STOP. Before You Sign a contract for life insur ance in any company look into the merits of Orcgonlifc The Policyholders' Company No matter how much you are urged to place life insurance elsewhere write first and hear what we have to offer. RATES ARE NO HIGHER All the money paid to this Company stays in Oregon and helps your own prosperity. It as sists in the up -building of a Greater Oregon. There is nothing better in life insurance than OrCgOnlifC There is nothing as good for Ore- gomans as HOMB OFFICII IM)H I I. AM), Oil. A. U MILLS, I'rlil. L. BAMUEU (Jin. Mr. CLAHKNCK a. SAMUliU Anal. Mm. City and County Brief News Items One-Minute Washers the Only Best Washer. For sale by Ashley. Hamilton Vance of Zumwalt was In town on a business trip last week Fred A. Klchman of Troy was trans uding business here the latter part of last week. Miss Loren Baker of Caldwell, Ua, returned home Saturday after a pleasant visit with her friend, Mias Katherine Kay. Mrs. H. H. Bro .180.1 and chlldren-of Wallowa Joined Mr. Bronson here Saturday and vliHed Supt. and Mm J. C. Conley over Sunday. i. . ' .. . 1 f y ' "-.-A - , ,..V ; I Hi "T - v.- V E. S. Wolfe of Wallowa was i and at Joseph Saturday and Sund Mrs. Char'.e3 Hug and son si Sunday here with City Marshal I Miss Lucille Corkins returned Satur Jay from a few days visit at Wallowa. Landlord Jacob Bauer returned Saturday from a business trip to Port land. Fresh Fish every Friday and Sat urday at Cray & IIotcliKlss cuy Alarket. John Curry of Appleton was In town the first of the week. Mrs. Mary E. Hulse went to Wal lowa Saturday to vltit friends a lew days. Elirln Flour at W. J. Fu-k & Co'b. Patent $1.50 a sack, straigm graae, 1.40 a sack. Vesper Brumbach of Imnaha arriv ed on Saturday's train from a inp to outside points. J S. Horner of Turlock, Cal., came In Saturday for a visit with his many friends here and on the imnana. If your sewing machine needs re wiring, call at the Second Hand Store ,V'e guarantee to make them run. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wlllett of Loitine were guests Friday nigh, o,, Mr. and Mrs J. L. Browning. iMax Gumerman, an expert cutler, s in charge of Andrews & Berry's new tailor shop in. this city. Mrs. Jack Johnm and daughter Mrs. J. L. Johnion, of Imnaha wore SuestH at the Ho el enterprise, rn- day. Mr. and Mm. D. R. Jordan and children went to Ia Grande Monday '.o prepare their household goods for shipment to this city. iVimes Vera Childers and Jessie :'otts, of LoHtine, returned home Sa inlav nfler a vlUt here with Mr. md Mm. Wm. Eaisley. Miss L. Kirby or Kansas nv, j. B. Ready went out to La Grande guest of her sister, airs. in. n. i""'"-"' Saturday Bit Up And Take Notice Every department of our store has been replenished with new and up-to-date goods and our . ck is now complete In al most every department. We pay spot cash for our goods, and therefore got the benefit of all cash discounts and we give our customers the benefit of our cheap buys. Our New Goods Just received direct from Chi cago la the dry goods depart ment consists in part of tne following: PERCALES, DIMITIES, BATISTES, GALATINS, SWISS, SUMMER NOVELTIES In dress goods of the newest and most exclusive patterns, j LADIES' MUSLIN UNDER WEAR, LAWN, NET AND SILK WAISTS FOR LADIES, RUCHINO, LADIES' COLLARS AND COL LARETTES, LACES. EMBROIDERY, RIBBONS, NOTIONS, Etc, etc. Clothing We have In transit a large In voice of Men's Clothing which wt 1 arrive in about 10 days. We also take orders for the "OLD RELIABLE ROYAL TAILORS. Hats Our spring shipment of Hats Is already here, both men's and boys'. We carry the HARDE MAN HAT, superior In style to any other hat lu the nmik and only equalled In dur ability and holding Us shape by the celebrated Stetson. Shoes We have Just received a largo assortment oT men's, boys' la dies' and Mlwei' Oxford Shoes In black, tan, chocolate and ox blood (lace or buckle.) Our Grocery and Hardware de partments are also complete. Drop In, look at our goods, and compare prices. Respectfully, R. S.&Z. CO. ENTRRPMSE. . Miss Ethel Tucker, . the leading lady of the stock company now ap pearing at the Enterprise opera house, la recognized throughout the country a3 one of the most capable actresses now be "ore the American public. She has had much experi ence as leading woman in the lead- ,ng stock theatres of the largest aastern cities and has starred at the head of her own company playing :he leading circuits of the eas.t. That the people of Enterprise are to be privileged to sae an actress of-Miss Tucker's ability is matter for congratulation. E. J. FoMythe was at Joseph over Monday night on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Moore and baby of Caldwell, Ida, are visiting Mrs. Moore's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Kay. Miss Eeatrice Li'.tlefield of Miuam and Miss May Rudd of Wallowa are new students at the summer normal, they entering on Monday. John Root of Asotin arrived Friday to visit his brother-in-law, Joan t , of Trout Creek, who has been 111 for some time. Mr. RoDt is a former resident, one time owning a farm o:i Crow creek and afterwards property in this city. Exclusive territory given to live agents for the sale of Gloria instan taneous lighting systems. Small capi tal reiuired to handle best lighting system mad9. For particulars and information aidress, The Inatan- Kaneous Light Co., Salem, Ore. Agents for Oregon. 24r2 Enterprise lodge, K. of P. will in stall the following officers Friday night: Geo. M. Gaily. C.C.; W. F. Savage. V.C.; Cha3, Thomas, Prel.; W. E. Taggart, K of R & S.; Byram layfield, M of F; C. M. Lockwood, M of E; G. W. Franklin, M at A; Sterling Smittle, M of W; G. W. Hyatt, I.G.; M. K. Bue. O.G. ENTERPRISE OPERA HOUSE gj Inaugurating the Summer 8 Season of StocK . I THE NOTED llLtlbel Tuc&er i vStock Company I Thursday Evening JULY 22 The Charming Comedy Drama, "LA BELLE MARIE" left Monday for Madras to visit a short time before returning home J. W. Emmonj came out from Day Ridge the first of the week and aaya all plant life there is as luxuri ant and f air to loo't upon as a deep Jotoiiiel woman. Walter Colrl ts, of the Promise country, here on a land .contest case the f:rt of the week, says he never saw crops looking better since that country wai set lad. MI:s Sadie Morris of Milton, whi had been a guet here of Mr. an) Mrs. Frei Calvin, returned honi3 Saturday accompanied by Mrs Calvin, whi will viiit th?re awhile, If you want excellent home grown strawberries call up O. J. Roe, Moun tain View Fruit Farm. Home Phone. Cherries and raiberrles will be ready in a couple of weeks. Order now. L;i Grande Otxser.e.-: W. C. Ketch iim, a dentist of Enterprise, and Mr rillvei. the noted Enterprise twlrler retimiud to their homes this morning 1'he doctor was a guest of honor Rt lilks' initiation list evening. J r. and Mrs. J. M. Weaver ware vImI'o s at Wallowa over Sunday Mrs. H. I. Long aid baby went to Wallowa Saturday and after a few davs spent there, will go to Island City to visit relative. C. H. Has'lng, who has a home ste.l 10 miles east of this city, is en Joying a visit from his sister, Mrs S. E. Vim Wert of New York city whom he had not seen for 37 years Mrs. Van We t and daughter arrived Saturdny and will remain several we alts. Mr. and Mrs. WiUon Henderson of Pprln:;field, 111., arrived Saturday for a visit of J.0 days or two weeUs with hU brother Lee. They are on their way to the Seattle fair and will Si by Konnewick to visit another broUic-r. Scott, who is publisher of the Twin City Reporter. Wilson Henderson is In charge of the vnO' Mr3. G. C. Gowlng went to Wal Iowa Saturday to visit friends a few days. Mrs. Betty Lewis and children went to Wa'.lowa Saturday for a few days visit. Mn. Delsle Chllcott and son lert Saturday for Sutherland, Neb., to be gone for several months. Misses Nina and Nona Miller re turned Sunday from a weak's vM at their old home in the Promise country. T. C. Miller, rotma8ter of Prom ise and brother of County Assessor B. F. Miller, was in town the first of the week on the Fay land contest case. Rusk & McCully have dlscontinu Jd the moving picture shows In this city and at Joseph because of insuf ficient patronage to justify the ex pendlture. ' Mr. and Mra. W. C. Locke returne".' Sunday from a few days spent at their Lost Prairie ranch. Mr. Locke eports good crops on the Grande Ronde benches, except on a few points where the spring grain fired. Walla Walla Union: Fred Falco ner, famous as a halfback at Ames college six years ago, is In the city today on business. Mr. Falconer has been In the sheep business In Oregon for the past several years and has met with great success In this line. He will remain here for some time. Over four score passengers alight ed at this station from Monday's train. The excursionists to the cir cus at La Grande returned, the Ethel Tucker theatrical troupe and many home people returning from visits far and near, helped swell the crowd. Standing room on'y was the sign liars out when the train left La G anda and several men did not get saiu until this station was passed. The Enterprise Electric Light com pany Is contemplating having an City Leases Lot For Stock Pound Offer by W. H. Graves Accepted Water Pipe Connection Sjpplies Ordered. The city co mcil, Monday night ac cepted the offer of W. H. Graves o hi3 lot Just north of the creamery for a pound. The. chy i3 to have the use of the lot six months for (enc Ing same with wire, and after that the rent is $2.50 a month. The city orderei 4000 feet of 94 inch galvanized iron pipe at $6.10 a aundred feet, 100 -iich corporation :ocks at $1.00 each .and 100 shut off jocks at 90 cent each. This is the )ioe. etc.. for making connections between the houses and water mains The marshal was authorized to ordei he necessary equipment for cutting .)lpe and making connections. The cojncil will ma'e a rearrang nent of the fire' hydrants, scattering hem more over town. A New York bank to which a draft :or S71Z.5U was se.ii, mieresi vj merit on $19,CO0 worth of water workt 'jonds, had the nerve to ask the city a nav a commission of V of one .ier cent for receiving .the money rhe matter was referred to the jwners of the bonds, the American Lieht and Power company. It is lone of the city's affair if the Ne fork bank won't accept the Am. L. 1 p Mimnanv's monev. Bills oi Fred Holmes for $19.50 and C. S laney for $250 were allowed, the ormer for building sidewalk bridge jver flume and the latter part pay ;nent for sidewalk lumber. The bi! jf S. R. Haworth for $47.50 was lai over until Mr. Hawortns return so it can be explained to the greater latisfactlon and e lllghtenment of council It Is for dirt hauled on the itreet from the Litch building exca vation. The claim of J. J. Weave for $15 damage to hl3 growing crop on the McCormack land by putting In the water pipe across the same was disallowed., the council holdinf It was a matter between Messrs Yeaver and McCormack. clmnloil drawing and manual training "ironing day" and will surely put on a day circuit for that purpose one day a week If enough women desire It, Electric flattrons are a great con venlence and a saving In time and money. They a-e very popular . in other cities. Aiy woman desiring Information about . "Ironing day" or electrlo flatlrons ii requested to speak to Mr. Forsythe or other repre sentatlves of the company. 24bl department of the Springfield public schoo's, 17 In number. I.ostlne Reporter: Mr. and Mrs R. B. t'ov.'inan, H. J. Martin, Gordon Martin, S. W. Lilly came down frou the mines Saturday, part of the men returning again the first of the week. They will be busy now for several days packing tools and other mining paraphernalia to the camp to be ready for the tunnel contractor Jack son and the experienced miners who will probably come roo the Coeur d'Alene mining district. E. S. Her. man ciiue down from- the mountains Tuesday. Samuel Stevens, H. A. Thomas, Moiej Austin, Louis Austin and W. B. Applesate of the Flora and Paradise neighborhoods, were In town, Monday on business before County Judge J I). Olmsted In connection with the llenr.l e-rtate. A claim of Mr. Stev ons nualiiHt the estate was allowed liv the Judge. Mr. Applegate Is the ftdminlttrator ot the estate. Mr Thomas has been 111 all winter and lopWiiK but Is recovering his health. He Isn t exactly Jia'e yet, but looks to be worth a dozen dead men. Mr. jlSteve-is says the crops are fine out i north everywhere except where the New Millinery ARRIVI NG Now is the time To Get Your : : HATS ground out, Shutt to Aklns. Fr.encn ind Hug made' hits In ninth but the ormer ended the game by attempt- ng ta score from secona on hush .lit when there wasnt the least hance of making it. Joseph made a run In the first on 'ogleman's hit and steal, and Hall- jarth's three bagger. Milan's home un aldel another in third. Erwln's wo basjr in the fourth, and W. Pid- ;ock's muff of May's easy fly and uhsequent wild heave over third, scoring Erwin, gave Joseph Its third score. 'Hallgartihs home run In the tixth made the total four. That's all .ii d here's the figure story: Following is the score: JOSEPH. ABRBHSBPO A E 4 1 2 0 5 0 4 4 4 4 ENTERPRISE LOSES GAME TO JOSEPH (Continued from first page.) after two were out. Billy Pldcock followed with a single, reaching second when Milan failed to stop the ball. French ended the Inning with a fly to Milan. Savage made a hit in the third, there was a short passed ball, R Pldcock reached first on Hobbs fumble and Marvin made a hit and stole second. Now with all those iolngs there should have been at least two scores, but nary a one was tallied, bad baserunnlng spoiling the chances. In the next Billy Bauer made a two b&Kcer and stole third with only one out, but neither W. Pkkock or French could bring him in. Enterprise's last run was made In the sixth by Marvin on his own hit and steal of second and a wild heae by Aklns. Bauer made a two base hit in that inning also but was left on the bag whe.i W. Pldcock QrWIMP. ALL WORK ""mv GUARANTEFn GRACE WOOD devil weel Is choking out the train Next door to Larsen'a Jewelry Store, by its rapid growth ana swift spread. Enterprise, Oregon Refreshment Hall Mineral Waters Sodas, Maltina Temperance Beer And all kinds of Soft Drinks Cigars and Confectionery POOL AND BILLIARDS Orderly House No Minors Allowed Maw FtaMnwl Bids. 1st door wmt of R. 3. at BRIGHT &SIEGMUND Saturday Evening JULY 24 The Side-Splitting Farce Comedy, "LEND ME YOUR WIFE" Strong Specialties Stirring Music $ Prices: Parquet and First Two Rows in Balcony, I 50c; Family Circle, 35c; Gallery, 25c. I RESERVED SEATS NOW ON SALE 5 asylum by Institution. MINING COMPANY STARTS WORK ON $5000 TUNNEL Milan, rf ... Akin s. lb ... Fogleman, c . Halgaith, p . Erwin. cf . . . Alay, 2b 4 Shutt,, 3b 3 Hobbs, ss .3 Hayes, If 3 13 4 0 1 2 1 6 1 Regular meeting of the board of directors of the Wallowa County Min ing and Development company was held in Secretary J. A. Burleigh office. Monday. President H. N. Wil liams of Los tine presiding. The company reports splendid pros pects, and work begun on 600 feet of tunnel that will cost $5000. The mines are in the high moun tains southeast of Enterprise, and very rich ore Is taken out. A large sack of this ore will be sent to. Seattle and exhibited In the Oregon building. Tota's 33 4 9 1 27 16 C ENTERPRISE. AB R BH SB PO A If savage, Hug, ss ...... R. Pldcock, 2b Marvin, lb Bilyeu, cf, p . Pace, P, cf ., Bauer, c 4 VV. Pldcock, rf . . 4 French, 3b 4 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 2 12 0 0 Totals 37 3 11 4 24 13 3 .enterprise .... 11000100 03 Joseph 10110100 4 Two base hit?, Erwln, Hobbs. Bilyeu Bauer(2). Three base hit, Hallgarth. Home runs, Milan, Hallgarth. Bauer. 3acrlfice hit, R. Pldcock. Innings pitched, Pace 6, Bilyeu 2. Struck jut, by Hallgarth 6, by Pace 6, by Bilyeu 5. Left on bases, Enterprise 3, Joierh 5. Passed balls, FJgle- nan 2, Bauer 1. Umpire. L. Frauen. felder. Probate Register. W. C. Dorrance appointed admlnis trator of the estate of Samuel James Dorrance. The estate la valued at about $3000. Found Insane. John Flannery, an aged resident of Swamp Creek, was fomd insane by the county .court Monday, and on Wednesday wa3 tiken to the Salem Ice Cream Ice Cream Soda ALL FLAVORS Sundaes, Root Beer, t freshing DrinKs Re- CANDY When extra good is wanted come to PRENTISS HOMAN'S Next Door to Bank Enterprise, - - ... Oregon an attendant from that Delay in taking Foley's Kidney Remedy if you have backache, kidney or bladder trouble, fastens the disease upon you and make3 a cure more difficult. Commence taking Foley's Kidney Remedy today and you will soon be well. Why risk a serious malady? Burnaugh & Mayfield. City Meat Market CRAY & HOTCHKlSS. Proprietors. Fresh and Salt Meats HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR HIDES AND PELTS. River St, 1 block south of Funk's store, Enterprise Oregon. sewing machine; ROLLER BEAKINQ, HIGH GKADR. bigh grade ing machine. STRONGEST GUARANTEE. National Sewing Machine Co, BeMdere, III.