The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, May 14, 1910, Saturday Edition, Image 1

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    oa HltUrUal
Saturday Edition
Eniemrise is the
Address for the "Booster"
Campaign for Wallowa
County Well Re- T
Banquet In the Evening Ono of thfcj
M , . ' 1 ' '
Most Splendid Occasions
Local History.
If any one had fallen Into the no
tion that Wallowa county wae either
terprlse, mounting promontories to
get long views of the valley and t
surrounding country, and was returr
ed to Enterprise la the evening.
Owning to the heavy rata Just be
tore the' speaking at the opera
house, It was for a time fearedi that
a damper would be put on the meet
ing, but the people from Lostine, Jo
seph 'and In and arund Enterprise
came bravely foith, giving an excel
lent hearing. Tom launched " . Into
the business of boosting for Oregon
and continued in it for nearly two
liour3,--He said things that stirred
every Oregon heart with deep pride.
He gave statistics that opened every
$15 a month for a year, and thusi Che
nucleus was formed, 'and It wa the
desire merely to get the matter
started at that time, when the busi
ness men. and local Commercial club
can continue the work. J There is
not a vestige of doubt that ' a largo
advertising fund' will from now on
be created yearly, and that, as Tom
pointed out,-Vt ,wlM prove the best
business investment for the cities
of Enterprise, Joseph, Lostlne and
Wallowa and the entire county, that
ever was made. ' It will throw Immi
gration Into Wallowa county; set
tle up the productive acres here;
add to the county's production; en
large bank accounts.buslnesa volume,
and "make two leaves of grass grow
where but one la growing mow." '-''
(Continue! on pag three.)
il'totr. Passed for eervlce.
A. C. Miller vs. Wallowa Counity.
Application to refund. '
A. Lane vs. Taylor Bishop et al.
Order ' for confirmation 'of sale.
A. Levy vs. Calvin Smith et al.
Order setting aslJe sale,
C. L. Dickson, vs. Louisa M. Dlck-
EQUITY AND LAW AND CRIMINAL son On application, of defendant
ai-ad. or that she sieepith, -r he .Oregon mind with surprised entnusi
li'vl .he hind sights knocked off that asm. ., And he concluded' by starting
i ,.rn.. Thnradav titeh.t when Tom an nrWortl&Intr fund, that will be COU-
Iticbardson came to 'Enterprise and trolled and dispensed by a committee
s r-l't'l about . "the county brief', ctrroposed of those who donated It,
K iVi a booster talk, and attended a all to the advantage and settlement
banquet in the evening at the Hotel and growth of Wallowa county.:
Fnierprise. The wide-awake enthusl- Some of the sta'tatics. given by Mr.
a3iu hel greeted him on his arrival; Richardson will bear much empha-
tht euthusiasm which greeted him sis. ' For example: Oregon is grow-
L. hose whom he met at Joseph; ing faster than, any section of the
he tjthuslasm ,wltb! which the bui- whole world, right now. An Oregon
ni.wy men and commercial club re- city has. the biggest commercial club
sr ended to hli stirring appeal for. in the world fifty per cent, bigger
a better "developed Wallowa county; than the second club of the .world.'
ai i the enthusiasm which again met Oregon towns- aid cities show the
him at the bancuet in the evening most rapid growth of any towns, and
Illustrated Good
Roa(!? LectwerL-.V
Will Be, Given In Ent;)-prie on the
Evening of Wednesday, -'
""' May 18. T . :
As a result of the interest In good
roads work for which so much is be
Ing accomplished in. the state by the
State Threshermens association, the
office of Public Roads; Vr S. De- pie time to'gd carefully through: the
partment of Agriculture recently casea, docketed ' This will be. ap
tendered Secretary Bates, through; 1 piauded by every tax payer la' Wal-
Senator Bourne, a . series of Uiu6-; 'owa, and commended.
ai d which bade him godspeed and a
tstfe return to WaUowa county in the
near, future -.these - were the mani
festations that did the county seat's
big heart good. They laid bare Just
the spirit that has been at work and
still is at workbulldlng up" Wallowa
county,"... ' " :'; :'; ' . ;-.'.; '
. Entertain Tom.
.Wi, Richardson wae jnet at the
afternoon train by a committee froifl
the Commercial club In! automobile,
and taken. Immediately to the hotel.
He was then takei on a sight-seeing
tour to Joseph, the lake, ' anu
foints ini and about Joesph and -
Cent a word Blngle insertion, 1
cent a word 2 insertions. Special
rates by month and year.
Cameo pin, Tuesday night while go
ing to or at the commencement ex
ercises. Finder leave at thla office
and receive reward. .
Household goods cheap,' A. L. Hart
ley. CaU at Merryman's. 107r3cl
One of the desirable quarters of
North Wallowa county, located close
to the Bartl'ebt" store and Postoffloe.
Apply to owner,-C. Mu-rdock, Troy,
Oregon. . 109b4 ' '
cities in the world. And the rural
or farm districts are growing faster1
In Oregon .than the towns and cities
It Vould require too much space at
this time to quote Tom at length.
Let it suffice to say that he held
representatives- of Wallowa county
present for two hours, hurling forth
sledge hammer facts .that were to
disputable, and leaving every indi
vidual present, a better Oregonlan,
a more - conscientioue worker .for
Oregon, and a stronger patriot " of
Wallowa county. "
Advertising Fund.
At the close of the booster speech
Mt. Richardson started 'an adver
tising fund. Thi3 fund la to be con
trolled by a committee of thosei who
donate it and disbursed by such a
committee, the committee also to be
selected by the donors... In this man
ner, aa Mr. Richardson explained, the
men who form the fund can know
that the money ) not diaadvantage
ously spent. It wIU be devoted ex
clusively to advertising Wallowa
county In eastern sections.
- iBusrness Men Respond.
Enterprise business men responded
at once to the call for such a fund,
Q. W." Hyatt leading the list with a
generous donation of $25 a month for
J one year, followel by Cahsler W. R.
Holmes of toe local bank- with a
similar monthly donation. W, J.
Funk responded with a donation of
trated lectureo. and Wallowa coun-
ty has been favored, with; one of,
Thia lecture wl'l be given at En-:
terprise and to free; and every
fanner, stockman and businessman
Is invited to be present. The" il
lustrated lecture will be in charge
We do not have s
to enlarge on the
merits of
Circuit court convened Monday
last, after a preliminary shaping up
jf minor r affairs Saturday of last
week. It was' the desire of Judge
Knowles, and a maTk of hla honor'B
foresight, to get the circuit matters
freed of preliminaries in order that
the mills of Justice might grind all
the more; rapidly wheii ohce started.
The outcome as expected was that
with the beginotng of the week ev
erything was In 'excellent shape to
work of the several
off 'the ' reeli ; . . : , ,
Cwtideirable Work at Hand.
The criminal, law and equity dock
ets present considerable "work, but
it to being gone through with with
dispatch; which means a commend
able saving of expense to the. coun-.
y. Judge Knowles fend the officers
of ther court appear to be' imbued
with the idea of saving the county
In every move while consuming am
answer was. withdrawn, and defen
dant further answered ' disposition
not to appear further. Defaulted
to plaintiff. Court ordered testi
mony taken, and reported. Decree of
divorce granted plaintiff.'
Frank Stevenson et al. vs. J. H.
Thompson et al. : Restraining order
allowed. .
Marshall Wells Hardware company
vs. E. H. Green and R. L. Sabln,
trustees: "
The. Criminal Docket
There aTe five cases on the crimi
nal docket, being heard th!a , week.
The docket is as follows:.
Will Nelson, Indicted for forgery.
Defendant, arraigned and given till
May 10 to plead. Entered a plea
of guilty and counsel asked that sen
of Maurice O. Eldridg... Assistant I tence be passed at 1:30 May 10. Dei
Chief of Road Management, offlc fondant waa sentenced to ten yeaTS
jf Public Roads, Washington, D. Q. hn the penitentiary, but paroled on
Philip S. Bfrfes, the secretary of condition that he remain within the
he State Threshers association! J jurisdiction of the court during the
states that Mr. Eldrldge has a most ,erm cf sentence, and that he demean
pleasing personajlty and da the equal Mmself as an ;honest, upright, la,w
of any good roada lecturer in,' the abiding citizen, abstaining from all
United State.9 Mr. Eldridge had intoxicating liquors.'
charge of the exhibit of the office I James R. Lane, indicted for boot-
of Public Roads at the Alaska-Yu- legging, Arraigned and the time for
kon-Paclfle exposition where he made plea set for May 11.. Plead not gull-
many frtende among the good road Ujj, The case went to jury Thursday
morning, and ' yerdice returned, of
Henry Wright, Indicted for boot
legging. Defendant . arraigned and
atked for time . to May i to plead.
enthusiasts of the V Pacific NortU-
we t v Mr . Eldrldee will be accom
panled by Hon. Lionel Webster, of
Portland, ; the most prominent good
roads man in Oregon today. M.
Webster. recently resigned the Mult- I Entered plea of not guilty. Found
nomah county Judgeship to take I guilty by Jury
the j chairmanship of , the Oregon I ,; George Wright-, Indicted for boot
Good Roada association andi in which I legging. Plead not guilty, May 11.
position ho has : since been acUvely I Found guilty by Jury
engaged in spreading the gospel of I j. t Blrcher indicted for permit-
good roads; Judge Webs.ter will out- I ting gambling. . Arraigned and given
line a solution for the good, roads to May 12 at 1:30 to' plead. Plead
problem of. this state which may guilty and was fined $50.
call for considerable discussion and w and Equity Case.
for that reason It. la desirable that I The case In equity are docket-
every voter in -the county be pres- I 94 aa follows
ent. The meeting will be held at the I , John Curry and A. C. Beckman vs
Enterprise onera house, on the date- Grant -W. Johnson and C. ' R- Ed
(Continued on page 3.)
Music Lovers Desire
To See "Pinafore"
Mr1. Bocfamer Being Importuned To
Put on the" Piece. In' '
Enterprise ' 1
Music lovers of the city, both
those who took part In the concert
on Saturday evening, April 30, and
those who had the pleasure of hear
ing It, are importuning Mr. Boehmer
to put on "Pinafore" and it Is prob
able that, their wishes will be grati
fied. "H. M. S. Pinafore" was the
first of the Gilbert & Sullivan com
ic operas and is considered) by many,
the greatest work of that versatile
pair. ";-.'.-'.. -
Those who saw "The Pirates of
Penzance'' as rendered In. thla city
three years ago, may form some con
ception of the character of "Pina
fore," and Inasmuch ' as practically
everybody ,who took part In the "Pi
rates" ia still In the city and much
new talent haa come since that
time, it -Is reaaonable to expect that
if Mr. Boehmer does con&ent to un
dertake the direction of the opera,
it will be an unqualified and high
grade success.
A most Interesting story hangs
like a veil around the' : mineral'
claims filed upon, last week by- T.' I.'
Ratcllff and J. W. Nedrow In Wal-
Iowa county, some 20 miles north' of
Enterprise -The Btory to aa follows:'
Some 20 yeara ago Mr. Ratcllff and
Mr. Nedrow were hunting big. game.
In the locality where the claims are
now filed ipon, and in scouting for
game on horseback 'Mr. Ratcllff
found some rock' that oppeared to
be mineralized and that differed con
siderably from any local rock. Pick
ing up a few bits of "float" ' he.
brought them Into the camp the men
had made; and ' the' rocks were ex
amined. Little or nothing was done
at the' time, and Mr. Ratcllff went
to Salem where he has since re
mained. ' Saet Similar Rock.
Just recently Mr. Ratcllff stepped
into an asaayer'e office In Salem,
and while there observed some rock
vhk;h bore a striking resemblance
to that discovered 20 yeara ago while
he and hie. old army chum, Mr. Ned
row,' .were hunting In Wallowa coun
ty..' Finding that the specimens In
the asaayer'a office , carried values
In tin, Mr. Ratcllff came to Enter
prise, and together with hU army
chum went into 'the old hunting
grounds again,' rediscovered the min
eral ledge, took samples for assay,
and found that the rock carries at
che very sui see a trace of plati
num, plenty of Iron, $1.10 in silver,
$2.60 In' gold, and a trace of tto.
Th.4 gentlemen ' immediately -went
down some nine, feet -on the vein
and took out a bag of ore samples
that will be assayed to determine
Just how the mineral ruo a' the
vein descends. 1
We do first-class Job work.
(Continued on last page.)
B. T Long, a successful rancher
living about two mllse and a half on
the Joseph road, put of Enterprise,
was In. Enterprise, transacting bus.
nesa Thursday. In conversation with
I Y I . A I A ' t ill f,. afiT
I ,r , V ' , that Iowa County. DUmlssed a settled
leneth of time for one to see that I " .
" . . J . ni. nri.r
diem an. , '' ' . "' '
Vernon M. Gregg vs. Wm. A. Da
vis and Sarah F. Davis. Testimony
taken. ' ' ' ': ' " .'''."
Schuyler C. Himelwrlght vs. Albert
V. Hodgin and Sarah Vteca Hoa-
gln. Order for confirmation of sale. .
George' Palmer Lumber Co., vs.
Wallowa County; : Dismissed aa set
tled on motion of the plaintiff.
Grande Rohde Lumber Co. vs; Wal-
Chase &
Teas and Coffees
. .. - . . 6
for you know all jj
about their su- S
perior quaUties.
We Have the Exclusive Agency in Enterprise
V. j. FUNK (Sl. CO.
Mr. Long la a Wallowa county en
thusiast. , He ' stated that at one
time ' he had bid ranch of eighty
acres listed 'with a rear estate firm
for $80 an acre, but that on think
ing the matter' over he withdrew
the ranch from 'the selling list. "I
had a place to suit roe," aald Mr,
Long,' "and 1 did not-know of a
single location where I could better
That Is the feeling of everybody
that comes to Wallowa county and
remain ' industrious.' No . other lo-
Crossett Timber Co. vs. Wallowa
County. Dismissed as settled on
motion of plaintiff.' .
Mary E. Reynolds vs. Curtis Rey
nolds. Dismissed on motion of plain
tiff.' " ' ' " v
Max Gumerman vs. Helena J. C.
Gumerman. : Testimony taken and
decree of divorce granted plaintiff.
' Edna R. Shirk: vs. H. K. Shirk,
defaulted to defendant. Testimony
ordered taken. "' ' -
Jessie L. Hulse vs. Arthur D.
Hulee. Defaulted. . Testimony or-
.ltl. ... .... n 1 1 1 rO. tVl Q n
uni iKir Uiii.lUu. 1 . . . . nnriaA , th
l w 11 ut; ova ba&nu auu m viv vm w
7. nu .
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
R.'.L,. DAY, Proprietor -
Good Rigs Fair Treatment Horses Bought and Sold
'' '-'! !--.-.' '-. ' ' .: . - ' :.: .-; v, -.. , .
Special Attention to Commercial Trade
t . Rates for Regular Boarders Bus to and From Trains
Best of Help Employed Home Phone
X Open Day and Night One Block North of Hotel Enterprise
293 acres Alder Slope, $23,000.00
- 80 acres Alder Slope, $ 8,000.00 ,
.160 acres hill land,' about six miles out, $2,000.00
320 acres, 12 miles out, $3,200.00
City L.otm, $100 to $300
Residence Property, $650 to $3,000
Fire Insurance 'Surety Bond Live Stock Insurance
W. E. TAGGART The Pioneer Real Estate Man.
thoee offered by Wallowa coun
few counties offer opportunities half.
so numerous and half so good. Mr.
Long raises general crops tuoh aa
wheat, barley, bats, vegetables, and
la now developing' a good steed or
A bright bouncing boy 'Sunday roorf
big early' came to make his future
home with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Shav-
er, living between Enterprise and Loa- land Emellne Akin. Passed for ser
tine. Dr. Hockett attended. Both I vice. )
mother and child ar-dolus nicely. J. M, Simmons vs, Laura A. Ham-
court. Decree of divorce granted the
plaintiff. '; ;i
John F. Bowman and John L. Ham
mack; Answer, filed, v Motion to
strike out portion Of answer over
ruled. -' ' : - - .
CHy of Joseph va. Joesph Water
Works. Demurrer to ans(wer.; Tem
porary injunction granted plaintiff.
' Grace Thorsen vs; Thomas Thor
sen. -'' ' ' ;
Chester Shumaker va. T. D. Akin
t Canfiit Banking Insurts lh Safily of Dtposlts."
. Depositors Have That Guarantee at
. CAPITAL $50,000 :
' SUKPLUS $50,000
Wc Do a General Banking Business.
Exchange Bought and Sold on
AU Principal Cities.' ' ' '
Geo. W. Hyalt, President
' Geo. 8. Craig, Vice President
W. R. Holmes, Cashier
Frank A. Keavltt, Amt. Cashier
Geo .8. Craio -
t ; - . J. II. Dobbin
Geo. W. Hyatt Mattik A. Holm us
W. R. Holmes