erry Christmas to Everyone s M I: i i ! A ''Ill mo Mi 0 ' ( -J Make your Christmas truly Merry by buying your Gifts at Ashley's. Ladies Sewing Rockers from $1.50 up. Large line of Dining Chairs at all prices. Hall Seats, Roman Scats, Lounges, Couches oY all descriptions. Center Tables, Solid Oak, Large 3-inch Glass feet a Massive piece of furniture that anyone would be proud of. ONE REGULAR $65 SINGER SEWING MACHINE FOR $40 Drop head with full set of attachments. SANITARY STEEL COTS AND DAVENPO. RTS. Celebrated Luxury Silk Floss Mattresses. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refund ed. LINOLEUM 6, 7 1-2 and 12 feet wide. The Home Furnisher Enterprise, Oregon. 9 0 Oity and County Brief News Items Never-Sllp Iloraeshoos at Keltner'i. The Btore3 will be closed all day, Christmas. of Holiday Goods at the R. 8. & Z. Co. Lunch oa, with hot coffea, at tha Women's Exchange. One Mlnuta Washer satisfaction guaranle3d or mo:iey refunded, at Ashley's. Rock for the courthouse super- structure Is b-'lng hauled from th3 Llowlby quarry. R K. Lowrv and assistants are surveying for the city water work.) system. a liiriitwolKht football team win play Joiaph at Jcssph, Sunday, and expects a return game here innsi- mas day. C'lvde Harsln le't the latter part of last we.'k for Portland to complete his studies In the Portland commei- cinl college. J S Wagner went to Union Mon day, and from there will go on to Portland, A. M. Wagner was also among tho many leaving for Port land Monday, on business or pleas ure bvnl. 1 .-. . ttP, .1 ainirln I. 111. gUlSS, Very ucuui iim pieces, gifts every lady will welcome. i ISurnnugh & May field's. Gifts for Everyone. Up-to-date toys for the Little Children. Pretty and Useful Ar . tides for the Older Boys and Girls. Beautiful Dishes, Kitch en ware and House hold Articles. You Can Find What You Want in Our Dry Goods Clothing and Departments Everything in GROCERIES R.S.&Z. CO. ENTE. UPRISE All kinds of builders' hardware at S. D. Keltner's. Roof Paint for your old roofs. It stops the leaks. For sale at Kelt ner's hardware store. Mrs. J. B. Sel'jert enjoyed a visit oyer Sunday from her mother, Mrs. S. H. Biggs, and nlace, Miss Hattie Biggs, of Lo3tlae. Born, Tuesday, Dacember 15, to the wife of George Wagner of Swamp Creek, a ten pound daughter. Mother and child doing well. Sure going some. Ashley will re ceive another car load of furniture this week, the second car load this month. More new goods for Christ mas. Miss Lida Flowers was a guest Sun day of her friend. Miss Otie Poul ston of Joseph. The latter came to Enterprise with Miss Flowers Mon day and spent the day here. Mrs. Henry Harris and children, who had been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cramer, returned home to Wallowa, Thursday. Mrs. Cramer went down for a short visit. ALL RKADY TO DRAW THE CURTAIN ON THE GREATEST DOLL SHOW nry Can Ever in Wallowa County. The fla- est lot of Dolls to be bought In -ni- Icago and New York are now on ex hibition In the Racket Store. Don t Ibuy until you see them. They are worth coming Many Miles To See Hero are some of them: Lot 1 Assortment finely dressed jointed dolls, ranging from 9 to 13 Inehej, Jointed elbows and hips, and turning heads, large variety of. dresses and hats, some with station- und others with moving eyes, all be dressed and undressed. Price from 25c to ftOc. Lot 2 Assortment of world's fin est droised bisque dolls, from 13 to 15 Inches high, a'l with moving eyes and full Jointed holies and turning heads; various styles of dresses and hats. In lawns, satins and silks; can be dreiscd and u ulressed. Prion Horn roc to $1.00. Lot 3Extra fine, large dressad doll asortnient, from 15 to 17 Inches. All with moving eyes, full Jjl'ited shoulder, elbow, hip and kuea bodies, turning heads; dressed beautifully In lawn, silk and satm, with hits to mnt.h, lace trimmed un derwear; can- be dressei and un dressed. Price from $1.25 to $2. One mammoth doll, 40 inches high, well proportioned, largo patent wash able head, large lustrous eyes, palnt- Lisk ware at Keltner's. "Complete line of holiday goods at Bnrnaugh & Mayfleld's. 'Go to the Women's Exchange for lunch. Hot coffee. Finest perfumes, put up in special gift bottles and boxes at Burnaugh & Msyfleld's. F. I. Vergere and Mrs. D. C. Yan- dell accompanied his mother to Port land, Monday, where Mr3. Vergere will eater a private sanitarium. Toilet sets, hand mirrors and hun dreds of other beautiful Christmas gifts at Burnaugh & Mayfleld's. Mrs. R. Falconer and two daugh ters, late of Cromwell, la., arrived Friday, and wlil reside in the for mer Bauer property, recently pur chased by Fred W. Falconer. Big line of new books at Burnaugh & Mayfleld's. The be3t of all Christ mas gifts. F A. Harsln, the well known rancher of the Chlco country, was In town last week. His new dwelling is completed, and Is one of the mo3t comfortable In that section. Arthur Johnson and little son Fay went to Wallowa, Monday. It was Fav's first ride on the train, and he enjoyed the outing after a long seige nf nines duo to Doison oak. from which he has happily recovered. Holiday editions of the standard authors, especially nice for Christ mas gifts, at Burnaugh & Mayfields V'aa Ethel Tucker Is an actress a-id Mr. Whit Brandon an actor of no meai aMllty. Their presentation of 'The Lavir gave an adequate idea of the play and the reason for it being the greatest dramatic sac cess of the season. On Thursday night the company played "The Thief," which gives ample scope for emotional acting by Miss Tuckers Get your Chilstmas gifts , before they are alt picked over at Bur naugh & Mayfleld's, v READ THIS) I have just received .a Well Assorted Stock of Watches and jewelry for the Holiday Trade. Each article is of a Standard Quality and is fully guar anteed. Call on me and I will 1 telp you solve the "Christmas Presenx Question. First (Mass Watch Repairing at Moderate Prices. MARTIN LARSEN - LOSTINE. LEONARD &KUHN - Proprietors or the 2 CITY MEAT MARKET Cured Meats and Lard always on hand. Hides ' bought and sold. Vergere Phone. LOSTINE - - - - OREGON I GUARD YOUR EYESIGHT DON'T WEAR CLASSES UNLESS THEY FIT. Statement of Condition of ST0CKCR0WER3 & FARMERS NATIONAL BANK Wallowa. Ortiffon At the Close of Business November 27, 1908 LIABILITIES. ed eyebrows and lashes, long fancy dress trimmed with lice and Inser tion, nock trlmmel with lace and rib bon bows. Price $5. Ioll heads, extra large, curly wigs, open mouth showing teeth, ranging in price from 15 cents. We have also a big Hue of small dolls and comic dolls. Enterprise Racket Store COLEMAN BROS.. Props. Next Door p. o. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $123,802 31 U S. Bonds and Securities 12,649 00 Premium on U. S. Bonds 562 50 Banking House and Fixtures 5,794 50 CASH and due from Banks and U. S. Trsasury 50,674 13 Total $193,473 44 Capital Stock Undivided Profits Circulation Due Banks Deposits Total $50,000 00 1,526 22 12,500 00 656 28 128,790 94 $193,473 44 30 Year Prajtico Fitting Glasses Dr. F. A. Clise SL Son Eye Specialists and Manufacturing Opticians, Who have located permanently in Wallowa county, are stopping at the Hotel Enterprise. The Doctor makes a thorough and careful examination of your eye and his sou, who Is an expert lens grinder, grinas m glasses to fit each case. EXAMINATION FREE. Ruberold roofing, 1 ply and 2 ply, for ei.iv.' by S. D. I-.eitner. Good sleigh with goad pair of shafts and pile, ussd only a few times. Only $30. Daniel Boyd. Corey's Lrother Dead. W. p. Teel, who owns a home stead northeast of town, left Wed nesday for Davenport, Wash., to spend Christmas with home folk. He received word a day or two be fore he left of the death of a friend, R. R, Corey, who had expected to re turn with Mr. Teel and take up a homestead here. The deceased was 'a brother of -J. L. Corey, who pub- lUshed the News Record during the J summer of 1907. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Notice is hereby eiven that the ( annual meeting of the stockholders of the Wallowa National Bank, of Enterprise, Oregon, will be held at the office of their banking house In Enterprise, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 12th day of January, 1939, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. ro. for the election of directors for the ensuing "year, and for the transac tion of such other business as may legally come before said meeting. Dated at Enterprise, Oregon, De cember 4th, 1908. 32to W. R. HOLMES, Cashier. Smoke the Advertiser and be happy. if.