Til Pay More for Pork" SAYS SMITH Smltli wants any quantity of Produce yon kaveamind toeend him. The mora tha bet ter. 11a never charges commission. Shin br stuiP WUI PW " foUow" ior Sood. fat Dressed Veal, up Vo ISO lbs... 12Hc Dressed Pork UK. Live Chickena 16c Dreaaed Chickena 1714c Market' Pile Addreaa FRANK U SMITH MEAT CO. " "Fighting tha Beef Trust" PORTLAND, OREGON Am Easy One. "Tommy, do you know the meaning Of "prehensile' T" "No, ma'am." '' "It means 'adapted to seize.' Do you think you can remember that?" "Tes'm." "Give me a sentence in which ths word Is correctly used." 'See the good ship, how prehensile It Is!'" COFFEEC TEA SPICES BAKING POWDER . EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT ea.tni.miinxi.4.)i..imj U)S5ETaDEVES3 pnnri Aun naer I The confidence felt by farmers and I gardeners in Ferry's Seeds to-day would, have been Impossible to feel in I I any seeds two score of years i aeo. we nave made s a"V I science of seed 5irV I growing. slwavs di 1 eTfldlv what vnu exnect of them. Far e-i1 ' everywhere- IFDOVS tain srai laNNTJil Free on request . D. M. FERRY CO., Detroit. Mloh, ' Trial Bottle Free By Mall It yon toiler from Epilepsy, Fits, Falling Sickness, Spasms, or bare children that do so, my New Dis covery will relieve them, and all yon are asked to do Is f o send for a Free Trial i2 Bottle of Dr. llay'i lEpllepptlolcle O u re ' It has enred thousands where everything elie failed. Guaranteed by May Medical Laborato y Under Pore Food and Drugs Act, June SOIh, 1906 Guaranty No. 18W1. Please write for BpecialFraa Bottle and give AGS and complete address DR. W. H. MAY, 548 Poarl Street, New Yort KOW-KURE is not a "food" it is a medicine, and the only medicine in the world for cows only. Made for the cow and. as its name indicates. a Cow Cure. Barreness. retained after birth, abortion, scours, caked udder, and all similar affections positively and quickly cured. No one who keeps cows, whether many or few, can afford to be witiiout KOW K.UKK. It is made especially to keep cows healthy. Our book "Cow Money" sent FREE. Ask your local dealer for KOW-KURE or sand to the manufacturers. DAIRY ASSOCIATION CO. LraJosrult, Yt C. Gee Wo The Chinese Doctor This wondeful man has made a life study of the properties of Roots, Herbs and Barks, and la (riving the world tha benefit of his services. No Mercury, Poisons or Drugs Used. No ilfc&ffifr Operaiioea or Cutting Guarantees to cure Catarrh, Asthma, Lunar, Stomach and Kidney troubles, and ail Private Diseases of M n and Women. A SURE CANCER CURE Jnat received from Pekln, China safe, sore and reliable. Unfailing in Its works. If yon cannot call, write for symptom blank and circular. Inclose 4 centa in atampa, CONSULTATION rRCC - The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. 1S2U Pint tar. UarrlaM. Part land- Oft. VoM-Ba2elC CRIMSON WINTER RHUBARB tl.60 Irr Dosen. 16.00 Per Hundred. . H0 00 Per Thousand Now It the Tim to Plant Rhuhart and Hvrrw Planlt J. B. WAGNER. Tha RHUBARB and BERRY Specialist Pasadena. California SEND THIS AD. FOR FREE PREMIUM LIST Pacific Coast Biscuit Company - Portland Seattle ' Bpokane Ask for Their Goods and SAVE THESE SWASTIKA END SEALS THEY ARE VALUABLE They WUI Secure You Many Useful Articles Without Cost rot DISTEMPER 0 Oh i ll3 'Or 'A l A Carlyle Retort. An empty headed duke ones said to Thomas Carlyle at a dinner: "The British people, sir, can afford to laugh at theories." Carlyle, scowling, replied: "The French nobility or a hundred years ago thought that they could af ford to laugh at theorists too. But a man came and wrote a book called 'The Social Contract. This man was Jean Jacques Rousseau, and his hook was a theory and nothing but a theory. Tha nobles could laugh at his theory, but their skins went to bind the sec ond edition of the book." x No Appetite "I took Hi nd'a RnrunarMl. U. T a very sick woman, had no appelite what ever, and could uut sleep more than three hours a nlirht. T wna to try it, took two bottles of it, and it kivuuv ixjuemeu nie, guve me a good appe tite and sound sleen " Mm. John Rifana 2220 W 8rd Bt., Davenport, Iowa. nooa-s Barsaparilla restores the appetite and makes sleen RnnnH nnri rafWahim. Kw building up the whole system. It purifies the blood, strengthens the nervea nirlu nid perfects digestion. Take it this spring. tier it today In usual liquid form or tablets called Sara tabs. 100 Doses One Dollar. A Skillful Aviator. "Are you interested In these avia tors?" "Intensely. I watched one this morn ing who was an adept He rose, dip ped, circled, turned corners and alight ed without trouble and without a mis hap." '"Well, well! He must have been a bird!" "He was; of the sparrow variety." Washington Herald. First Aid. Nervous Wreck (trembling and shak ing) Have you any " Druggist Already? Tea. Adalbert, hand down a bottle of bromide of po tassium. wisely directed, will cause her to give to her little ones only the most wholesome and beneficial remedies and only when actually needed, and the well-informed mother uses only the pleasant and gentle laxative rem edySyrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna when a laxative is required, as it is wholly free from all objec tionable substances. To get its ben eficial effects always buy the genu ine, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. - Hats Cleaned a blockeil BOe, Willi Nrtr Trimmlnn $1 Pan. amas$l Ladies StrawHin re modeled. 5c pesnre mailt your soft Ml tons. 315-17 Alder at. roruand. Ureses. Portland is the big market place of the Northwest - L Send Your Produce THERE We are handlers of Eggs, Butter, Veal, Dressed Hogs, Poultry, live or dressed; also Apples, Onions, Pota toes. Consignments, whether large or small, are solicited. We can give you good prices for good stuff. Writ Us. McEwen & Koskey COMMISSION MERCHANTS 129 Front St, Portland, Or. Seeds Don't waste time and money plant ing poor seeds. Our seeds won First Grand Prize at the Seattle Exposi tion. Our prices are reasonable. Big Catalogue free. Send for a copy. Vogeler Seed Co. Salt Lake City, Utah Pink rye, rpttooOr, Shipping Fever -sand Catarrhal fever AMille . Sura euro and positive piaveiitlnwvno matter bow horses a t ear are are Infected or "exposed." Liquid, given on the tongue; acta on the hood and O lands, expeai the poiaomau germs from the body. CureeDia. temper In Iog and Sheep and Cholera b Poalur. Largest selling I ivn tack remedy. Cres La Grippe among homaa bringaandia a fine-Kidney remedy. 60 and lie botlia: 15 and 110 a docan. Cut I hie oat. Keep It. Show toyourdrueirirt, wbo will ret It fur you. Free Booklet. "Det-i.-mnrr. Causes and Cures." Special agents wanted. sposn mm ca, cosuen, ind, d. i jl Ah, Teal How easy It Is to "remember tn Maine," When 'tis only to mourn or to praise her! How hard to recall her when some on would fain See a few dollars voted to raise her! AllarBlnsr Himself. "Brother Hardesty, you've heard of what they call the higher criticism, haven't you?" "Yes, I know all about that." "Well, do you take any stock In HT "Not a bit, Brother Irons; I'm ortho dox. I'm no Insurgent." Chicago Trib une. To Be Perfectly Frank. His Lawyer They charge you with burglary. Now you will have to tell me, as your counsel, whether they have any direct evidence connecting you with the crime. Client Well, I believe they or caught me In the act. PLANT SIBSON'S ROSES The Sibson Rosa Nurseries 20 Acres of Rosea! Two-yt ar-old bushes Grown in the open field' Now la a good time to plant Catalogue Free 1180 Mllwaulcle Road, Portland, Ore. Never Wenld Do. "Little girl," said the oculist, "your eyes are In an exceedingly bad condi tion. Tou ought to be wearing glass es." "And have to trim these beautiful long eyelashes of mine" responded the little girL "Nit!" CASTOR I A Tot Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tha Signature The Practical View. "Do you believe In table tipping T" Queried the woman advocate of spirit- UallBiTX. "Not me," replied the matter of fact man. 1 nave round waiter tipping more satisfactory when I'm hungry." Ronton Herald. Mothers wfll find Mrs. Whitlow's Soothing Syrup the best remedy to use for their children luring lbs teething period. Childhood's Uufalltna; Joy. As long as there are children In the ftrorld the golden and objectless occu pation of make believe will go on; the pursuit of delight itself, untrarameled y rules or purpose. Eton College Chronicle. Looks Down en Others. .Fuddy Yes, that's Curtwrlght over there. He's won several aviation prizes, and consequently holds his head pretty high. Duddy Considers himself one of tha aerostocracy. ehl Boston Tran scr lot TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY rake LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druginsts refund money If It faila to euro. E. W. GROVE'S signature la on each box. tie. Underhanded Trick. "Mamma, I don't never want fa sat t this restaurant again." "Why not, dear?" "The under side of mv chnlr ant all wire springs,, and my gum won't SUCK lO it." No Ambition In That Direction "George," " said Mrs. Ferguson "there's an Item In this paper that tells you how to know a mad dog when you see one." "Shucks!" exclaimed Mr. Ferguson; Tv no desire to know any mad dogs." PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS . PAZO OINTMENT la guaranteed to cure any ease of Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles in to is aays or money refunded. oOo. HU Status. "Your husband doesn't seem to take a very active part in politics," observed the caller. "No," said Mrs. Lapsllng. "He doesn't believe In going to extremes In any thing; he's a conservatory." SEEDS Catalogue for the Asking Send for It J. J. BUTZER 188 Street front Portland, Oregon Cured Right at Home br ELECTS. OPODES. N Ekxtric TnataveM. Calnaie IstolM copmr aa4 elac vara lufele fthoca. IsvtforaaeftUrvbodr. Karvai bacome "ue rltie cure Uw Rkaaaatiua, MaanlrU. BadudH. KbJaer ead U.af enaplaiau. Frke eelr 11.0. Your nour ntaraed fcl not tatiafactorr. Oamntei elnd arttk aack aaaa. Elaclropadas a rat au. roar vwunwra, saaa es Si.au. WESTERN ELECTBOPODl CO. WLes SagelesBt, Lea lagelea,Ckl. Painless Dentistry Oet of fjown people oaa have their plats and briagework fln. labad in erne aaj Wa will gias yes a ffaaa4 22k sew sr ram!, srewler J3.6 tbw Crwes 6.0 fairWriTaaai 3. aaUrUaaaa 1 1 fifAiaa 1,6 tiherFHantn .60 hbrFimst 2.60 rial at O.WJ lest M a. mm ser ristsa 7.50 aMaaa EiVrlas ,60 WORK SUSRANTirO PON VKAM PeJaiaas Cxtreetioa in J baa elates or bridge week Uoliaai CoaMaJUtioe Praa, f oe esaaot eat batua pal alaaa work 4oae aarwaeea. All woefc rally gnex enteeA. ModenelaauUeealpaaea. Baas lailaxav, Wise Dental Co. UWUia Bovsat S A. . e t f . H. teasers, s la Don't Wear A Truss After Thirty Years Experience I nave Produced An Appliance for Men, Women or Children That Cures Rupture. I Send It On Trial. If you nSVS tried most evervthfna alae. waaa tn toe. Where others fail la where I have me areat. est success. Send attached coupon today and 1 win aenu you iree my illustrated book on Rupture and iu cure, showing my Appliance and giving you prices and names of many people who have tried it and were cured. It is instant relief when all others fuiL Remember I use no salves, no bar- aa, no lies. 1 send on trial to nrove what T a la fni. vnn are the judge and once having eeen my illustrated book and read it you will be as enthusiastic aa my hundreds of patients whose letters you can also read. Kill OUt frM mnnm kilna anA I. ... day. It's well worth your time whether yon try mtj npLMiancv or not. rREE INFORMATION COUPON C. E. Brooks. 2R6 Brooks Bldg., Marshall. Mich. Please send me by mail In plain wrap, per your illustrated book and full information about your Appliance for the cure of rupture. Name Addresss . City .State.. Self-foaeeaatoa. Mr. Kajones, who had happened to tap Into the parlor while looking for a book, was Just In time to see some body slip hastily off somebody else's knes. 'Ah, Bessie," he observed, pleasant ly, "this Is a merger, la ItT Or Is it a limited partnership?" 'Neither, papa," said Bessie, recov ering herself Instantly; "George is my holding company that's all." Chicago Tribune. Strtklnar an Average. "Glycerine McCurdy, I love you!" "Orlando Spoonamore, I hate you!" "Well, then." he sighed, forlornly, "I suppose we'll have to compromise on Platonic friendship." Chicago Tribune. In Ilia Mind. "Old chap, where are you going foi your- vacation?" "All over the country. In fact, I'm taking It now reading summer resort literature.'! Will Get It. "You should insist," said the doctor, "on your boy's accustoming himself to cold baths." "I don't have to Insist," answered the worried father. "He'll be out skat ing before the Ice Is an eighth of an Inch thick." Washington Star. Easily Answered. The teacher had written a difficult problem on the blackboard. "Now, children," she said, "what la the first thing to do with this?" "Brass it!" shouted the bad little boy on the front seat . ,Baby Smiles When He Takes 1 CURE So pleuant that bsEles It and contains ao opi ate, ibere nothing ska a lor Uroncnina, Aathtsa and aB troubles of the throat and htBSk A ntanaaul Kenedy lor hag s Centura. Oraaalata, gg Caata PIS atar- If it is possible to frame up an absolutely safe, sane and conservative investment, and at the same time give the Investor big returns on his money, we have found it read the following and judge for yourself. No chance to lose, and you cannot help making a big profit. Here is our story: Last week a client of ours read our advertisement for lands for col onization purposes. He thought he had what wa wanted and came to see us. He brought with him a de scription of 6036 acres. It reads as follows: Situated in a level valley, 40 miles wide and 90 miles long, completely fenced, 640 acres under plow, 8500 in hay and 1896 acres virgin soil, com pletely equipped for irrigation, all main ditches completed and lateral ditches' sufficient to irrigate every acre except the virgin land, and water can be put on every 40 of the virgin land for a cost not exceeding 25 each 40. The owner haa a per petual and exclusive water right; sufficient supply of water to irrigate the entire 6036 acres, and a surplus sufficient to supply another tract equally as large. The property is ready for aubdi - vision. ' The proposition looked ao good to ns that we took a 80 day option at $50 per acre, including water right. OURPROPOSmON. We propose to form a syndicate to bay this land, and immediately thereafter to pot it on the market PUTNAM Color more rood brighter and faaster colore tltAta any other dye. One 10c package and is guaranteed to give perfect result. Aak dealer, or we will send postpaid at hew to dye, Meaob and ml eoeosa. JAONKOK atllltary Rasa. An old 'military dictionary tells ns that rata were sometimes used in wat for the purpose of firing powder maga zines by means of lighted matches tied to their tails. We cannot offhand re call any historical Instance of this, but presumably It did occur, seeing that Marshal Vauban laid down special rules for counteracting It. Anyhow, the dodge la as old as Samson, who, yon may recall, uBed foxes In a similar way for a somewhat similar purpose. As to the royal rat catcher, We may add that he had a special official livery. According to Pennant's "British Zoolo gy," it consisted of a scarlet costume, embroidered with yellow worsted, In which were figures of mice destroying wheat sheaves. By the way, rats were not the only animals honored with a special catcher. Llecester, for instance, used to pay a yearly salary ot 1 lis 6d to Its municipal mole catcher. London Standard. mother Coram of It. Visitor Come here, my dear; whose pretty little girl are youT Housemaid 'Sh, Mrs. Jlmest The courts 'aven't decided yet ataatardlslo. His Gratttade. Wareham Long What'd you say ef Rockefeller wus to give ye a million dollars T Tuffold Knutt Tanksl Chicago Tribune. Thona-ht Be Had. Speaking of the boycott of beef have you ever tried horse meat?" "O, yes, I presume so, and goat meat, too, I dare' say. I've eaten In all sorts of restaurants." Johnny's Hlatake. Against his little playmate's breast. By her '1 dare you" goaded. He pressed the pistol ah, you've guessed? You're wrong! IT WASN'T LOAD ED! Meadache "Mv father has been a sufferer from sick headache for the last twenty-five years and never found any relief until he began taking your Cascareta. 8ince ha has begun taking Cascareta he has never had the headache. They have entirely cured him. Cascarets do what you recommend them to do. I will give you the privilege of nsing his name." K. M. Dickson, liao Resiner St., W. Indianapolis, Ind. Pleasant, Palatable, Potent Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe. 10c 25c, 50c Never sold in bulk. Tha gen uine tablet a tamped C C C. Guaranteed to euro or your money back. 8TEINWAT AND OTHER PIANOS Sherman SIXTH AND MORRISON. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE, PORTLAND, ORE. 2 We Sell Pianos and Player-Pianos of Unquestioned Reputation In addition to our regular Une of beautiful new Pianoa, wa have many vary desirable used Pianos which we are offering for a mere fraction of their original east Though you may not have contemplated an Immediate purchase, It will pay you to take ad vantage of this opportunity to secure a fine Piano much below the coat of a new one. Our Rental Purchaaa plan makes piano buying easy. How Would You Appreciate One Year on an Investment 6036 acres at S50 per acre $301,800 Subdivided into 20 and 40- acre tracts at $100 per acre $603,600 Gross profit of $301,800 Cost in commissions, etc., to market this land, not less than $130,000 Making net profit of $151,800 This land can be purchased on the following terms: March 16, 1910 $ 32,500 June 10, 1910 29,300 Sept. 10, 1910 20,000 March 16, 1911 30,000 March 16. 1912 30,000 March 16, 1913 30,000 March 16, 1914 30,000 March 16, 1915 30,000 March 16, 1916 30,000 March 16, 1917 30,000 March 16, 1918 10,000 Total.... $301,800 IT IS NOW PROPOSED To organize a Purchasing Syndicate with capital stock of $301,800. This capital stock to be represented by 100 units of the par value of $3,018; that the Union Bank & Trust Co. shall have the management of the syndicate, cause the title of the 8roperty to be placed in the name of lie Union Bank & Trust Company as trustee, and at once take the ne cessary steps to subdivide the land into tracts of 40 acres each; to sell the 40-acre tracts at $4,000 each, payable $800 down, $800 in one year, $800 in two years, $800 in thtee years, and $800 in four years. FADELESS DYES Have One Doctor No sense in running from one doctor to another. Select the best one, then stand by him. Do not delay, but consult him in time when you are sick. Ask his opinion of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs and colds. Then use it or not, just us he says. A W publish our fonuUa W ban it to ilMhol from our ettUia oault 7oov lootor yers Always keep a box of Ayer's Pills In tha house. Just one pill at bedtime, now and then, will ward off many an attack of biliousness, Indigestion, aick headache. How many yesrs has your doctor known these pills? Ask him all sbout them. Made by the J. O. Ayer Oe.. Xioweu, Ksee. Elatoat A venue t Stranger Is this a pay-as-you-en- . ter car?" Native That doesn't classify It ac curately, It'a a awear-as-you-enter car. Tie la Essential. "Dad, what sort of a bureau la a matrimonial bureau?" "O, any bureau that has five drawers full of women's fixings and one man's tie in If Houston Post WE PAY CASH For homestead rellnqulahmenta, and can sell your farms and ranches ouickly. Let us hsndle your business and we will guarantee your satisfaction. Give full particulars in first letter. DAVIS & BUITKAMP 610 Dekum Bldg. Portland, Or REDUCE THE COST OF UV1NQ; CRESCENT BAKING POWDER 25c FULL POUND PNU No. 11-10 WHKlf writing to advertisers plena I mention this paper. I VICTOR TALKING MACHINES V feay & Co. Till Out and Mail Today. Please mall me catalogue, bargain list and Rental Purchase plan. Name Address Name of friend who expects to buy a piano: Address , Please send free copy of Musical Celebrities. $1518 in of $325? SUBSCRIPTIONS TO PURCHASING SYNDICATE. Will be received for syndicate units on basis of $3,018, payable as fol lows: With subscription $ 325 June 10, 1910 293 Sept. 10, 1910 200 March 16, 1911 300 March 16, 1912. 300 March 16, 1913 300 March 16, 1914... 300 March 16, 1915 300 March 16, 1916.. 300 March 16, 1917 300 March 16, 1918 100 Total $3,018 , We have no hesitancy in saying that unit holders will not be called upon to make any additional payments after the first one. - Our inquiries from the East after this class of land are such that we believe we can sell every acre of it during the year 1910; and, inasmuch as the proceeds from the sale of land will be applied on deferred payments due present owners, there is very little probability that the unit hold ers will ever be called on for anything but the $325. Send in your sub scriptions. If you want to know what the Union Bank & Trust Company is do ing in its Real Estate and Coloniza tion Department, coma and see us and we will show you. Respectfully submitted, . UNION BANK & TRUST CO. 23SSTAUnZT fOITLAHD, OIECON oolora silk, wool and ootton equally welt lOo a package. Write for tree booklet DHUCt CO UP ANT, Qulncy, XUlnota.