City and County Brief News Items Never-Slip Horseshoei at Keltner'a. John Wortman, Sr., wtent out to El gin Thursday, Geo. W. Hyatt went to Walla Walla Saturday on a business trip. Mrs. A. M. Wagner weat out t3 Elgin last week for a short visit. Misses Allie and Jean Loyd loft Monday for their home at Promise!. J. B. Pace of Wallowa was trans acting business hi Enterprise, Mon day. Maude and Clarence Flowers enjoy ed a train ride to Wallowa, Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wheat want to La Grande, Friday, for a few dayj stay. Mrs. B. Lewis and granddaughter, Carmen Clark, were at' Joesph, Mon day ni!?ht. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Bukcr and chil dren went to Wallowa Monday for :i few days visit. Daniel Loyd weit t6 La Grand;;, Tuesday, to attend to legal biislno-M for a few days. Miss Emma Coick of La OraidJ came in Monday to see lier sister, Mm. Frank 0'IIaie. Mlfsea Hattie Ownbiiy and LennU Bircher, and Ben Anderson went ti Wallowa, New Years. Mrs. C. H. Zurcher and chlldrei were at La Grande savera' days last week on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. M. W". Goodman of LosLlne returned home last weslt after a brief visit with friend i here. Attorney A. S. Cooley of Wallowa was attending to legal business ii the county seat from Saturday till Monday. Mrs. F. S. Ivanhoe of La Grand3 returned home Saturday after a visit of several days with old friends lu this city. Misses Nettle and Bell HorreU of Elgin accompanied Orvllle Littleton to this city for a Christmas visit with hla relative!. Missel Marie and Josephine Welrt- ert returned to Walla Walla last weJk after spending Christmas with friends here. The Advertiser Is a homemade cigar, and the best Judges of the weed say It Is the best 6 cent cigar they ever smoked. TLfl PETERS ine SHOE Is known the World Around as the BEST VALUE FOR the MONEY We carry a complete line lor Ladies, Misses, Men, Youths and Children Best Fitting, Best Wearing Best Looking R. S. & Z. CO. ENTERPRISE i li lol MADE FOR US 1 Vi7TTl HAVE FOR. US BY fifvi Peters MUses Blanche and Ethel Murray went down to Lostlne, New Years. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Haney were at Elgin visiting frlend3, New Ye.irs. Fr3d Mathews of Flora was in town the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Eggleson of Prairie Creek were at Wallowa Mj.i day. John Stuber is at Eugene for tha winter and may attend the Univer sity. Mrs. A. L. Emmons went to Im bier Thursday for a visit with rela tives. Boyd and Hockett have sold tract one of the Enterprise Villa Tracts to J. O. Knodell. Mrs. S. L. Burnaugh and son Lyla returned Saturday from a holiday visit at La Grande. Mrs. Henry Lewis returned to her home at La Grande, Monday, after i visit with friends here. S. II. Moore and children were New Years guests of her mother, Mrs. Lydia Wortman, and family. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Johnson of Imnaha were guests of his brother Arthur, and family, Wednesday. David Cook and family spin- Christmas and over Su.i i.iy wlt.i his broiher, Frank Cook, and l'-i.niiy. Cliy Recorder W..E. Taggart ro urnod Monday from a holiday visit with his family at Garfield, Wash. County Commissioner Sam Litch returned Tuesday from a visit to his old home lu eastern Pennsylvania. Mrs. M. O. Courtney of near Los Ino returned home Thursday from x visit with menus in mis tn.j. Mr and Mrs. Hallle Hetrlck of Wallowa came up Thursday to spend New Years at the home of his father, I Hetrlck. Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy, of Terry, arrived Saturday to look after matters connected with their Alder Slope farm. County Commissioner W. G. Locke, Wm. Murrel, D. W. Kuhn and OJcar Borland wera Tuesday arrivals from the North Country. Walter H. Boyd returned to Twin Falls, Ida., Saturday, after spending li h llr1:i va nt the home Of his uncle, Daniol E07lf Berore buying a planq or Q''San wo Ashley. He has the agency for almost any make and will soil them on ea'jy terms. Gene W. Hall, high school teacher, returned Saturday from Forest Qrove where ha vlilted his people during the holiday vacation. C. T. McDanlel, cashier of the Stockgrowers and Farmers National bank of Wallowa, was here on busi ness over Monday night. W. R. Holmes, F. A. Reavis and F. A. D ;Pue and their families celebra ted New Yoars with a ride on the train to Mlnam and return, M. K. Boatman left for Portland, Tuesday, to attend to business mat tors connected with the suburban tract he recently purchased, S. R. Haworth came In from La Grande, Saturday, and will push the work of getting out the courthouse rock at the Bowlby quarry. Mr. and Mrs, W, J, Funk and daughter Margaret, Mrs, James Funk and baby, left for their home at Turlock, Calif., after spending the holidays here. Lr, E, T, Anderson was at Flora last week where he performed three surgical operations, Mrs. Will Akin, .Mrs. David Able and Al Nedrow be ing the patients. Mr, and Mrs. W. P. Samms return ed Monday from a holiday visit with their daughter, Mrs, D. C. Brlchoux, at La Gnimlo. Mr, Brlchoux came in with them on timber land busi ness. A. L. Hardosty and Charle3 Hayes of ilayesvllle, la., arrived Saturday ind are looking over the country with a view to locating. They are from A. M. Wagner's old home coun ty, Keokuk, and ha was both sur prised and glad to see the young men, A bunting flue at the Hotel Enter prisj caused an alarm of fire Mon lay nk'ht. about 8 o'clock. The wind was blowing a gale and a sheet of I'tamo six or eight feet long poured ovor the roof, which luckily was iron. A pipe hole cap blew out lu rojm 2ti r.nd the paper surrounding It caught fire but was seen in time and put out before any damage was done. What H rcjardel by the manage :neut as the strongest attraction in ;hli Beason'a lyceum course "The Colonial Saxaphone Quartette," will ie the offering at th opera house ;iext Monday evening. The quartette are not only past masters of that difficult and charming Instrument, the saxaphone, but are singers of oto. They are assisted by that peerless pul lie reader. Miss Victoria Lynn, one of the most popular enter tainers before the American public. The program rendered is so diverse and altogether of such an excellent qunllty that it is sure to please, and should therefore be greeted by large audience. C. M. Loekwood and family spent New Years with Wallowa relatives. Miss H. Mae Jefferson, teacher in the Wallowa schools, and Miss Mable Murray were gueits through the holi days of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Roe at Mountain View Fruit farm. RILEY BOUGHT THE HORSES. Grant Johnson, E. A. Eevln and J. W. Fisher were North Country vis the county seat this week. Messrs. Johnson and Devln brought out two horse3 apiece which they sold to L. W. Rl'.ey, after an out side buyer would not give them what they thought the animals were worth. OF BENEFIT TO ALL Kasparilla is the name of a new remedy most successfully prescribed for a "world of troubles.'' For derangements of the digestive organs it is a natural corrective, operating directly upon the liver and ali mentary canal, gently but persistently stimulating a healthy activity. Its bene ficial influence extends, however,. to every portion of the system, aiding in the processes of digestion and assimilation of food, promoting a wholesome, natural appetite, correcting sour stomach, bad breath, irregularities of the bowels, con stipation and the long list of troubles directly traceable to those unwholesome conditions. Kasparilla dispels drowsi ness, headache, backache and despond ency due to inactivity of the liver, kidneys and digestive tract. It is a strengthening tonic of the highest value. If it fails to satisfy we authorize all dealers to refund the purchase price. HovT Chkmicai, Co, Portland, Oregon FOR SALE BY BURNAUGH & MAYFIELD. ,t LEONARD & KUIIN Proprietors of the CITY MEAT' MARKET Cured Meats and Lard always on hand. Hides bought and sold. Vergere Phone., LOSTLNE - - - OREGON ENTERPRISE OPERA HOUSE Monday Evening, January 11, 1909 Third Number in the Lyceum Course COLONIAL SAXAPHONE QUARTETTE And the Distinguished Reader MISS VICTORIA LYNN r Reserved Seats at Usual Place. Season Ticket Holders on and after Wednesday. General Public on and after Thursday. TOWN PROPERTY FARM LANDS TIMBER LANDS STOCK RANCHES Property listed with me is unsolicited. The owners desire to sell. Consequently they are BARGAINS Now is the time to buy property in Enterprise. See me if you want a house or lot any location Good farm propositions in valley and out lying districts. Insure your live stock in the National Live Stock Insurance Company. You can not afford to take chances at the price it costs to insure your horses or cows. I have the best Standard Fire Insurance Com panies. Also the cheapest Mutual Company. W. E. TAGGART, Enterprise, Stomach Trouble Cured. If you have any trouble with your stomach you shojld take Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr. J. P. Klote or Edina, Mo., says: "I have used a great many differ ent medicines for stomach trouble, but find Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets more beneficial than any other remeiy I ever used." For sale by Buraaugh & Mayfield. LET your sub scription ex pire. If you do, Uncle Sam will bar your paper from the mails. Look at the la bel and don't FORGET FIRE INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INS. STOCK INSURANCE Oregon. To Remove Odor of Fifth "Put a teaspoonful of mustard In the dish in Which fish has been cooked, partly fill with warm water, and let stand for a few minutes," says Woman's Home Companion for January. "Scrape and rinse, and no odor will remain. If the hands are first rinsed in a little mustard water, and then washed, the disa greeable odor that remains from washing dishes in which fish have been cooked will at once disappear." Came Near Choking to Death. A little boy, the son of Chris. D. Peterson, a well known resident of the village of Jacksonville, Iowa, had a sudden and violent attack of croup. Much thick stringy phlegm came up after giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mr. Peterson says: "I thine he would have choked to death had we not given him this remedy." For sale by Burnaugh & Mayfield. Department of Public Instruction Salem CIRCULAR OF INFORMATION Giving the sources of examination questions for State and County pa pers, February and August, 1909. 1. Arithmetic, One-fifth from State Course of Study, four-fifths from Smith. 2. Civil Government, Strong & Schafer. 3. English Literature: February, 1909 A. One-half from texts: New comer's English Literature, and Newcomer's American Litera ture. B. One-half from the following classics: 1. Lowell, The Vision7 of Sir Launfal (Rlv. lit. ser.) Hough ton, 25c, 22c. 2. Webster, The First Bunk er Hill Oration (Riv. lit. ear.) Houghton, 25c, 22c. 3. Scott, Marmlon (Pocket Classics) Macmllllan, 25c, 22c. August, 1909 A. One-half frqm texts; New comer's English Literature, and Newcomer's American Litera ture, B, One-half from the following classics: 1. Shakespeare, Julius Caesar (Riv. lit. ser.) Houghton, 25c, 22c. 2, Ruakin, Sesame and Lilies (Rlv, lit, aer.) Houghton, 25c. 22o. 8. Carlyle, Essay on Burns and Burns' Poems (Pocket Classics) Macmlllan, 25c, 22c. The first figure Is the publisher's price, the second the prloe to schools contracted fqr between the, Oregon Library Commission and The J. K. GUI Co. 4. Geography, One-fifth from State Courses of Study, four-fifths from Redway & Hinman, 5. , Grammar, One-fifth from State Course of Study, four-fifths from Buehler.' C. History, U. S. One-fifth from State Course of Study, four-fifths from Buehler. 7. Orthography, Reed's Word Les sons, 8. Physical Geography, Tarr's New Physical Geography. 9. Physiology, Krohn, Hutchinson. 10. Reading, State Course of Study, White's Art of Reading, Oral Reading, 11. School Law, School Laws of Oregon. 12. Theory and Practice, White's Art of Teaching. 13. Writing, Outlook Writing Sys tern. Tests In Writing. 14. Algebra, Wells: Algebra for Secondary Schools. 15. Bookkeeping. Office Methods and PracUcal Bookkeeping, Part I. 16. Composition, Herrlck & Damon 17. Physics, Mllllkan & Gale: A First Course in Physics. , 18. Psychology, Buell. . 19. Botany, Bergen: Elements of Botany. 20. Geometry, Wentworth: Plane and Solid Geometry, questions on Plane Geometry. 21. History, General, Myers: Gen eral History. An examination Is required upon the first thirteen subjects for a first grade County certificate valid for three years; upon the first eighteen subjects for a State certificate valid for five years; and upon the twenty. one subjects for a State diploma valid for life. Cured of a Severe Attack of Bron chitis by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. "On October 18th, last, my little three year old daughter contracted a severe cold which resulted in a bad case of bronchitis, says Mrs. W. G. Gibson, Lexington, Ky. "She lost the power of speech com pletely and was a very sick child. Fortunately we had a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In the house and gave it to her according to the printed directions. On the second day she was ft great deal better, and on the fifth day, Octo ber 23rd she was entirely well of her cold and bronchitis, which I at tribute to this splendid medicine. I recommend Chamberlain's Cough Reuedy unreservedly as I have found It the surest, safest and quickest cure for colds, both for children and aduiti, of any I have ever used." For sale by Burnaugh & Mayfield. Nature Provides but one California It is the natural winter home of many thousand of the world'sbest peopie. Under the gentle influence of its mild winter climate, every amusement and recreation abounds. Such bathing, boating, fishing, driving; such picnics, par ties and "jollifications." GO TO Los Angeles, Paso Robles Hot Springs, Hotel del Monte, Santa Barbara, Venice, Long Beach Santa Cruz, or a score of similar resorts and you will find health, congenial sur roundings, hospitable associates, faultless ac commodations and num berless attractions and! conveniences. The O. R. & N. Co. Connecting with The Southern Pacific Co. Make inexpensive round trip excursion rates to California A six months stopover ticket Wallowa to Los Angeles and return is. $76 80 Corresponding rates are in ef feet to other points. We have some very distinctive literature covering California's winter resorts, and will take pleasure in giving yon all of the information and assistance at our command. For tickets, sleeping car reservations, etc., call on, telegraph or write E. T. Campion, Agent, Wallowa. OR WM. McMURRY, gen. pass, agent. Portland, Oregon. A ' "Finished" Product in all things, com pels preference from e man r 9f wno cares is pre-eminently so FOR SALE BY C. H. Zurcher EXCLUSIVE AGENT Complete Stock of Men's Furnishings. V