The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, May 14, 1908, Image 1

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    1 CSn-ion3X. )idj?tcd ijVcLtiy
H. W
Wallowa County Official
Paper. Enterprise City
Official Paper.
Authorized Ptper for Pub- ;
, iiC'!i.;i o Tinb.r and I
VOL. 2. NO. 3
Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon, Thursday, May 14, 1908.
Whole Number,
107 Cub Hears, f 11 uml upwards.
Thomas Siegmund, Elgin, Ore. 2t4
bred. Can lie registered. Sep or ad
dress C. R. Elliott & Son, Wullowa,
Ore. . 4i)t8
Wallowa's Desperate TacticsScheme
To Prevent Building of County
Court House.
Timothy 1 1 ay, Outs, Hye and Barley,
also one of my Farms. H. D. Sunforil,
3 utiles 8. W. of Enterprise. 4(itf
Two Hokses: One sorrel gelding!, Bfenf flli,,"e B,1i?,Ml.i,n 6 ,niP Ca:
. , , ,, , , .. , ,, , I test that would settle the couutv sent
branded Hon right shouldor and on qucHtion, Wallowa is .esorting to tho
left stifle. One bay gelding branded, j desperate tactics of continuing the
with horseshoe on left Htifle. About : tight after June. That is its "city hull"
I oiter in a nutshell.
Any decision that leaves the onnntv
still renting a building for a court
house, simplv starts tho countv neat
three years
old. E. W.
1 t4.
I. O. O.K. Enterprise boduc, No. 153.
Emerald Kcheknu Lodge, No. 119.
K, of P. Kuterprlse Lodge, No. t.
Juunlui Temple, No, 7, Tythlnn
. Slstors.
Masonic Enterprise Chapter, No. :ie. Knynl
Arch Masons, meets llrst mid third
Tuesduys of each mriith In Masonic
Hall. All visiting Royal Arcli Ma
sons welcomed.
J. It. Or.MHTEAn, High I'rlest.
D. W. 8UEAHAK, iserreuu-y.
, Wullowa Ludire, .No. W, A. 1 &
A. At., meets uneunil anil fourth Sat
urday of puck monrll la Mnjnle
IIhU. Visitluu Mf.HOUH welcomed.
t'l H. Zl'RCHKR, W. M.
W. C. Boatman, Secretary.
Wallowa Vulloy Chapter, No. 50,
light ill earnest. That's to plain that
nooie call doubt it. Human nature
would have to change mightily . if the
citizens of ti e natural location fur the
county would give Hp Biter a decision
secured through such a trick.
There is but one way to end the
county scat scrap, an'd that is for the
county to own its court house. This
both candidates for county judge have
publicly pledged themselves to do, so
tl ere is no chance for the- acceptance
of Wallowa's offer.
That is well known at Wallowa and
is probably why the offer was made.
The offer of $5,000 real money and
splendid tite given to tbe county by
Lutei prise, is 50 percont better finan
cially for the county, even if the "city
hall" offer by Wallowa was bona fide.
Just how much dependence can be
placed In the "'city hall" dream is evi
denced by tho way in which Wallowa
lias bogged tbu county road fund for
the county
McLain, are working on the telephone
line to tii'i "sheep pen."
Mr. and Mrs. Fay returned Friday
from Wallowa.
Mr. Pnrdy is blowing out stumps . this
week. Giles Paughertv is working on
the government "sheep pen."
First in County.
The News Record is installing ft new
Brower drum cvlimh r power press this
week, the first high grade newspaper
press ever brought to Wallowa county.
French Accepts.
Yielding to pressure of party duty
. 1:..:...: t t; 1.. l.u I..
and Union, J. A. French has consented 1 " ' ' uf lst "uw",1 the
to run as Democrat!.! candidate for LW.ho'"t.r(' ki ed. Us brotliVr-
lu-iu, i iuiih n.ujfiiuim, in mo
Grand Jury Docs Not Indict Boy Yho
Shot Raymond After Liquor
The grand jury found not
joint representative.
Herman Wanders
Froir Sanitarium
O. H., meets first mid third Sntur.
days of each month, in Miwoaio . years, depriving tho rest of
nil. YisItliiB Stars aru alwuys wel- ot its lair share.
come. i vote the county sent to Wallowa on
to. w.
Olive Lockwood, W. XI.
DANinr, Hovi), Meo.
, A. KsKleCamp, No. KMW, M. W. A.
Moots First and Third Thursdays la
each uiontli In ntw rnternal hall.
Visiting Selghbors Always welcome.
J. G. itKXME, Consul.
T. 11. Dill, i:crk.
Aneroid amp. No. .3312, It. . of A.
W. Of V. KaU-rpriM." Camp, No. 535, TV . of W.
. Aluutta Circle, No. 278. W. of W.
Waut French to Rus.
From I.o Grande Star.
A petition was circulated yesterday
..Monday) to have tho name of J. A.
French of F.ntorprise placed on the
olticial ballot as democratic, candidate
for joint representative for Union und
' Wallowa counties. Mr." French is the
retiring county clerk of Wnliowat'onn
ty. Tlie petition circulated yosterday
received about f- hnudred signatures.
its proposition to rent a buildinif (not
yet built) to the county for a court
house, and here is the result:
(1) Start a county seat fight
that would last for years.
(2) Start a fight to . divide the
county, doubling every man's
share of the county expenses.
Heavy Saow Fall.
The heaviest fall of snow of the year
on the divide between Big Sheep and
the Imnaha, Hcconiparied the storm
nf Inst week. 'About 12 inches fell and
very drop is soaking into the ground, j work'
thus assuring gooa summer range. I iui
Chico, May U School beiran hero in
district No. 50, May 11. The citizens
have built a neat little school room and
out of 13 pupils who drew' school money
11 are attendiug school and others will
be in line soon. ' " - -
Everybody H pioud-of the little
school house and have a-riht to be for
it is a credit to any neighborhood. I
will not say any tiling " about their
teacher. They do not know him and
as he spends most cf his tiino. fishing
they v, ill probably know little about
lii id wIikh his three months is out.
Walter Fay has "begun the construc
tion of a new houso. Thomas F.dgiuar.d
has been employed to do tho carpenter
Jacobs, Mr. Johnson and Johnio
The following dispatch regarding
John M. Herman, Jr., who was re
cently taken to a Portland sanitarium,
explains itself:
Tacorna. Wash., May 8. Afflicted
with attacks of mental aberration dur
ing which be I- unable to control his
actions and will go places and do and
say things exactly opposite to his de
sires, John Herman, a surveyor, whose
home is in Oregon, this afternoon
made application at police headquart
ers for protection, asking that his
physicians In Portland be notified of
his whereabouts.
"I am troubled with spells of tem
porary insanity," said Herman, "and
during one of these attacks I ran away
from the Mountain View Sanitarium,
at Portland, yesterday. When these
spells come on me I cannot do as I
wish, in fact I always do exactly
opposite. 1 imagined that some one
was after me at the sanitarium, and
so I quietly skipped out. I had
money and boarded a train for Taooma.
When these attacks are not ou my
mind is as clear as any one's. My
reason for applying for protection is
that I am afraid another attack will
come on and I might go further
Physicians at the sanitarium phoned
the authorities here to hold tbe patient
until some one called for him.
Herman has a wife anil two children
living in Wullowa County, Oregon,
lie had been in the Mountain View
Sanitarium about three weeks when
he escaped.
, Road Survey Dates.
- C. F. Evans, No; 2, Mav'lO. - "
G. W. right, " ' 21.
O. W. Harris, ' 22.
H. F. Stuhblefield ," 25.
hitlicr home In the Snake river
country last December. Kaymoud
was beating the boy's mother at the
time. Young Whlttier hurried to a
neighbor and gave himself up. He
was brought to Enterprise and put
uutier ooikis. liie action or tne grauu
prise while Miss Mona visited
Mrs. Sam linker and family.
W H Graves reports llre'luck at the
lambing camp. There are from one to
four lamts per ewe. That is going some.
linker and Flannery purchased of
J. Hidstrup a Percheroii stallion ; con
sideration f250.
Jim Woodell a prominent business
man of Enterprise was in this part of
the country the first of the week
soliciting orders for groceries.
Leonard, Seal, and Sam Baker have
caught and killed 20 coyotes in three
days with their dogs and guns,
report having about 60 scalps
They believe they have the best
n the euunty.
Lostine Planning
For Celebration
jury ,u freeing hhn was not unexpecf! .
Eurl Childers,
Flora Will Celebrate.
Flora will have a two days celebra
tion of tho glorious Fourth, under the
n anagomeut of tho M. ,V. A. camp,
which mado a big success of tho cele
bration there two years ago.
if -0Mm
fit Lr La :A - Tllttf lit
So indictments were found against
Jidge II. Tippettor Scott Clark, who
were Tinder bonds charged with J
True bills were returned Tuesday
against the four Joseph men charged
with gambling and John Johnson ou
charge of assault with intent to com
mit rape.
Win. uottingliam and Dan Clark of
the north end are indicted, the former
for giving away liquor and the latter
tor assault with dangerous weapon.
The grand iurv is comuosed of Win.
Cattrou, W. C. Dorrance, E. A. Cross-
ler, J. W. Alford, H.S. Crown, Kobt.
Sblnn, O. T. Prout. Robert Shinn is
foreman. They were emoaneled Mon
day morning and Judge Crawford es
pecially charged them to inquire into
tne rumors In regard to violations of
the prohibition law. His charsre was
specific and plain and is likely to bear
After rending tho local option law to
tho Rrand jury, the court said :
"Uoutleuien of ti e grand jury, the
people of Wallowa county voted this
county "dry" under this act of the legis
lature by a majority vote. This being
the law of this county the people have a
right to have the law enforced. It is
not a mere perfunctory matter the
court's reading this law 'to you. It is
a iluty you owe tho people to investigate
under this law, and if liquors are being
sold or , given away in UiIb ' county,
prwent indictmeDts against tho parties
guilty of it. About a year ago tbe
gra:.d iurv returned a number of indict
ments against nnrtles for selling liquors
in this county the parties for tho moet
part being those engaged in the business
and they pleaded guilty to a number of
indictments. The Court nt that time
imposed severe finos against the parties
engaged in the business upon one or
two indictments, and the other indict
mcnts, that were standing against them,
were continued for sentence or disposi
tion, with the express statement by tho
Court that if the parties heeded the law
and afterwards refrained from further
selling or disposing of intoxicating
liquors, that these standing indict
ments, or indictments not disposed of,
would he disposed ol in such a manner,
as not to injure them ; but that if they
continued in the matter, they need not
expect any mercy at the hands of the
Court. Some of these parties have gone
out of business, and the Court has di
rected the dismissal of those indict
ments against them. Other of the
parties have-conducted themselves in
such a way, that there is a strong sus
picion that they have been eng: ged in
the business since that time. No
judicial knowledge or evidence, legul
evidence to that effect lias coma to, the
knowledge of the Court. But rumor
has it, that they are engaged, and have
been engaged in that matter. On yes
terday morning one ot tbe preachers of
this town annour.ced it, that within tbe
last week or two six barrels of beer had
been shipped to Lostine. It is my duty to
call your attention to theso facts, gentle
men. It is tho purpose of the Court to
enforce this law to the full extent, if it
can, and this law requires the Court to
enforce it. It is your duty to investi
gate these matters, and help the Court
out in this matter. I hope you will
make a thorough investigation of this
matter, and as a result of vour investi
gation, with the course that the Court
will take, it will make this county what
the majority of the voters want it to
be, a "dry" county in fuct as well as
in theory."
The jury returned lucsday evening
tne lint true and true oliis an above
stated, and another true bill Wednes
day. It Is still in session.
will cele
If nresent
sentiment prevails at a mass meeting
of citizens that will be held soon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McCubbin re
turned last week from their winter's
sojourn In California. Their daughter
Mrs. Dolly Pierce, of Anacortes, Wash.,
accompanied them home for a short
Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Ooodmnu and
her sister, Miss Carrie Van . Pelt, re
turned Saturday from Ashland where
Miss Van Pelt has been attending
TO $3.50. '
TIES AT $2.75.
Henry Miller, an honored plcnoer of
Wallowa county, died- at his homo in
Turlock, Calif., Sunday morning aged
73 years. No particulars of Ids death
nave ncen rcceiveu. sir. iMiuer was
born in Virginia and came to Oregon 30
years ago. He was active in the up
building of this county and no man was
more highly respected. He served two
terms as county treasurer. About a
yoar ago ho removed to Bcavertcn and
Inst winter to Turlock. He leaves a
widow, two sons, Charles Miller of Tur
lock, Robert Miller of Vail, and one
daughter, Mrs. Oeorge O'Hrien of
J. U. Heard, better known as Orund
pa Beard, who resided nour Paradise,
died Hundny morning, aged 73 years.
County School Notes.
Miss Jennie Hayes will teach a
summer term of school In Smith
Mountain district. - -
; N J) Burgnyne of district 84 wts In
Enterprise on school business Saturday.
About 60 pupils are taking the Hth
grade final examinations this week.
Miss l'lorence Rigdon of Kent,
Sherman countv. who Is vlsitlmr Mr
and Mrs. C. P. Ragsdale. will accent a
probably iu the
position as teacher,
irout ureek distrlot.
Miss Beulnh M. Frost will teach the
summer term at Fruita, and Mrs.
Ntella Hnnville the summer term at
The Butte.
A teacher Is wonted at Bly, Wash.,
just north of the Wallowa county line.
Apply to N. W. Appllngton, Illy,
Swamp Creek district will build a
new school house this summer.
How the North Country Sees It
From the Flora Journal
The north country Is not as "dead
easy" us some may think. It was we,
and not Enterprise, who nominated W.
G. Locke and that before any other
man was in tho field for nomination
for county commissioner. Wo hnd
nothing against Mr. McDonald, he is
a splendid man, hut we thought we
were and still think we are entitled to
a lopreseutative on tho county board.
A court house proposition must soon
be considered, wherever it Is decided
that (he site shall be. Mr. locke has
not made his opinion on this subject
known, but from the cautious, business
like way he handles his own affairs,
we do not think any one need be afraid
of his needlessly running the county
In debt.
Great Interest Taken in Second Trial
of Young Printer for Killing
C. G. Sims.
The second trial of James Doris for
killing Charles O. Sims, on tho porch
of llaun's hotel in Lostine, in October,
190G, began in the circuit court Mon
day afternoon. The regular panel and
all but one of tho special venire wai
exhausted before the jury was secured
Tuesday as follows:
Accei, ted: W. W. Duley, L. Soren
son, K. R. English, F. S. Ashlev, Al
fred Kinney, W. J. Beach, J. S. Pratt,
Wash Ownbey, S. P. Miller, W. F.
Eisenbeis, M. K. Buo, Ham- Hough.
Excused by state: J. 11.' Pritton,
Thos. Rich, L. T. Powers.
: Excused by defense: J. C. Subor.
Excused for cause: T.- F. Lath rope,
M. Crow, II. I). Akins, Jno. Huffman,
B. B. Boyd, Carl Whitmore, J:tclt Ison.
Excused for term by judge : T. H.
Doris is being tried for manslaughter.
At tho first trial tho charge was first
degree murder, but as the jury found
him guilty only of manslaughter, bo
can not be tried again on the graver
chnrgo. Tho former verdict wns re
versed a low weeks ngo by tho supreme
court. As boforo, l.'orls is defended
by Judge A. S. Bounett of The Dalles,
and Burleigh & Boyd. District At
torney Ivurihoe appears for the state.
The circumstances of the killiug aro
too well known for repetition. The
State completed Its case Wednesday
noou. No now facts were introduced.
The defense will finish presenting testi
mony probably Friday, the caso going
to tho jury Saturday.
The two liquor cases against B, G.
Monkman are not set for trial im
mediately following the Doris caso.
Th9 Court Calendar.
The May term of tho circuit' court
convened Monday morning, Judge
Crawford presiding. The following
jurors reported: 1
W. C. Dorranco, F. U. English, O. T.
Prout, E. A. Crossler, J. II. Britton, H.
S. Brown, II. D. Akins. J. W. Alford.
i L. Soronson, T. F. Lathropo, M. Crow,
Alfred Kmnov, Win, Cattron, W. J.
Bench, Fred S". Ashley, J. S. Pratt, T.
H. Feagins, L. T. Power, Thos. llich,
Robert Shinn, W. W. Duley. ,
Excused: L. J. Coverstone, A. Tt.
Murray, O. M. Padon.AVnlter Bolth, 11,
H. Hunt, E. A. Anderson, M. I. Isley,
O. H. Lofstuen. Repot ted as sick : Geo.
D. Boston.
ifter tbu em paneling and charging
of tlie grand jury, the dockets were
gone through and the following busi
ness ti ansacted :
Clark vs Oeo.
B. Clark.
vs Mnry A. Dan forth.
dishing O. Rntter.
C. Thompson.
Pierce. Sct-
II. P. Throo
Ellen R utter vs
Etta Stetson vs John
W. K. Rankin vs W. I
tied and dismissed.
' Fred W. Falconer vs rt. II. Dinigher
ty. Default and decree of foreclosure.
Attorneys' fees $75.
F. 1). McCully vs C. V. Christie.
Default and decree of foreclosure. 9100
attorneys' fee.
Margaret E. Coulter vs Jnnies J Coul
ter. Default.
La (irande Nat. Bank vs Lostine Mer
cantile Co. Demurrer entered.
J. W. Rankin vs T. E. Hudson and
Emma A. Hudson. Dismissed.
Visa Hoduiu vs Albert W. Hodgin,
Motion to make more definite sustained.
Demurrer to complaint overruled.
John O. Dayman vs J. L. Hammack
et al. Default, decrco and $iid Atlyb'
Charles W. Chiulsey vs Myrtle Chad
sey. Default.
Continued on last pago. '
Mrs. Clemens and son Clint of
ftunnyslde were visiting friends at
Promise Saturday evening and Sunday,
The Promisa school clcsed May 1.
Miss Hnys teacher. She taught a very
successful term of school.
Mrs. J. K. Carper who has been ill
for the last few (lavs is Improving.
We are having plenty of ruin the last
few days.
Miss Lula Sonner visited Miss Seza
Miller Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Henderson
moved to their home on West Gross
man last weeK. .
Miss Pearl Sannar and Miss Nana
Miller were visiting Misses Viola anil
Jennie Carper Sunday.
Mr. Marvin of Wallowa parsed
through Promise Saturday.
B. K. Miller went to Enterprise
Saturday to attend court.
Elk Creek, May 8 Miss Zelma Ogs-
born who has been staying witli Mrf
(.oilman wns called homo this morn
lug by the illness of her mother.
j (i Matbeny ami danghler Mona
were out from Itiinahn the first of the
week, Mr Matheuy going on to F.nter
Our Abstracts
Arc Reliable, Fees Reasonable And All
Orders Receive Prompt Attention.
Our Large Fire Proof Safety Vault is Com
pleted and our patrons are invited to deposit
their valuable papers without charge.
Wi Wallowa Law, Laod , and Abstract Co.
S r?-iit-v r i-js r-c-