Oron Historical In Twicea Week Wednesday Edition NEWSRECORD ALL THE OFFICIAL NEWS OF WALLOWA COUNTY IN THE N-R ALL THE NEWS WHILE II IS NEWS TWICE-A-WEEK NEWS RECORD TIE ELEVENTH YEAR. NO. 30. MONEY TO LOAN Slate Funds loaned, 6 per cent. John P. Rusk. Atty. State Land B'd. Joseph WANTED. Lumber. ' Anyone having lumber of any grade In any amount for sale, or who has timber he Intends to saw soon, and wishes to contract the lum ber, call on or address V. F. Rankin at Haney planer In Enterprise, Agent for W. R. Klvette. 2Gbi Star Actress In Splendid Drama Ethel Tucker 8oen At Her Best Strong Support By Company. On their re'.urn ta Enterprise, Fri day night the Ethel Tucker Stock company will make a very ambitious effort when they produce a play that fcas been one of the dramatic sens ations of the past two years, "Paid In Full." This U a wonderful study of one phase of metropolitan life wherein the mad whirl called living, toonor, love, business Integrity, woman's purity, all are sometimes sacrificed. in Paid in Full, all are saved by woman's purity. This Is a play that All should see; it 13 one you will never forget. Every member of th3 company is enthusiastic over the play and that always means' good work, Jt has been dec'.ded by the manage ment of the company in conjunction with the management of the house to compliment Its patrons in attend ance at Its performance on Friday and Saturday evenings next, August 13 and 14, To this end a purchase bag been made from M. Larsen of a trlctlj flrat class gold watch, which is now on exhibition in the window of Burnaugh ft Mayfleld, With every reserved seat ticket purchased to cither Friday or Saturday's perform, iinee, a number will be given and on Saturday evening a drawing will be made, the lucky number winning the gold watch. On Saturday night will be present, ed t&e beiutiful story of Virginia, ''Roanoke' N Suits Filed. ( August Tj3. W. Cook vs. Arthur D. Hulse, W. B. Hunter and D. H. Harris If you are in Mimes Mower lie NOTED NEWSPAPER MAN IN VALLEY W. E. CURTIS GREATEST OF TRAVEL WRITERS VISITS WALLOWA LAKE. W. E. Curtis, the premier news paper correspondent of the world, was In Wallowa Valley Tuesday afternoon and night. He came in Ge.ieral Passenger Agent McMurray's private car attached to the regular train, visited Wallowa Lake, and went out Wednesday morning. He was accom panied by Mrs. Curtis and their daughter. Mr, Curtis is the greatest traveler and writer of travels in the world today. For over a score of years his daily letters on the first page of the Chicago Record, and since the con solidation, of the Chicago Record Herald, has been eagerly watched for by hundreds of thousands of people. He speaks dally In a personal sense to the largest and most Intelligent audience of any writer in the world. Ills letters are the "making"' of any scene of natural beauty that he choos es to describe. His description of Crater Lake made that greatest of natural wonders known to the world. As a word painter he has no tqual, yet his letters are remarkable as Stevenson's work, for their clear, limpid, elegant style. So It can be understood that the visit of Mr. Cur ls Is one Of the greatest pieces of good luck that has happened to this beautiful val ley, whose treasures have so long been hidden by Its cloak of Isolation, in one day it will begome famous. Mr. Curtis is famous in other ways besides as "a newspaper man. He was James G. Blaln's main depend ence In the attempt of that great statesman ' to draw closer together the republics of North, Squth. and Central America, and was- secretary of the Bureau of. American Republics. He has written many books of big circulation and (a the Intimate and doubtless the confident of more of the great and powerful of earth than any other one man. He enjoys a princely salary and is a free lance to go wherever hl3 inclination may lead, his sole duty being, and that a voluntary one, to write a letter a day for Victor F. Lawson, which Is published in Lawson's Chicago Record Herald, n many respects the best of newspapers, need of a SPSS ENTERPRISE M. ENTERPRISE, WALLOWA COUNTY. OREGON, Thompson Miller, At the home of the Rev. Ford El lis, 1701 Washington avenue. Pro fessor Robert L. Thompson ot Prom ise, and Mhs Nona B. Miller of En terprise were united in holy bonds of wedlock Monday aternoon at 5 o'clock. Mrs. o. C. Fleihman acted as bridesmaid and Mr. O. C. Flesh man as best man. The bride waa beautiful In a gown, of soft cream tulle and a veil. She carried a bou quet of orange bknsDms. Mr. and Airs. Thompson are well known In Wallowa county, both having taught there. Immediately after the wed ding they started by vehicle for Prom ise, where they wiil make their fu ture home, and where Mr. Thompson is to be principal of the school. La Grande Star. Cattlemen Paid Top0f Market Shipment of Snake River Steers And Cows Bring Good Prices. Eight cars of Snake river cattle were shipped out Sunday by Chandler of Elgin. The cattle were bought for him by M. E. . Hotchklss from Ben Johnson, F. p. SOmers, C. J. Wilson, E. A. Mace, Mike Thorn ason and J. M. Wlseaer. The cattle were In prime market condition and brought the owners the fine price of $29 each for cqws and $43 for steers. The cattle market is still Improv. ing and the chances are Wallowa county stockmen will clear up a big um after the bee round-up next month. Sunday's shipment was loaded at Joseph as the scales are not put in at the yards- here yet. Marriage Licensee. August 7. Grover Witt and Jessie Lyons. Changed Fair's Name. The La Grande peiple have chang ed the name of their fajr from Eastern Oregon Exposition to Union County Exposition Association. The Observer says the plan to, combine the Union and Wallowa fairs at La Orande is still up In the air and several men will come to Joseph Wednesday to find out de:lnltely what Is going to be done abqut it, Warren Forsythe of Ann Arbor, Mich., arrived Monday for a visit w'th his parents. n 1 rn WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1909. M REDUCTION IN EFFECT RAILROAD COMPANY ACCEPTS COMMISSION'S DECREE IN GOOD GRACE. The new freight rates, ordered by the state commission because of the complaint by the Enterprise Com mercial club, were put Into effect last Thursday, August 5, and mean a reduction on all Incoming freight from Portland or elsewhere In Oregon of from 10 to 18 per cent, according to classes and towns. The reduction to Joseph and Enterprise Is much larger than to Wallowa, because more of ljcal rats was knocked off, but liij.o U a 3ul3tantial reduction to Wallowa. Formerly the first class rate Port land to Wallowa was $1.69, now it is $1.53 per cwt. To Enterprise It was formerly $1.79, now it Is $1.57 or but 4 cents more than to Wallowa. Following are the rates to the four towns from Portland; Wal- L33- Enter- Jo Classes lwa tine prise seph First $1.53 $1.55 $1.57 $1.58 Second 1 30, 1 32 1.33 1.34 Third 1.07 1.09 1.10 1.11 Fourth .92 .93 .94 .93 Fifth .76 .77 .78 .79 , A .76 .77 .78 .79 B .61 .62 .63 .(;:; C .46 .47 .47 .47 D .38 .39 .39 .40 E .31 ,31 .31 .32 The saving at Enterprise over former rate3 is 22 cents a hundred on first class freight, 23 cents on, second class, 16 cents on third and 12 cents on fourth, I From La Grande the rate was formerly 69 cent on first class to Enterprise; it is now 52 cents. Along with this splendid reduction, -or which credit must be given the 3. R. & N. for noi seeking to delay the putting It into effect, the rail road company Is giving a big reduc tion on shipment from the East. Flric Mass from Chicago to Enter prise Is reduced from $4.04 a cwt. to S3 .6ft, Fecond rlaa from $3.47 to $3.17, third from $2.65 to $2.51, fourth from $2.20 to $2.16, Returned from England. Alvln E. Jordan, son of Mr. and Mr L. J. Jordan of Just south . of this city, has returned home after an absence of two and a half years In NOW pAMPioipfi M. CO. England on Mormon mission work. He was stationed In London, and was president of the London conference with 36 elders under him. While In England he visltsd his father's birth place, Gosport on the Hampshire coast. Fall In Cement. An overload of cement piled on the temporary floor ot the sheriffs of fice In the new court house caused It to give way, Sunday, precipitat ing the cement into the basement. The loss to joliU and cement was about $23. S. E. Combes returned from Hot Lake Tuesday. Their baby is much better. Deal Involving $46,000 Is Closed Litch, Funk & Hoto'hkies Now Own Kernan Bret. Sheep Bjsiness. The L. F. &' H. company Is a new sheep firm formel in this city Mon lay, and Is compoied of that veteran .voolgrower, Sam Litih, Jas. A. Funk jf Turlock, Cal., and the well known itotkbuyer, M. E. Hotchklss. The lew firm takes over the. sheep, 4900 liead, recently bought by Litch and Hotchklsa or Hayes Kernan, and the 1800 sheep and 1280 acres of land bought a few days ago from Frank kernan by LlUh and Funk. The exact figures on the sheep ire not given out but the Hayes Ker nan deal Involved over '$19,000, and . the Frank Kernan Bheep and land sold for over $27,00( or a total of over $46,000. New 8uitt Filed. Vernon M. Gregg vs. Wm. A, and Surah F. Davis. We are the sellers of the E. How ard watches, the best on the market. Call for them at Martin Larsen'S. Prof. A. G. Yoder of Colorado, prin cipal of the Joseph school this com ing year, was la town Tuesday. DATE ON LABEL. The month and year to which your subscription is paid follows your name on the label. Look at It. For In stance, "Jan 10" means you are paid to the last day of January, 1910. If I the date is ' July 09" or any date prior to thatyojr subscription la now due. On August 20, statement will be sent to all who are in arrears. or any other kind of FARM MACHINERY we can supply you as we have the goods on hand and will sell them to you at a price that is right. Come in and look over ourstock. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER ENTERPRISE WINS FROM WALLOWA TAKE SUNDAY'S GAME BY SCORE OF 8 TO 3 PACE'S FINE PLAYING. To steal a phrsa. and chance it a little, of a celebrated baseball writer not a thousand miles from Wallowa, "But wouldn't a 8 -ore of 8 to 3 make anybody happy?" Sure it does when it comes our way, as it did last Sunday at V.aKowa when by splendid all-around playing the En terprise team won by the aforemen tioned score. The Enterprise club was minus the lervlces of Its crack pitcher, Bllyeu, who is at the Coas.;. but. Bruce IBrt nan, who recent'y arrived here from Stuart, la., prove! a mcl worthy sub- itltute. He was wild the first two nnings, pas.slng lour or five men, .nd enabling Wallowa to score once n the firs', and twice in the second. Jut after that his drop ball worked o perfection and nary a Wallowan hereafter saw the home plate ex :ept when he poinded his bat on it just before dying on flrs-i. or thera ibouts. Billy Bauer caught Hartman In iplendld style and threw a hair dv.j i ambitious but rash runnel's o.:i at first, PIdcock at second and Hug at ihort being the same old reliables. Casey" French, his bum anklo pa. Uy .vell.dug 'em out of the dust at thir l, vhlle Savage, Pace and Marvin :avorted in left, center and right, espectlvely. And maybe Pace didn't cavort some. Nothing too far oat or cloie In fi.. llm to get and that wing of his nailed hree baserunners, one trying to score rom third after Pace had ci isj'u ong fly, another mm doubled at lrst who ran a few fee', off the hae o watch Arther scoop up a Texas eaguer, while the third man perished nlserably attempting to score from lecond Just because a lo.ig miig!-i went to the far bojndary of Pace's iiasture. Oh! what an arm V Haye3' support was poor but a', ihat the Enterprise boys battel hi-n hard enough to win two games. Hug and Pace leading In the s'.aughter. The Wallowa team is invltod here for next Sunday but has given no answer yet. GROSSMAN. Preaolilng by Rev. F. G. Polt-r text Sunday at East Grossman. All ire invited. Herb Browning returned Sunday from Hood River and Portland. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Bananas, Oranges and Lemons Blackberries This Week ORDER NOW ROCK CREEK FLOUR Everyone Says the BEST IN TOWN Plenty of Good Cedar Shingles Always the CHEAPEST Riley and Riley Groceries and Flour Fuel and Feed