The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, December 12, 1908, Image 4

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    Of All Christmas Gifts
There is none so welcosn as a High Grade, Up-to
date Sewing Machine, such as
Prices Boiled Down-
But Quality of Goods the Same, or Better. Every
thing in Furniture, and Hundreds of
Especially Nice for Christmas at
The Best That is; Perfect in its WorKing; Lasts a
ASHLEY, The Home Furnisher, Enterprise, Oregon.
City and County
.Brief New s Items
Never-Sllp Horseshoes at Keltner's.
T. II. Aklns returned Monday from
Complete line of Holiday goods
Burnaugh & Ma field's.
G I Uatcliff received a carload
shipment or furniture this we:. ,
Finest perfumes, put up in special
gift bottles and boxes at Bumaagh
& Mayfleld's.
Clinton Murray left Wednesday
morning for Eldora. Ia., to spend Hit
Big line of new books at Burnaugh
& Mayfleld's. The best of all Christ
inas gifts.
Postmaster and Mrs. Bon weaiu.-.-went
to La Grande Saturday. He re
turned home Monday but Mm.
Weathers went o.i to Union to visit
her brother.
L. Couth, of fie real eitate firm
of Couch & McDonald, spent Tues
day night in tin county sait lock
ing after business. He reports that
they have made many sale in tim
ber land and town property durlns
the past week.
Mr and Mrs. J. A. Burleigh we:it
out to La ,Orande Tuesday, accom
panying Grandma Burleigh that fur
on her Journey to Walla Walla where
she will visit for some time. Mr.
' Burleigh will attand to some legal
business In La Grande.
The county hljh school and the'
Enterprise public schools have issued
Joint invitations for inspection and
parents day, Thursday, December 24
from 9:30 to 11:30 a. m. at Hie
high school, and from 2 to 3:31) p. in. the public school.
Electric Theatre
4 Nights 4
Each Week:
aPIBE. O sGfr TES,
'livit Quarrel.
.liiigani aster's Chill.
! Focohnntas (The Indian girl
Jamestown, Va., history.)
Songs. Illustrated.
"Whan I'm Away From You, Dear
"Swoit Adeline.'
at the
R. S. & Z. Co.
Gifts for Everyone.
Up-to-date toys for the
Little Children.
Pretty and Useful Ar
ticles for the Older
Boys and Girls.
Beautiful Dishes, Kitch
en ware and House
hold Articles.
You Can Find What
You Want in Our
Dry Goods
Clothing and
Everything in
R. S. & 2. CO.
nt l'.ir- !
at Kelt-
Admission 15 Cents
Lisk ware at Keltner's.
All kinds of builders' hardware at
S. L). Keltner's.
Hubcroid roofing, 1 ply and 2 ply,
for ki.:o by S. U. l-.fltner.
Mrs. Grace Ma: tin went to LosU.'C
Monday to visit a few days.
Misses Joyce Crate and Alia Lavis 1
were at Wallowa Wednesday. j
t..i:..i.i ..liiiivu thp same. Is the
nuimuit., (iiTii.,- .
Advertiser Enterprise made cigar.
Mrs. Sarah Jewell of Ths Unites
went to Wallowa on Monday's train.
Vella Zor'res and Margare. Clark of
Lostine spent Sunday at S. V.i.ay's.
Nice fresh cake made to order by
he members of thu Woman s 1.x
diange. The washing machine on
jarth is tlio Flyer. for salo by
D. Ke'.'ner.
Mrs. Charles McAllster. went to
Wallowa Monday for a short
,vith her parents.
Get your Chititmns gifts
hey are all picked over
.laugh & Mayfleld's,
Koof Paint for your old roofs.
itons the leaks. For sale
ler's hardware stare.
Mrs. C. L. Crumley, mother of Mrs.
r T Tlrcher. lift Tuesday for her
lome at Kingston, Ida.
Cut glass, very beautiful single
.jiecos, gifts every lady will welcome.
3urnaigh & iVayfleld'a.
Jake Eauer, landlord o." Hotel En
terprise, returned Wednesday from
l business trip to Portland.
Toilet sets, hand mirrors and hun
lreds of other beiutiful Christmas
5lft3 at Burnaugh Mayfleld's.
Not Just as good but better than
.my other 5 cent cigar, Is the Ad
vertiser. Enterprise made cigar.
C. B. Vest has sold a four acre
tract (if the C. E. Funk land on
South River street to B. T. Long.
Holiday editions of ther standard
ant hois, eipetiully nice for Christ
nus gifts, at Burnaugh & Mayfield's.
The Advertlsar is a home-made :
cigar, and the best Judges or tue
weed say it Is the best 5 cent cigar j
:hev ever smoked. i
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Smith of Elk One door South 0f Fraternal J31dg
Mountain are enjoying a visit from
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Wil
liamson, who stopped off on their
way to their Los Angeles home, from
i thrco months trip through the Last
Mrs. Ina Gasklll has completed a
fiuo walk along the west side of her
property, Mrs. John Wortnian has
had a walk put dovu oi Ilia soath
lde of liar homo pluco. A walk has
been put In along the oast side i f
die Lewis hold.
Lostine Schools
Arc Over-Crowded
Another Tea:her Needed Farmers
Hold Sugar Best Meeting
rCJl. MXvz.UMVrM. JTf 9-m" il
Buy HER a watch
for this Xmas
I have them for $4.75
up, all guaranteed.
Lots of other nice
things too.
Come and see
E. B. Wheat
, Jeweler (EL Optician
Lostine, Doc. 8. There 13 a larg
er enrollment of pupils la the Los
ever before recorded. It seams ad
visable to open one of the vacant
rooms and'.oy another teacher.
.Mrs. Clark's and Miss Ogboarn's
grades are over-crowded.
Miss Elsie Vainer of tho high
school was out of school a few days
last week o-a account of illness.
Tha farmers of this vicinity held
a meeting Saturday for the purpose
of seoing what could be done toward
securing concerted action in regard
to sugar best raising. The move
meat seems ' to be quite favorably
received by mos: farmers.
Mr. and Airs. J. W. McCully were
called to Westoi Saturday on the
lad errand of attandlng the funeral
of their daughter, Mrs. John Reid,
who dlad Friday morning. The de
ceased was 23 years of ase and
eave3 a husband and young son.
Roy Shaltz and George Bridwell
ire newly enrolled pupils in the
jublic schools,
Mrs. L, Poe'a child Is dangerous
y ill with pneumonia. Dr. Hockett
jf Enterprise was called Monday.
S. Willett of Baker City conclud
ed a visit of several days with his g
brother, William, and other relatives
md returned home Tuesday.
Mrs. Orville Po'.ey and Mrs. W.
3ugeae Smith drove to Enterprise
Saturday to atUnd "The Japanese.
Mrs. . Grace Ma tin of Enterprise
s visiting a few daya with hor par
ents, -
A skating party of 20 couples went
o Olsun Meadows, Monday night.
Dr. and Mrs. Reid have gone to
Portland for a short visit.
Fitzpatrick Bros, shipped two car
loads of steers to Portland, Friday,
I beg to announce to the pub
lic that 1 have opened a jewelry
store in this place and am pre
pared to do first-class watch and
jewelry repairing,
I will also carry a well selected
line of watches, clocks, rings,
chains, charms, lockets, silver
ware and jewelry,
Give me a call and you will
find prices right and prompt
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Merryman, w'.i)
recently moved to this city from
their homestead at Promise, are re
siding in the house formerly occupio 1
by Mrs. Ella Ruttar
"The Devil," billel at the opera
house next Wednesday night is the
great play that Is the sensation of
Paris and New York. The company
presenting It is receiving flattering
notleea in all the northwest cities,
Enterprising Local Firm Prepa:ed for
Santa Claus' Visit.
F. W. Fltzpatrick &. Co. have one
of the nicest stocks of holiday goods
and staple articles especially suitable
for Christmas gifts ever brought to
the cqnnty and they are marked at
reasonable prices too, Tho Me33rs
Fltzpatrick cordially Invite everyone
to call and examlae their stock.
est lot of Dolls to bo bought In Chi- VgOFj I j lUgJjl ! 'L
n.,.l V.,u Vm-U n new nn ex- flM!. -tK
hlbltlon In the Racket Store. Don't
buy until you se them. They are
worth coming
Many Miles To See
Here are some of them:
Lot 1 Assortmont finely dressed
Jointed dollH, ranging' from 9 to 13
Inches, ji.lntod e.t'.ows and hips, and
turning heads, large variety of
dresses and hats, somo with station
ary aud others with moving eves.
Cifli all be drcsiod aid undrosso.l.
Price from LTic to "0i
Lot 2 Assortment of world's fin
est dressed blsutto dolls, from 13 to
15 Incliei high, a'l with moving eyes
and full Jointed bodies and turning
heads; stylos of dressoi
and hats. In lawns, s.itlns and
silks; cm bo droised and undressed.
Price fiom r.Oc to $1.00.
Lot 3 Extra flm lurgo dressed
doll assortment, from l.'i to 17
inches. All with moving eyes, full
Jointed shoulder, e'-bow, hip and ed eyebrows and lashes, long fancy
knee bodies, turning heads; dressed dress trimmed with lace and Inser-
beantifully in lawn, silk and satin, ilon. nock trlinmol with lace and rib-
wlth hats to mat h, lace trimmed un- bon bows. Price $.".; can be dressed and un- Doll heads, ext-a large, curly wigs.
Idromod. Prices from $1.25 to $2. open mouth showing teeth, ranging
! Ono mammoth doll. 40 Inches high, lu price from 15 cents.
well proportioned, largo patent wash- We have also a bin Hue of small
able hold, large lustrous eyes, paint- dolls and coinlc dolls.
Enterprise Racket Store
i COLEMAN BROS., Props. Next Coor p. o.
When you go to buy
That you will find a full line of
Shoes, Hats and Caps
Rubber Shoes
German Socks
Fur Overcoats
Sheep-Skin Lined Coats
and in fact everything a man wea s
G. J Wagner will leave Monday
for Portland to spend the winter.
Misses Zena and Le3tlo Brumbach
of The Butte3 le.'t Thursday for a
visit at Weston.
J. S. Wagner and son Fred have
o .e Into partnership In the real
i.ite business.
11. L. Tay rctiraed Wednesday
from Forlland where he had been
with a shipment of stock.
Mrs L. J Joi-daa and daughter
Fanny.Mrs. L. E, Jordan and chil
dren went to La Grande, Friday, to
visit relatives and friends and at
tend quarterly conference.
In addition to four night perform
ances a week In Enterprise, tli
Electric theatre Inaugurates thl
weik a Saturdav matineo at 3 aad
4 o'clock, the opening one today be
lug celebrated with a spleadld pro
gram and special prices of 10 cents I
for adults and a cents for children
under 12.
D, W. Sheahan returned Thurs
day from I-a Grande whore ha had
bean oa legal business. ine w
Grande Observer priuted an optimis
tic Interview with Mr. Sheah.ui In
which the Enterprise attorney told
of tha rapl l growth o." thl3 ci'y and
:he creat stimulus to business tho
railroad Is.
Program for basket social at
Reavls school . ho.tsj, Friday night,
December 18, at 7:30 o'cloik: Dia
logue by six boys; song by schooji;
recitations by scholars; solo, 'Mrs.
Shlllotk; recitations by children;
dialogue, "Mother Gooso"; sans.
Ramona Roe; recitation by children;
song by school; song In character,
Floyd Fletcher; sons, Go'.dle Murray;
sale of baskets, proceeds for org in
fund. Everybody Invited.
Notice is hereby given that the
annual meeting of the stockholders
of the Wallowa National Bank, of
Enterprise, Oregon, will be held at
the office of their banking house In
L.E. Jordan has bought the Inter
est of Fred Wagner In the Oregon
Realty and Investment company and',
will continue the splendid real estate,
business that has been built up. The.
office" of the company will be in the
Enterprise, Oregon, on Tuesday, the i room formerly occupied by the Chlef-
12th day of January, 1909, between . tain, next door to the postofflce.
the hours of 10 a. in. and 4 p. ni.
for the election of directors for the
ensuing year, and for tne transac
tion of such other business as may
legally come before said meeting.
Dated at Enterprise, Oregon, De
cember 4th, 1908.
32t5 W R. HOLMES, Cashier.
Hack for the accommodation of th
general public will leave the Enter
prise Hotel for the O. R. & N. depot
13 minutes before train time (8:15
a. mi and 2: 15 p.m.) Passengers called
for at their homes It telephone cal'
Is sent to the Red Front livery barn
30 minutes before train time.'
Notice is hereby given, that all
parties knowing themselves indebted
to the undersigned must make set
tlement of the same on or before
December 15, 1908. All accounts un
settled after that date will be placed
In the hands of an attorney with In
structions to commence action there--on.
Dated Dec. 1, 1908.
Enterprise, Oregon..
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land O'-flce at La Grande, Or
egon, December 8th, 1908.
Notice Is hereby given that, as di
rected by the Commissioner of the
General Land Office, undar provis
ions of Act of Congress approved
June 27, 1906 (34 Stats, 517), we
will offer at public sale, to the high
est bidder, at 10 o'clock a. m., on
the 2Sth day of January, at this of
fice, the following-described land:
VH SEVi Sec. 29. WVi NEVt Sec.
32. T. 1 N' R 43 E. W M, Serial
No. 0481.
Any persons claiming adversely the
above-described land are advised to
file their claims, or objections, oa
or before tha time designated for
F. C. BRAMWELL, Reiister.
A. A. R03ERTS, Receiver.
30 Years Pra:ti;e Fitting Glasses
Dr. F. A. Clise (EL Son
Eye Specialists and Manufacturing
Who have looaied permanently In
Wallowa county, are stopping at the
Hotel Enterprise. The Doctor makes
a thorough and careful examination
of your eyes and his son, who Is an
expert lens grinder, grinds the.
glasses to fit each case,