The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, June 01, 1910, Wednesday Edition, Image 1

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    "m HlaUrleal ta
Wednesday Edition
; i
Cent a word single Insertion, 1
cent a word " 2 Insertions. ' Special
rates by month and year.' - .
Well bred, fresh Jersey cow and
calf. Inquire ot Dr. AuR, Enterprise,
Oregon. ' . , 113btf
One of the desirable quarters -of
North Wallowa couatj, located close
tu the Bartlett store and' Postoffice.
Apply to owner, C. Mu-rdock, Troy,.
Oregon. ' 109M
Four well-broke young,-fresh milch
cows. N. E. Hammack, SwamP Creek
Thos. Siegmund , left on Bate t Ri
tey & Riley's the Wonder Washer.
'A uoroughbred Scotch Collies. Two
female pups, $10 each. Pedigree caa
be given. S. E, Harris, Elgin, Ore
gon. lWH
Slate Funds loaned, 6 per cent. John
P. Rusk. Atty. State Land B'd. Joseph
Farm loans at 7 percent.' Call or
write First Bank of Joseph. 68btt
incpenencea' uTessmuaer ,wu
fag to do at her home. - Inquire at
thte. office. '112tf
Lumber. Anyone ; having lumber of
any grade in any 'amount for tale,
or who has timber he Intends to aaw
soon, and wishes to contract the lum
ber, call on or address W. F. Rankin
at Haney planer In Enterprise, Agent
for W. R. Kivtte. .2b4
Harness and shoes repaired. Ralph
Hollembaek, with Rodgers Bros.', in
rink building. 113bm
: Taft and Roosevelt Will Meet.
, NEW YORK, June 1. The first
meeting of Preslc" it Taft and Colonel
Theodore Roosevelt after.-Colonel
Roosevelt's arrival in this country on
June 18 will In all likelihood be at
the convention of the League of Re
publican Clubs at Carnegie hall in
this cltyti which' jwlll be in session
June 24 and 25. Both Mr. Taft and
Colonel Roosevelt have accepted In
vltations to participate.
President Taft will make bis first
trip to this Panama canal zone since
his inauguration' in November after
the Fall elections, if the President's
plans are carried out The President
has reached a tentative decision to
make a trip of Inspection to the canal
upon a United States warship. He
will be accompanied - by Secretary
Dickinson, Secretary Meyer and' per
haps Secretary Knox.
Senator Chamberlain of Oregon has
Introduced a bill providing for the re
instatement of homestead entries con
celed or erroneous allowance after
withdrawal of lands for forest re
serves. In case contests are lntlated
prior to withdrawals, the successful
party to the contract shall have six
months' preferential right of entry un
der the proposed act.
,' Uninjured Lions Seldom Charge.
Like every other anluiul, the lion
tries to avoid man until wounded, aud
It is only In exceptional cuses of there
being young oues to guard or front as
tonishment at seeing the- huuters so
close to them that they charge wbeu
being tracked.
They charge with the same coughing
. roar that a tiger does and come at
great speed close to the ground, not
bounding in the air, as tbey are repre
sented In pictures. Their ears are
pressed close to the head, giving them
the comical appearance of being with
out ears. London Times. '
i Wheat Track prices: "Club, 80c
4c; bluestem, 85c; red Russian, 78c
. Barley Feed and brewing, 22c. ) '
, Oats No 1 white, $27 per ton.
i Hay Timothy, Willamette Valley,
$20 21 per ton; Eastern Oregon,
$2225; alfalfa, $11; clover, $16.
Butter Extra, 29c; fancy, 29c;
ranch, 20c.
: Eggs Ranch, candled, 23924c. , .
. Hope 1909 crop, ll14c; olds,
Woot Eastern Oregon, 14017c per
pound. . ' "s
Mohair 32633a v
' Seattle. ',
Wheat Bluestem, 83c; club, 79c;
red Russian, 77c
Oata $2$ per ton. '
Barley $20 per ton.
Hay Timothy, $2$ per ton; alfalfa,
$16 per ton.
j Butter Washington Creamery, 30c;
ranch, lie
. Eggs Selected local, 250.
Fota toes Market demoralizes.
Albany to New York, 137 Miles,
Is Covered in 2 Hours,
32 Minutes.
NEW YORK, May 30. Glenn . H.
Curtiss flaw from 'Albany to New
York City in an aeroplane Sunday,
winning the $10,000 prize offered by
the New York World.
He covered the distance . of 137
miles in 2 hours and 32 minutes and
came to earth as quietly and as light
ly as a pigeon. His average speed
for the distance 54.06 miles an hour
surpasses any .other record made j
an aeroplane In. long-distance flig'at.
In its entirety, .his . flight perhaps
eclipses any flight man has made in
heavier-than-alr machine.
vThe . start was ; made from Albany
under weather conditions as nearly
perfect as the ' most fastidious avia
tor could demand. Ope hour and 23
minutes later Curtiss made his first
stop near Poughkecpsie, where there
was an hour's intermission.' Resum
Ing his flight at 9:26,' he sped south
ward, and landed within the boun
dary of Manhattan Island at 10:35.
Paulham's flight from London to
Manchester 186 miles exceeded the
Curtiss feat of today In distance, but
not in speed and danger. The French
man's average was 44.3 miles an hour,
Mob of 3000 Threatens Life of the
ST.. PAUL, Minn., May 30. The
murder of a Catholic priest and the
mother of. eight children by the In
furiated husband and father put mob
law into effect In South St. Paul for
three hours tonight, while 3000 labor
ers in - the packing plants pulled
down telegraph wires to hang the
prisoner, who had given himself up
and was within the city jail. '
Leaders of the crowd were sworn
in as deputies and the mob was final
ly allayed ' and sent home. ' On the
table in the parlor of her borne, where
she fell dead from a shot in the back
from' a revolver In her husband's hand
Mrs. P. J. Gibbon, 35 years old, lies
after desperate but futile effort of
physicians to restore her.
. Father E. J. . Walsh, 39 years old,
priest In charge of the St. Augustine.
Church at South St. Paul, was shot
twice, in his own ' parlor.' Either
wound was enough to cause instan
taneous death.
' ' P. J. Gibbon, for 15 years one of the
most prominent stockbuyers In South
St Paul and Chicago yards, who com
mitted the crime, walked from the
scene ot his last fatal assault to the
office of the city police, eight blocks,
and surrendered.
"I did it to protect my home," he
told Chief McCormlck. "You will not
blame me when you hear 'all about it"
' Brewers to - Discuss ' Prohibition.
WASHINGTON, D. C, May 31. The
status of the prohibition situation in
various parts of the country, but es
pecially In the South, will be one of
the . subjects considered at the 50th
annual convention of the U. S. Brew
ers Association when It meets at
Washington June 8-9. The situation,
as it now exists in the various South
ern states, has been thoroughly can
vassed by 'the officials of the, asso
ciation and long reporfs will be made
on each state at the convention.
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Qna Senator Confesses, Another In
dicted in Illinois. ' ' '
SPRINGFIELD, 111., May 29. With
in a few hqurs. after . United . States'
Senator Lorlmer's speech at Wash
ing, denouncing as untrue the charg
es of bribery, State ' Senator John
Broderlck, a leading . Chicago Demo
crat, was Indicted in a bribery charge
ty the grand jury here. . ' . ;
Broderick's indictment was the di
rect result of a confession . made to
the grand Jury by State Senator D.
W. Holtslaw, of Iuka, 111., wro says,
that Broderlck paid him $2500 to vote
for Lorlmer for Senator. . .-'
The unexpected turn in the Lorl
mer scandal was an offshoot of State
Attorney Burke'B investigation of al
leged graft in the legislative furniture
deal. , . . i .,
Senator Holtslaw had been Indicted
on a perjury charge m connection
with the furniture contract, and upon
advice of his lawyers, when Immunity
was offered to him, agreed to make a
confession. 'Then he told the grand
jury that he had received $2500 for
his vote for Lorimer, $700 of his share
of a legislative "jackpot" and a prem
ise of $1500 as his share of the state
house furniture deal.- .
Railroad Ridicules Charges.
CHICAGO, 111, May 30. Confident
that the investigation Into their al
leged rebating will not hurt them, Illi
nois Central railroad officials ridicule
the charges by Edward' G. Davis, the
commission merchant, who accuses
that company of granting concessions
equivalent to rebates to big shippers.
Among the big shippers named are
the packers. Donald Rose, freight
traffic manager of the Illinois Central
Railroad, made light of the charges
and said that his company Invited
Government Investigation. j,
SAN FRANCISCO," May" 30.-iTn
long-expected boycott of American
goods In China, as a protest against
the establishment of detention sheds
on Angel Island for Oriental Immi
grants, has at last taken form.
The boycott was decided on at a
meeting of the Chinese Chamber of
Commerce, and cablegrams were sent
to merchant societies and trade guilds
throughout China asking their aid
and co-operatipn.
' Dr. Cook After ' Records?
NEW YORK, June 1. The mystery
of the whereabouts of Dr. Cook has
been solved. He Is in Scotland pre
paring for a trip to Etah, whence he
plans to bring back his . records of
his discovery of the North Pole and
his Instruments whlcn axe cached
there. He also Intends to bring back
the two Eskimos who accompanied
him on his dash to the Pole.
Plnchot Back From Europe.
NEW YORK, May 30. Clfford Pin.
chot, ex-chlef forester of the Depart
ment ot Agriculture, who has been on
a visit to Europe, returned Sunday
aboard the Arabic. Mrs. Grover
Cleveland and her children were re
turning 'passengers on the steamer
Price of Lumber Cut
.. SAN FRANCISCO, May 30. As a
retaliatory slap at the Puget ' Sound
lumber men who refused to join them
In a proposed compact, the Grays Har
bor mlllmen, who have been holding
a secret session at 'the St. Francis
Hotel, have cut the price of fir lum
her $1.60 the thousand feet .'
Plnchot Will 8peak.
ST. PAUL, June 1. It Is announced
that Gilford Plnchot has accepted an
Invitation to speak at a conservation
dinner to be given by the Colonel
Roosevelt .Club on the night of June
11. Former Secretary Garfield also
has been invited.
Gaorge I. of England.
The king of Euglaud who could not
speak the language of bis kingdom
was George I.
G. A. R. Man Has New Plan.
BOSTON, May 29. Asserting it Is
better not to observe Memorial day at
all than to make It a Fourth of July,
Commander 3. Wlllard Brown, of the
Massachusetts . Department - of the
Grand Army of the Republic, In a
BialemeHl uecmrea a resoiuuon lor ,edge wa, two feet tnlck Samples
the changing or the abolition of Me-jof the mIneraI were brought thlg
mortal day will be Introduced at the ; c,tj and an atyi, inowe(! Conclus
NaUonal encampment of the G. A. R. T,iy that the ledge contained a rich
Chronicle of Important Events
of Interest to Our
Scriber Found Guilty.'
PORTLAND-Jefferson W. Scriber,
cashier of the Farmers & Traders'
National Bank, La Grande, which he
was charged with, wrecking, was
found guilty on the four indictments
covering 40 counts, against him by
the Federal Court The jury was out
15 minutes and took but one ballot
The specific charges on which Scriber
was found guilty were embezzlement,
abstraction of the bank's funds, mis
application of the batik's funds, mak
ing false entries in his reports and
making false entries in the bank's
books. The Jury did not consider the
insanity plea of defense In its short
deliberation. The Jury reached the
unanimous opinion that Scriber was
sane while cashier of the bank and
only considered the charges and de-
tense on their merits. .
Coos Raising Bonus.
MARSHFIELD At a business.
men's dinner held at the Chandler
Hotel and attended by 100 of the lead
ing citizens, resolutions were adopted
supporting the movement of the Coos
Bay, Oregon & Idaho Railway and de
claring that the bonus of $150,000
should be raised here at once. The
railway .matter came up as the chief
topic of the after dinner speeches. C.
O.' Smith, the Minnesota lumberman
who has large Interests here, has
started the subscription list with $25,.
000. It was the opinion that the
Boise road offered the best chance
for a railway into Coos Bay this Sum
mer, and the bonus must be raised at
once. The committee is now solicit
ing "the" business men.
County Petitions Filed.
SALEM Petitions have been filed
In the office of Secretary of State F.
W. Benson, calling for the creation' of
the county of Williams, out of the
territory of portions ot Lane and
Douglas counties..
Also a petition has been filed pro
viding for the annexation of a portion
of Claokamas. County to Multnomah
County. A petition to change the
boundaries of Washington County Is
expected in a few days, also the Or
chard County petition and several
Man8tabbed by Partner.
MERRILL A cutting affray which
almost ended the life ot Otto Gessel
and landed Bobby Burns In the Coun
ty jail at Klamath Falls occurred in
a wood camp in Sandy Hollow( Gessl
and Burns were partners In the wood
business. Burns was preparing to
make what he called root beer and
bad a lot of bottles on the floor. Ills
partner came into the room and
kicked over some of the bottles. It
is charged that Burns drove a knife
into Gessl's neck In three places.
'129,600 Acres'" Designated Dry.
PORTLAND Secretary Balllnger
has ' designated under the enlarged
homested act as not susceptible of
successful irrigation at reasonable
cost 129,600 acres of land In town
ships 17 south, range 25 east; 18
south, range 25 east; 17 south, range
26 east; 21 south, range 32 east; 22
south, range 32 east, and 27 soith,
range 30 east, of Oregon, making the
total designation under that act in
Oregon 88,848,800 acres.
To Celebrate Quarter Centennial,
CORVALLIS Invitations have been
sent out by the Oregon Agricultural
College to attend the quarter-centen
nlal celebration of the organization
as a state institution. The celebra
tlon of the event will be held June
10 to June 14, Inclusive. A general
literary and musical program ' has
been prepared and class reunions are
arranged. A presidents' reception will
be held at Waldo hall, Monday even
ing, June 13.
Well-Digger 8trlkes Ore.
CONDON While sinking a well, II
H. Wlllburn, of this city, at a depth
of 95 feet struck a ledge of ore whlci
i was at first supposed to be gold. The
deposit of coppeT Other'samples will
be taken to Portland' for a more thor
ough analysis.
Work Will Begin Soon.
PORTLAND, Ore., June 1. That
construction on the Coos Bay & Ore
gon Central Railroad, the road from
Coos Bay to Boise, via Roseburg, will
begin before September 1, was a
statement made here by Francis H.
Clarke, president of the road.
His Title.
"If It were cuntoiuury In this coun
try to confer titles upou meu who go
In for literature, what would I be?"
asked a conceited journalist of bis
"Baron of Idens," was the terse re
Wif of New Su
preme Court Juatic.
Professor Robert Koch, the famous
bacteriologist died in Germany from
a disease of the heart.
The United States, it Is officially
announced, will not recede from its
Intentions of retaining control of Nlc
araguan affairs, whether or not the
Madrlz forces capture Bluefields.
Kansas will need . 20,000 harvest
hands this year, according to a state
ment made by Charles Harris, direc
tor of the state free employment bu
The case against Governor Haskell,
of Oklahoma, in which.. he is charged
with complicity to secure Fuskogee
town lots, has been set for trial at
McAllister, September 26.
A new townsite in the State of
Washington to be known as the
"Town of Astor," will be created out
of part of the diminished Colvllle In
dian Reservation by the Secretary of
the Interior, who has reserved 521
acres for the purpose.,
; The queen ot Holland has presented
to the public gardens of Paris 20,-
000 magnificent tulips, of all sizes,
kinds and colors. They havebeen
planted at Bagatelle, which is famous
for Its tulips, of which there are 100,'
000 In the grounds.
President Taft will not attend the
home-coming celebration qf Theodore
Roosevelt In New York June 18. On
the day the ex-President sails , Into
New York harbor, President Taft will
be at Villa Nova, Pa., receiving the
degree of Doctor of Jurisprudence
from St. Thomas College.
Miss Mathilda Townsend, consid
ered the most beautiful heiress in
Washington, who spurned several
titled suitors, became the bride of
Peter Ooelet Gerry, of New York
city, in the presence of one of the
most exclusive companies ever
sembled at the National Capital.
According to a dispatch from Car
son, Nev'., Mrs. Gunjlro Aokl, formerly
Miss Gladys Emery, daughter of Arch
deacon Emery, of San Francisco, Is
there to establish a legal residence
In order to secure a divorce from her
Japanese husband. Mrs. Aokl Is ac
companied by bur mother and child,
The average salary of a minister of
the gospel was but $663 In all denom
inations represented in a special re
port on the census of religious bodies
for 1906, which is now In press pre
paratory to submission to Census Dl
rector Durand and the Secretary of
the Department of Commerce and
Labor. ; ..
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What Our Lawmakers Are Do
ing and Other Items of
WASHINGTON, D. C President
faffs traveling expenses and the fact
that he had already overdrawn his al
lowance of $25,000 a year voted by
Congress, led to acrimonious debate
In the House and to a refusal to per
mit him to use the next year's allow
ance to meet, the deficiency. As re
ported from the House committee oh
aproprlations, the appropriation of
$25,700 for the fiscal year beginning
July 1 next would have become. "Im
mediately available" except for the
protests of Democratic members The
words "immediately available" finally
were stricken out
President Taft' sent to Chairman
Tawney of the House committee on
appropriations , a' letter expressing
deep resentment at the 'criticisms
paid by Democrats In the House de
bate on the traveling expenses ot the
President. The President said he was
Bspeplally. distressed by the suggested
reflection on Southern hospitality.
Land Bill Changed.
The Senate publlo lands committee
has decided to amend the bill author
izing the President to make withdraw
als of public lands by adding the pro
vision that withdrawals shall not af
fect legal rights of any settler or en
tryman under the homestead' or des
ert lands acts, Initiated prior to the
brder of withdrawals made under the
proposed law.
Western Senators will attach the
$30,000,000 Irrigation bill tC this witn
drawal bill before It passes the Sen
ate, and hope by this means to insure
the early adoption ot both measures,
Under the bill the President is au
thorized to withdraw temporarily from
settlement from location, sale or en
try- any public lands and reserve
them tor power sites, irrigation, clas
sification of lands or other publlo
purposes. -
Development May Be Retarded.
Development of the West is going
to be retarded materially for the next
year or two, and perhaps longer, be
cause ot the failure of Western Sen
ators and Representatives in Con
gress to agree upon and secure the
passage of a practical reform of the
public land laws, for under legislation
that will be enacted the President will
be empowered to, and has given no
tice that he will, withdraw desirable
lands from entry and so hold them
until Congress provides adequate and
sensible means for their disposal.
Plnchotism to be 8pread.
Plans are under way to carry the
eonservatlon campaign into every
state. Glfford Plnchot as its presi
dent, the National Conservation Asso
ciation winch has its headquarters in
tie Colorado building here, has begun
Vlfrnrmia tianinnlirn tn ..lan - ai
membership in every' atate and terri
tory, but the campaign Just started is
Intended to bring the enrollment up
to 100,000 members.
With the return of Plnchot after his
trip to Europe, plans will be taken up
Immediately for the National Con
servation Congress, which Is to be
held in St Paul, Minn., the first week
in September, at which Colonel Roose
velt has promised to speak.
Delay Lorlmer Investigation.
If the Senate investigates the elec
tion of Senator Lorlmer, In response
to his demand to have an Inquiry into
the bribery charges made in Illinois,
the committee will not begin Its work
before next Winter,' it Is believed.
Lorlmer asked immediate action on
his resolution, but his colleagues ruled
that it should take the regular course.
The Senators feel that tboy can de
vise more comfortable occupation dur
ing the bot Bummer days than to sit
for weeks as members ot an Investi
gation committee. If the Inquiry
shoutS be made, this committed would
sit In Washington and send for the
necessary witnesses.
Senators were not disposed to com
ment on the case. Tbey will reserve
opinion pending the receipt of more
complete Information. Whether there
shall be an Investigation may depend
on the result ot the proceedings in
the Illinois courts.