THE NEWS RECORD AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. (Twice-a-Week.) Formerly the Wallow News, estab lished March 3.' 1899. Published Wednesdays and Satur days at Enterprise, Oregon, by THE ENTERPRISE PRESS Office East side Court House Square Entered as second-class matter January 2, 1909, at the postofflce at Enterprise. Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879. . Subscription Rates: One year $2, lx months $1, three mouths 50c, one month 20c. On yearly cash-la-advance subscriptions a discount of 25c is given. 6ATURDAY, MAY 21, 1910. The Little Thing That Tell. A south side mother wus dresHlug for a tea the other aftemooo when the front door bell rung. She instructed the maid that If the visitor appeared to be about to make a.formul call to say she was not at home, ltut the mother bnd not counted ou the five-year-old daughter pluylug lu the front yard. The maid, seeing a woman dressed as if for calling, obeyed Instructions. "She is not ut home." the maid said. "Why. she Is. loo, Minnie.-' came a sharp Interruption from the lilld on the lawn. "I saw her lower the cur tain Just now." "Perhaps she Just came in." the maid responded weakly. "I'll see." The situation was saved by the fact thut the visitor was the mother's sis ter, whom the niuid did not know. Kansas City Star. Sheepherder Is Guilty. VALE The jury In the case of Charles Wear returned a verdict of guilty of murder In the second degree, as charged by the Indictment. Wear Is a sheepherder, and in a fight over grazing ground near Jordan Valley on Sunday, April 3, killed Domingo Al decoa, a Basco sheepherder. Siberian Camels. The bathe camels of Siberia are a source of constant wonder to travel ers. Ou the Mongolian plateaus, for Instance, the thermometer often reg isters a temperature of 40 degrees be low zero, but the camels do not mind it at nil, walking about as blithely as if the weather were as balmy as spring. Ou the other baud, the tem perature ou the Gold desert In summer is sometimes 140 degrees above zero, and the beasts mlud that beat Just as little as they in Ike extreme eeM. An AfUrtheuaht. Nervous asa Uexperieaced Host (ris ing hurriedly ut the conclusion of a songi Ladies aad er-gentlemen, be fore he started to er sing Mr. Baw nall usked me lo apologize for his er voice, but 1-er-l omitted to do so er so I er-apologlse now. London M. A. P. What Kept Her From It. "Have you ever thought of going on the stage?" "Yes, frequently." "What has kept you from doing so?" "The managers, the nuan thlugsl" Chicago Record-Hera Id. Date for Revolution Set. CHANQSHA, China, May 10. The general uneasiness has been greatly increased here by the appearance ut a large number of posters unsigned, demanding the destruction of foreign ers and of native Christians, and set ting May 27 as the date for a general antl-Manchu uprising. I'MITED- . esmple Latest Modd TtnnnK!-" Bukinf monrr last. WrHt lor ICS V III' mA k u moNKX BKOI IKElttmiljr.iri'elvandapprovtuyourliccl Wsstllp, 7 I8 eitlvM lHIALduiinliuh Urn you nuy ride the bicycle am'. mm E" " m"r 7" ,";', " i sr turn not perfectly Mtialicrt or do not wish tc MP tli bicycle sluu It bark to us at rmr exixnse and ton will nw mi ew cnt, FACTC2V PRICES . lun"h1' Wheat grade bicycles it is possible to maV:: a " niwe. at on small prolit aboro actual factory cost. Yon save o lis middlemen's pro I its by bunne direct nl u. mt hiw. n..n..r... ... a lit behind your bicycle. lo M mf trxi until you receive T0I HiLL BE ASTON 77 .77 Tt, 1 r ii WmM A I?l..HM. you "J" rdouWe vKCONDUANULIIiVC ' usiiallv nave a numiher nn VnA 9 klnl V1',,n I" from A3 10 t4r1 ' proiniitly at prices rangins; $(Ti)i8 IIEKETEOnil 1HI VCijf lu'Al.KHH, you can sell our Lkyi-lci uudur your uwa natue ur tolces. Orders tilled tlx chy received. U UANDUIJJVLLKH. W. do not reilarly tandl second Uni Wn SELF-ISEALina TIRES ?oSSS l V J ThnrtamUltr.kfttknUmit .XJ ftr fair, n to tulriHtmet w will tUnumtamfUtairlvrUMitiuhwUkordtrtiM), 1.0 MORI TROD CLE FCOrj PSalSTVEES NAILK, Tsuika or Glaaa will no Int tha air ont. SIxIt thousand naira sold lat war. Uvtr two kutulred tuousaud paiia now lu use. fFatOrWPrfOeyMadclnaltlsa. Ittstirel Bud ai.y tHiini.m vdutnbleand lined lusidewittl a special Quality of rubber, which neyer brcomra pomiissiid whlt'h clasea up smsll punctures without atlom Ins; the air tocar. U' hav Imiidrcda of letters from . i fiedcustoraera staling that tlieir tiro liaveouly bca pumped uponceor twice in whole aeaaou. Tliey wrl ;hnoniorllina auordinary tira, the rmueturc realatlnRualliirsbrin;Rivra by several layers of thlo. specially preircl fabric ua (lie tn id. Vhereiiular price of IHese tires istJl.vo per palr.but fur a J .artisiusr pui uum we are nisklaa a atK-cia.1 1 a.-itvm lew in tiie rider ul ouly fa so per pair. All ordera sliliiped aatu day letter la rrcelTed. We ship C. O. D. on ai;:rovel. ou do aot pay a ceut until you have examined and found Ihrru strict It aa represented. S',,,..Uow '" lun of per cent (thereby ataklaa the prioa sj.o4 per pair) if you aend rtl.1, CASH WITH OHOlCft 'and enclose tin adverusesuetil. Yoa nSa m Hskii SA'iMliny ua aa order aa the tirea may. be returned at tll-K aapensa If for any reaaoa they are po aatiaranory on examination, we kra perfectly reliable and money seat to ua la a safe as In a tauk. If you order a pair of these tirea, you will find that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last longer and took liner lhaa any tire you have ever used or aeea at any price. We know that you will be aa well pleased that wkea you want a bicycle you will elye ua your order. We waut you to aend ua a trial older at once, lieuce this remarkable tire offer. tn f"lT WM ft" but write us postal ww or a pair or Itres Iroirt anyone until you know the new atui wofidcrful odera we are asaklui. 11 ouly cwu a postal to Icaru ererytUiu,;. Willt U NOW. J. L CYCLE C::PMY, CIIIC'.CO, ILL. ;" 2 Game of Golf. lie had come over from l'raace and bad just been asked to give his views on the ancient game of golf. With much gesticulation he did so. "Ah." he said, "your game of golf! Fees, I know him. You put on ze tunic io red as .ze Ingleesh rosblf under neath done. You strap your sack of sticks on ze back of a boy twice so small as ze bag. "lie scrape a mod pudding to make balance a leetle white ball. He make three bad tries to balance him, then very angry you call aloud. 'Feur!' Then you what you call address ze ball, and, ma fol, your address is some times of language to make afraid. "You strike, and ze ball find himself In ze long grass. ' . -- "You cull aloud for ze nib lunger stick and beat ze ground till your part ner say, 'IIo. chuck It'.' You say But, my friend. I excuse myself to repeat what you say. "Ah, my friend, you are a great na tion, but your gnlf game gves me what you call ze pip:" Pearson's Weekly. Willing to Chance It. nere the lecturer threw upon the screen the portrait of a man well known in the flrmix-Ial world, says the Chicago Tribune. "This," he said, "Is one of the great captains of flounce. I do not need lo mention hi name. His face is famil iar to all of you. Look at bis corru gated brow, the furrows In his cheeks, the pouches under his eyes, the deep lines about his mouth. That face, my friends, bears the unmistakable and Ineffaceable stamp of care. Anxiety has marked It Indelibly. It shows the traces of sleepless nights, weary days and bitterly fought campaigns, with millions of dollars nt stake- Success brings such a mnu no happiness. Look at lilin! How many of you, my friends, would change places with him? How many of you would be willing to take his wealth If compelled (o assume the terrible burden of responsibility that goes with It?" Ills hearers rose en masse. "1 would!" they shouted In unison. His Unfortunate Investment. "It's astonishing." the old settler In the little town was saying, "bow real estate has advanced In this town since I come here. The corner lot this build ing Is on, for instance, sold once for $4:0." "What is it worth now?" asked the stranger. "Five tuonsnnd." "Well, you bad a chance to get rich by Investing in land yourself. I sup pose you bought some real estate?" "Yes; I bought one lot Just one." "That has Increased In value, hasn't it?" "Yes; over COO per cent." "That was n gocd Investment." "Xot so awfully good, mister." said the e!4 settlor gloomily.' "1 paid $10 for It, saa It's worth $75 now. but it's la the cemetery. The way I figure it I've lost a heap of money by not dying forty years ago." Youth's Companion. Punishment In Pariia. Among the Persians the usual mode of punishment is the bastinado, from which men of the highest rank are not exempt. It Is Inflicted with very great seerlty, frequently so as to render the sufferer almost a cripple for life. The victim is thrown upon his face, and each foot Is passed through a loop of strong cord attached to a pole, which Is raised horizontally by men, who, twisting It round, tighten the ropes nnd render the feet Immovable. Two executioners then strike the sole alter nately with switches of the pomegra nate, tree well steeped In water to ren der them supple. A store of these switches Is generally ready for use lu the. pond which tuljolus the courtyards of the bouses of the great. The pun ishment frequently lasts for au hour or UHtll the uufoituuale victim faints from palu. MIAMI TOWI and district to rid and exhibits bicycle furnished hT us. Our agents everywhere int full ,rt,cM.,r$ m.l stocml tTn- ti tnem. AUT IIUV s bicycis or a p.iirpl tires horn aw our cauUvuea and learn our unheard ot tutor; SKED ua "!C'tlvf ot hmutlfiil cataiotme ant) ? i"! n? trade lacyclee tor less monry iie. vtiin ei.oo p.opt suave lactorv coat, can Sell our bKYlkS Under vour bun Mania ulit .! Wcvcles. be? lf'le by our Chicjo rc.ail stores, liie ar at in. I)e...ri..i. i.... cue we clear out led Ire. PaHCTOaE - PBOOF $l B "A" and puuoture strips "it" and -IK" alau rim strip H" to prevent rim euttlns;. Thlo tiro will autlisat any other kiaka-eitrr, cXAaXlO aaMl today. IH NOT TstlN k tr RTJTINO a bk-rrto R fflDER flGEfJT III Kotleo the thick rabkew tread Land Note NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISO LATED TRACT. PUBLIC LAND SALE. . Department 'of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or egon, April 15th, 1910. Notice la hereby given that, aa directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provis ions of Act of Congress approved June 27, 1906 (34 Stats, 617), we wUt offer at public sale, to the high est bidder, at 10 o'clock A. M, on the 7th day of July, 1910, at this of fice, the following-described land: Th & NW Sec. 24. T. 1 N., R. 44 E. W. M., Serla' No. 07061,. Any persona claiming adversely the above-described iland ere advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. F. C. Bramwell, Register. Colon R. Eberhard, Receiver. ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. United States Land Office. La Grande, Oregon, April 9, 1910. Notice Is hereby given, That the State of Oregon, haa this day filed in this office its application to se lect under the provtelons of the act of Congress of August 14, 1848. and the Acts supplementary and amend atory thereto, the S. E. S. W. Sec. 21, S. W. S. W. Sec. 21, S. E. S. E. Sec. 20, N. E. N. E. N. E. S. E. S. E. N. E. . and S. E. S. E. Sec. 29, Tp, 1 S. R. 46 E. Serial No. 07870. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the lands described or de siring to object to the mineral char acter of the land, or for any other reason, to the disposal to the appli cant should file their affidavits or protest lu this office at any time' prior to the approval or certifica tion of said selection by the Hon orable Commissioner of the General Land Office. 33c6 F. C. Bramwell, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISO LATED TRACT. PUBLIC LAND SALE. V Department of the Interior. - ' U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or egon, May 7th, 1910. ' Notice is herby given that, - as directed' by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provis ions of Act of Congress approved June 27, 1906 (34 Stats., 617), we .will offer at public sale, to the high est bidder, at 10 o'clock a. ro., on the 7th day of July, 1910, at. this office, the following-described land: The Sft NW54 Sec. 10, T. 1 S., R. 44 E.W. M., Serial No. 06791. " " Any persons c'almlng adversely the above-described' land are advised to fWo their claims, or objections, ' on or before the time designated for sale. 38c5 F. C. Bramwell, Register. Colon R. Eberhard,. Receiver. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISO LATED TRACT. PUBLIO LAND ALE. " Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or egon, May 7th, 1910. Notice Is hereby given that,' as directed by the Coramisa.ioner of the General Load Office, under provis ions of Act of Congress approved June 27, 1906 (34 State, 517), we wiill offer at public sale, to the high est bidder, at 10 o'clock a. ni, on the 7th day of July, 1910, at this office, the followlng-described land: The S0i,4, SW Sec. 9, & NW14, Sec. 21, T. 1 S, R. 44 E. W. .VI, Serial No. 06790. : Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to file 'their clalma, or objections, on or before the time designated tor sale. 3Sc5 F. C. Bramwell, Register. Colon R. Eberhard, ReceLver. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISO LATED TRACT. PUBLIO LAND SALE. Department ot the Interior. U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or egon May 16th, 1910. No'ulce Is hereby ' given that, as directed by the Commissioner ot the General Land Office, under provis ions of Act of Congress, approved June 27, 1906 (34 State, 617), we will offer at public sale to the high est bidder, at 10 o'clock A. M, on the 8 day ot July, 1910, at this of fice, the following-described land: The NWH and the NE SW 14 Section 29, T. 1 S, R. 44 E. W. M, Serial No. 067G6. Any persona claiming adversely the above described land are ad vised to file their claims, or objec tions, ou or before the time desig nated for sale, 39c5 F. C. Bramwell, Register. Colon R. Eberhard, Receiver. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISO LATED TRACT. PUBLIO LAND SALE. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Or egon, May 13 th, 1910. , Notice Is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provis ions of Act of Congress approved June 27, 1906 (34 Stats, 617), we will offer at public sale to the high est bidder, e 10 o'clock A. M, on the 8 th day of July, 1910, at thlsl of fice, the following-described land : The SW SEVi Sec. 28, and the Ste NW Sec 34, T. 1 S, R. 45 E. W. M. Serial No. 06498. Any persons claiming adversely '.he above-described . land are ad vised to file their claims, or objec tions, on or before .the time deslg ti ted for sale. 39c5 F. C. Bramwell, Register. Colon R. Eberhard, Receiver. .VOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ISO LATED TRACT. PUBLIC LAND SALE. Department of the Interior. J. S. Land Office at Xa Grande, Or egon, May 14th, 1910. Notice is hereby given that, as liirected by the Commissioner of the .Jeneral Land Office, under provls .ons of Act of Congress approved June 27, 1906 (34 Stats, 517), we rv'li offer at public sale to the hkgh sr bidder, at 10 o'clock A. M, on he 12th day of July, 1910, at this of ilce, the following-described land: The SB NW14, BV6 SW & 3V 9E Sec. 28, T. 1 N, R. 45 S. W. M, Serial. No. 07301. Any persons claiming . adversely he above-described land are ad .ised to file their claims, or objec tions, on or before the time deelg iated for sale. . 39c5 F. C. Bramwell, Register. Colon R. Eberhard, Receiver. Led Advertis SALE OF REAL PROPERTY, In the matter of James, L. Beem,, Thomas L. Beem, Jonathan Beem, and Bertha E. Beem, minors. Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance to an order of the coun ty court of Union county, Oregon, made and. entered on the 9th day of April, A. D. 1910, I will, on and af ter the First day of June, A. D. 1910, sell at private sale for cash to the' highest bidder, the following de scribed real property" belonging to the estate of - James L. Beem, Thomas L. Beem, Jonathan Beem, and Bertha E. Beem, Minors, sub ject to the unasslgned dower right of Mary E. Beem, widow of Grant Beem, deceased, to-;wlt: . The North! Half of Southeast Quar- ftef and the South Half 'of Northeast Quarter of Section 3 In Township 1 South of Range 44 ,E. W. M, In Wallowa county, Oregon, known aa the Grant Beem Homestead. Bids for the above described real property will be received onand af ter the First day of June, 1910, by the undersigned at her home near Elgin, Oregon. . Dated this 27th day of April, 1910. . MARY E. BEEM, Guardian, 105s5 Elgin, Oregon. NOTICE IN PROBATE. In ' the matter of the . estate of Phebe Jane Bunnell, deceased. -Notice Is hereby given, that on the 2nd day of May, A. D, 1910, the un leralgned was duly appointed admin istratrix of the estate of Phebe Jane Bunnell, deceased, late of Wallowa County, Oregon. And that all per sons having claims against said es tate are required to present the same o the undrstgined administratrix, at her residence in Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon, duly verified, with in six months after the first publi cation of this notice, and upon- fall ire so to do, said claims will be lg iored and forever barred. Dated, May 2nd, 1910. - MAGGIE H. BLOOM, Administratrix. CHARLES THOMAS, Attorney for ' Administratrix. 37c6 What, Everybody Wants. Everybody deal res good - health which Is impossible unless the kid neys are sound and healthy. Fo ley's Kidney Remedy should be taken at the first indication of any irregularity, and & eerloua Illness may be averted. Foley's Kidney Remedy will restore your kidneys ind bladder to their normal state ind activity. Buruaugh & May field. ENTERPRISE OPERA HOUSE Watch for Next Announcement fcstfe. d.D. WALOK Real Estate Dealer NOTARY PUBLIO Mitchell Hotel Block -JOSEPH, OREGON MAIL AND PASSENGER STAGE LINE Wallowa. Appleton, Flora lo Paradise, MONDAYS WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS; and From Paradise, Flora and Appleton to Wallowa, TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS Good accommodation!), courteous treatment and reasonable rates. Leaves Wallowa at 6 a. m. : . E. W. SOUTHWICK, Proprietor. FOR YOURSELF! C Hundreds of people in this town are about ready to purchase a talking machine. - . C. Buy in the daylight 1 Make compar isons! Remember that there are "talk ing machines" and "phonographs," but only one Graphophone the GPLAPHOPHONE C Be sure to get in touch with lis before you buy. Complete Graphophone out fits &om '$20 up. Come in and listen. ' . : - ' - "- Most people prefer to bwr "on time M-and that suits us; Terms are Easy! We Do High-Class Job Printing T ry Us We guarantee satisfaction A Splendid Overall for every use. Cut generous ly full. Two hip pockets. Felled seams. Continuous fly. Salttafat. MURPKY, GRANr & CO. Manufacturers Sufmdia , . OCfmla BURNAUGH & MAYFIELD, Agents, , , ' JCNTEKPRISB, OREGON. :