Oron HlcUrlcal Twice'aWeek Saturday Edition ALL THE OFFICIAL NEWS OF WALLOWA COUNTY IN THE N-R ALL THE NEWS WHILE H IS NEWS TWICE-A-WEEK NEWS RECORD H IA T II Yi 1 TTVTT ' ' ' x-" Jxv iLr . ; ELEVENTH YEAR. NO. 9. FOR SALE. - r ENTERPRISE, WALLOWA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1909. ' . I - CITY OPririAf DA Dm : " " i ' fc- rnrtn rvnnrnr mi i n - " i . CATOt H I Li YOUNG Clydesdale stallion coming tour years old, good breeder; colts can be Been on my ranch at La lue, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 1 Herrmann Vehrs. SECOND HAND set double work har ness, at Second Hand Store, or see Frank Batchelder. LUMBER, an kinds of rough lumber. J. R. McCoy, Enterprise, Oreg. Mill 12 miles north of Enterprise. 6b8 A GOOD PIANO, for a reasonable price. Wa-Ite or phone to Mrs. A. Wade, Enterprise, Oreg. 67btf TIMBER CLAIM: w of s.w., and of n. w. , section 21, t 3 n, l 47 e. Price $1500. C. E. Hill, Emi da, Idaho, lb8 MDR GETS TWO . E SCULPS JIT ENTERPRISE HUMBLES LEAD ERS OF LEAGUE TWICE IN ONE AFTERNOON. HAMILTONIAN COLT. Good one. Geo. M. Gaily, Enterprise. . 3btf WANTED. OLD RUBBER of all kinds. At the Second Hand Store. Enterprise, Ore. MONEY TO LOAN Slate Funds loaned. 6 Der cent. John P. Rusk. Atty. State Land B'd. Joseph Marriage Licenses. May 26. James W. Hanson and Mary Clara Bowlby. NOTICE' OF STOCKHOLDERS' OR CONIZATION MEETING. Notice Is hereby given that the first meeting of the stockholders .of the Troy Mercantile, Milling & Power company wll be held at Enterprse, Oregon, June 25, 1909, at 8 o'clock p. m., for the election of a board of directors, adoption of bylaws and for the transaction of such other bust ness as may properly come before tne meeting. Dated this 20th day of May, 1909. H. E. MERRYMAN, MARY P. MERRYMAN, 7s4 incorporators. Won't Slight a Good Friend. "If ever I need a cough medicine again I know what to eat." declares Mrs. A. L. Alley, of Beais, Me., "for iter using ten bottjes of Dr. King's New Discovery, and seeing its excel lent results In my own family and others, I am convinced it Is the best medicine made for Coughs, Colds, and lung trouble." Every one who tries It feels. Just that way. Relief is felt at once and its quick cure, sur prises you. For Bronchitis, Asthma, Hemorrhage, Croup, LaGrippe, Sore Throat, pain In the chest or lungs it's supreme. 50c' and 1.00. Trial bot tle free. Guaranteed by Bumaugh & Mayfleld. We are the sellers of the E. How ard watches, the best on the market. Call for them at Martin Larsen's Well. well, well! Two e-amea in one afternoon from the strone Union team, leaders of .the Eastern Ore gon league. Maybe those Enterprise boys can't play ball some? We guesa YES. And they were decisive victories. Nothing uncertain about those scores, 9 to 1 and 7 to 3. And the nlavine was in proportion to the tallies, or a little more so, for if anything luck broke Union's wav. Enterm-lse won cleanly as well as decisively, out batting, out-fielding and out-pitching their opponents. Never for a moment was the first game in doubt. Bllyeu held the Union sluggers in the hollow of his hand, and he pitched a masterly game from every angle. He had per fect control, allowed but three miser ly hits, struck out five and out guessed the batters In a way that made them laugh at their own ef forts. He eased up after the sixth inning, with the game safe, but still the Union batters could not solve his delivery. Only 30 batters, three more than the least possible number. faced him In the game. For seven out of the nine innings it was one, two, three out for Union. Not a man reached first until the fourth when G. Clark smashed a bit to lert and reached second on Sav age's poor throw, the only error made oy Enterprise in the game. Clark died on second, for Billy Bauer made a fine catch of Skiffs high fly. In the next Inning with two down, Da vis made a bit, and scored on No dirie's two bagger. That was the end of the scoring or even seeing first base for Union, brilliant field ing by Pace, Hug, French, R. PJd. cock and ' Savage aiding ' Biiyeu's grand pitching until the end. - - All of Enterprise's runs were made in one Inning also, but they threat. ened in almost every time at bat; good fielding and hard luck alone holding them down. . Hug reached first. on a hit the first time ud but was left. R. Pldcock knocked a daisy cutter in the third but s;ic. ceedlng batsmen failed to advance him. In the fifth Couaway and Sav age made base-hits In succession, but the former was forced off second by foolish baserunnlng and caught at third In the sixth came the balloon ascension. " McMillan gave four bases on balls - and was found for four smashing hits, one a three-bagger. His teammates assisted In tha aerial flight with four errors. Hug reached first on an error by Skiff and at once purloined second, and scored when B. Clark couldn't make ud his mind to stop Pace's hard one. Pace I was caught trying to score on Bauer's hit to short. Bilyeu made! a clean, hit and went to second on a nu miuw vy iwc.vmian ot w. Fia cock's roller. Conaway, Savage and French were given bases on balls by the now rattled McMillan and R PidnOf'lr hnnfrit a onn-. f o v. a ouiviicr square i over first base, bringing everybody I nome and resting on third himself. He ran home while the Union team CIRCU (Continued on last page.) Program County S. S. Convention To Be Held at Enterprise, Wednes day and Thursday, June , 2 and 3. IT COURT PAID W. T. KNAPP ROAD ALLOWED IF PETITIONERS PAY DAMAGES TO LANDOWNERS. Official Proceedings of County Court Adjourned Session, May 24, 1909. In the matter of the T. M. Gllmore road: Ordered that said road be allowed and opened for nnhii. tri eimBrB- . county surveyor Joner Trump II. C. Cramer board of county road viewers And the Court being satisfied from the report of the viewers and other evidence before the Court that said roa I will be of public utility and that it is greatly need ed by the travelling public tha said report is hereby approved and allowed; and it further appearing to the court that the board of view ers have as-m:sni h-,, ...U6 Uj reason of the location of said road, . as follows, to-wit:-. 111 favr of C. R. Elliott as dam- EMERP1E WINS SECOND GAME TOO LOCAL SLUGGERS COP ANOTHER AND KEEP THIR HAIR ON STRAIGHT. (Continued on last page.) 3:00 8:00 Following is the complete program of the county Sundav school nnnvon. tion to be held in this city Wednes day and Thursday of next week: Wednesday Afternoon. 00 Call to order and devotions led by President H. B. Davidhlzar Reports of District Officers. Reports of Schools. Apr ointment of Committees. Paper, "The Church and th' Home," Mrs. C, E, Trueblood Round Table Discussion. Two Minute Talks from each Sunday School on "Where We Shl:e." WednesJay Evening. Praise Service led by Dr G. W. Gregg. Address of Welcome, Mayor Byram Mayfleld. Response, Rev. A. L. Howarth. Response, Rev. E. M. Owen. . Solo, Miss Browning. Address, "Signs of Promise," Rev. Chas. A. Phlpps, Thursday Morning 9:30 Devotional Exercises led by Thomas Morgan. 9:40 .Sunday Shool Lesson June 6, Rev. C. A. Phlpps. 10:05 Paper, "Boys Wanted in S. S." Mrs. A. H. Rudd. Report of Nominating Commit tee. Election of Officers. Noon Basket dinner tn h hnlil In the Fraternal building. Thursday Afternoon. Parade of AJ1 Schools, Song Service by Children. Address, "Junior Character istics," Rev. C. A. Phlpps. Primary Work and Cradle Roll, Round Table Discussion. Thursday Evening, Praise Service, Address, Rev. R. D. Osterhout Solo, Mr. Pratt. Address, "The Open Door and What Lies Beyond," Rev, Chaa A. PhlDDa. cording to survey thereof In the matter of the Petition of W. .1 ..jP and othera location of a countv road Now on thij 2:th day of Mav. 1909. SHAFER-BEECHER CASE The F. F. Sliafer vs. Oral Beeeher case was affirmed by the supreme t li rjatte.- comes re?uiariv ' to court' tne de;i;i3n being handed be heard upon the second reading " Tuesdav- The case was a dis- , . .. ..v, L.,e vaiue or some pasture land rented of Sha'er by Beeeher. II was tried at the January term tha verdict besln in favor of Sliafer and is now affirmed by the highest court. Burleigh & Boyd were Shofer'a at-torneys. for. the 1:30 2:30 2:45 8:00 8:15 8:45 i"5"i wuu iour errors hhi? rparnaii a dli Mew SMrts -Wash Skirts in duck and cheviot, neat patterns, trimmed in buttons, $1.75 and $1.90 Silk Petticoats, black and colors, $5.00 to $8.00. Dress Skirts in Voile, Panama, etc., $3.00 to $10.00. Children and Girls' Ready-to-wear Dresses 35c ts and Upward We have some beautiful new patterns in Suisine, obe and Tokio Silk Cm be washed. Prices 50 and 60 cents. Also a very nice line of Summer Dress Goods Lawns, Swisses, Organdies, etc., at 6 1-4 cents to 50 cents per yard. See the new Belt BucKles. Tie or Veil Pins, Gold NecK Ropes. Dutch Colla Hair Barettes, Embroidered Wash Belts, Lisle or Kid Gloves, new Veilings Hoiserj, etc W. J. FUNK a CO. or ine viewers report, and also upon the remonstrance against the said petition, filed herein by C. R. Elliott and others, as well as upon the affidavits and request that names be etrlcken from the peti tion and remonstrance duly filed herein, and the court having duly considered the matter of striking names from the petition as well as from the remonstrance and the affidavits filed in support thereof by the respective petitioners and remonstratois, and the court be ing fully advi3el in the matter find that upon the-petition praying for the location of said road there remains eighteen freeholders resid ing in the said road district who are qualified petitioners for said road, and that upon the said remon strance there remains fifteen quali fied remonstrators, who are freehol ders residing In said road district, and that therefore the said remon strance is Insufficient to deprive the court of Jurisdiction in' the mat ter of allowing said petition. It further appearing from the read ing of said viewers' report that said report s favorable to the es tablishment of said road "and Its establishment recommended by said! Doara of viewers, and is as follows, to-wit:- To the Honorable County Court; We the undersigned board , of county road viewers, appointed by the honorable court, to view, sur vey and lay out a county road as Prayed for in the petition of W. T. Knapp and others, beg leave to report: That pursuant to said order we met at the beginning of the pro posed rocd on the 9th day of April, 1909, the eame being the timo and place fixed by said order for tue meeting of the undersigned board of county road, viewers and took to our aaslitance N. W. Own bey and S. P. Miller as chain bear era and A. , G. Rambo as marker, and proceeded to view, survey and lay oat said road as prayed for in said petition, as near as in our op inion a good road can be made at a reasonable expense, taking Intn consideration the utility, conven ience and Inconvenience and ex pense which will" result to In dividuals as we'd as the public, If such road shall, be estab lished and opened. The said road wa surveyed under our directions, and the same was conspicuously, marked throughout, the corners and distances thereon noted, and all trees on the line of said road were marked on each of the sides thereof corresponding with the direction of said road, with three notches cut through the bark and one Inch Into the wood, and all tres adjacent to the said line of said road were plainly blazed on the side facing said road. The beginning and termination of said road and the termination of each mile and Intermediate points have been marked in the manner pro vided by law, as will more fully appear by the certified return of the survey of said road, which is hereunto attache! and made a part of this report. That In ojr opi.ilrm the said pro posed road should be established for the following reasons; It Is greatly needed by the set tlers in the vicinity of the proposed road and by the traveling public. We consider the SW of XVy4 Sec, 19 Twp. IN. R. 41 E. V. M. belonging to C. R. Elliott will be rendered less valuable to the .amount of $225. We consider the S. E. i N. E, V4 Sec. 24 Twp. 1 N. R. 43 E W.' M. belonging to E. W. .Southwlek will be rendered lees valuable to the amount of (00.00 Dated this 16th. day of April, 1903. , H. E. Merryman, Gus Price returnad to Hot Lakn Thursday to give the curative waters there a further trial for his ailment. Enterprise Is Growing More rapidly than anyone ever antici pated, yet you can buy lots in Alder View or Boyd's Sub-Division AT $100.00 AND UP and only $10.00 down We have $2000 to loan at 10 per cent BURLEIGH & BOYD LAWYERS The second eam wna limlio.i sven Innings by agreement. , Cline, in the box for Vnton, escaped lucki ly, and wna lilt lunula. u. . , ... .tM1i,i-t man uitj huui e shows but was saved bv brilliant. Slippoit by his inflpld CnmnmV.. delivery was deceptive and in but one inning did Union get any hits. There were many errors made nearly all """""'e as a cold, cutting wind blew a gale across the grounds and part of the time a drizzling rain fell. Bilyeu s orted the fireworks in the second with a home run bit nvor right field fence. thereby earning a gold rine offnrftl bv T:wlt.jn & Weaver for th3 tit hit over that fence. W, Pldoouk and S.ivajj also inade runs In that Inning oa a cam blnatioii of hits and errors. Another was added in the third' by Bauer's base on balls, s'.eal of second, ('line's wild pitch and Bil.ve Pidcnck scored in the fourth on his single, and wild throws by Cllno and .oui.ie. W. Pidcock and Savage put two more to Enterprise's credit in the fifth, the former getting oa by virtue of B. Clark's, wild throw and Savage by hU own hit, both coining home on Hug's long two-bnKger. Union tallied thrice in the fourth on a bit bv Skiff a r.imM. j - t iuuiuic una vild throw and a hit by Davis. That wus all for Union. The score: (Continued on last pngo.) D. A. McAlliter, who had bom vi , iting his daughter, Mrs. W I! lard :.Loss, and family, returned to vji Grande, Friday, accompanied by hla grandchildren, Muriel and Guy .lo.ia, who go for a visit. Biliousness and Csnut'patlon. For years' I ' was -troubled with biliousness and ermsl.lpafion, which ' made life mUera':l3 for me. Mv amn- tite failed me. I lost my usual force and vitality. Pepsin preparations and cathartics only made matters woi'so. I do not know where I should huvo been today had I not tried Chamber lain's Stomach and Livor Tablets. The Tablets relieved the ill feeling it once, strengthened the digestive functions, purified the stoniach.llver and blood, helping the system to do its work naturally. Mrs, Rosa Potts, Birmingham. Ala. These tablets are for sale by Burnaugh and Mayfleld. The Allen Ranch of ) 720 acres just " j Could have been bought a year ago for 10 an acre I have another just as good buy 43) ai-.res snlendid timothy and stock ranch, i miles from Enterprise for only ?10 an acre. See or write me about this quick. P0S,A.ND RE?'DENCE, 10 room, modern, well located, $5800 cush, or $J000 down and $3000 to suit purchaser. Sold for $15 an Acre Profit $3600 W. E. TAGGART, ENTERPRISE, : : Tlie Pioneer Real Estate Man. 1 : OREGON IMILLINERY CLEARING i SALE 1 The Millinery goods comprising the entire stock of Helena Zurcher and Grace Wood (late of Lostine) are 5 offered, beginning WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, at 25 per 5 cent discount. jz? & . j& 1 I have purchased the Helena Zurcher stock and added it to my own. This g is a genuine clearing sale and includes $ All Trimmed and Street Hats for Ladies and Chil- & dren, Baby Bonnets. Little Boys' Hats and Cam 3 J Everything New and Up-to-Date. Goods marKed 3 in plain figures. Remember this Sale will begin WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2 5 JJ S miss;grace wood t In Zurcher Store, 3 doors cast of P. O., Enterprise ti4ttttttitixtttir .. S