ill Fruit Trees From Spraying Fluids Myers1 Spray Pumps Pruning Hooks and Saws FORD C. POTTER WALLOWA, OKKGON Before buying nursery stock or nursery supplies of any kind write me for prices. LODUE DIRECTORY. 1 0 0 F enterprise lodgb k EMERALD REBEKAH LODGE, No. 1!9. flj P ENTERPRISE LODGE, No. JUANITA TEMPLE, No. 7, Pythian Sisters. FJIAQdWIP ENTERPRISE CHAPTFH, UIHOUIIIUNo. 30, Royal Arch Masons, meets first and third Tuesdays of each month In Masonic Hall. All visiting Hoyal Arch Masons welcomed. J. B. OLMSTED, HlKh Priest. D. W. SHEAHAN, Secretary. WALLOWA LODGE, No. 82, A. F. & A. M., meets second and fourth Satur days of each month In Masonic Hall. Visiting Masons welcomed C. H. ZURCHER, W. M. W. C. BOATMAN, Secretary. WALLOWA VALLEY CHAPTER, No BO, O. E. S. meets first and third 'Sat urdays of each month. In Masonic Hall Visiting Stars are always . welcomed. OLIVE LOCKWOOD, W. M. DANIEL BOYD, Secretary. Mill 1 EAGLE CAMP, No. 10497, M lln,W. A Meets first and third Thursdays In each month, In new Fra ternal halL Visiting Neighbors always welcome. v JAS. W. RODGERS, Consul. T. M. DILL, Clerk. ANEROID CAMP, No. 3542, R N. of A. Wn III ENTERJ RISE CAMP, No. .U. W. 535. W. of W. ALMOTA CIRCLE. No. 278. W. of W. Notice to Debtor. Notice ia hereby given that O. "W. Pagin of Lostlne i3 authorized to collect and receipt for accounts due me, and he will accept marketable produce, hides, feed, etc., on such accounts. ' . J. C. SHACKELFORD. TOWN PROPERTY FARM LANDS TIMBER LANDS STOCK RANCHES Property listed with me is unsolicited. The owners desire to sell. Consequently they are BARGAINS Now is the time to buj' property in Enterprise. See me if j-ou want a house or lot any location Good farm propositions in valley and out lying districts. Insure your live stock in the National Live Stock Insurance Company. You can not afford to take chances at the price it costs to insure your horses or cows. I have the best Standard Fire Insurance Com panies. Also the cheapest Mutual Company. W. E. TAGGART, Enterprise, Harness and Saddles L. BERLAND, Will supply your needs In the Leather Goods line more cheaply and give better natisfacliou than any other dealer in Wallowa county. Let him lit you out for the season's work. Repair work a specialty. MA'N STREET. ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET BEST OF MEATS ALWAYS ON HAND. Highest Market Price for . Hides and Felts PROPRIETORS Department of Public Instruction Salem CIRCULAR OF INFORMATION Giving the sources of examination questions for State and County pa pers, February and August, 1909. 1. Arithmetic, One-fifth from State Course of Study four-fifths from Smith. 2. Civil Government, Strong & Schafer. 3. English Literature: February, 1909 A. One-halt from texts: New comer's English Literature, and Newcomer's American Litera ture. ', B. One-half from the following classics: 1. Lowell, The Vision of Sir Launfal (Rlv. lit. ser.) Hough ton, 25c, 22c. 2. Webster, The First Bunk er Hill Oration (Rlv. lit. ser.) Houghton, 25c, 22c. 3. Scott, Marmion (Pocket Classics) Macmillian, 23c, 22c. August, 1909 A. One-half from texts: New comer's English Literature, and Newcomer's American Litera ture. B. One-half from the following classics: 1. Shakespeare, Julius Caesar (Rlv. lit. ser.) Houghton, 25c, 22c. 2. Ruskin,. Se3ame and Lilies (Rlv. lit. ser.) Houghton, 25c. 22c. 3. Carlyle, Essay on Burns and Burns' Poems (Pocket Classics) Macroillan, 25c, 22c. The first figure Is the publisher's price, the second the price, to schools contracted for between the Oregon Library Commission and The J. K. Gill Co. 4. Geography, One-fifth from State Courses oT Study, four-fifths from Redway & Hinman. 5. Grammar, One-fifth from State Course of Study, four-fifths from Buehler. 6. History, TJ. S. One-fifth from State Course of Study, four-fifths from Buehler. 7. Orthography, Reed's Word Les sons, 8. Physical Geography, Tarr's New Physical Geography. 9. Physiology, Krohn, Hutchinson. 10. Reading, State Course of Study, White's Art of Reading, Oral Reading. 11. School Law, School Laws of Oregon. 12. Theory and Practice, White's Art of Teaching. 13. Writing, Outlook Writing Sys tem, Tests In Writing. 14. Algebra, Wells: Algebra for Secondary Schoo's. 15. Bookkeeping, Office Methods and Practical Bookkeeping, Part I. FIRE INSURANCE PLATE GLASS INS. STOCK INSURANCE Oregon. THE HARNESS AND SADDLEMAN ENTERPRISE. OREGON INDEPENDENT PHONE 20 If . Composition, Herrick & Damon 1 7. Physics, Millikan &. Gale: A Fii st Course In Physics. , 18. Psychology, Buell. 19. Botany, Bergen: Elements of Be tany. 20. Geometry, Wentworth: Plane and Solid Geometry, questions on PlMte Geometry. 21. History, General, Myers: Gen eral History. An examination is required upon the first thirteen subjects for a first grade County certificate valid for three years; upon the first eighteen subjects for a State certificate valid for five years; and upon the twenty one subjects for a State diploma valid for life. NEW YEARS EVE DANCE ENTERPRISE OPERA HOUSE The Enterprise Band will give one of their popular public dances, at the opera hoase on New Years eve. Everyone get ready to come and have a good time and watch the old year out and the New Year in. Tickets will be $1.00. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice is hereby given, that the first meeting of the stockholders of the Woolgrowers' Warehouse com pany will be held at the office ot D. W. Sheahan In Enterprise, Oregon, on Saturday, the 9th day of January, 1909, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of adopting by-laws, elacting a board of directors and transacting such other business as may lawfully come before the meet ing. Dated this 7th day of December, 1908. JAY H. DOBBIN R. P. STUBBLEFIELD, W. H. GRAVES, J. A. FRENCH, FRED W. FALCONER, . 12-10t2 Incorporators. RECEIVER NAMED FOR JOSEPH STORE Joseph, Dsc. 15. Edith Jeiinlngs, by her attorneys, has filed com plaint In the circuit court ask ing for a receiver for the Joseph Mercantile company, a large store In this city that has enjoyed a big trade. W. F. Einenbeis has been ap pointed receiver and has given bond in the sum of $10,000. The complainant alleges that she gave $6750 on July 19, 1907, for 50 shares in the company, and that the other 200 shares of the capital stock were owned, 50 shares each, hy George Houser, Edward Eben, W. E. Leffel and Mary J. Mitchell, and that complainant had received no divi dends. Complaints of the manage ment are detailed and representations as to the company's financial status given. She asks that her purchase of stock be set aside and that she be given judgment against the com pany for $6750 and legal interest since July 19, 1907. Oilier members of the company state that the basis of the suit U a disagreement in regard to the iniin agement. Warehouse Company. Articles of incorporation have been filed in the county clerk's office of the Joseph Warehouse company, capi tal stock $3500; Incorporators, F. F. McCully, Albert Wurtzweiler and F. F, Scrjbner, The M, E, church is planning for a cantata on Christmas Eve, entitled Santa Claus' Club. Chief Joseph camp, M. V. A., elect ed the following officers December 4: Consul, A, G, Smith; adviser, J. H. Taylor; clerk, C.E. Graves; bank er, J. H. Sheets; watchman, J. E. Lay; sentry, W, L. Lay; managers, John Rohrman and H, D. Amey. Clarence Akins of Prairie Creek has been enrolled a pupil of Joseph school. William Warnock of the Imnaha was here Saturday trading. C. L. Hartshorn was an out of town visitor Monday. Mrs. Lem Dobson of Union has joined her husband here and they will make this their home for the winter. C. E. Merrltt and wife returned Monday from Elgin. They had been visiting Mrs. Merrltt's father, Thomas Barnes. , TROY. Troy, Dec. 5, Weather fine; snow all gone; cattle look fine and most all of them are yet on the range. Troy school will soon be In new quarters. C. J. Fleming returned from Flora where he was transacting business. There Is some railroad talk in Troy. Likely we will give you some interesting news on that line soon.- Diphtheria at Grossman. County Health Physician E. T. An derson reports several cases of mild diphtheria at East Grossman, but says strict quarantine is observed, and It is believed there will be no spread of the disease. DEATH RECORD. Thomas Brady, a gallant veteran of the great Civil War, passed away at his home in East Grossman, Do eember 8, 1908, aged 66 vears, 11 months and 20 days. Funeral was private, owing to the nature ot the disease, diphtheria, of which he died. Mr. Brady was a native ot hull ana. He enlisted In company E of the luth Ind. Vol. Inf., and served his country in the forefront of bat tie for over three years. He came to Oregon six years ago, and settled on a fine homestead in East Grossman. Besides the widow, the following children survive: T. C. Brady of Evangeline, La.; Mrs. Lizzie Loyd and B. W. Brady of East Grossman; E. S. Brady of Seattle; Mrs. A. E. Howard and C. A. Brady of Auburn, la.; O. H. Brady of Enterprise. The deceased was a man of ster ling integrity whose word was as good as his bond with all who knew him. He was pardonably proud" ot his war record and took great inter est in all that pertained to the Grand Army. Grande Ronde Apples and Vegetables J. B. McKtnnon of Alicel shipped in a car load of apples, potatoes and onions to Enterpiise this week and found ready sale for them. There were 300 boxes of fine apples of the best varieties,70 sacks of potatoes and 40 sacks of onions. The whole sale prices at the car were 2 cents a pound for the apples. $1.10 per hundred for the spuds, and $1.75 for the onions. Booklets in Big Demand. J. B. Seibert returned Monday from the National Apple show at Spokane He says there were crowds ot vis! tors there from all over the Unl ted States. The Wallowa cdunt) booklets were in great demand. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Iso lated Tract. PUBLIC LAND SALE. La Grande, Oregon, Land Office, No vember 20th, 1908. Notice is hereby given, that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provis ions of Act ot Congress approved June 27, 1906, Public No. 303, we will offer at public sale, to the high est bidder, at 10 o'clock a. m on the 29th day of December next, at this office, the following tract of land, to-wit: SWi Section 28. T. 1 S., R. 44 E. W. M., Serial No. 02269. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the day above designated for sale. F. C. Bramwell, Register. 3H5 A. A. Roberts, Receiver. PUBLIC LAND SALE. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land O.'fice at La Grande, Or egon, December 8th, 1908. Notice Is hereby given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provis ions of Act of Coiigress approve.l June 27, 1906 (34 Stats., 517), we will offer at public sale, to the high est bidder, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 28th day of January, at this of fice, the following-described land: W SEV4 Sec. 29, WV6 NEVi Sec. 32, T. 1 N, R. 45 E. W. M., Sarlal No. 0481. Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before th3 time designated for sale. F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. A. A. ROBERTS, Receiver. Notice of Non-Payment of Proportion of Expenditure on Mining Claims. To A. A. Welch, V. R. Plerson, Jr., R. Robertson, R. W. Rayner am Charles Shultz: Tiou are hereby no tified that you liavo failed to contrib ute your proportion of the expenditure due for the year 1908, upon the follow ng described mining claims situated In the Lostine Minim; district iu tin County of Wallowa and 8tute of ,Ore iron, and known as (lie Hunker Hill Mminii Claim, the lip lop Mininu Cluiin, The War Eagle No. 2 Mining Claim and the War KhkIi? No. 3 Min ting Claim, a more complete di-Hcnp iion of which properties may ho found in Hook Three of the mining location of tiiid County at pages 32!), 3(l and ;m. Yon are further notified that the underlined have contributed your proportion of said expenditure and unless rcimbtirwd !v you and ctu li of you, on or before the 1st day of .liintir ary, 1J00, your interest In taid mining claims will become the property ol tin underfiiKtied. Signed: U. H. Hkstov, I'. W. C'AMKItoN, It. Clark, I. W. Leaiikk, K. I). Wktmork, M. H. Nkhem., (". II. Cahhinutox, II. E. I'KKT, M. E, Cakh, 23tl3 O. L. I'ALMKR. ' Nice fresh cake made to order by the members of the Woman's Exchange. 2S8BI $100 REWARD OFFERED BY O. I. RATCL1FF To anyone who will disprove the fact that he lias just received a full carload of furniture for his Xmas trade. $5 REWARD $5 To ANY OTHER FURNITURE DEALER IN WALLOWA COUNTY who will prove that he has received a full car load of furniture (for himself) this year. When you see a thing in my ad. IT IS SO! 10 Mills Levy For City Of Wallowa Rapid Growth of Town and Improve ments Cost Lots of Money. Wallowa, Dec. 15. At the last meeting of the coun cil the tax levy for the coming year for city purposes was fixed at 10 mills, the same as lau year. The amounts' required for the several funds are: 2 mills light fund, 3 mllU water, 5 mills general to meet a deficit and for the running expenses An ordinancea was adopted establish ing the width of sidewalks In differ ent streets, and giving the power to order new walks. Invitations are out announcing the marriage of IMiss Maude Davis ta William Kenneth Innian, to take place In the Presbyterian chapel. Wednesday, Dec. 16, at 8 o'clock. Harvey Harris left for Baker City, Monday morning to attend a meeting of the Woolgrowers association. Wallowa, Dec. 11. The funeral of Keith McLaughlin, son of Charles McLaughlin, was held from the home here Thursday afternoon. The death occurred at Ellensburg, Wash., from ptomaine poisoning. The family had bean visiting reiatives near Ellens burg and the poisoning was due to eating sausage iu a restaurant at that place. One of the other chil dren was sick from the same causs but recovered. The public school under 11. H. Hrouson and a corps ot efficient teachers was never In a more pros perous condition. The enrollment foi the month ending Nov. 27 was 183, average daily attendance 172, per cent attendance 94, whole number ol tardiness 37, number neither absent nor tardy 94. A fact worthy of no tico is in tho enrollment of pupils there are 20 more boys than girls. Mary P. Ross made final T. and S. proof Friday before U. S. Com mtssioner Cooley, In t In, r 41 e. Ethel Fleener, Zelma Ogbourn teachers from Loitlne, and Thelma Crow, a pupil, came down Friday and visited relatives over Sunday. The school Is arranging for an other entertainment for the organ fund. Kenneth, son of S. F. McKenzie, of Lostlne, has opened the City pharmacy in a now building erected for the purpose. The washing machine on earth is the Flyer. For sale by S. D. Kel'ner. CLEANING ...OF... Ladies' Suits and Cravanettcs A HI'Kt'IAI.TY AT THE Enterprise Cleaning and Pressing Works A. C. WILLETT, Prop. Two doors west of City Dakery. S. K. Clark Plumkr I Steam Filler Full line of plumbing rraterial. Satisfaction Guaranteed Shop at Keltner's Hardware Store Leave Orders. ENTERPRISE OPERA HOUSE. Christmas Night, Dec. 25, 1908 W. Eugene Knox Impersonator and Reader Mr. Knox is the funniest man in all the West in read ing and impersonations. Usual Popular Prices For Eczema, Tetter and Salt Rheum The Intense itching, characteristic of these ailments is almost instantly allayed by Chamberlain's Salve. Many severe cases have been cured by it. For sale by Burnaugh & May field. Holiday Rat:s On Railroad. Holiday rates on the O. R. & : one and one-third fare for roun 1 t' . children under 12, half, those run Tickets on sale December 23, 2 ' ' 25, and again on Decomher :!! Januury 1; all good returning i i i January 4. J. O. Harman, Age it. Nature Provides but one California It is the natural winter home of many thousand of the world's best peopie. Under the gentle influence of its mild winterclimate, every amusement and recreation abounds. Such bathing, boating, fishing, driving; such picnics, par tics and "jollifications." GO TO Los Angeles, Paso Rubles Hot Springs, Hotel del Monte, Santa Barbara, Venice, Long Beueh Santa Cruz, or a score of similar resorts and you will find health, congenial sur roundings, hospitable associates, faultless ac commulutions and num berless; attractions and conveniences. The O. R. & N. Co. Connecting with The Southern Pacific Co. Make inexpensive round trip excursion rates to California A six months stopover ticket Wallowa to Los Angeles and return is $76 80 Corresponding rates are iis ef fect to other points. We have some very distinctive literature covering California's winter resorts, and will take pleasure in giving yon all of tho information and assistance at our command. For tickets, sleeping car reservations, etc., call on, telegraph or write E. T. Campion, Agent, Wallowa. OR WM. McMURRY, gen. pass, agent Portland, Oregon. I