The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, October 02, 1909, Saturday Edition, Image 2

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, UU.r.iM ;
. ofr.
JUANITA TEMPLE, No. 1, Pythian
iVIAOUNIiliN'o. .".0. Royal Anil Masons,
meets first and third Tuesdays of ear-h
month In Masonic HalL All visiting
Royal Arch Masons welcomed.
J. B. OLMSTED, Hltih Trlest.
I). W. SHEAHAN, Secretary.
A. M,, meets second and fourth Satur
days of each month In Masonic Hall
Visiting Masons welcomed
W- C. BOATMAN, Secretary.
60, O. E. S. meets first and third Sat
urdays of each month. In Masonic Hall
Visiting Stars are always welcomed.
Mill I EAGLE CAMP, No. 10497, M
.VY.A.W. A Meets flrBt and third
Thursdays In each month, in new Fia
ternal halL Visiting Neighbors alwayt
J. W. RODGERS Consul.
T. M. DILL, Clerk.
ANEROID CAMP, No. 3542, R N. of A.
in n in eni
W.U.W. 535, W. Of W.
ALMOTA CIRCLE. No. 278. W. of W.
Notary Publit .
Collections made. Roal Estate
bought and sold and all business
matters attended to. Call on or
write me.
National Weeklies
Coleman Brothers
The Best Cigars, Confec
tionery ami Fruit.
Stationery Supplies of all
First door east of Postoffice.
Stuck IiiHpector for Wallowa
lov to Curs a Cold.
Be a care.'ul as jo l can, you will
OB:aslonly take cold, and when you
do, t a roellcine f kiuun r liv
:- i . one Uiat ha an etablllied
re;u!alion aid that Is certain to
effect a qrick cure. Su h a nndlcine
Is Cha nberl Un'i Cough Remedy. H
1 as gained ia world wl:le reputation by-
its remarkabli cures of t Is most!
common ailment, and tan always le
depen'el u on. It a:ti cn mtura'a
plan, roMeve Mia l.uig., aid expector
ation, ojeai t se re'loiH and a'da
natura In ro torln j the system to
a he l'.hy (oudltlon, lor sile by
llurna lgh & Ma field.
Summer Rates East
During the Season 19 0 9
. : i ! via lh ;
Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co.
Portlaiul, vSeattle, S)okaue, Tacoma, Walla Walk
ami all poin ts on The O. R. & N. line
To OMAHA and Return - - $60.00
To KANSAS City and Return $60.00
1 ST. LOUIS and Return - $67.50
To CHICAGO and Return - $72.50
and to other principal clUea in the East. Middle West and South.
Correspondingly low fares.
I , On Sale June 2, 3; July 2, 3; Auflust 11, 12
To DENYER and Return . . $55.00
On Sale Ma'y 17, July 1, Auflust 11
H,u0oo,:fobetr;;si,st,,,,uit Atiom of n
a .lSUnii " thft r6tUrT, tr,,,llro"S California may be had at
a slight advance over the rates quoted
Fun particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will be
furnished by any O. R. & N. lo. al ,Rel,t or
WM. McMURRAY, Genera. P...en0.r Agent. PortUnd; Oreoor,.
J. S. nUTNER, Agent, Enterprise, OreBen,
An indepkndent newspapfs
Formerly the Wallowa News, ostab
lis.ieJ March 3. 1899.
Published Wednesdays and Satur
days at Enterprise, Oregon, by
Office East side Court House Square
Entered as second-class matter
January 2,' 1909, at tha postoffice t
Enterprise. Oregon, under the Act of
March 3, 1S79.
Subscription Rates: One year $2,
six months $1, three months 50c,
one month 20c. On yearly cash-in-advance
subscriptions a discount oi
25c is given.
Vlfi old-age relie. Denmark has
hal a si i 1 expert ;ncs In prool
of tha ancient ma dm, "The more yo
d), the more you miy do.' In 1893,
al.oit 43,000 agel p.-riom were en
joying a s a-anjefro n the community
in 1!)0 j there were n arly 67,000
I'hra hasbseinoincreao In poverty
or In po.ula l n, to e:: 1 in t .ts
grov h; and 1. seem that tas larger
ntimle; mutt be accounted for by
the fa t fiat now, aj age comes on.
tia lull iiut.l beini t) arrange hia
affairs ao that he cm obta'n fae help. Furthermore, the
aveia e anonnt paid out per par ion
has, since 1891, g:n3 up from $18.3'
tDsimethin? m ri thin $26. But
Denma k li a 1 n of prosperity; the
'xpenrilt T3 if dl iJel anions all the
peop'e, wo .11 be only about thlrt;
jenti for e.ich, and evan thougl
Lhe D nl :li o'.d- ge provision 1 expen
)'ve, no one carja.
Oil advantage o' the Danhh law
over f e Cerm n lan li that It P"o-
.i t) al the agod anl deserving poor,
anl not meraly t e !ormer employ
ej of industry. Except lor the de
maul tha the applicant be deserv
ing, ni la 8 select3d for protec
tion.!?. V. Child, In Everybody's
1hs test Plaster.
A piece o fl n lei dampened with
Chimb rlain'u Llnlmtnt aid boind
m the afflicted pant Is superior
to an rlster. When trjubled with
lame back cr pains in the side or
dies gl e I; a trial 8nd you are ce -
vlii to be more than pleased with, the
promj t n'.ii' whlc1! it a fords. This
llnlxe;it al3 re'.!e es rheumatic pains
and Is c irlaln to pleise anyone suffer
lug fro n fiat il ea:. oll by Dur.
naugh & ayf 1 ld.
V hoover heard of E. R. Drew?
No on) In my acquaintance, whi h
e i.bra ei b oret of men who are
s 'pp;sel !o hava hoard of evarybody
W3 t.i h arlnj abaut from kings t) doE-ca'chcri. It 13 doltrs
t lillbe rles you niver heard of him
lie s the most moiast, shrinking
lltt'e mm ImalnaHe.
Yjt five head Co what E. R. Drew
hn a conipiiriied: He has smaared
advei tl 'ememls over sixty thousand
mie1 o"'ro s-country scmery, cover
ed tiot'i banks of fe .Vis ilailoDl from
Ne v Or eanr to Coiri, both banki of
tie f hio from Cain to PittAurg,
decir. tel as much of the Grand
CaiKoj o" fie (oo"ado ai he could
rea. h with a lo's'n s hal ', HnJ pal it
el acr si the anadlan and Mex-
an bDrders, an 1 tha At'antic and
l'a 1 Ij sa'oards. i: was the first
man to p-.lot a bicycle on tha craggy
stee.s of tie Grean MoanUins. He
fle Uu list chevlng-gum banner
.rom a ballooi.-Parton Wood Currie,
la Everybody's llagaiine.
Its A Top Notch Doer.
Great deeds compel regard. The
'. crawna lits doers. That's why
the American peple have crowned
Dr. Kings New Discovery the King
x Throat and Lung remedies. Every
itom la a health force. It kills, germs
and colds and U grippe vanishes.
It heals cough-racked membranes and
coughing stops. Bore inflamed bron
chial tubes and lungs are cured and
hemorrhages cease. Dr. George
More, Black Jack. N. C. writes "it
cured me of lung trouble, pronounced
lopeless by all doctors." 60c, J1.00.
Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by
3urnaugh & Mayfield.
Ns lrrl;a I n Boak Fr:e.
' Well Irri?a ion fo; Small Farms,"
Is a publication Jut Issued by the
Jreiienl Pas ener Department of
the O. R. &N. conpany and Southern
'aclll! ;in s in Oregon. This booklet
jets forth In a prictlcal, conciie
a tia powibllltlei t;r pro'it of
nexLensive lrrlja ljn and s'-iould be
In the hands of every farmer In
Jre?on. Co ilei ir.a be obtained free
m a;plica'.ion to W. M. MoMurray,
Jeneral Faisenger A tent, O. R. &
N. and S. P. lines In Oregon, Portland
J. S. BUTN.UR, Agt. O. R. &'n.
Money Comes In Bunches
o A. A. Ohisholm, of Tread well, N. Y.,
iow. His reason is well worth read
ng: "For a Jong time I suffered
rom Indigestion, torpid liver, con
tliWlon, nervousness and general
lebllity,'' he writei. "I couldn't
leep, had no appetite, nor ambition,
:rew weiker every day in spite of
oellcal treajtment. Thesi used Elec
ric Biiters. Twelve bottles restored
ill my old-time health and vigor. Now
: ca.i at' end to business every day.
t's a wonderful melicine." Infallible
'or Stomach,, Kidneys, Blood
uid Nervei. COc. at Burnaugh & May
'Oh, mother,' exclaimed little Ray
monl up n his return from Sunday
chiaol, ' ha superintendent flald some
thing anfJl nica about me in his
jrayer th's morn'n;! '
' That Tuais.p.endlf1, Raymond. What
lid he sayT"
"He sail, 'O Lord, we thank Thee
for foad and Ra mini." Ever,
body' Va.a.ine.
Frightful Fate Averted.
"I would ha- e been a cripple for
Ife, from a teirible cut on my knee
sap," write j Frank Diaberry, Kelllher,
vl Inn. ''without Bucklln's Arnica
kilve, which soon cured me.' In-
alllble for wounds, cuta and bruises,
t soon cures Burns, Scalds, Old
Jores Bolls, Skin Eruptions,
Worlds best for Pl'e3. 25c. at Bur
uiugh & Alayfteli's.
Don t give a dog or cat-stale, dirty
r soapy water to drink. See that it
clean and fiesh. You know how
t U yourse f .
The Bed-Rosk Of Success
ies in a keen, clear brain, backed
ty Indomitable will and resistless
inergy. Such power comes from the
vplendid health that Dr. King's New
Jfe Pllli Impart. They vitalize
ivery organ and build up brain and
ody. J. A. Harmon, Llzemore, W.
a., writes: "They are the best pills
i ever used." 25c at Burnaugh &
If the soli neailfl underdralnlng
low's an excellent time to lay the
ilea. They "should be at least two
uid a half feet deep.
Louis Boon, a leading merchant of
Morway, Mich., writes: "Three bottles
f Foley" Honey and Tar absolutely
tured my boy of a severe cough, and
i neighbor a boy, who was bo ill with
i cold that the doctors gave him up,
was cured by taking Foley's Honey
uid Tar." Nothing else is as safe
uid certain in result). For sale by
Jurnacgh & Mayfield.
If you tell a boy, day after day,
hat ha lmt earning his salt, he will
on be likely to work down to that
Ht I in ate.
Wei Known Hotel Keaier Ussi and
Recomm:nds Chamberlain's
Coll?, Ch!ea and Diar
rhoei Remedy.
"I t"- pleasure In saying thst I
have ke;it Chambcrltln'a Co'.lo, Cno
era anl Dlanhea Renely in my
family medicine chest for about fif
teen yean and always has satis-
faot ry te ults fioni iu ue. I have
idmlnlstered It It a great many
tra ellng men who wre Buffering
(rom troubles fo. whkh It li re o-
mended, an J have never fcl ei to
relieve Uum,' sa J. C. Jenkins, of
Glasgow, Ky. Thli remedy Is for
Mle by Burnaugh ft Mayfield.
People like to betaken 'for what
they are worth, eicept when the tax
assessor vUlts them. -
United States Land Notices
Department of the Interior, .
United States Land Office at La
Grande, Oregon, August 17, 1909.
A sufficient contest affidavit hav
ing been filed in this office by Jamss
T. Moxley, contestant, against Frei
I. Moxley, Entry, No. 13079-Serial Na.
04845, made Juna 20, 1303, for N
SE, SE SE4, NEJ4 SV Sec 33,
Township 1 S, Range 46 E. W. Meri
llan. by Fred I. Moxley, Conte3te3,
In which it Is alleged that he has
wholly abandoned said tract; that he
has changed his residence therefrom
for more than six months since mak
ing said entry; that said tract Is not
settled upon and cultivated by said
party as required by law and that
said alleged absence from the said
land was not due to hU employment
in the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps
of the United States as a private
soldier, officer, seaman or marine
during the war with Spain or during
any other war in which the U. S. may
be engaged; said parties are hereby
lotified to appear, respond, and offer
evidence touching said allegation at
10 o'clock a. m. on October 1st, 1909,
before C. M. Logwood, U. S. Com
missioner, at his orflce in Enterprise,
Jregon, and that final hearing will
be held at 10 o'clock a. m. on Oc-
:ober 4th, 1909, before the Registei
and Receiver at the United State-i
Land Office in La Grande.
The said contestant having, in a
proper affidavit, filed August 17, 1909,
set forth facts which show that after
due diligence personal service of this
lotice cannot Le made, it is hereby
ordered and, directed that such
notice be given by due and proper
2c5 COLON R. E3ERHARD, Receiver
Department o. the Interior,
United States Land Office at La
Grande, Oregon, Se..t. 7, 1909
Notice is here'jy given" that Ira
Pratt, of Enterprise, Oregon, who, on
December 23, 1907, male Homestead
Entry No. 15722-SerIal No. 05212,
for SV NBVi and NW!4 NE4 Soc.
28; SVVVi &E Sea. 21, Towiiship
I Sjuth, Ranga 44 East, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice , of
Intentions " . to make Final Com
mutation Proof, to eHabllsb. claim
o the land abjve de'crlbed, before
C. M. Lockwooi, U. S. Commissioner,
it his offl.'e, at Enterprise. Oregon,
an the 18th day of October, 1909.
- Claimant names as witnesses-:
C. J.' Sanford, of Enterprise, Oregon.
John E. Osterh.udt, of Enterprise,
Oregon, B. B. Eo. d, of
Oregon, Charlei Thomas, 0f Euter
pilse, Oregon.
JcC F. C. BRAMWELL, Register.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Wallowa County.
William J. Knight and Mary A.
Knight, Plaintiffs, vs. Charles A.
tltch, Defendant. '
To Charles A. Ritch, the above
named defendant:
In the Name of the State of Ore
gon, You ara hereby notified and re
tulred to appear and answer or
otherwise plead to the complaint
filed against you , In the above en
titled cause on or before the expira
tion of six weeks from and after the
date of the first publication of this
Summons, whkh date of first publi
cation is Thursday, September 2nd,
1909, and if you fail to so appear and
tuswer or otherwise plead in said
jause the plaintiffs, for want thereof,
will apply ta the above-entitled Court
for the relief prayed for in their
complaint on file herein to-wlt:
For the satisfaction and cancellation
of that certain mortgage of record
in the mortgage records of Wallowa
County. Oregon, In Volume "E" at
page 374 thereof, dated February
10th, 1893, on the southwest quarter
section ten In township one south of
range forty.four east W. M. in Wal
lowa County, Oregon, which mort
gage was executed and delivered by
the plaintiffs to the defendant to
secure the sum of $1000.00 and in
terest; and for a decree satisfying
and cancelling said mortgage up in
the records of said county, and re
moving said mortgage as a clo.ul
from plaintiffs' title to said lands.
This Summons is served upon you
by publication thereof In the Wal
lowa Chlertaln, a weekly newspaper
published at Enterprise, Wallowa
County, Oregon, and having a general
circulation theieln, for the full period
of six consecutive weeks and seven
issues of said paper, commencing with
the Issue of Thursday, September 2,
1909, pursuant to an order of the
Hon. J. b. ' Olmsted, County Judg.
of Wallowa County, Oregon, made
and entered on the 31st day of Aug
ust, 1909.
BURLEIGH & BOYD, Attorneys
for plaintiffs. Jc7
Headquarters for school supplier.
Jackson aV W eaver's drug store.
Foley's Honey and Tar clears the
air passages, stos the irritation in.
the throat, soothe i the inflamed mem
branes, and the most obstinate cough
lis3a.pears. Sore and inflamed lungs
are" healed and atre lgthened, and the
cold is expelled from the system.
Refuse any but the genuine In the
yellow package. For sale by Bur
naugh & Mayfield.
The m Mi never waits for something
to turn up; he goss right out and
Joes It himself.
If pepbe with symptoms of kidney
or bladder trouble could realize their
danger they would without loss of
time commence taking Foley's Kid
ney Remedy. This great remedy
itopa the pain anl the irregularities,
strengthens and builds up these
rgans and there is no danger of
Bright's disease or other serious dis
rder. Do not disregard the early
symptoms. For sale by Burnaugh
& .Mayfield.
Contentment i3 merely the ability
to forget for a while the things that
are beyond our reach.
Fall calda are Quickly cured by
Foley's Honey and Tar, the great
tnroat and lung remely. The genu
ine contains no harmful drugs. For
sale by Burnaugh & Mayfield.
Even the most learned of us never
rea'izs how Utile we know till a
small boy besliu to ask questions.
C. R. Kluger, the Jeweler, 1060
Irginia Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.,
writes: "I was sa weak from kidney
rouble that I could hardly walk a
uiiidrel feet. Four bottles of Foley's
iid..iey remedy cleared my complex
ion, cured my backache and the
rreaulaiities disappeared, and I can
iow attend to business every day
ind recommend Foley's Kidney Reme
ly to all s.if."erers, as It cured me
liter the doctors and other remedies
iad falle.l." For Bale by Burnaugh
k Mayfield.
iwany woman after remedying a
imoky stove or a smoking lamp, have
0 put up wi.h a smoking husband.
. Mr. Fr G. Fritz, Oneonta, N. Y.,
.vrits: "My little girl was greatly
eaefitted by taking Foley's Orino
-axa lve, and I think It is the best
oaie'y for ccnsJpation and Hver
rouble." Foley's Orino Laxative is
nild, pleasant and effective, and
-'ures habitual constipation. For sale
ay Burnaugh & Mayfield.
Besin to think about your wood
lle? That's right. Cold nights make
is creep up about the 6tove.
Enough dry wood and chips to last
1 wejk ahead Is riches; fire out and
lhe last stick ovt Is poverty,
for ChaopeJ S in.
(.hap el s't n whether on the hands
or fase may be cure! in one nlg'ijt
by a?7ly:n; Camb rla'n's. Salve. It
h al :&) uneiualal f r sore nl;pl s.
burn 3 anl seal K Fo: sale b Lur
nau h & MafielJ.
"Father sent me over to borrow
your paper; he wants to read it."
"Tell him I'm coming over to borrow
his breakfast; I only want to eat it."
Real Estate Dealer
Mitchell Hotel Block JOSEPH, 0REG0U
To the Citizens of Wallowa County:
It is our purpose to handle any business
entrusted to us in such a fair and liberal
manner as to maUe the customer's rela
tion with this banlf satisfactory and
profitable. Aside from our excellent
facilities, this bank has the advantage of
a large capital and substantial list of
stockholders. It is also a State Deposi
tory. If you are not a customer we
invite you to become one.
Stockgrowers acd Fwre National Bank
Wallowa. Oregon
Wallowa. Appleton. Flora to Paradise
Ym PnTTa,dife F,oraMi Appleton to Wallowa
O0Od TatweTur trHUmCnt Ud " "tea.
E. W. SOUTHWICK. Proprietor.
Mora Than Enough ia Too Much.
To m lntain h alth, a mature man
or waman neds Juit enoagh fo d to
repair tie na te and sup;ly energy
and body he t. Ths habitual con
surnpt on of more fo d than is necess
ary fo.- these purpo ei is ths prime
cau e cf stoma h traubl;s, rh3U
ma'dam and d:sord3r of the kidneys.
If troibed wlt'a in I'gaV.ian, re ise
your di9t. Is. reason anl not appa
tlte control and t ke a few d03ei of
Cham.' elans Sto aih and Liver
Tab'ets and you v. Ill s on b3 a'l right
aga n. l or rale b Burnaugh & May-field.
"If tha shoe fits, wear it," ia a
time-worn saying; but with a woman
if the shoe fits she takes it back
because it Is toa big.
Any person knowing of any viola
tion of the game or fish laws of tht
state, or of persons not properly
keeping screens over irrigation
ditches, are requested to notify
Deputy State Game and Forestry
Warden, Zumwalt, Oregon. 4Jtf
New and Elegant
Uunsaker & Taylors
Same low prices that save money
or every customer and accounts
for our rapidly increasing trade.
Dandruff and
are but outward signs of the evil
done in secret by myriads of dan
Jruff germs sapping the life blood
of the hair. Micro kills the para
site, soothes the itching scalp,
gives lustre to the hair and stops
it falling out -A single application
gives relief and proves its worth.
Save your hair before too late.
Micro prevents baldness. It is a
delightful dressing for the hair,
free from grease and sticky oils.
Ask your druggist for free booklet,
y 1