VrtM Hfttirftii M Twicea Week ALL THE" OFFICIAL NEWS OF WALLOWA I COUNTY IN THE NH THE Saturday Edition NEWSRECORD ALL THE NEWS WHILE 11 18 NEWS TWICE-A-WEEK NEWS RECORD ELEVENTH YEAR. NO. 45. ENTERPRISE. WALLOWA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1909. MONEY TO LOAN Slate Funds loaned, 6 per cent. John P. Rusk. Atty. State Land B'd. Joseph FOR 8ALE. CLARKSTON MEN Team, harness and 2V4 inch spring wagon.$250. Enquire at this office. PRMSE HILL LAND CITY OFFICIAL PAPER House, 5-rooms, lot 60 x 120, four blocks from bank corner. $600. This property is cheaper than you can build. Terms. Clarence E. Vest. 4lbtf . 100 or 125 tone o! hay. Inquire of H. O. Ziynwalt, Zumwalt, Oreg. 394 160 acres timber land and good mill site In Wallowa County, Oregon. Communicate with J. E. Houtchens & Co. Waitsburg, Wash.. BObtf One complete planing mill and engine. Also 300,000 feet, more or less, of good merchantable lumber. For price and terms call on Burleigh &Boyd, Enterprise, Oregon. 31btf HEAVY INVESTORS SATISFIED WITH PURCHASES RAILROAD DOWN GRANDE RONDE? Pool and Billiard Tables at a bargain Call at Mrs. Mayor's restaurant. 3 6 bin Nearly new eight room bouse and half block of land in most desirablo part of town. Easy terms on part if desired and will take team and wagon in trade. Enquire at this of fice. 28r8 WANTED. Sch:o'. boys Two o1 threa.to room; and board. Mrs. Mavor. 42btf Jligheat market price paid for a'l kinds of grain in exchange for furni ture, by Ashley the Home Furnisher. 42w2. Marriage Licenses. Sept 25. W. P. Trumbull Grace Wright both of Joseph. and New Suite Filed. Edwin Marvin vs.' HaMe Merrill, J. E. Martin and Augustus Walker. Com plaint. ' Methodist Dinner, All human history attests that happi ness for roan tae hungry sinner, Since Eve ate floppies, much depends on dinner.'' '. The Methodlsit ladles . will serve dinner at the Fraternal hall Tuesday, Oct. 5, beginning at 5 o'clock. Every body ia invited C. CM unlock of Clarkston, who bought the J. W. Emmons ranch of nvfir 1900 n.M-Ki rut Dav Ridir a few months ego, was In town the first of the week in company with Mr Em mons., completing final details of the deal. .Mr. Murdock ia a man of varied ex eprience in several states., Iowa, Mln- niesoia, Washington and Idaho, and has bem & money -maker in all of them. He was concerned In land lei's, bath farm property and town .jjtes in 'the East, and has owned and ill on considerable resfl estate in AaUa county. He was for a year jr two, publisher of the Clarkston tte.jub'1113, and he got out a bright and aewsy paper whlla he held down the 3dC.tDrIal chair. Mr. Murdonk U mighty well pleas ii with h!s big investment in land in Jidj couuu y and pre Jiata a great future .'of farming in the hills. He also has Jalth that the North country will be 3rved with a railroad in a comparat ively short time, In addition to the )j!blisili.a.j Intentions of the North Ooaat, backed by the final location Ktrvey work there Is unnilstakeable jvrfdence that thaae 13 something do- ng aip the Grande Ronde. Timber jruisers have bean cruising all the amber on both slde3 of the river to tfay below Troy. While no ereat body of timber has yet been, purchas er, and the Idenui'.y of the employer x the cr ulnars ia unknown, there lave bean many straws pointing to he largest manufacturer of lumber a this ' Baotion of the state. This nd other reasons are back of the penjlstejit rumors that the 0. R. & .V. will ba extended at least s a logging pur, from Rondowa tQ Troy ;r below. Mir.iMurdockhaa backed up this fadth jy olher purchases up north until Bartlett. Hi s son H managing the big ranch on Day Ridge and his family have reside! there thi3 summer. - W. E. Howard Here. W. E. Howard, of Clarkston, who ha made heavy investments in hill land north of thli city, was here this week looking after his property. Mr. Howard is well satisfied with his land which includes the major portion of Ant flat, and conf idontiy looks forward to the day tihm all the arable hill land here will ba held at a3 high prices as the Asotin county wheat land. " County Court To Convene At Troy LAND DECISIONS OF IMPORTANCE HOMESTEAD ENTRYMAN WINS OVER TIMBER FILING YOUNG WINS CONTEST CASE. Will Hold Meeting To Consider Project of Bridge Across Grande Ronde. The county court will hold a meet ng at Troy, Saturday. October 9. at 10 a. m.. and all residents of that rfcimMy or others interested In the mlldlfig of a bridge across the Grande londe river at or near Troy, are .nv4!.ei to be present Two land dejims of interest to Wallowa county neoole wem rerrtwA thla week by Conaway & Corkius. One was in the case of Joseph N. Ferguson vs. James Rica Ferrn. son had filed application for a home stead on the aft dw!4 and n w sec. 17, twp. 4 north. R. 41. and Rice made application for a timber claim on the same land. The land of fice at La Grande permitted, the tim ber filing and rejected the horae ste ii entry. The case was appealed to Washington thfcroujrh Conawav Jt. Corklns and the decision was re versed, the hoinertead entry being permitted and the timber filine can. celled. The second caie was the govern ment contest Ming against Charles Young who on March 28, 1901, made entry 01 Sw 80i4 se sw, gec 32, t 2n and lot 3 and soft nw sec 5 t In. ran 4 w i m Yo.mg submitted final proof April 29, The department of the Interior subject win be "Slavery of Covetoms- nosi and the evenUig subject "Au thority of Truth Over Error There will be Dreachi 0 ... waiw U 1 I. nouse tt Enterprise Sundav. Oct a at d p. m. by Elder A. J. Layland of me tteorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Dav and hear the gospel as preached 1800 years ago. Committee. M. E. Church: Sunday School 10 a. m. Preaching 11 a. to. and 7:30 p. m. Morning subject. "What the Christian May Know," evening, "The Right Eye." Epworth League 6:45 P. m. C, E. Trueblood, Pastor. Committees For Evangelistic Work WAL L OWA COUNTY ANNUA L INSTITUTE PROGRAM MEETING AT LOSTINE THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND 8ATURDAY NEXT. The teachers annual institute for Wallowa county will be held at Los tine Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 7. 8 and 9. The dav ses sion will be held in the public school building and the evening sessions In the M. E. church. The instructors are President E. D. Ressler formerly of Monmouth; J. H. Ackerman, sup erintendent of public instruction;. Prof. . K. Shirk, principal Wallowa A-f;.,- , - !!. n. iv. ouim, principal vvauowa Aci.e Work Begun-Committee. county high school, and Mrs. A. E. sufficient and ordered that his pat e.x ce gframleJ This general invitation of the court JUht to result In the hlettfis trather. ng ever 1 the North country, if the ' 1903 people came out in proportion to I decided that Mr, Young's pro was The Crouse, Troy and Eden coun- -ry U among the mqat fertile in lie Inland Empire, and wbUe there are nany fine raiohes there now, if V lad transportation facilities it would become n a few years tbe mQsit tllck. y se'jWMi part of the cqunty, But 3ven with a bidge the change will be marked, for at present thq set tiers, depend for a'l communication wil'h the re3t of the county upon a ferry that proved so uncertain lost winter tfrat the people received qnly hrea rofidls in a month, The bridge H nt only a public necessity, but .wQull be a good ii vestment as It 1 3 admitted that fche CHURCH SERVICES. Thare l be aervloes In thA E:i terprlse Ca, hollc church next Sunday morning at 10 o' 1 Kk. Sirmon by "v. j a iier. SJmonds, A Santay Sch q! RiHy Day ssrvke will be hj!d In fie M. E. church ouuvtty a-. z:cu p, m. A pr sram will be gl.-eu consUtlig of ssnsa. rewitat'on?- ani hn. h , .aw . tt drsases. n oferin? wi 1 ha (nkaii ior tae work of the Sunday School tin t .S ccfiu La tZ v7 " evening, and all he now owns over 2000 acres on Day company was here Wednesdav cT 1 i Vv." px, ktt W'U preach Ridge and a Quarter section n JLZ!.... e8da7' 000 lta the Chrlstlaa church Sunday ye pmjl stock Corresponds With the Season's Crops Biggest Yet. It is none too early to begin preparations for Winter and our store is crowded with Fall and Winter goods. bcnoois are openme- ud we wnnld noli cn,M n.4.: 1- r aucuuuu 10 our line 01 snoes tor children. The Famous Buster Browns and Nap-a-Tans TH&Y "MAKE A HIT . KrtS '?HI Vl- i: Shoes 5 FOR BOYS FOR GIRlS any Leather, Style or Size ON SALE AT Meet Tonight To Plan Campaign. ( Preparations for the evangelistic campaign to be o.Haied In this city Sunday, October 24. under the dtiwt. on of Evangellrt Pratt and the local I minsters, are be'ng pushed as rapid y aa possible. The following com, nniee3 and places and times of heir aneatlngs are announced fcxecuuve Wm. Rankin, E. J. For 'rths, J. A. Burleigh. G. H Vest leets at Presbyterian parsonage Sat irJay, Oct. 2, at 7:30 p. m. M'usilc Mi.ea Amy Olmsited, Joyce -iaig, aiiichell, Jennie Borland; Mrs oorkiiis; jir3. Nellia Clark, Mrs. J p Sanders, Mrs. Rertha Millard. Meets in the prayer mue'kicr rofvm nt ih Christian churcli, Saturday, Oct 2, at ;-su p. m. Canvassing J'ra. White. Mrs T I. Dill, Mrs. Haney. Mrs. Halsey, Mrf . ievore, ft.rs. u. W. Amey, Airs. . J.. Falconer, Mrs. Henry Fletcher, -vuBer nay, ran Pack. Meets at iome of Mrs. De;o:e, Saturday, Oct I. at 7:30 p. jn. .nance Geo. W. Hyatt, Wm. ttankun, J. A, Burleigh. A. M. Wag- sonagg Saturday evening at 7:30 with -ha executive committee. Ushers .E. J. Forsythe, Roger Kay, via rencn, Frei Holmes, Charles Haney, Walker Franklin. Will Turi v rxnii look. Evangelist J. R. Pratt Br. J. Wilbur Chapman. President m mie literdenomlnational Assocla 'lan of Evangelists says: The Rev. J n. Pmitjt a in m Judgment one cf the most successful, n well &i one of the sanest and vifest evangelists in this .onnt.rv. I have known about his work for years dn a general way and within the past two years have beon bronchi In personal toiwh urii.i, . 1 - - ...111, CUMU have no heaitaiUon in giving his ser vices my unqualified endaru.mni Cordially yours, J. Wilbur Chapman." , JJ-l. F. E. MOORE J OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Om e in rank Eulldlng. Ret- dence at B. B. Boyd's. Ind. f Phom. Entoir rlie, Oregon. ivanhoe, asjlUn':. Chas. H. Joies of the Oieson Teachers' Monthly will have charge of the music. Program October 7. 10:00 a. hi. Opening Exerciucs. 10:30 to 11:00 Primary Reading E. D. ner 11:00 to 11:30 11:30 to 12:00 1:30 to 2:13 Arkhmelic H. K. Shirk Advanced Reading E. D. Raider NOON The N. E. A .... E. D. R:w.i r 2:15 to 3:00 Conscious and U:i- cansLious DlwipMne Mrs. A. E. Ivanhoe Followed by discuisJcn. 3:00 to 3:30 Arithmetic H. K. Shirk 3:30 to 4:00 Address E. D. Ressler Evening Sejsion 8:00 p. m. Music Addrew of We'.eome . . A. G. Sirith Response J. w. Kerns Music The New Education E. D. Uavi'.jr Music October 8. 9:00 a. m. Opening Exerclaes 9:2 to 10:05 Advanced Reading -rrvs-j i-r .nr B, P. VlW. 10:05 to 10:55 Address ' Saint. J. II. Ackertnnn 10:55 to 11:10 Recess 11:10 to 11:55 Elemer.tnrv Arl. cullture Supt. J. H. Ackerman NOON 1:30 to 1:45 Opening Exercises 1:45 to 2:30 IndiMtiiai Arithme- tlc E. D. Ressler 2:30 to 3:15 Hitory J. H. Ackerman 3:15 to 3:30 Receis 3:30 to 4:15 The Philosopliy of Life State Supt. J. H. Ackerman Evening Session 8:00 p. m. Music Address, Sui:t. J. H. Ackemmn October 9. 9:00 a. m. Opening Exercises 9:20 to 10:05 Primary Seat Work E. D. Resslor Ceography H. K. Shirk Recess The New Teacher E. D, Ressler NOON Opening ExerclMes 10:03 to 10:55 10:55 to ll:lo 11:10 to 11:55 1:30 to 1:45 (Continued on last page.) s our store. Guaranteed to give satisfactory service and a neat, comfortable fit. A nice, new line of Ladies' and Children's Coats A,PrlCM Tr" Reach New Dress Skirts and Shirt Waists for Fall. Also Kimonas, Dressing Sacques, Underskirts, etc. Complete Stock of Men's Apparel of All Kinds The Gordon Hat, best $3.00 Hat on llie market. A biz line of !,'. E.iri Tr .nn sn on g Also a lot of broKen lines in the old stocK with prices cut away down. Come in and look s over w M you buy or not. W. J; FUNK (Sl GO. 320 Acres $16 10 miles from town, 125 acres can be Irrigated, 75 acres In summer fallow, large natural lake. 150 inches of water, 40 acres of timber. per acre Dwellings In Enterprise, $650 to $2600. Lot In Enterprise, $75 to $250. W. E. TAGGART The Pioneer Real Estate Man. ENTERPRISE, : : OREGON "Careful Banking Insurts thi Saftty of Dtposits." Depositors Have That Guarantee at WALLOWA NATIONAL BANK OF ENTERPRISE, OREGON CAPITAL 150.000 SURPLUS $50,000 Wc Do a General Banking Business. Exchange Bought and Sold on All Principal Cities. Geo. W. Hyatt, President Geo. 8. Craig, Vice President W. R. Holmes, Cashier Frank A. Reavis, AxbU Cashier Geo .8. Ckaki J. II. Dobbin directors Geo. W. Hyatt Mattii a. Holmes W, R. Holmes RnuiuiEuianuuuiiiiiiiu KHKimnifciiiiiainnumnmHmMmmm