r" r,'el Sot TwiceaWeek Saturday Edition ALL THE OFFICIAL NEWS OF WALLOWA COUNTY IN THE N-R ALL THE NEWS WHILE 11 IS NEWS TWICE-A-WEEK NEWS RECORD TENTH YEAR. NO. 63. ENTERPRISE, WALLOWA COUNTY, OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1909. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER THE FOR 8ALE. TWO HIGH GRADE PERCHERON stallion colts, coming 2 years old. Extra good ones. See them at my farm, 26 miles south of Lostine. Sam Wade. 59btf IN LOSTINE, 120 ft. x 240 ft., city ditch, good frame barn, enclosed with 5 board fence, sidewalks on two sides. Corners on main public road and cross street. Has large alley In back. Reasonable. Mrs. F G. Conley, Stayton, Oregon. THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn eggs, $1 for 15. C.E.Vest, Enterprise. 6Cr4 ENGINE,' 16 h, p., traction return flue boiler; and small saw mill. Both Russell make; used but little. 50 per cent less than new. J. J. Morton, Weston, Ore. 66b4 A GOOD PIANO, for a reasonable price. W.rlte or phone- to Mrs. A. vVaae, Enterprise, Ore. 67rtf Marriage Licenses. i. Fred Bale3 and Gertrude e.otte. K. OF P. CONTEST. Enterprise lodge, K. of P., has di al into two sides in a member ship getting contest. The side se curing the most new members by .;ay 21, will be banqueted by the other side. 100,000 Trout Through the e 'forts of Elgin men, 60,000 Eastern brook trout have been uced in the Looking Glass and the same number in Indian creek. Boyd and Combes Accept. Contrary to report earlier in the week, B. B. Boyd and S. E, Combes have filed acceptances of the nomina tion for councllmen and their names will be oa the ticket. Etadr ARE-READY-FOR-YOU. "liSi! Clothing for Men umi Buys S : h& - v i& vim a M- to a vj-a ' Hv.' W' . V d(hyi 1 . xt 1 i spry ? ; fll - VtlI hilti "it h nw.ii!, K'J i'tit - PILE OF STYLE MAKE sTS? t jU tff j I GET THE I VfiUw'' I THEY DON'T COST i LATEST mmmw'SESLJbaemm ANYMORE W. J.f UMI f COMPANY j ANT FLAT M CH SOLD FOR M80D RD OF CLARKSTON BUYS ;.iORE HILL LAND OTHER .TRANSFERS. ' The D. R. Allen land, consisting or 720 acre3 4V& mile3 north of Enter prise wa3 transferred Wednesday to V. E. Howard, the Clarkston capital ist who recently bought the M. Hodge homestead. The deal had bean hang ing fire several weeks, as Mr. Allen was in West Virginia when negotia tions began and ha3 since gone to California. W. E. Taggart, the plo eer real eitate man, made the sals aich waa lor $10,800 or $15 an acra. The tract is so called hill land, i i'ih In this case a large part Is as level as a barn floor, and in . iiides the major part of Ant fiat. he and" was held as low as $10 an aero a year or so ago," but everybody .s satislled It is cheap at $15 today. Another Hill Ranch Sold. The Enterprise Real Estate cora iny has' sold the C. W. Hicks i e of 1G0 acres near Leap to R. F. Stubb'.efield for $2500. It is an ixtra good grazing ranch and has a fine spring on It. Mr. Hicks has bought of Mr. Stub blefield a ten acre tract in tha north part of Enterprise. Rev. W. P. Samm3 has bought of Brennen Stubbleiield, the W. K. Stub b'.efield home in the northeast part of town. It consists of a block of in.l, wi'h small house and barn. Consideration was $1500. WEDDING BELL3. Miss Gertrude Melotte ' and Mr. Fred Bales were married Thursday forenoon at 11 o'clock, at the home . the brides father, Frank Melotte. 3f. W. P, Samms performed the cer wm the, emony in the treience of a small company of family frie.ids: Mr. aid Mrs. Will Baker, who ware married April 10, were the attendants. Mis Baker is a sister of the brile. A fine wedding dinner was ssrved ai noon. The rcaiy friands of t'.io young couple extend l!ie heartiest, ongratulatians. READY TO ENTERTAIN. La Grande is making big prepara tions to entertain the delegates to the Oregon and Idaho congress .text Tuesday and Wednesday. A fund nas been raised to guarantee suit able receptions and a banquet. A number here are planning to go. Five Million Feel Of logs Pledged The Eisenbe:s Saw Mill Will Be ( Moved to M. P. Miller Woods. W, F. Eissnbeis has cloasd a con tract with P. Miller and d-hcr land owners hi 2 north, 44, by which ue will move hi3 saw mill to a site near the M. P. Miller school house, under a guarantee of five million feet of 10g3. Tha land own i.-3 have" organized the Spring Dale Lumber Manufactur ing compaay for the purpose of put l.lng their timber on the market in I. lie '.inn r,1 lumber. Somo of the best lumber in tho county is In that icinity. Mr. Else.ibeis says that the landowners l;i the company can i'ur.--nish twenty million ffst in addition .o the five million pledged. The Elsenbeis mill is at prose::!; :i the O.J. Roe place on Alder Slope but will be moved as soon as the roads harden. The lumber will be marketed bclth here alad at Wallowa the location being only three miles artherfrom Enterpiise than Wallowa. new wmm .Hid COttlS 3 CEMENT WALKS v.. :-:cR.MANENT CROSSINGS WILL BE TESTED GENERAL SPRING CLEAN-UP. The placing o" streets, culverts and ill-.s in good repair formed the .iriminnl business of a special meet o trie city cojiicll held Tues--iy nifjht. Shields, Chatham and ) io.3 were given a contract to put ; ! i.vnt crosswalks for $160, i ;.')i'ractor3 furnishing all mater ial and labor. Two walks will bo put in at the corner of River and ain streets and one across West 'irst s. rest fiom the Fraternal build h'S tor nr. Wd.k'.ou crosswalks have :eo-.i r:i. lug !,?,' en;:'i. Culverts were ordered in at the v. er end of .Main street, and the vie on Prairie Creak road repaired. Xew approaches to the bridge on De !. street will be put in. A bridge as ordered built across the city ditch in the southeast part of town. ; iUs allowed: Bei Ownbey, $13, )r fixing city diU-h; J. B. Seibort, 'i2.")0, police duly on October 31. Committee reported contract with Charles Thomas to oversee in behalf of the city, t'.e putting in of the r-.s at $75 a month. incorporate Big Mining Company i liaire, Burleigh and Others Or ganize To Cevelop Lick Creek Mining Claims. The Wa'lowa Co.mty Mining and I3ve!opnient company, capital stock ,'2,000,000, la a nev corporation Just '. nizad, the incorporators being H. , G. W. and J. R. Williams, S. ojic, J. A. Read, Je33e Walk e- S. O. Magee and J. A. Burleigh The purpose is the development and working of 15 mining claims on Lick creek, commonly known as the Williams group. The claims are very promising. Two hundred foot tunnels have been ua and tile big ledge of rich quartz extends across both of them. lhe incorporators are well known citizens of this county, and have spent a considerable sum already In e.eiutHneiit work. It is said 100,. shares of the stock wil be placed in lhe lua.ket. Methodists Will Build Parsonage ommittee To Select Plans Raise Money Named Church Notices. and At the quarterly conference of the ti. li. church held Monday aJ.lternooii he board of tiustees.J.id the pastor t the church were constituted a juilding cMiimittea and authorized to t plans, ralae the money noc t'Soary and bull! a new parsonage. Methodist Brotherhood Organized. At a uiosting of the men of the I. E. church Monday evening a chap ;r of the Melhollit Brotherhood was ngiinized to be known as "Gillilan Chapter of the Methodist Brother iiood," Very helpful addresses were made on men's work for men by Dr. J. D.Gillilau, of La Grande, and Presi dent Fletchor Houian of Wlllamotte .live.sity. The purpose or the new irga'il.ation is to promote the spirit if christian brotherhood among men i.l It develop their activity in ai: hat relates to so.dal, civic and rellg ous betterment. J.A.Burleigh was elected president .iu i!ei A. Holmes secretary. Revs i. U. Iiowarth, or Joseph, and J. D Bird, or Wallowa, were present In ad Jition to those previously mentioned Alter the meeting a splendid ban ;iuet was given the men by the Ladies . vid- nocloy, at-,the home of. J, A Hurleigh. PARADISE GLINTS. i-araulse, April 16. F. F. McWH .i in ide aa aflldavit for 20 coyote a.i.s, alsj applied for a hunter's 11 anse. The Paradise mill Is sawing lumber now. ( Lt. GlllCan and Rev. Martin were l'roin Flora and Dr. Gillilan .ireached a tine Bernion on "Ingrat itude". C. i Austin and wife of Waitsburg . a3h., were vintlng relatives and . .e ids here last weak. .Moses Austin was thrown ofr hit. i'orse and badly injured recently. Contest Voting Places. Vote3 for the Wallowa County Que3n contest will be received at Bur naugh & Mayfield's and Jackson & .Veaver's drug stores in Enterprise. The voting places In the other towns I will be announced next week. "Careful Banking Insures the Safety of Deposits." Depositors Have 'i'liat liuaruntee at WALLOWA NATIONAL BANK of kntkupui.sk. oukoon CAPITAL fiW.roO SUKPI.L'H f)0,000 We Do a General Banking Business. Exchange Bought and Sold on All Principal Cities. Geo. W. Hyatt, Prpsldnnt W. U. Holmes, Cashier (Jeo. H. Craig, Vice President Frank A. lk-avls, AhhL CuHliier niRKCTOKS Gko.S. Cuaii Uko. V. Hyatt Mattik A. Hoi.mks J. H. DonniN VV. It. Hoi.mks The Allen Ranch of ) 720 acres just ) Could have been bought a year ago for $10 an acre I have another just as good buy 480 acres snlendid timothy and stock ranch, 12 miles from Enterprise for only $10 an acre. ee or write me about this quick. PORTLAND RESIDENCE, 10 room, modern, well located, $5800 cash, or fcJOOO down and $3000 to suit purchaser. W. E. TAGGART, ENTERPRISE, DRAW 11 TERM COURT TO REPORT MONDAY, MAY 10 JUDGE HOLDS ONE DAY SESSION. Following are U-e jury ni on drawn f tho May ter.n of circuit court who are directed to report Monday, May 10, at 10 a. m.: Jay Lewl.i, Sa.n Wade, J. B. Wil liamson, farmers, J. O. Kiddle, miller, Lostine; O. J. r.o?, H. C. Laird, Wm. Hanson, farmers, C. S. Haney, mill man, Enterpiise; H. E. Driver, G. T. Bollng, I. K. McNutt, B. Rich, fanner J, M. C. Davis, lumber mer chant, Wallowa; O. E. Miller, W. H. Mcosou, J. A. Eddlemon, farmers, C. E. Kulin, farmer, Paradlie; John Frulits. I. N. Doak. farmers, .'ruirie Crank; J. T. Mcf'lain, J. H. in, larmrs, W. E. Boner, sto"k .nan, Joserh; LLewls Page, farmer, Fruita; J03. Gi 1, farmer, C'hlco; L. C. Johnson, Luther Campbell, stock nen, Imnaha; Chas. E. Iiley, farm er, Divide; George Llghtie, farmer, .ost Prairie; Sam Warnock, fanner, Troy; Fred Ilarsln, farmer, Bull 3d ; t, W. McCauley, farmer, Cirousj. Circuit Court Session. Judge Knowles held an n'.jjurnod session of the November term cf court, Tuesday, hearlug uioti;ns and demurrers, getting cases at la me, and clearing the docket ready tor he May term. Following Is tho bivil ness transacted; Ella Daley appointed to act as :ourt stenographer. Tom Es(e3 vs. M. E. Hotchkiss. lettied out of court. J. B. Solbert vs. R. I. Loig and P. A. Reavis. SeLtled out of court. J. E. Patterson vs. Elsenbols & o., T. R. Aklns and John Robert l. Defendants allowed 10 days iu which o file their answer. B. B. Boyd vs. Alvln and J. C. Mc 'etrldge. Settled out of court. W. B. Hunter vs. AI Ura'uam. Sat led out or court. J. A. Wood va. L. F. Morley. Plif. ;ivn leave to nine;id. Delia Ii. Moxley vs. J. A. Moxloy. 'iff. given deires of divorce, c-is-ody o" minor clilld, Otha Moxhv, ind rejtoratlon of maiden name, Delia L. Reeve3. J. A. Wood, Admr. S. O. Wood, vs. E. L. Wiley. Motion by Deft, to strike out, overruled, and Bvft. given until first day of next term to answer. Beatrice DeVall vs. Thos. DeVall. Deft, given until May 10, 1009, to plead to second amended complaint. Lou Minor vs. B. T., James L. md J. L. Hammack. Motion by Plff. to strike out separate answer of Defts. denied and Pll'f. allowed 10 'ays In which to plead farther. Wallowa Mercantile Co. vs. T. L. "Hvis. Settled aid dismissed. Probate Record. April 21 Brennen SUibblcflcIU ap 'olntcd administrator estate of W. K. Uubblefield. New Suits Filed. April 22 Elsie Maxwell vs. John Maxwe'.l. I Sold for $15 an Acre Profit $3600 The Pioneer Real Estate Man. "! : OREGON