KHHHEZCISKZSMCSSSSSri 5 Fall Samples In S FROM THE CELEBRATED H GARDEN CITY TAILORS " g Fine line of all the lat- g S est in the striped mate- S rials now so popular 5 La-lies' and men's suils cleaned, ui S Enterprise Cleaning jS M H and Pressing Works J. L. SI EGMUND. ra mbbbbmbbbbbbbbbsbbbiebs ALL THE DAILY PAPERS, MAGAZINES AND THE National Weeklies at Coleman Brothers The Best Cigars, Confec tionery and Fruit. Stationery Supplies of al! kinds. First door east of Postolficc. WESLEY DUNCAN, Stock Inspector for Wallowa County. JOSEPH, OREGON S. K. Clark Plumber & Stem Fitter Full line of plumbing material. Satisfaction Guaranteed Shop at Keltner's Hardware Store Leave Orders. LODGE DIRECTORY I 0 0 F entkfurish: lod(3e' n KMEKALIJ IlKOKKAIt I.OIX1R. No. UK K, n KNTlOitrmSE LODGE, No . ofr. . JUANITA TEMPI .13, No. t, Pythlar Sisters. MAQflMIP UNTKIIPUIKE CIIAI'TITI; IVInOUIllUN'u. :0, Itoyul Arch Masons meets first and third Tiiumlays of cacl month In Musunlu Hull. All vlHltlm Hoyul Arch Miliums welcomed. J. H. OLMtfTUO, IllKh Priest. P. W. BIIEA1IAN, Heurelury. WALLOWA LODOR, No. 82, A. P. A A. M., meets second and fourth Mittur days of each month In Masonlo Hull Visiting Mamms welcomed J. A., W. M. W C. BOATMAN, Secretary. WALLOWA VALLEY CIIAPTEIl, No SO. O. K. S. meets first and third Sat urdayi of each month, In Maaoiilo Hall Vlnltlnit Stars are always welcomed. MRS. ELVA I FUK.NCH, W. M. MRS. MARY K. STEEL, SeO. EAGLE CAMP. No. 10197, M A Meets first and third Thursdays In each month. In new Kia ternal hulL Vlaltlnif Neighbors alwayi welcome. J. W. TtODGERS Consul. T. M. DILL, Clerk. ANEROID CAMP, No. 3543, R N. of A. WH UI ENTERPRISE CAMP, No .U. II. 535, W. of W. ALMOTA CIRCLE. No. 278. W. of W. Tortured On A Horse. "For ton years 1 couldn't ride a horse without bel ig in torture from idles," wrltei L. S. Napier, or ltug loss, Ky., "when nil doctors and other remedies failed, Hucklln's Arnica Salve curod me." Infallible for Piles, lliirna, Scalds, Cuts, Holls, Fever Sores, Eczema, Salt Rheum, Corns. 2'ic-Ouaranteed by Uurnaugh & May field. AiHfiiiHiH tiHSKu t muwpest has broken off her engagement because her dance, who Is a nonsmoker, wishes her also to give up the habit. She de clares she can live without a husband, but not without ctsnrottes. Life 100.C00 Year Ago. Scientists have found in a cave In Switzerland bones of men, who lived 100,000 years ago, when life was In constant danger from wild beasts. To-day the danger, as shown by A. W Ilrown of Alexander, Me., Is largely from deadly disease. "lf It had not been for Dr. King's New OUovery. which cured me, I could not have lived,1' he wrltea, "suffering ns 1 did from a severe lung trouble and stubborn cough." To cure Sore hung- Colds, obstinate Co.ighs, and prevent Pneumonia, It's tho best medicine on e irth. 60c and $1.00. Guarantee I by Karnaugh & Muyflold. Trial hot t free. THE NEWS RECORD (Twice-a-Week.) Alt INDEPENDENT NKWBPAPEB Formerly the Wailowa News, estab lislied March 3. 1893. Published Wednesdays and Satur days at Enterprise. Oregon, by THE ENTERPRISE 'PRESS Office East side Court House Square Entered in the Enterprise postoffice as seo:id-clas3 matter. Subscription F.a'es: One year $2 six months $1, three months 50c, one month 20c. On yearly cash-in advance subscriptions a discount o 25c is given. SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1909. IS A LOCAL ISSUE. President Taft has at last chang ed Ills waiting policy and is taking i an active Interest in the tariff-mak ing game. So far, however, he If insisting only on "free raw mater! als." That's not fair to the sections that produce only raw material. H we are to have free hi les, then why not lower the rate a H'Me on man ufacturcd shoes? If frea woo!, why not take the du'y off manufactured wo jlunB? H certaliily 1 oks that President Taft's present po'Iey Is a sop to the central western states. Oenaral Hancock was right when he said In 1SS0 the tariff was a local Issue, lis was laughed at then; ne.irly everybody agrees with him now. The Geieial was 30 years thecal bf his time. Tho louua-lous Wallowa Sun took i column of Its space last week to ell it was opposed to a daily mall service to the North Country If any if th2 service should start from En- erprisc. This was a clear waste of .vhltj paper ai everybody knew the .?u!i would be fernist It. There is no gainsaying the ad verilslrg feiture of a big Wallowa county exhibit at the La Grande fair, and it wl'.l iiy us all to get In uul work for a representative ex hibit. This co .nty takes a back -e.U t.j none when It comes to agri culture or live stock. liogintilng thl j year Wallowa count) Joins the wheat exporting column, n a fow yo:irs reports as to the :oiulitiJn of who it In this county .vlll be ai regularly asked for as low from Uma ilia. Splendid haymaking weather and large h crop In tie history of the -touii I y being cut and stacked. The ax,!ra crop and good price will put many added thousands of dollars Into the po.'ke's of ranchers this year. SI3ES AND SONS. Rrlgfidlcr General George n. Top ney, the new surgeon general of the uriny. Is a Iliiltlmorenu by birth. Judge Fred Wellbouse of Topeka, Kan., owns over 1.000 acres devoted to apple trees and has made apple growing a life study. Rudolph r.lnnkenburg of Philadel phia lias given his entire salary as county commissioner for the past three years to three public pension funds. rninlel Teters of Grafton, Mass.; Is the town's only full blood Indian the son of a Nnrrngnnsett father and a Mohlcnu mother and bis years are ninety-three. The fattest man In New England Is declared to be Arthur II. Moulton of Portland, Me. lie weighs pounds and Is president of the New England Fat Men's dub. President Roosevelt has accepted the Imitation of the president of the Roy al Geographical society to deliver an address before the society on his visit to London about April, 1010. Lord Chinrtcarde, the most execrated man In Ireland, Is about to lose his property there. Ills enormous estate of 80,000 acres Is to be taken from 111 in by tho Irish land comiulslouers and distributed among the Gnlway peasantry of course at a fair valua tion. OF BENEFIT TO ALL Kaspiirilla is the name of a new remedy most successfully prescribed for a "world f troubles.'' For derangements of the digestive organs it is a natural corrective, iIHT.iting directly upon the liver and ali mentary canal, gently but persistently .tiinulating a healthy activity. Its bene ficial intluence extends, however, to every portion of the system, aiding in the processes o( digestion snd assimilation ot fiKwl, promoting a wholesome, natural iH-titc, correcting sour stomach, bad breath, irregularities of the bowels, con Uipation and the long list of troubles directly traceable to those unwholesome conditions. Kaspiirilla dispels drowsi ness, headache, backache and despond ency due to inactivity of the liver, kidneys and digestive tract. It is a strengthening tonic of Uie highest value. If it fails to satisfy we authorize all dealers to refund the purchase Drice. ( Huvt Cukmicai. Co. Portland, Oregon TO TRY SIGNALING IN NATIONAL FORESTS! Expe iments will be made this summer with the standard heliographs which are now used in the war de partment, for signaling on the nati onal forests. One ot these experi ments will be on the Kanlksu nation al forest. In Idaho, and the other on he Stanislaus forest in California. It is intended tD discover whether these instruments will be of use on .lational forests to report fires or where there is no quick method A communication. The conditions of climate and lati tude, as well as the species of ln .iammable trees in the two forests ire sufficiently different to determine .vhe her the instrument is suited to tome localities and not to others. Easy and quick communication to til parts of a forest must be had If ire is to be kept down. Anyone who knows of the fearful damage vrought by forieU fl:ea on private md unprotected lands each year, will easily see t'.iut t'.irough fire patrol, ise of U.e.ihone lines and other neai.s of communication such i Is maintained on the 195 million teres contained in the national foresis he lasses can be reduced to a mlnl num. For the administration and protect on of the 148 national forests In ihieLeen states and territories and Vlaska, the government spent $2, .26,098,02, or about one and one-half :ents an acre for the calendar year 1908. Of this amount $592,169.19 was spent for permanent Improve nents, Including the construction of 1,400 miles of trails, 100 miles of wagon roads, 3,200 miles of telephone lnes and forty miles of fire lines. A PHENOMENAL SUCCESS. The success of any home enterprise is always gratifying to Oregonians. This Is particularly true of a great financial institution which has its lome in Oregon. About, three and x half years ago Oregon Llfe Insur ince Company opened its doors, and las now more than three million nsurance on its books. Only four leaths have occured in this large nembeiahlp since organization. As his company operates In Oregon inly, this extremely small death ate speaks volumes, not only for Oregon's peerless climate, but also 'or the care with which this company elects Its risks. A large number of Oregon's roost careful business men tarry In this company the full limit if iusuiance that Oregon Life is willing to accept on one life. It is i remarkable fact that many Eastern lfe insurance companies that have )een operating In Oregon for twenty .'ive years or more haven't as much Insurance In force in Oregon as Oregon Life has. The directory of he company Includes Oregon's lead ng and moJt successful financiers, he Insurance department Is managed ')y men who have made a life study )f the science of life Insurance. A iplenritd combination of immense alue to those who are fortunate enough to become policy holders in Oregon Life Insurance Company .25sl Delay In commencing treatment foi x slight irregularity that could have been cured quickly by Foley's Kid ley Remedy may result In a serious kidney disease. Foley's Kidney Remedy builds up the worn out tia nies and strengthens these organs. Uurnaugh & May field. Bcorchtd Table Linen. When the three men sat down the leader of the trio begau a minute In spection of the tnblcclotb. Presently he put bis finger on several little scorched siKits. "See this?" he Bald to the waiter. "Yes, sir." "Well," said the man, "Just bear in mind, won't you, tbut these boles were here when we came In? And when we get through don't ta k a dollar on to our bill to pay for burned table linen." "That's all right," Raid the waiter. "I'll look out for that." The order having been given, the cautious diner elucidated his remarks still further. "That Is a trick those fellows have." he said. "Somebody burna the tablecloth with sparks from a cigar aud gets away before the dam age Is discovered, uud the next comer, If be happens to be a smoker. Is blamed for bis predecessor's slus and is charged with the cost of the lluen. I have bad to pay well for other peo ple's carelessness, so nowadays I make It a point to examine tablecloths al the beginning of a meal." New York Press. Bowel Complaint in Children. When six months old the little daughter ofE. N.Dewy, a well known merchant of Agnewvllle, Va, had an attack of cholera Infantum. Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarrohea Remedy wai give and effected a complete cure. This remedy has proven very successful In eases of bowel complaint In children and when given according to the plain printed directions can be relied upon with perfect confidence. When reduc ed with water and sweetened It is pleasant to take, which Is of great Importance when a medicine must be given to young children. For sale by Uurnaugh ft May field. Proper Traathient for Dysentery and Diarrhoea. The great mortality from djsan tery and diarrhoea is due o a lack of proper treatment at the 'irst stages of the disease. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is a reliable and effectual medicine, and when given In reasonable time will prevent any dangerous consequences. It has been in use for many yean and has always met with unvarying success. For sa'e by Burnaugh & ilayfield. - wiw LA)b Aijeies. mar ried at thirteen, has seventeeu living children, of whom nine are earing for themselvtes out In the world and eight nre now at home with her- She Is now fortv-efrrhf If people, with symptoms of kidney or bladder trouble could realize their danger they would without loss of time commence taking Foley's Kidney Remedy. This great remedy stops the pain and the irregularities, strength ens and builds up these organs and there Is no danger of Brlght's disease or other serious disorder. Do not dis regard the early symptoms. Bur naugh & Mayfield. - ..u.uuce nuywuou or Indian apolis has Installed herself as u guide to the Louvre In Paris. She conducts through the galleries and museum par ties which vary in number from six teen to sixty and which usually nre made up of her compatriots. She is original, animated, learned and crit ical and lectures on the Louvre's ar tistic treasures to her patrons. Sse Mother Grow Young. "It would be hard to overstate the wonderful change in my mother since she began to use Electric Bitters," writes Mrs. W. L. Gltpatrlck of Dan forth, Me. "Although past 70 she leems rea'.ly to be growing young again. She suffered untold nilssry from dyspepsia for 20 years. At last ihe could neither eat, drink nor sleep. Doctors gave her up and all remedies failed till Electric Bitters worked mch wonders for her health." They invigorate all vi'al organs, cure Liver ind Kidney tioables, induco sleep impart strength and appetite. Only "iOc at Burnaugh & Mayfield's. Count Johann BernstorlT, the new German ambassador In Washington, is a native of Lauenburg. His wife Is a German-American and wns formerly Miss Jeanne Luckemeyer of New York. The ambassador Is an honorary knight of the Sovereign Order of St. John. He was born In 18-"2. Delay in taking Foley's Kidney Remedy If you have, backache, kidney ir bladder trouble, fastens the disease jpon you and makes a cure more llfficult. Commence taking Foley's Kidney Remedy today and you will joon be well. Why risk a. serious malady? Burnaugh & Mayfield. few women of eighty-eight, It may safely be asserted, celebrated New Year's day as did Mrs. John Hlggins of Great Harrington, Mass., by sliding downhill on a sled along with her son and crandson. Foley's Honey and Tar not only itops chronic coughs that weaken .he constitution and develop Into consumption, but heals and strength ins the lungs. It affords comfort and relief in the worst cases of chronic bronchitis, asthma, hay fever and lung trouble. Burnaugh & May field. 'Tbmmaso saivini, tne great Italian tragedian, recently celebrated his eightieth birthday. The pupil of Mo denas, Salvlnl won fame in his own country as early as 1848 and then re ceived the laurels due to greatness the world over, making his roost sue lessful appearances in England and iho United States. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy the best and Surest "It affords me pleasure to state that I consider the preparation kuown as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy the best and surest of good results of any I have ever used in my family," says P. E. Her- rlngton, of Mount Aerial, Ky. This Is the universal verdict of all who use this remedy. Its cures are so prompt and e.fectual that people take pleasure in recommending it For sale by Burnaugh & Mayfield. Mrti. Zelmay B. Sawyer of Gardiner, Me., though eighty-six years old. works Industriously in a tailor's shop, pre ferring, she says, to wear out rather than rust out. Help for Thore Who Have Stomach Trouble. After doctoring for about twelve years for a bad stomach trouble, and spending nearly five hundred dollars for medicine and doctors' fee3, I purchased my wife one bor. of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, which did her so much gooj that she continued to use them and they have done her more gooj than all of the medicine I bo.iglit before. Samuel Boyer, FoUoin, Iowa. This medicine la for sale by Burnaugh ft Mavfield. Samples free. Read the advertisements. vrtuiri hA benefitted by taVfncr Pnlpv'a OrinO Laxative for stomach and liver trouble and habit- ual constipation It sweetens stomach and breath, gently stimulates tho nvpr and rezulates the bowels and is much superior to pills and ordinary laxatives, wuy uul hj Foley's Orlno Laxaive today? Bur naugh & Mayfield. ine oldest post mistress in New n;ng land is said to be Mrs. Nancy C. BuBh of Charlotte, Vt., who is seventy-eight years old and has beeu in the service for thirty-seven' years. A Night Rider's Raid. The worst night riders are calomel, crotnn oil or alos Dills. They raid your bed to rob you of re3t. Not so with Dr. King's New Life Pills. They never distress or incoavenience, but always clear the system, curing Cold3, Headache, Constipation, Ma laria. 25c. at Burnaugh & wayneiu s. t t t t - MILLIONS OF AT LOWEST RATES. ON EASIEST TERMS. Wm. Miller & Brother, SUITE 204. Wallowa National BanK Building, Enterprise, Oregon. 7- f4.4..:..,4...:.i..4.4..S ISSKaa3B)IBBSIII9BlIlIia9DBIiaiUaHIIBIiBIlUa n Dealer in Harness, Saddles, Chapps, Spurs, and Leather Goods of all descriptions. I will fit you out with the best goods for the least money. When in need of anything in my line, call and u inspet my stock before purchasing. ENTERPRISE, .... OREGON If a Telephone is a good thing for over ONE THOUSAND others WHY NOT YOU? Now is the time to get your name in our New Directory soon to be issued. 3 3 9 s Home Independent Telephone Co. rnfr?isTiv?iriTmlTt,TigrTB;1 MAIL AND PASSENGER STAGE LINE Wallowa. Appleton. Flora lo Paradise, MONDAYS WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS; and From Paradise, Flora md Appleton to Wallowa, TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS Good accommodations, courteous treatment and reasonable rates. Leaves Wallowa at 6 a. iu. E. W. SOUTHWICK, Proprietor. Summer Rates East During the Season 19 0 9 via the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. OREGON SHORT LINE AND UNION PACIFC RAILROAD from Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Walla Walla and all points on The 0. R. & N. line To OMAHA and Return - - $60.00 To KANSAS City and Return $60.00 To ST. LOUIS and Return - $67.50 To CHICAGO and Return - $72.50 and to other principal cities In the East, Middle West and South. Correspondingly low fares. On Sale June 2, 3; July 2, 3; August 11, 12 To DENVER and Return - - $55.00 On Sale May 17, July 1, August 11 llmh nnfran,w "mU 10days frora date f al. toal return limit October 31st. ' wavTnkeU ,Pn3ent 8,ne Ver' ctlve features In the way of stopover privileges, and choice of, routes; thereby enabl- InrouPTenger8 t0 IDake 8'de tr'P8 l mmj ,ntere3tto PlnU . a.?fcfInVn retum trlp throuh California may be had at a slight advance over the rates quoted fnmi1, ? rtlCU'T' eeP'"f C8r rese"ations and tickets will be furnished by any O. R. tc N. local agent, or WM. McMURRAY, General P..,.aeP Agent, ' Portland, Oregon. 8- BUTNER, Agent, Enterprise. Oregon. WALLOWA BRANCH TIMETABLE. Easttound Distance from am. La Grande Stations Westbound p.m. :45 Lv 0 La Grande 2:30 Arr 9:60 " 2.5 Island City 1:55 Lv. 10 00 " 8.3 A L-el 1:40 " 10 10 " 12.3 Imbler 1:26 10 30 " 20.9 Elgin 1:00 " p.m 11:25 " 33.2 Palmer Jet. 11:35 " 11:C0 " 33.7 Looking Glass 11:30 " p.m. 12:46 " 47.1 Mlnnm 10:30 " 2:00 60.0 Wallowa 9:00 2:45 " 67.8 Lostine 8:15 " 3:45 " 78.0 Enterprise 7:30 - 4:45 Arr 83.8 Joseph 7:15 " p.m. a.m. W. B. APPLEGATE. Notary Public . Collections made. Real Estate bought and sold and all business matters attended to. Call on or write me. PARADISE, OREGON. Hand a?