The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, July 09, 1908, Image 4

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    City and County
Brief News Items
h l ie Washer at. Ashley's.
Screen doors made to your ordei
at Ashley's.
A. M. Wagner U delivering soma
extra fine large gooseberries.
I'i nil i tK tinkle for sale at Hartshorn
& Kelt ner'n.
Preaching services at the Metho
(list church next Sunday at 11 a. m.
Car load of barb wire and nails at
Hartshorn it Kellner'n.
I. C. Smith has a nice new red
dence under roof in Gardner's adJi
Screen doors ami wire screen for sale
by Hartshorn & Keltner.
Judge and .Mrs. Lowell of Penille
ton were guests of the Hotel Eater
prise, Sunday night.
Kubcroid Roolinjr, 1 ply and 2 ply for
mle by Hartshorn & KeL ner.
Charles Holmes, the wall kiown
cattleman of the Imnalia, wa3 In
town the first of the week.
The best Washing Macliine on earth
is the Flyer. For Bale by Hartshorn & :
Keltner. j
Union services at the Christian j
church next Sunday evening. Kev
Owens will preach the sermon.
Dormino Cream, the best preparation
for chapped hands and face, is sold by
Hurnaiih & Mayficld.
Anyone desiring the services of an
experienced nurse, leave word at
Mrs. Zurcher's millinery store, airs
A. Harris.
Varnish, Htains anil brushes and
Lncquerct n akus old furniture look
like new at lliirnaugh cfe MHytlcld's.
The subject or the Rev. Mi
Adams' sermon next Sunday morn
ing will be "Our Refuge." Mr. Pratt
will sing a solo.
Cut out the V. J. Funk & Co. nl-.
for some boy or girl who is working for
tho splendid prizes cffured bv that firm
Sol Keltner went out to Bake!
City, Post Falls and a few othei
places to spend the Fourth.
M. F. Wheeler left Monday morn
Ing for Portland and will go from
there to California for the fall she3p
shearing season.
Fruit will not be picked or orders
received on Sunday at the Mountain
View Fruit ranch, formerly the Aklns
ranch on Alder Slope. O. J. Ros
proprietor. tf
Men's Shoes
It ha no superior
All sizes, styles and leathers
Light and heavy
licet Shoo for the least money
Satisfaction guarantcod
are justly regarded as the
most satisfactory shoe.
Once worn, always asked
for. We are exclusive
agents for the PETERS
New Line of
R. S. & Z. Go.
Home Phone 12
Mew frdlornal BulldlnJ
The ladies of ths Presbyterian all
will give a ts:i at the home of Mrs
G. W. Hyatt Friday afternoon.
Mrs. R. L. Day and little daughter
Frances left Tueiduy for a fortnlgiiti
stay in Asotin toimty. They will
visit Mrs. Hay's brother at Cni n
town aiid friend) at Asotin and Le.v
islon. You will not hi disappointed 1.
tho selection of a midsummer ha
at Helena Zurcher'a, one door eait
of the postolfice. Everything goes a.
late season prices.
J. R. Carter his le't farefiiger
on a piece of tin a few days ago and
it has developed into a sarious ca-ie
of blood poisoning IT.'" ?nd and
arm are badly swol .
Rev. and Mrs. F. (i. rr an1
other members of the M. E. church
to t lie number of 28 enjoyed a pisnlc
nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Henderson on tho "Island" Saturday.
R. I,. Day will dh .uiioiin'SU t 3 dairj
business as his time Will iiO O.cupiid
for tho next few months buying and
selling horses and he was unable t3
find anyone to take his place on the
mi!k route.
Mesdames (Jorge W. Hya and
K. li. Wheat were gue-its at lis
Streeter-Iiryan camp on the Foartii
Messrs. Hyatt and Wheat and a g jol
ly supply cf Ice cream went ont to
the camp in time for luncheon.
J. V. Hiikfoid of tho Wal'.owa Val
ley Cream company reports the sale
of' 1.10 gallons of ice cream the latter
part of last week. His customers
agree the cream was of the finest
quality ever put out in the co inty.
Dr. 1. IT. Temple of Pendleton ar
rived on Monday nights stags, and
joined his wife in her visit here with
the many Mends they male du ins
their residence here a few years
ago. A number of informal social
events are marking their stay.
Miss Grace Pratt, daughter of C
R. Pratt, of Prairie CreeK, arriveu
Monday night from La Grande, where
she had been taking medical treit
nient. She is greatly improved in
health. While in La Grande, MIsf
Pratt was tlte guest of Mr. and Mrs
David Uriehoux.
W. U. Applegate of Paradisa anc
John C. Heard of North Yakima we
In the city the first of the week on
business before the probate .court
Mr. Applegate was appointed by the
court as administrator of the e3tat
of the late R. James Beard. John C
Is a son of the deceased.
J. S. Mathews, who attends 1 the
Flora celebration, says it was a big
success. The sports were very Inter
esting, especially the re'ay races,
while the al freico play, "The Res
cue of the Homesteader," was finely
done and so realistic that old ssttlers
who crossed the plains could not re
strain their emotions.
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Kirkland lsf
Tuesday for Endicott, Wash., where
Mr. Kirkland will have charge of s
threshing outfit for the season. Latei
they will probably go to Walla Walla
for the winter. Mrs, Klrkland's
health is heller in a lower a'tltude.
this being the chief cause of theli
removal from Wallowa county.
An Informally pleasant social time
was enjoyed by the Knights of Pyth
ias, their wives and the Pythian Sis
ters, In F'raternal hall, Friday night
After the regular lodge meeting. o!
the Knights, a short musical and lit
erary program was given, and dano-
lug and delicious refreshments made
up tho evening's pleasures. The long
tables hi the dining room were beau
tifully decorated in red and yellow
The vaudeville performance given
Saturday night by the Streater-Hryai
company entertained a fair-sized a it
dleuce. Mr. Streater's musical num
hers were brilliantly given, they
ranging from classical to rag-time
Miss Bryan's solos were charmingly
rendered and the bun jo playing o
Mr. Weeks was received with en
tUusiastlc encore. The act from ta
"Girl from tho Golden West" wa
decidedly clever and proved tha'
the company is equal to strongei
acting than it is producing during
this summer outing. The arrange
ment of especially prepared scenery
helped to make the act realistic
The company is gaining In, popu
larlty with each program, Next Sat
urday's piny, "The Census Taker,'
Is Mr. Shelter's own and la full of
pahols and humor combined.
Mr. and Mrs. h. E. Jordan and his
mother, Mrs. L. J. Jordan, returne
Thursday night from I. Grande
where they had been attending the
quarterly conference of the L". D. S.
and also enjoyed the dedication of
the big pipe organ In the new tab
ernacle. The famous Salt Lake City
organist, Professor MeCellan, gave a
recital. The principal dlgnatarles of
the Morman church. Including Prj8
lueiu josppu smiUl. were at La
Grande. The report that a roi'llon
dollar temple Is to be built at La
Grande Is a little premature, Bald
Mr. Jordan. The matter. Is under
ciiiiHuuirauou, anu l lie structure niav
be built some day but no action has
yet been taken.
V 'frmMi
V V-.-;i: :
Scene from the Splendid Play at Enterprise Opera House next Saturday
niyht. The Census Taker is a great play and one of Streeter-Bryan'j
. biggest successes. Seat3 now on eale.
Mrs. O. M. Corkins returned homa.was the man had come to his death
Friday night from Portland wlure
she went with the Jacob3 chlldre.i !
While in the city Mrs. Corkins en
Joyed a visit with her two sistars, j
one of whom she had not seen for
five years. Mrs. Corkins also called
on Rev. and Mrs. Templeton, at Van
couver. Mrs. Charles II. Zurcher acco n-
panied Miss M. E. Church to Moa-1
mouth and will visit there and at
other valley points for several woks I
Mr. Zurcher went with them as iar
as Elgin, Saturday, and there met
his sister, Miss Mary Zurcher, and
the latter's friend, Miss Edith Still j
of Milton, who came for a vis.t with1
Miss Zurcher. The latter was grad-
nntpH from thn Weston Normal last
month, but tarried In the
Ronde for a visit with her sitt:r
Mrs. George Holmes, of Cove.
La Grande Observer: An aiel
man of Spokane, who was en route
to Wallowa county, to seek a nurs
suitable climate, was taken so seri
ously ill here, that he was forced to
turn back and go to his home again.
Suffering with paralysis, he was tm
able to move. Old soldiers and me. li
bers of the W. R. C. who happa.iel
to be at the depot Friday morning,
provided him with roses and assisted
the old soldier as best they could
The stricken man was accompanied
by his wife.
Judge A. S. Itenneit and his part
ner, J. N. Slnnott, of The Dalles have
Invested In a Wallowa valley farm,
the deal by which they became own
ers of the Pat Saunders homestead,
four miles south of Enterprise, being
closed Wednesday through O. M. Cor
kins and the O. R. & 1. company.
-The farm Is one of the bo;t bargains
In the valley, all clear land and un
der water ditch. It was owned by
Carl Whitmore who received $800
ta;.h for the 100 acres. Judge Hen
net t became very enthusiastic about
Wallowa county lund during his s'.ay
;.eie at tho May term of court, lie looked all over Oregon for I
enlty invcvjiicnt and says he snv!f gia8S i Homan's front window
"bin equal to the farm he and
Mr. Slnnott have Just bought.
The body of a man supposed to be
Adam Person, a Junk dealer, of An
atone, Wash., was found at the foot
of Valentine hill, north of Wailowa
about 4 or 5 o'clock In tho after
noon of July A, by W. E. Fie'ds. The
hoilv was lv ni fnen ilnu-nwnr.l the
left foot entangled In the line 'and
the wagon wheel against the shoul
der. The old team was standing
quietly, the body not having beei
dragged over 10 or 12 feet. A coro-
ner's inquest was held by Squire J.
j A. Cox of Wallowa, and the verdict
from a chronic dlsaase of long stand
Ing. The wagon was loaded with
cow and coyote hide3, horsa'.iair
sheep pelts, 5 bible3, 5 sacks of old
'rubbers, 14 pairs of eegiaise-
and smaller stuff. In the pockets
was 81 cents in money and a card
with the name, Adam Person, Ana
tone, Wash., on It. The body was
buried in Bramlett cemetery.
His many friends in Wa'
county will be de'lghted to know tha'
Prof. W. H. LSoyer will reah Eater
prise this week prepared to , renew
his triumph of last summer, put. Ing
0,1 11113 16 e 8tannara com
opera, "uuvetta.- fror. t'oyei
achieved a most remarkable success
last summer when with a cast corn
posed entirely of amateurs he put on
the "Pirates of Penzance" in a man
ner above criticism, and quite eiual
to the production of the average
traveling professional opera company
With much new and high grale ma
terial to add to his cast this sum
mer It Is quite reasonable to prDdi:;t
that "Olivette will be a strikin;
August Price, the German phl'oio
pher who cuts our meat according tc
our deserts, and Mrs. Bertha La
mach of Omaha, Neb., were married
at La Grande, Tuesday afternoon by
Judge J. C. Henry. "Gus" want out
ta La Grande, Monday, accompanied
by Mrs. Jacob Uauer, landlady of ths
Hotel Enterprise. Mr. Price
Wednesday night, but as his biide
desired to visit In Portland, shs and
Mrs. Pa tier went oa to that el'y for.
a few days' Btay. Upon their re
turn, Mr. and Mrs. Price will
housekeeping in the I Ionian cotta;c
on West ..Main street. Gus" man)
frie'idi here xtend congratulutl jus
and best wishes.
Expeniive Celebrating.
Too much dynamite celebratior
was responsible for a broken pane
Some young fellows placed a tin c in
over a dynamite bomb In the s treat,
Sunday evening, and the force of the
explosion hurled the can through
the window.
Praie Thit Valley.
J. R.- Craven of the Goldman &
Crc.ieu hardware firm at Pcndle'.on.
aU tin biottfi J. M. Craven of In
dependence, are In the valley with a
vii-w to locating. They are enthml
hmic In praise of the country and sty
its equal la not to be found hi t ie
At a meeting of tha board of di
rectors of the Wallowa National bank
of Enterprise last week, $3000 wa'
For the
Man Who
Oxford troubles are over
come in the"FLORSHEIM"
No gaping at the ankle
No slipping at the heel.
ford is modeled on special
lasts anatomically correct
a guarantee of a perfect
Most Stvles arn S5.00
$0 x
RODGERS BROS., Proprietors
I-iealers in new and second-hand goods, Bicycles and Bicycle
Supplies. Bicycle and Gun Repair Shop. Furniture made or
Repaired, Screen Doors and Windows made to order. Give us
a trial. Our prrces are right and all work guaranteed.
added to the surplus fund, bringing
the total surplus up to $45,000. The
capital stock is $50,000 which with
the surplus makes $95,000 or aimojt
a $100,000 bank.
Another change of the La Grande
Elgin train schedule Monday caused
another change in the time of the
out-bound stage, which now leaves
Enterprise at 4:30 a. m.
There is but one passenger train
a day now on the Elgin branch. It
leaves La Grande as before at 8 a.
m. This allows the stage to laave
Elgin at 10:30, making no change
in the inbound schedule. The Oil
bound stage has to reach Elgin by
the middle of the afternoon, as the
passenger train is due In La Grande
at 5:30 p. m.
The announced reason for the
change Is the refusal of the Paci 1c
Express company to supply twe
messengers. Express from Wal'.owa
county did not reach Elgin In time
to connect with the first train to La
Grande, and the last traTn In dL
not carry messengers. Hence, ex
press was held over until the nsxt
day. Tho new arrangement of at
fairs will, let Wallowa express con
nect with the afternoon train.
Rain! rain! Why don't It-rain? Is
the general lament. The crops are
burning up for want of rain.
Mr. and Mrs. John Baker started
this morning for Elgin, where Mr.
Raker expects to atteud the woo',
The families of S. P. Weaver, Pat
Loftis and Sam Baker spent the
glorious Fourth on Swamp crsek,
catching fish, BhoDting fire craoke 8
and drinking lemonade. Judging fron
their laughter that made the wojd3
fairly tremble, all enjoyed themsjlveJ
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coffman went
to Lewlston last week where tay
took Mrs. Coffman 's mother to mast
the train that was to carry her to
her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Hetrlck are prepar
Ing to go on a camping trip to the
Grande Ronde river.
Baseball at Wallowa.
The Elgin and Wallowa baseball
teams will play atWallowa Saturday
and Sunday next. These two teima
played two game's at Elgin a fear
weeks ago. each winning one.
A dispatch from Reno, Nev., says
that State Engineer Nicholas an
nounces that Mount Jeff Davli t
White Pine county, Nevada, is the
highest mountain in the Unite
States, exclusive of Alaska. Nlcho!ai
also confirms the Btory .of "The
Spectre of the Brocken," heretofore
believed to be a nfth.
1 1
All kinds of Work Shoes, bent
I rands of liih cut and plow
fhoes at reasonable prices.
rioiliins, Men's Fnrnisliinss,
Hals, Caps and Shoes
El 3 doors east of bank
New Soda Fountain
Installed in the Enterprise
Home Bakery and Candy
Kitchen. All kinds of up-to-date
drinks cool. and refresh
ing. Try the new round loaf bread,
always fresh "and sweet.
All Kinds of Lunch Goods.
11 i li n i
se hod Mery
M Candy Kitchen
4 doors east of Postoflice
While on the top of the mountain,
which he measured as 14,708 fest
high, 200 'feet higher than any
other peak In this country, Nicholas
was able to see an image of him
self, greatly magnified, In the clouds
above his head. A band of Indians
told of this phenomenon years ago
when they were scared away from
the peak by the uncanny sight, but
until Enginear Nicholas confirmed
the story It wa3 generally dis
credited. The government has official recard1
of a mountain in Germany where a
similar condition prevails.
An Experienced Nurse offers her ser
vices to the people of Enterprise and
vicinity. Address Mrs. Kmily Spicer,
Enterprise, Ore., or leave word at News
Record office. (;tf
Game Laws.
Any person knowing of anv violation
of the game cr hMi laws of the state, or
of persnnH not properly kc pinp screens
over irrigation ditches', are requested to
notify Jok Clkmons,
Deputy Stale Onme and Forestry War-
den, Zumwalt. Oregon. 4'2tf
Jailed for Giving Away Booze.
Guy Fieenor of Joseph Is in the
county jail serving a sentence of $75
and co3ts and JO days in jail for giv
ing away booze, at the celebration at
the head of the lake. Fieenor was
tried before Justice A. F. She its of
Joseph who imposed the above statel
sentence and further stated that the
young man in default of paying hi i
fine and coats should remain in jail
until the sum was liquidated at the
rate of $2 per day.
Fieenor Is also accused of assault
ing Mrs. John Johnson a few weks
ago. A warrant was Issued for hlni
at the time but he disappeared. The
temptations of the Fourth were Do
much for him and he reappeared on!)
to get into more trouble. The nsw
sheriff, Edgar .Marvin, went up tD Jo
seph Monday afternoon and hro ieht
! Fieenor to this citv.
Marriage Licenses.
July 2 L. E. Shinn, 25. Jose;h.
and Mellie G. Eaggett, 19, Joseph.
July 7 Harry T. Richards and'
Miunie Hayes.