The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, May 14, 1910, Saturday Edition, Image 3

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    City and County
Brief News Items
Doom and 'windows and all kinds
of builders bard ware at Keltner's.
William Miller, brother of Ar C.
Miller of this city, returned to his
home in LaGrande Tuesday.
Mr. and' Mrs.' , JSllory Rose and
l'ttte child left Tuesday for Los tine
where they will visit for some time.
Dr. F. B. Moore, osteopath,' has
office hour all day Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday in Enterprise. ' Of
fice over the bank. 83btf
Mrs, OMlver returned to her borne
In. LaGrande Tuesday morning, af
ter a happy visit with friends here.
A touch, of rheumatism, or a twinge
neuralgia, whatever the trouble
Is. Chamberlain's LinlmenU drives
away the pain at once and cures the
complaint quickly , First application
gives relief. Sold by all druggists
Mrs. James Moss who has been
visiting w-iith the family of Sheriff
Marvin for several days, returned
to her home im Allcel Tuesday.
Miss Susie Warnick of Portland
arrived here Monday to look over
the relinquishment of Mrs. Jane
Fogarty near Enterprise. Miss War
nick is thinking some of. buying the
Never hesitate aboutt giving Cham
ber lata's Cough Remedy to children.
It contains no opium or other nar
cotics and can be given with Implic
it confidence. As a quick cure for
coughs and colds o which children
are susceptible it is unourpassed,
Sold by all druggists.
Mrs. J. R. Halley and two children
arrived from LaGrande Monday af
ternoon. Mr. Halley met them at
the train and the family went 1m
mediately to the Halley ranch, some
four miles down the river.
Word received by S. K. Clark of
thLs city states that Mrs. Clark who
Is la Arizona for her health. ls Im
proving, . and expects to return to
Enterprise about the first of June.
. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv
er Tablet will clear the sour atom
" ,
ach, sweeten the breath and create
a healthy appetKe. They promote
the flow of gastric Juice, thereby In
ducing good digeatlon Sold by all
druggists. j-V
Those, who attended in a body
from this place the game between
Wallowa and Joseph fwere Fred Sav
age, Charles Bllyeu, ; Charle Crum
packer, Walter Sheets and Edgar
Marvin. ' V .,
The splendid work ;of Chamber
lain's Stomach end Liver Tablets
is dally coming to light. No such
grand remedy for liver and bowel
troubles was ever known before.
Thousands bless them for curing con
stipation, sick headache, biliousness,
Jaundice, and indigestion, ( Sold by
ell druggists.
John D. Rockefeller would go
broke if he should spend his entire
income trying to " prepare a better
medicine than Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera, and' Diarrhoea Remedy for
diarrhoea, dysentery or bowel com-'
plaints. It Is . so simply impossible,
and so saya every one that has used
it. Sold by all druggists.
If You Prefer the Best Brands of
Cigars or SmoKing Tobacco
you can always pet what you
want here. Fine line of
The same is true of all our
, Stock. Come in and see.
Next Door to Bank
Enterprise, Oregon
Hack Calls to
any part of the city
answered day or night.
BAKER BROTHERS, Proprietors.
First Class Rigs :
and careful drivers.
C. S. Haney and W. F. Rankin left
or Lostine Tuesday morning. They
went to unload an. engine for the
sawmill there in which both are In-
eres-ted. The engine is a new" one
Mid will be Installed in-the mill at
that point.
A deep, concrete, air bight, sani
tary cess pool is being constructed-
in the rear of the bank building, in.
which drainage going into it will be
consumed: by acids without contamin
ating the surioundlng air. Such
cess pools perhaps offer the most,
economic and most efficient method
of disposing of drainage.
In sentencing Henry Wright to
serve a term of 30 days in the. coun
ty Jail, Dave Lane 20 days' in the
same ba-sttle, and George Wright to
30 days in Jail and a fme of $250,
all for "bootlegging," Judge Knowles
recommended! that the prisoners be
put to work for the county, clean
ing up the rubbish around' the new
court house grounds. The Judge
called attention to the law permit
ting the county court to work pris
oners in its custody. The recommen
dation of Judge Knowles is comment
ed upon and applauded by all who
have heard of it. It gives the county
recourse to turn an otherwise dead
Io3s into something llko remunera
tion. '
If any one In Wallowa county ep-
pears to be strictly against what I ance as the biggest crowd ever en
Mr. Roosevelt has called race suicide, tertalnedi in. Enterprise. All hotels
It lsi Dr. Hockett of this city. Sun- I
day morning,' as previously announc-
ed, he attended a birth betweeni here
and Lostine. On Monday he was out
again, -bright and early, and came
back with a smUe as 'large asi a slice
of pumpkin, and as bright as a July I
sun, . announcing the birth of twins
to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Runstatler
over on the slope. The twins are 1
, boys and the little chaps and the I
good, mother are doing nicely, Speak
tag of the Increase in the popula
tion of Wallowa, this -la helping
On account of making repairs
there may be no lights Monday
night.- Please ; make preparations
Mrs. " -Iy&nhoe left Wednesday
morning to take a well earned va
cation- and rest. Her worth as a
woman and teacher to the Wallowa
county High School cannot be meas
ured by words. 'She has the grat
itude and friendship of her pupils
all wishing her a happy restful sum
mer, and a sao- return to us for
the coming school year.
Q. H. Vest, living near the O. R.
&'N. station in this city, is repairing
his residence property into the bung
alow type of home, and adding other
improvements to the place. It is
his intention- also to build a new
residence property on the corner lot
vacated- by hie present home prop
erty, and perhaps to build Still fur
ther residence properties on his lots
adjoining. The demand for cottages
by incoming people la greatly in ex
cess of the present supply.
We are all interested in our town
enough to want to make it a beau
tiful as well as a good town, and
In order to make - the new-comer
see it our way, we will have to back
our confidence with good ' solid im
provements. Cement walks when
properly built are not a luxury or
extravagence, but are a necessity
and an economy. The blocks or
flags should be laid separately 'so
that if they Ireave from winter
frosts they will open at the Joints
and will settle back in place in- the
springtime without cracking across.
VVe have built miles of good walks
an-l would like to "show" you.
Both Phones
Home Independent 40
Pacific States 45.
Our bus meets all
trains. Fare 25c.
within city limits
25 Points Ahead
Neare.t Competi
tor, Joseph.
All Present Had an Excel
lent Time and Enjoyed
: the Day Beyond
That Wallowa County High. School
boys were well trained- by their in
structors in athletics went into evi
dence when that school cleaned up
the board- in the track meet held
in Enterprise last Saturday. Wal
lowa. County High won out 25 points
in the lead over Joseph, the nearest
and hardst competitor in- general
Big Crowd Here.
As was stated last Wednesday,
the track meet drew the people. Ac
cording to"" the popular estimate
there were more people attending
the meet than attended the horse
show here, some weeks previous.
One gentlemen estimates the attend-
were full, and Host Blanchardl of the
Hotel Enterprise was compelled to
hunt over the city for room to ac-
commodate the demand,
Every contestant did good ' work,
from the start. This lent the great-
est enhuslaam to the people pres-
ent, each locality patriotically cheer-
lag Its own, contestants in the vari-
ous feats, and the whole afternoon
was spent in a continuous round of
patriotic, legitimate revel.
The final scores, for which med
als were awarded at the graduation
exercises, Tuesday night, were as
100 Yard Dash
1st. Fred Reld, Lostine.
2nd. Casey French, W. C. H. S.
3rd. Howard Sbutt, Joseph.
Pole Vault-
let. Dick McAdairs, W. C. H. S. '
2nd. Fred Reld, Lostine.
3rd. John Womack Wallowa. '
Mile Run. .
1st. Casey French, W. C. H. 8.
2nd. Bird Ault, W. C. H. S. .
3rd. Vera Bodmer, Joseph.
Discus Throw
1st.. Howard Shutt, Joseph. ;
2nd. Merrltt Cole, Joseph.
3rd. Casey French, W. C. H. S.
220 Yard Dash
1st. Fred Reld, Lostine.
2nd. Howard Shutt, Joseph.
3rd. Lloyd Cramer, W. C. H. S.
Highi Jump
1st. Lloyd Cramer; W. C. H. S.
2nd. Casey French', W. C. H. S.
3rd. Merrltt Cole, Joseph.
Half Mile Runt
1st. Casey French, W. C. H. S.
2nd, Byrd Ault, W. C. H. S.
3rd. Allen Bright, Lostine.
Shot Put
1st.. Chet Riley, W. C. H. S.
2nd. Fred Reld, Lostine.
3rd. Claude Emmons, W. C. H.
140 Yard Dash
1st. Fred Redd, Lostine.
2nd. Byrd Ault, W. C. H. 6.
3rd. Lloyd Cramer, f. C. H. S
Hammer Throw
let. Irl Olmsted, W. C. H. S.
2nd. Olaude Emmons, W. C. H. S.
3rd. Fred Reld, Lostine.
Hurdle Race
1st. Merrltt Cole, Joseph.
2nd. Howard Shutt, Joseph.
3rd. Irving Dill. W. C. H. 8.
Broad Jump
1st. Howard Shutt, Joseph.
2nd. Stewart Tulley, Wallowa.
3rd. Casey French, W. C. H. S.
W. C. H. 8. 4
Joseph 21
Lostine 18
Wallowa ; . . . 03
By this summary It will be seen
that the Wallowa County High
School easily carried off the first
place, the nearest competitor being
Joseph with 21 points.
l Official Proceedings
Of the County Court
In the County Court of the State
of Oregon for th County of Wal
First Judicial Day.
Wednesday, May 4, 1010.
Be It remembered, That at regu
lar term of the county court of the
state' of Oregon, for the County of
Wallowa, begun and held at the
court house in the cHy of Enter-
prise in said county and state, on
Wednesday, the 4th day of May, A.
D. 1910, "the same being the first
Wednesday in said month and the
ular term of said court, when were
I present:
Hon. J. B. Olmsted, county Judge;
Sam Lltch and W. G. Locke, coun
ty commissioners; W. C. Boatman,
clerk; Edgar Marvin, sheriff.
The following proceedings' were
had to-wlt:
In the matter of the proposed road
petitioned for by T. K. Edgmand,
et al: .
Viewers' report read first time
and continued for second reading.
In -the matter of the proposed road
petitioned for by O. F. Mays, et al:.
Viewers' report read first time
end continued for second reading.
In he matter of the proposed road
petitioned for by Walter Boner, et
Viewers' report -read first time
and continued for second reading.
In the matter of appropriating money
for the Jone.r, Trump road:
Now at this time the court consid
er the matter of appropriating
money for Joner Trump road, and
after fully considering the matter
It is hereby considered ani order
ed that $200.00 be and the same
is hereby appropriated, and the
clerk is ordered to draw warrant
in favor of Joner Trump for the
In the matter of the resignation of
W- J, Hammack, supervisor of Road
District No. 3:
Now at this time, W. J. Hammack
presents the count ,wlth his resig
nation as' supervisor of Road Dis
trict No, 3, and after the court
fully considered the same,
It is hereby considered and or
dered that his resignation be, and
the same Is hereby accepted.
In 'he matter of the proposed, road
petitioned for by John Anthony, et
Now at this time the matter came
on to be heard, and after being
fully considered by the court,
It is hereby considered and or
dered, that the same be continued.
In the matter of employing a Jani
tor for the court house:
Now at this time this matter came
on to be heard, and after the court
being fully advised in the matter,
It is hereby conlsdered and order
ed that Charles Glvannonl be em
ployed at the pleasure of the 'court
at a salary of $60.00 per month.
and be paid the same as the coun
ty . officials.
In the matter of appointing a con
y physician and health officer for
the ensuing year: .
i X- i . I 1 nr 1 nn
nuw tit iuu .iiujo luq iuuii tw-
elders the matter of appointing a
I county i.libiclan and secretary of
board of health, beginning with
1, 1911, and after being fully ad
vised in the matter,
I It is hereby considered and or-
i dered that Dr. E. T. Anderson be
appointed county physician and
secretary board of health at at sal
ary of $26.50 per month, and It
is further ordered that said Dr
E. T. Anderson is to attend to
any and alii cases of medical na
ture that are declared county
charges by the county court, and
should any be found to require a
surgical operation said county phy
sician shall perform said operation
at a reasonable price. It is fur
ther ordered that said county
physlclani is to furnish all medl
clnes for county charges.
Whereupon court adjourned until
tomorrow morning.
(To be continued.)
(ContIn-3d from front page.)
The Banquet.
It would be hard to say too much
of the banquet at the Hotel Enter
prise, .where Host Blanchard did him
self proud and not only pleased but
delighted everybody present. An
other decidedly splendid feature of
the banquet was the presence of
nine members of the Improvement
League, under the direction of Mrs.
Dr. Moore, as waitresses. The la
dies started out to earn a dollar each
nine dollars for the league, to be
given to the cemetery improvement
fund. They devoted their services
to that end, with that intention.
But on explanation, of the situation
ty Toastmaster Daniel Boyd, the
banqueters "warmed" to the idea,
and "tipped' the ladles to the addi
tional sum of $37.00, making a to
tal of $46.00 for the cemetery im
provement fund.
This work of the temporary wait
resses was the crowning glory of
the whole event. It Illustrated pre-
cisely what Mr. Richardson had said.
that the ladies as helpers of the bus-
lines men, are simply invaluable
land indispensable. K illustrated
what the ladle can do In becoming
I aa auxiliary force to the local Com-
, The ladies who thus donated time
and labor so advantageously were
as follows: Misses Katherlne Kay,
Elfie Lomach, Cora Berland, Alta
Davis, Lucile Ccrklns, Ethel Weaver,
Anna Richards, Joyce Craig, and Mrs.
Frank Sheets, under the "head wait
ress, ' Mrs. Dr. Moore. And though
It was the first experience of them,
all in such work, not an accident
nor an incident occurred to mar the
clock-like work of this coterie of
fairies.. -
' Six Course, Dinner.
Host and Hostess Blanchard; did
themseles proud in the six-course din
ner. It was dainty throughout. There
were no long waits. Everything was
In hand" from start to finish, and
was simply fine.
- The Speakers.
Attorney Daniel Boyd served as
toastmaster, and - acquitted himself
ably, humorously, and with a rep
artee rloht off the reel for every
congenial dig" from the tables. At
torney Burleigh, Attorney Trill of
Joseph, .W. H. Dil worth and Attor
ney D. W. Sheahan responded, to
toasts, with numerous speakers call
ed upon to lend wisdom and bright
ness to the occasion. Among the lat
ter were Judge Crawford of La
Grande, Judge Knowles of the same
ity, Tom Richardson of Portland,
and F. A. Clarke of "six miles this
side of Joseph." Mr. Clarke has
an inimitable style that ingratiates
his words into the minds of every
body and, makes him a . host of
The banquet was completed about
o'clock, and those present reluct
antly bade their guest, Tom Richard
son, adieu, first giving him three
cheers and a "tiger." The latter
received- the hearty compliment with
pleasure and deep feeling, and the
80 persons representing the 80 cov
ers at the banquet board, filed off
to their homes with a new spirit
awakened in them and a new deter
mination to labor for Wallowa
(Continued from first page.)
The cases In the la,w docket are as
follows: . .
Elgin Forwarding company vs. Da-
vld P. Hunter. Continuance agreed
mutually. -,
. Joseph "Merchandise company vs. E.
P. Giles. Dismissed without preju-
dice on motloni of plaintiff.
W.' I. Dishmani vs. A. J. Harris.
Dismissed as settled on motion of
plaintiff. r-t -
Lillian A. Ctevenis vs. Funk, Lltch
and Hotqhklsa. Motion for Judgment
for failure - to answer allowed and
Judgment rendered plaintiff as pray-
ed for.
Eastern Oregon Merchandise com
pany vs. Ernest B. Grant. Passed.
George Houesr vs. Copper King
Alining and Developing csompany.
Dismissed as settled on motloni of
James Allen vs. George S. Craig.
On trial to Jury. .
George Houser vs J. F. Proebstel.
Dismlssed as settled on motion f
J. F. Sedgwick vs. E. N Middle-
brook. Passed.
Eastern. Oregon Merchandise com
pany vs. Ernest B. Grant. Passed.
W, J. Funk & Co. vs. T. M. But
ler et ux.C. W. Stums et ux, Judg
ment entered by clerk set aside. Mo
tion for Judgment for want of an
swer overruled. Plaintiff allowed six
ty days to file reply.
Marioni L. Harris vs. Albert Gra
ham and W. B. Hunter. Passed for
G. P. Thomas vs. II. B. Hatoten
Dismissed on motion of Plaintiff.
W. L. Lay ve. G. H. Russell.
John Sherman vs. James Reagan
and Dessli Reagan. Defaulted and
Judgment rendered plaintiff as pray
ed for.
L. E. Cavlness vs. Robert Wright
and James Maxley. Motion to an
swer verification to answer allowed
W. M. Peterson vs. Joe Allen dis
missed on motloni of plaintiff.
A. J. Sheets vs. Frank Marr and
Ode!4 Marr.
R. S. & Z. Co. vs. Will Baker. Dis
missed as settled on motion of plain
V. M.' Gregg vs. W. A. Davis. Ser
vice not complete (Thursday.)
Cook vs. Hulse. At issue.
Longfellow vs. Hoffman, - Remand
ed hearing,.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
INew Line of
"Superior" Stoves and Ranges
See me and get my prices before buying else
where. I carry also a full and complete line of
bath tubs, basins and bowls, and a full list of
plumbing supplies. First-class plumbing at the
lowest figure for which such plumbing can be
Oregon for Wa'lowa County.
In the matter of the final report of
the Grand Jury:
To the Hon. J. W. Knowles, Judge
of the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Wallowa County:
We, your G-rand Jury, havlngi com
pleted our labors, beg leave to sub
mit this our final report.
We have been- in session In aU
five days, and during this time) have
returned into court nine true bills
and three not true bills of indictment.
We have examined the offices of
the Sheriff, County Clerk and! Treas
urer of the county, and find these
officers well housed, and when their
offices are furnished with the furni
ture how ordered for them by the
County Court, they will In our opin
ion be models of safety, convenience
and comfort, both for the officers and
the general public having business
to transact therein. We have care
fully examined the books kept by the
Sheriff and Clerk, so far as our lim
ited time and facilities ,wlll permit,
and find said books neatly,, care
fully and correctly kept, and said of
ficers prompt, careful and efficient,
in the discharge of their duties, and
in 'the keeping of the 'records' of the
county. We have examined into the
county Jail and prison of the county
and when the same lis finished with
the steel cells and furniture now or
dered by the County Court therefor,
the same w"l be a safe, s anitary
prison, where prisoners can be safe
ly kept and properly cared for. The
new court house which has Just been
completed is a modern, substantial,
stone building, as near fire proof as
it can be made, coatalns ample, con
venient and a comfortable room for
the holding of Court and good, con
venient rooms for all the county of
ficers and Jury roams, and when fur
nished as contemplated by the coun
ty court w'1' be all that the people
of the county could wish for courtr
house purposes. , This court house 'la
a credit to the public spirit of the
county, and to the County Court
who had charge of Its erection.
We recommend that the court
house grounds be cleaned of Its rub
bish as soon as -convenient,, that the
grounds be filled in and leveled and
seeded down to lawn grasses, that
shade trees be planted around , the
grounds and at suitable and convenl-
lent places In the grounds, and that
Lhe grounds be improved generally to
harmonize with the. court house build-.
ing Itself, and in- the doing of this
work we recommend -that persons
serving terms in th county Jail be
employed therein.-
We especially desire to commend
our efficient' sheriff for his Industry
and work in the collection of the
taxes of the 'county, and especially
in collecting back taxes due the coun-
ty, and in the manner in which he
and his deputies have worked upon
these delinquent lax rolls, collected
all that is possible to collect and! in
this manner saved to the county
thousands of dollars. .
We further find that while the
county school superintendent has a
good, comfortable room in the court
house that he has not proper f urnl-
ture, especially in the way of files
for his papers and records and we
therefore recommend that the coun
ty court immediately procure for his
office all necessary files for the safe
and orderly keeping and filing away
of the papers and records of his of
fice. We desire to thank Your Honor
for the prompt, careful and conscien
tious manner in .which you have dis
patched the business of this term
of court, and for your uniform cour
tesy to the Grand Jury, the attor
neys appearing before you and their
clients. These matters are in the
Interest of the fair impartial admin
istration, of Justice and have our
hearty approval.
We desire to thank the district at
torney by appointment for this term
of court, T. II, Crawford, and the
deputy, Mr. Dill, for the manner -in
which they have aided us la the
discharge of our duties, and the
sheriff, bis deputies- and other coun
ty officers for the willing aid they
have given whenever called upon.
And now having finished our work
fo this term of court we request
that we may be discharged and al
lowed to return to our homes.
Respectfully submitted thla 13th
day of May A. D. 1910.
Thos. Morgan, Foreman,
Chas, H. Williams,
J. M. Rankin,
N. D. Varner,
J, H. Snuffer, .
J. H, Mcelroy,
Grand Jury.
Enterprise, Oregon