The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, May 28, 1910, Saturday Edition, Image 1

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    rcon Historical sa
Saturday Edition
. The- many friends of Sheriff Mar
vin will be pleased to learn . that
though he la far from a fuli recov
ery from his recent accident, stiU
. he la able to eH In his office! ait the
court house, and bids fair, If he does
not tax hi m self too much, to be fully
recovered In a abort time. Monday
he appeared iu hi office, (wearlng
the same old confident smile as.
usual, but stiff and sore and' unable
to assume any of his usual spryness
of action. His back Is still o bruis
ed that it 1 with difficulty that toe
can, rise andi sit down, but with care
ful nursing lit ia believed that he will
recover without any1 permanent
weakness. 1 -
The Improvement league appoint
ed a committee to jttatt. upon. Mr.
Wagner respecting the purchase of
the cemetry. The committee called
upon Mr. Wagner to ascertain oa
what torma the cemetery could be
purchased. . . It 1)9 understood! that
Mr. Wagner will gladly Bell the prop
erty. Thia is a commendable move
on the part of the ladies, and will
doubtless receive the applause of all
Enterprise. W'lthi the cemetery the
property of such a public institution,
water can be put upon it at 'tomall
cost to each individual, and can be
so maintained.
. Census Taker Clarke haa been
happily surprised at the number of
fe,w homesteaders that have appear
ed ia this precinct within the past
year. It is roughly estimated) that
over 25 homesteaders have within a
twelfth month settled upon lands in
this one p'reolnct alone. This, tak
en i& conjunction with the settle
ment 6i other precincts, will give a
lougn idea of the Incoming of resl
' dents. . Moreover, every train brings
further homeseekers, and the number
increases, apparently, as the season
advances. Getting into the "band
wagon" here ia Wallowa means get
ting hold- of some of this fine land
now not next year some time.
Rev. Trueblood of the M, E.
church, thia city, united Z. F. Ames
and Miiss Anna May Hescock in. the
holy bonds of matriomny, at the M.
E. parsonage, last Wednesday morn
ing. Both contracting parties are
from the north portion of the. county,
near Promise, and returned there,
after the ceremony. Near Promise
the groom owns & splendldi ranch,
and. on this they will reside. They
are well kno;wn and have a large
number of frtends and acquaintances
throughout tlw county. The groom
Is one of Wallowa county promising
young ranchers.
: Oakes carries a
. Brothers' Paints.
full line of Lowe
i i
)ciEfr Dijpn
We Have the Exclusive Agency in Enterprise
W. J. FUNK a CO.
Hotchkiss &'Combeai shipped an
other fine lot of hoga Tfiursiday, the
ihipment going to Seattle. The hogs
were purchased from the Watson
Jarm, and aggregated two lull) car
loads, averaging 250 pounds to the
tog. Wallowa county.' ie the natural
home of the prize porker. Owing to
the rich foiage and grain food here
in plenty, the rancher produced the,
best grade of pork at the minimum
303t. And owimg to the altitude,
pure air, and abundant water, .ch
ara and other dlaeasea are unknown..
B. A. Witte from the famous "Pa
louse" country, was im Enterprise
Monday, looking over the country
with a view of purchasing more
and. In addition to '. Mr Witte, It
s understood, two other outside per
sons are using Emterprsde asa, point
of radiation ' to make trips out into
various portions of the county, with
the prospecive idea of purchasing
ranches; Scaroely a day comes that
does not bring from' one to three
or four prospective stfttlera into
Wallowa county. . . ,.,,...':. .; .
Here's a Man Who
Actually Does It.
R,i E." Heskett of Near Wallowa
Raises Fall Whet,
Every Year.
Although of verf brief residence
In Wallowa county; the acting edi
tor of the Enterprise Press has
been under the impression that fall
wheat could be grown annually,
without waiting for the intervening
year of summer fallowing to pass.
It appeared that some, one ought to
be found who had demonstrated
that wheat could be grown oni the
hUl. lands,, annually .m And Friday tt
was the fortune to meet with Mr.
R. E. Heskett of near Wallowa who
actually does, that very thing. In
an interview with Mr. Heskett, who
is one of our moat prosperous ran
chers, that gentleman was asked:,
"How does it come that the farm
ers can not raise fallwheot annually,
on the hill lands?"
"I don't know ,what others do,"
he replied, "but I'm doing that very
thing, every year." ,
That "settled the whole matter.
Mr. Heskett not only raises wheat
every year, but raises fall wheat and
makes a success of .' It. This is a
source of gratification to us, not
merely because it bears out a pre
conceived theory of ours, but be
cause It means so vastly much for
this county. Since meeting with
Mr. Heskett, -we are Inowned that
any number of ranchers In various
parts of. 'he lounty are raising
fall wheat annually. The eastern
prospective land buyer, who wants
to raise wheat on the best hard
(Continued on page three.)
We do not have
to enlarge on the
merits of
Chase &
Teas and Coffees
for you know all fi
about their su- S
perior qualities.
Mailorder Houses Have
No Interest in Our
Home Cities. ;
Our Home Business Hen
Are the "Boys" Who
Come to the Front
For Wallowa.
Enterprise and' the people sur
rounding perhaps are not Ini the cu-
torn of patronizing the Chicago a: I
Kansas City mail order houses. For
this, they are to be congratulated.
But if now and then an Individual
sends money out of the commun
ity, to the detriment of every insti
tution and individual of the com
munity, It 1 lamentable.
The Chicago mall house, Is a big
Institution. Ita object is to remove
from' Ita path and obliterate every
merchant in Wallowa county. It has
but little calptal actually invested,
as compared to the vast displays, of
prices and merchandise In Its stu
pendous catalogues. Any one with
out a dollar Invested Ini merchandise
caa launch into the mall order busi
ness. Simply by getting terms for
big. job-lota from the manufacturers
of the country, a-idi getting the mon
ey dn advance from you, any boa y
could build up a tremendoalyi luucra
tlve' business, and get -.-rich. - Thua
mail order houses do not pay. the
taxes which the'.r extensive volume
of business would indicate andi should
' By no means do mall order hous
es pay any taxes for you. They do
not deposit in your banks. They
do not build court houses and city
halls for Enterprise. They never
spend a cent to make roads better
In, Wallowa county. They do not
erect stone buildings here, and ad
vance the growth of your beautiful
city and your great county. They
do not build nor maintain your nub
ile schools. They do not care wheth
er you have schools fo.r your blessed
little babies, and your glorious youth
r not. They have no thought what
ever for you nor about you, "except
as they can. grab your money and
send you some "stuff" for It, to
give the deal the appearance of a
legitimate business transaction. They
do not fly to you lm your sorrow,
and wlllinbly sacrifice time and
money and labor in; your behalf, try
ing to console you for the loss you
have suffered. Not a . single dollar
of all the millions or dollars their
drag-net brings from the world to
them, Is expended in planting even
a shade tTee to shield your chil
dren from the un. Their goods are
usually the cheapest sort that can
be made and bougMt and soldi as
"bargains." And when you send out
of your community ten dollars for
some of this "cheap" stuff, the mall
order house figuratively gets a Car
negie medal and you get it in the
neck about ten dollars' worth.
Youf Horiie Man.
But here 1 your home business
man well known o you. He can
"skin" you one day and run away
the next. You know where to find
him, if you are dissatisfied ,with the
goods he sells you.' His whole pres
ent and future stand back of every
business deal he makes with you.
He can't dodge his taxea by simp
ly taking your money, sending it
to the manufacturers, and getting
goods for you , then Vetting you
squirm if you don't like the goods.
He contributes) to your bank, to
your court housa, to your school
buildings and schools, to your roads,
to your bridges and drains, to your
various enterprises, andi he tries
to make a living while doing It. He
1 the first to be called. upon wJfon. a
new church edi.'fce is to be erect
ed. He comes to the front -with
goo J money and labor and time when
a public institution to needed. ! He
erects- business blocks and Improves
your city. He Is laboring for him
self, but his labors mean the devel
opment and the upbuilding of every
legitimate thing . in his county.
And he to vastly entitled to jour
The Old Plea.
The mall order house makes the
profuse claim that you can get
I your money back on demand, If
tyou are not satisfied! with the goods.
(Try tt, sometime. When reading
t. . .. .
we man oraer catalogue, you are
led to believe (that the mall order
house Is a wonderful elemosenary In
stitution of some sort, fairly palpi
tating wKh 'the Joy of handing your
money back on demand. But it
ten'. Yo wDl have to wrfte and
squabble, and you will fai most cas
es get a substitute In some other
Vheap" stuff a an amiable "set
tlement" of the controversy. Then
there follows more writing, more
squabble, more nagging, and once
In awhile, perhaps, here cornea what
left of ycmr original payment, af
ter the generous mail order house
has deducted -payment for post
fcge expended, express charges, etc
Splendid, Isn't; t,
I The profusenese wHth which the
mall order house returns money on
demand is a splendid business
transaction no? It shows Just
how the mall order house Is Inter
ested in your welfare yea? It puts'
In bold relief Just what the main or
der house wants, out of you,
Carlyle once looked' at the human
world, In that sorrowing, pessimistic
vein of his, and then Informed us
that we wef e "mostly fools." This
paper does not believe Carlyle at all
In, this, particular. It belleve.a how
ever, that when ,we patronize mail
order houses we are vastly Inex
perienced ta the real duties of cUtl
&i8hlp and in tie ways of mall or
der'houses in general.
.'"The - only slogan," Worthy the Hfe
of a Wallowa county patriot la this:
"Patronise your Wallowa county in
stitutions!" The Wallowa county pa
triot doling this will be better served
at all times, will get something worth
his hard earned money, and will be
a strong factor In building up his
comtnunity. Sending money off to
the mat) order house impoverishes
your community almost to the' ex
tent of the purchase price.
With this spirit, this paper rejects
much foreign advertising, tn order
that It can serve Its home people.
Within a fortnight a contract for a
page of foreign advertising wa re
jected, because the advertising con
flicted with home merchants. The
paper does this as a paying busi
ness, proposition, and makes more
money by doing it than by un
'ermlnlng the home people on
whose welfare 4t must depend for
support. "Patronke your Wallowa
county institutions!"
Almost Any Sort
Of Climate lleie
The 8ettlr Can 8ejeet Hi Altitude
and Climate To 8ult) His
Taste. ' :
One thing about Wallowa county
which attracts atenlon, fa Its varied
climate. The eastern person, per
haps, cannot understand readily why
it is thai, on can get almost any) sort
of climate h-re, within the confines
of Wallowa county, that to desired.
The reason for tt Is the wide varia
tion tn altitude.
In altitude, the different portions
of the county vary from a few hun
dred feet above -sea level to some
1,200 feet on top of "Old Eagle Cap,"
'the highest point in Oregon.
In and around Enterprise the alti
tude varies from 3,000 to 4,000 feet.
It Is still lower at Losttae and low
er than Los tine at Wallowa. Over
on the Imnaha in the valley the
finest peach land In the world can
be found, whereas in many other
portions of. the same county poach
es can not, be grown at all, owing
o the lat frosts.
Again, in certain portions of the
norUiern part of the county corn
can be grown, and is grown every
year; whereas in other sections in
the north end of the county corn
can not be growo at all.
TbU appeals to the easterner as
impossible, because his home coun
ty back there presents the same lev
el, the same altitude, and the same
vegetation, u over K. The easU
erner has only to take a drive from
Enterprise to Imnaha, however,- to
be convinced of the difference be
twen here and back 'east. Such a
visitor, many times, will see per
haps half ia dozen "zone3" of differ-,
etit vegeta Ho lm half a day's drive,
these so -called zones being deter
mined exclusively by the altitude.
Thus It is, one rancher can. grow
tomatoes, whereas another rancher
within maybe a mile of him cannot
grow tomatoea at all.
There never was a county so var
ied in climate and in vegetation as
this. , If the settler wishes a Cali;
uia climate, he can find it in some
af the Iqwer'valleys. If he desires a
colder climate, all he has to do is
move up Into a llbtle higher altitude,
.when he gets Jt. if he wants wheat
land, he can find It. If hay land,
ipple soil, peach altitude, strawber
ry zones,. cucumber and tomato alti
tudes or almost any other climate
and seasw he Van. find them dn
:he single county of Wallowa.
The county s thus marvelous. Its
production ia thus widely varied. And
its prosperity, present and future,
will never depend upon any one
itngle crop like that of the eastern
counties and states. And Wallowa
county is' as big as some IIw Eng
land" states bigger than Rhode Is
land. Christian Nurture
Conference Here
Conducted at Local Presbyterian
Church, Beginning Thursday,
, Jyna 2.
Complete and special plans have
been made for the Christian Nurture
conference to be held at the Pres
byterian church of Enterprise, be
ginning Thursday. June 2. and con
tinuing through, Friday, June 3, In
cluding meetings Friday morning, af
ternoon and evening. The confer
ence will 1e conducted' by Kev.Tr.
aidlUgan. the Synodlcal Sunday school
uperinienant of Oregon. He will
ie assisted by Rev. Youel, the Pres
byterlal evangelists of the Grande
Ronde Presbytery, andi by the Kev.
Dr. Ketchera, the fiunday school
missionary of the Grands Ronde
(Continued on last page.)
Lrivery, Feed and Sale Stable
R. L. DAV, Proprietor
Good Rigs Fair Treatment
' Special Attention to
Rates for Regular Boarders
Beat of Help Employed Home Phone
Open Day and Night One Block North of Hotel Enterprise
293 acres Alder Slope, $23,000.00
80 acres Alder Slope, $ 8,000.00
160 acres hill land, about six miles out, $2,000.00
320 acres, 12 miles out, $3,200.00 ,
City L,ot, $100 to $300
Residence Property, $650 to $3,000
Fire Insurance Surety Bond Live Stock Insurance
W. E. TAGGART, Pioneer 'eal Estate Ban-
fcCanfu, Banking tnsurti thi Saftty of Dtposlts."
Depositors Have That Guarantee at
CAPITAL 150.000
SURPLUS 150.000
We Do a General Banking Business.
Exchange Bought and Sold on
All Principal Cities.
Geo. W. Hyatt, President
Geo. H. Craig, Vice President
Geo .B. Cbaio
J. H. Dobbin
The program for Memorial day ex
ercises hasi been arranged, and all Is
In readiness for the day. The fol
lowing Is. the program, dating with'
o'clock In the morning:
Decoratin;; graves 9 to 10.
. Assembling at Fraternal hall for
program to commence at 10:45 a.m.
Music M. E. S.unday school.
Invocation Rev. C. E. Trueblood.
Scripture Rev. W. H. Qibson.
Drill Mlsa Olmsted's Class.
Music Christian. Sunday School.
Address Rev. Samuel Harris,
Solo A. J. Eoahmer.
Song America. 1
J. F. McCoy, the .well known ranch
er from the Imnaha, district, lm prop-
erly enthusiastic over the bright, out'
look for that district and the en
tire county. Mr. McCoy in conver
sation gave some Mea of the. pro
ductivity of the Imnaha soil, to. stat
ing that the time Is near at hand
when the larger ranches will be dlr .
vided into smaller tracts, and that
numerous families will be Industrious
ly making good livings off a few
acres where now but one or two fam
ilies find a living. The dividing up
of large ranches, he agrees, means
the more rapid development and the
increased production of the county,
in his district there all fruits and
vegetables are raised to perfection,
and land can be bought for reason
able prices, depending upon loca
tion and improvements.
Harness and shoes repaired. Ralph
Hollembaek, with Rodgers BroB.', In
rink building. i 113bm
Professor Shirk left Thursday
morning for Portland.
Mr. and Mra. Martin Larsen left
Enterprise Thursday morning for
brief visit at Elgin. ' . .
Horses Bought and Sold
Commercial Trade
Bus to and From Trains i
W. R. Holme, Cashier
Frank A. Keavln, Ami. Cuhler
DiKEcroas .
Gko. w. Hyatt Mattik A. Holmes
W. R. Holmes