TiviceaWeek Saturday Edition 'RECORD ALL THE OFFICIAL NEWS OF WALLOWA COUNTY IN THE N-R ALL THE NEWS WHILE 11 IS NEWS TWICE-A-WEEK NEW8 RECORD ELEVENTH YEAR, NO. 111. ENTERPRISE. WALLOWA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1910. E NEWS WHY NOT PENNANT FOR THE LEAGUE FOUR CITIES OF LA GRANDE, ELGIN, ENTERPRISE! AND JO SEPH COULD RAISE IT. What U uppermost now In the mirvde of baseball fans la the question, "why not it pennant for the Four-Team League T" And why not? The four cltlej represented ta the league could by popular subscription ' get a pennant, or get money enough for one, In two hours and then some If necessary. La Grande, El gin, Enterprise and Joseph could se cure a flag that would delight the heart of every city patriot If bis team won It, and a. flag that would be worth the effort and worth pre serving. It would lend all the more enthusiasm, to the playing of the national game In the two counties here. It would give a regard, ' a legitimate reward and greatly elim inate any of the petty "side bet ting" that is sometlmesi made over a clean, national sport. And it would advance the spirit of every player In the ' league. This mat ter Is a small one, so far aa expense be concerned, and the whole cost would be divided between the sub scription of four cities, so that a very little from each Individual res ident of those cities would be ample to defray tihe expense. Why not do It now? TEACHERS' IN8TITUTE) . 'AT FLORA, MAY 28TH The program for the teachers in stitute to be held at Flora, May 28, la a follows: Music. . Song. Citizenship J. W. Kerne Literature A. H. Holmes History M. H. Tucker O.wn subject George Paddock Language In the Lower Grade Prudence Eddieman Noon. . .. . Music. . . - Song... , .. . The School and the Community, - ........ A. H. Yoder The Teacher Outside ....G. W. Hall Owni subject Nettie Brock Music. Arithmetic , .A. G. Smith Importance of the Study of Bl- , ography . . . Supt. Conley Music. OS-TEOP-A-THY ' Contraction, of the chest capacity tlirrugh drooping of the rib from normal position la one of the chief causes of lung and' heart troubles. It creates crowding, and every or gan must have its allotted room if U Is to perform Us functions prop erly and be able to reslat disease breeding lnfhinces. rmmiiniinnniniiniuiinininnuniiinni TO AlU UtrtfrTKIt .Iltl7c "TH PURCHASES W Vfj roa sAii by cm n We Hare the Exclusive Agency in Enterprise W. J. JTUNK a CO. Chronic constipation, and chronic diarrhoea are alike amendable to osteopathic treatment.' "Treatment regulates the apparatus and (through, this, means supply, demand, func tional activity, and vital process all become 'obedient untp the pre viously existing laws (whilch govern them laws which man did not or dain, nor can he alter." Osteopathic Herald. ' " The : W. ,C. T. U. will hold its regular meetings during the summer every two weeks at the Methodist jhurch. The next meeting will oc 3ur Friday afternoon, June 3. r Lostine Wins Over Joseph in Debate This Givs the, Former the Charn- r plnahip of Wallowa County. Lostine won the championship of Wallo,wa county. In the last high 3chool debate at Joseph, last Tues day night. Winning this- meet from Joseph places' Lostine High ahead to receive the applause of every" other high school in the ' county, though the latter met defeat. It was an ably conducted debate throughout, the argument presented by the sister city Lostine being de termined' stronger than that of her competitors, and the little city's high school team being the victors easily. - Jhe Debaters. . The. victors who won for Lostine the honors accorded were as fol lows: Miss Grace McCubbin, Mr. Frances Wier and Mr. Fred Reed. The Joseph trio of debaters was as follows: Miss Ora Cole, Mr. Merrttt Cole and Miss Louise Doug las. - , The1 question debated Tuesday night was, "Resolved, That United States . senators should be elected, by . tie popular ,vote." s. Lostine . had the affirmative. The Judges. ' Although Superintendent of Schools Conley demurred and , would have' preferred not serving as a judge of the concluding debate, the school teachers represented Insisted that he do eo, and he agreeably consent ed. The other two judges were, Mr. Bailey of Elgin and E. E. Bragg, J superintendent of the Union, coun ty schools. Victors are' Happy. Lostine was strongly represented in theattendance at Joseph, and both debaters and enthusiasts, on passing through Enterprise Wednes day morning took occasion to demon strate that the "Lo3tine High" was very much alive. The happy, laugh ing young ladles amd gentlemen; left the train here for a few minutes' to give their class cries and to do some timely boosting for Lostine schools and1 for Lostine as a city. They were applauded by the hearers, and again boarded the traini home bound, delighted with the entire Tip. Mrs. Housewife: S We do not have s to enlarge on the merits of Chase & Sanborn's Teas and Coffees for you know all 2 ;imsiiwnTfrl $75 TO THE SILVER AND COPPER Comet Property Shows Good Prospect of a Producer. ENTERPRISE-JOSEPH MINERAL DISTRICT Doubtless Will Prove one of Great Value to the County With Suffi ' cient WorK. It id usual for a so-called "min ing camp paper'.' torelate with bold, black headlines and continuously big ' putfs" about the mineral of its locality. Such a paper, anywhere, of the very nature of Its subject mat ter, can tell the truth, the whole truth, and then some. Sometimes It tells the truth and then some, be cuue one authority Is as good as another, when It comes ' to seeing jM feet through' rock Into the ground. Such a paper can make the statement plausible that a given ledge runs and expands as It runs, 1000 feet down; and It can not be proven, wrong. . This paper is not a mining camp taper, to begin with. It would not consciously misrepresent a solitary Jetall of Its county's mineral possi bilities, if it were. When therefore, 'it seeks to give, as la this article, an account of the mineral lying in th nearby hills, it seeks to give noth- in Due wnax is Known, to oe ooaerv,- a, uuie, concrete mineral fact. It does not seek to mislead a single eastern aw, home -Investor, nor to predict more for the mineral future than .he present mlneial facts justify. . tig In Developing. . All mineral properties experience a long dev loping period. All mineral belts or localities have to go through a generation! of prospecting, before the development is sufficient to war rant the Investment of big capital. But all real mineral belts are devel oped, sooner or later, simply because an capital must have avenues for In vestment, and because the world must Jiave mineral., That is plain. L Taking the Calumet and Hecla mine, of Calumet, Mich., as an ex ample, the prospector of that copper dihlrict prospected and developed prospects for years, before capital co ld be Interestel. Capital laugh at the , prospej ir for -about rem ration. Capital tc :u the pros pi.'.jr tha the !uter had no min eral iherolul the prospector nursed big conviction deep in his troubled soul, and worked away. The deep er into the ground he went the more ev.'tlence he found) with which to con vince . capital. Until flnallv. after li1 weary years had dragged, out w r Ihtir length, and the weary prospec tor. naa dragged out the greater part cf his iife, capital, was "shon." Trday the Calumet mine Is about a mile into the ground, with about four or five miles of underground workings. Native copper Is found fn such boulders that It can not be b!asted,' but is. cut out. And no ono today denies that there Is copper In that district. Wallowa Hat Min-al. ; Wallowa county, and especially the Joseph and Enterprise district, has mineral. We kno.w that it has good, mineral, and anybody can know H, simply because good mineral is taken out of the ground, and may be eeu. One group, the Comet" hold ings has some of the finest sam ples of gold, silver and copper ore to be found la eastern Oregon. The contact lies between granite and, lime. The samples assayed at practically the surface, give $70 in gold to the ton, S3 in silver and! $2 in copper. The silver occurs In many Places la the ore In "ruby" and pre ents a beautiful picture. The full values! in, copper have not been, de termined, In that the deeper tha con tact runs the better the copper ap pears to grow. Ledga Nine Ff?t, The ledge in the "Comet" runs nine feed wide with an ore shoot of 44 4nches. At the very surface, Defore more than a "face" of the ledge was exposed, the gold values ran o?65 to the ton. The mineral- TON GOLD ized zone of rock, so far as surface indications show, .runs or appears to run the practical length of the hill, giving volume to what doubtless will prove a producer with develop ment. " . All. that the mineral in the Enter prise and Joseph district needs i more prospecting. It matters noth ing at all that more or less surface scratching has beem carried on for 20 years or more. The district needs that development work which practi cally all mineral belta have""passed through before a single producer was. found. With such development work done here; with prospectors scouring the hills, sticking to one ledge, boring forever down, upon it and, following it into the ground with a lew years of this sort of work capital will get Interested if anything Is found sufficient to in terest It. Millions - of money are waiting for good investments, min eral and otherwise. What is up to the prospector of Wallowa county is, to "show" capital, that we have the mineral. - That the mineral is here this pa per entertains no doubt at all. But that the procspectors will de velop It by hard sacrifice, continu ous labor, and firm conviction that time will call forth a producer here this Is up to WaMowa county to perform. Official Proceedings Of the County Court (Continued from Last Week.) 8econd Judicial Day. Court met pursuant to adjourn ment, when were present as on yes terday, la the . matter of allowing miscel laneous bills against the county: Now at this time the matter of allowing the miscellaneous bills . against the county came on for .consideration and the said' bills having been submitted to the court and the court having passed upon and audited each of said bills sep arately as appears frdm the sig natures of the court thereon: It Is therefore considered and or dered by the court that the said bills be allowed and warrants is sued by the county clerk In pay ment of the same as allowed In classes and amounts, as follows: - High 8chool Fund, ro whom issued. For what. Am't. D. L. McAdams, janitor , work $ 25 00 H. K. Shirk, salary principal. 125 00 Gene W. Hall, salary assistant principal 100 00 Mrs. - A. E. Ivanhoe. salarv teacher 90 00 Miss May Bothwell, salary teacher , 90 00 0. S. Hulse. work on school grounds .... 60 00 H K. Shirk, salary principal. 125 00 Oene W. Hall, salary assistant principal 100 00 Mrs. A. E. Ivanhoe. salary teacher 90 00 Miss , May Bothwell. salary teacher 90 00 D. L. McAdams, janitor work 25 00 William Pearson, work on school grounds ..i 64 00 O. S. Hulse. work on school grounds 36 15 3. D. Keltner. hardware bill 6 20 W. J. Punk ft Co., mdse .... 1 50 Nate Ardrey, tuning high school piano .... 5 0j Nate Ardrey, tuning high school piano 6 00 S. K. Clark, repairs at high school 900 H. K. Shirk,"school supplies.. 9 30 Shaw & Borden Co, pencil sharpners. .. 6 00 H. K. Shirk, salary principal. m 00, Gene W. Hall, salary assistant principal 100 00 Mrs. A. E. Ivanhoe. salarv teacher ; .... 90 00. Miss May Bothwell. salary teacher 90 00 D. L. McAdams, lan tor work 25 00 H. K. Shirk, school supplies. . 3 70 Road Fund, B. Williamson, road fund t 38 75 Thos. McCarty, road fund.. 98 75 John Huber, road fund 27 84 William Pearson, road fund.. 78 00 O. S. Hulse, road fund . Sturm Osborn. road fund) 78 00 78 92 15 00 12 00 H. E. Merryman, surveyor JoneV Trump, viewer 16 00 Harvey Purdy, chainman T. K. Edgmand, marker . . H. E. Merryman,. surveyor H. C. Cramer, viewer .... Joner Trump, viewer .... R. B. Bowman, road work S. W. Lilly, chainmaa .... A. W. Lilly,' chainman .... 2 00 2 00 40 00 32 00 44 00 2 00 12 00 12 00 Tom Magness, marker .... 12 00 lohn Graham, a.err an .... 12 00 John, McKenzle, axeman .... John Williamson, salary road supervisor .... Wm. Ne,wby, roid fund H. E. Merryman, surveyor .. H. C. Cramer, viewer 12 00 35 00 67 50 10 00 8 00 12 00 4 00 4 00 Joner Trump, viewer C. E. Kenworthy, chainman-.. V. Q. Ownbey, chainman, .. .(Coatluuei on page .three.) Sheriff Marvin Is Seriously Injured Breaking of Singletree Bolt Frlghtr . ens Horses Into Run away. Sheriff Marvin was seriously bruised im a runaway Wednesday on his way to the Imnaha district, near the ranch of Mr. Makin. He !s now confined to his bed, but marj velously escaped any brokem bones ind internal injuries. The sheriff went out to serve pa pers, and took hi son. Roland' with him. The latter Is 15 years of age. wneni a short distance out. a bolt holding one of the singletrees broke, eiiing the singletree dowm upon the hels of one of the horses. This I'righteued the animal which luneed forward instantly, drawing the neck- yoke ayay from the tongue of the vehicl.e The tongue ran- into the ground. The plucky sheriff held to the lines, but was jerked over the dashboard, never touching It, and hurled forward ?o the ground, strik ing on his head, shoulders and neck. He was knocked insensible bv the Impact of his fall. His son Roland was not injured in the least, and sprang from the wagon when the sheriff struck and the horses got a,way. He rolled his father upon a blanket and ran for assistance. Some (Continued on page 3.) WHITE FRONT Uivery, Feed and Sale Stable R. L,. DAV. Proprietor Good Rigs Fair Treatment Horses Bought and Sold Special Attention to Commercial Trade Rates for Regular Boarders Bus to and From Trains Best of Help Employed Home Phone Open Day and Night One Block North of Hotel Enterprise 293 acres Alder Slope, $23,000.00 80 acres Alder Slope, 8,000.00 160 acres hill land, about six miles out, $2,000.00 320 acres, 12 miles out, $3,200.00 City Lots, $100 to $300 Residence Property, $650 to $3,000 Fire Insurance Surety Bond Live Stock Insurance W. E. TAGGART. The Pioneer Real Estate Baa. ENTERPRISE, : : 7: OREGON ECanfit, Banking Insurtt th Saftty of Deposits," Depositors Have That Guarantee at WALLOWA NATIONAL BANK OF ENTERPRISE, OREGON CAPITAL 150,000 8URPLU8 1.50.000 We Do a General Banking Business. f Exchange Bought and Sold on All Principal Cities. Geo. W. Hyalt, President . Geo. 8. Craig, Vice President Geo ,8.Cbaio J. H. Dobbin A E DEAL HERE DONNELLY SHOWING BUYERS FROM COEUR O'ALENE SIL VER PROPERTY Alec. Donnolly, holding one of the beat silver properties lr all the west, will probably make a transfer of a considerable share of the holdings this week. Messrs. Maybray, Hosier and Eves from the Coeur D'Alene district are on the ground, and Don nelly has called off all stock .sales. This looks good to Enterprise. It appears to mean, that the deal Is practically sebtled, and that experi enced men of sufficient capital will take hold pf what is undoubtedly one of the beat silver properties in all the west. According to report, the lelgo will run nearly 100 feet wide with an ore shoot varying from two to nine feet. This ore ehoot, again according to report, carries silver to the extent of 1200 ounces to the ton, making a value of $C0O to the ton, figuring Jllver at 60 cents. This deal merely shows what will eventually be done In the Enter- prlse-Jo3eph-LostIne mineral district. While It takes time to develop m eral, having the mineral Is the pri mary essential, and Enterprise has the mineral. The W. C. T. U. a't this place held Its first union quarterly temperance meeting at the Presbyterian church Sunday evening, at which time an Interesting program was rendered. 1 consislng of temperance songs, reci tations and addresses. It Is the In tention on the part of the W C. T. U. to hold these quarterly union meetings regularly and also .to take up regular depprtmental work in the , society, such as .Mothers Meetings, iwedal Contest work. , and Sunday ., School Temperance work the latter to affiliate with the different Sun- day schools of the town ' in their study and teaching of the temper ance lessons. Dr. F. B. Moore, osteopath, has office hours all day Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday In, Enterprise. Of fice over the bank. 83btf m t V. R. Holmes, Cashier Frank A. Ruavls, AmL Cashier 1 IKE IN DIRECTORS Geo. W. Hvatt Mattib A. Holmbs W. R. Holm us H. c. Cramer viewer t