrs. Mattte Coffnian. left for Oah. kosh, Wis., Tuesday morning, whith er she was called by the serious Ill ness ol her mother there, Mrs, H. J. Hughes. The latter l an. aired lady upwards of 80 years, and Is suffering from blood poison. Little hope of her recovery is entertained by the surviving relatives, owing to the advanced age of the patient and the nature of her ailment. Mrs. Coffman arrived In Enterprise Tues day morning to take the train for her mother's bedside. ' 293 acres Alder Slope, $23,000.00 " 80 acres Alder Slope, $ 8,000.00 'V Vv 160 acres hill land, about six miles out, $2,000.00 320 acres, 12 miles out, $3,200.00 City L,ota, $100 to $300 Residence Property, $6SO to $3,000 Fire Insurance Surety Bond Live Stock Insurance W. E. TAGGART The Pioneer Real Estate Baa. ENTERPRISE, : : OREGON Z.Carfu Bankmf Insurts thi Safity of Dtpofits," Depositors Have That Guarantee at WALLOWA NATIONAL BANK OF ENTERPRISE, OREGON CAPITAL !)0,000 f SURPLUS 165,000 j Wc Do a General Banking Business. Exchange Bought and Sold on All Principal Cities. Geo. W. Hystt, President - Geo. B. Craig, Vice President DIRECTOKfl Gko A Cbaio Gko. W. Hyatt Mattib A. Holm its J. H. Dobbin W. B. Holmks L'S IS LODGED AGAINST. OBSTRUCTION OVER 20 MILES FROM POINT OF DROWNING. Troy, June 2. The body of Frank Russell woo found late Sunday ev ening, one mile below the ranch of Charles Shoemaker, la the Grande Ronde river. It was brought to this city the first of the week for burial. Frank Russell drowned In the Lit tle Salmon river, about four miles above the river's mouth, April 24. He was attempting to cross the stream at the time. Searching parties , were sent out Immediately, and a close watch has been kept for the body ever since, though no trace of it before Sunday was found. The body had been drifted down ty the current four miles In the Little Salmon river and down belov the Shecmaker ranch on the Grande Ronde, a total distance of over 25 miles. It la stated that though the remains had been In the water for so long a period, yet the, cold tem perature of 'the rivers had preserv ed it welL His remaining relatives and friends both at the time of. his death and In the recovery and burial of the body have the sym pathy of th whole county. Lancashire Humor. - There was a Lancashire collier' who went out on Sunday with his wheel barrow because, as he said, "I've tost ml dog, an' a felly looks sich a foo' gooln' a-walkln' bl hlsself." , Then there was the worklngmen's club committee which wanted to in dorse the accounts "audited and found correct and tuppence over" and the . customer who, on being told that the price of candles had gone up owing to the war, asked whether they were "felghtln' bl candle leot" ' Also one recalls the laggard Lan cashire lover who, when asked for a kiss, said be was "gooln' to do it In a bit," and the old ladles who praised a certain Darwin clergyman as "a grand burler," and of the orator who trans lated "Dleu et mon droit" Into VEvll be to him what evil thinks!" "Lancashire Life and Character," by Frank Orme rod. Japan's Giant WrsitUrs. Japanese wrestlers are not to.be con fused with Japanese exponents of Jlu JHhu. The wrestlers belong to the older school, In which weight Is a par amount quality. It la a remarkable thing that a race which Is on the av erage four or Ave Inches under the Eu ropean standard In point of height should have produced a special cult of wrestlers who are giants In stature and strength. The leading wrestlers of Tokyo or Osaka or Illogo are all men at least six feet In height and Weighing perhaps 800 pounds. They are a race apart. Wrestling Is an oc cupation which has been banded uown from father to sou for many genera tions. And the explanation of their prowess is that they have always been meat eaters, while the rest of Japan, either from choice or necessity, have been In the main vegetarians. W. R. Holmes, Cashier A. J. Boehmer, Ami, Cashier RE BOD! FOUND